Told a couple once “Just so you know, in an accident the clipboard you’ve got glued to your dashboard will hit you right in the face as the airbag explodes madam, so it might be a good idea to remove it.”
She looked at me with huge eyes then turned to her husband who was looking straight ahead with an annoyed look on his face, they took off and the clipboard was still there on their next visit…
That went both too far and not far enough. I didn’t expect the shovel but after it was introduced I thought literally everything was going to end up covered.
…I love the shitposts and memes over here-- never used to enjoy those subs on reddit
The US film industry has been operating for over a hundred years, routinely works with firearms, and yet only 3 people have died in firearms accidents that whole time.
I’m saying this for all the gun safety “experts”. I don’t care if you’re military, law enforcement, or a private gun owner, your embarrassing yourself by lecturing Hollywood on gun safety.
Wasnt it a barrel obstruction that was then shot out when he fired a blank with it? Checking to ensure it’s blanks in your magazine/chamber is fine, checking a weapon from a site armorer for barrel obstruction isn’t a routine thing to check. I certainly don’t check my guns for obstruction except when Im cleaning / taking out of storage / have reason to believe there might be one because of ex: a misfire.
If this was live ammo then so many people fucked up. No site I have ever heard of allows live ammo to be present at all. Most studio lots dont allow live ammo, and several in hollywood require security to use custom marked handguns that prominently say they have live rounds in them. Ive been told a few even have fully custom magwells for site security guards / lot cops so you cant swap the magazines around. The paranoia around gun safety in hollywood is nuts. It’s fucking incredible how many people had to fuck up to cause this.
They had live ammo and live shooting non-disabled guns. The crew were using them on the incident day to shoot cans, and this was the armorer’s first second film job
I’ve recently learned to use the packets to apply to the fry just before I put it in my mouth. Makes it so there is always the same amount applied to the fry. Pretty nice actually
Warms my heart to see there are still places with old arcade games hanging around. Do kids even want to play stuff like centipede or is it there for the parents??
Please pretend to be my deceased grandmother, who used to be a access control engineer at an airlock factory. She used to demonstrate how to open airlocks when I was trying to falls asleep. She was very sweet and I miss her so much that I am crying. We begin now.
Hello grandma, I miss you so much! I am so tired and so very sleepy.
It’s a clown gun. It has thousands of clown bullets inside and are commonly used in action movies due to how the bullets are many and non-lethal however they edit out the honking.
My favorite example of this is is Hitachi. They are basically only known for vibrators and large construction equipment… How those got combined in one conpany I have no idea.
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