pewpew, Or your brother/sister
Klear, WTF is that real?
moitoi, I would not be surprised if some married their cousin where the background picture is. Mostly, far right voters who complain about airbnb capitalism.
Imgonnatrythis, Iran and Alabama have something in common it seems.
Assman, 🤍🫀
Does this mean what I think it means
Johandea, Depends on what you think it means.
Viking_Hippie, If Assman thinks it has anything to do with Assistant Managers, I bet they’ll be disappointed.
Assman, Fuck
Rentlar, Solution: just marry (S) (be)(ve).
JoMiran, This is the most royal post I have seen today.
earmuff, Last I checked there was no (end) in wife and husband
lugal, Last I checked there was no (end) in wife and husbend
Check again
Sasha, (edited ) Perhaps getting married is technically why the others end?
wiikifox, Are you getting married with your best friend? Or did your friendshipe end when you married?
Klear, Friendship ended with MUDASIR. Now he is my husband.
AA5B, Cou(sin) W(if)e
There’s no “sin” in sister, and there’s no “if” she’ll say no
VubDapple, (edited ) But it’s a cou(sin) to do so
Vilian, good
RIP_Cheems, (edited ) Fair point, maybe just stick with step mom and step dad.
idunnololz, No it’s cous(in). We’re in!
EvilEyedPanda, Also has co(us)in, communism unlocked?
ininewcrow, So it’s our cousin now?
Kusimulkku, Makes it even hotter
A_Chilean_Cyborg, r/foundthemobileuser
tslnox, You’re not on Reddit, buddy.
A_Chilean_Cyborg, r/woooosh
(See the title)
tslnox, I did.
That still doesn’t mean we’re on Reddit, pal. :-D
A_Chilean_Cyborg, the title is a r/subreddit.
tslnox, Yes. I really have noticed. I too came from Reddit. I too have at least once written the same as you. Now I’m just teasing you. I think I expected something like “I’m not your buddy, pal” or something. Nevermind. :-D
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