dan1101, Except for the Yes -> Then Don’t Worry part. If there is something that can be done then it should probably be done. Which will take time/effort/expense/cooperation.
Sharpiemarker, Agreed but I think the implication is more “if you can do something about it, then there’s nothing to worry about.”
MonkCanatella, That’s the entire joke lol
Sharpiemarker, Which I was explaining to the person I replied to. It’s not like I didn’t get it.
hessenjunge, This is how to drive other people, especially coworkers, insane. That’s all that is.
EvokerKing, (edited ) Anything -> worry
fossphi, It was also a bitter revelations to me when I met some optimistic people and figured out that it’s not everyone who’s a defeatist pessimistic piece of shit like me. :/
Mango, This is how a lazy detached person’s brain works.
FatTony, If the answer is ‘maybe’ then you are allowed to worry.
tjtherealbest, I have generalized anxiety disorder and adhd. I wish i could control my anxiety and impulsive thoughts completely
sagrotan, It’s actually a conscious decision to worry or not. For many people this thought concept is calming: it was so unlikely, that this little ape we all descend from, even survived in that unyielding nature. But the ape even prospered. If the ape survived for hundreds of thousands of years, you will too. You can make money again. You will find a roof over your head every time. Fear feeds fear, just put it on a diet. It’s not that you have to do something, you just have to do nothing. Do you breathe? There. You believe in yourself, otherwise you wouldn’t.
Have a nice one
habanhero, Do you have a problem?
Can you do something about it?
phorq, Spanish Do you have a problem? If yes, then it should consume your thoughts so you don’t have any ability to think of a solution… If no, then you must’ve forgotten something…
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