It’s like if someone assumed you knew all about Joe, Katherine, Rebbie, Jackie and Randy and then they’re like “but did you ever hear about this kid MICHAEL Jackson??”
Time to roll this one out again for those that haven’t read it:
Don’t you dare Don’t you FUCKING DARE besmirch Eowyn’s name like that You know how many cookbooks they have in Edoras? How many culinary classes? They don’t, that’s how many. You learn to cook from your family and guess what, Eowyn doesn’t get to hang around her mom and dad, her duty is to take care of the king, who for god knows how long has been 60 going on 160, totally fucking useless and only takes advice from an escaped convict from Madame Tussaud’s, no one can even be bothered to fix the fucking flag and Eowyn’s job has been to pretend like all of this is a-oh-goddamn-kay all the while training with a sword, and on top of that she’s pretty damn light on good cooking influences - Eomer, the only family she’s got that doesn’t have fucking Saruman‘s hand up their ass is Eomer, who eats a goddamn brick of meat off a knife. You really expect her to learn to make a good vichyssoise from The Meat Marshal? No fuckin way, Eowyn is stressed af and she’ll be damned if you’re gonna give her shit for not being able to Gordon Ramsay on the road with nothing edible but lumps of whatever the hell that was in the soup. Tbh it’s a fucking miracle considering the circumstances that Eowyn managed to conjure soup out of nothing - you’re not gonna give her shit because she didn’t add enough flour to the base, you take it and are fucking grateful. Aragorn understood this. Did he complain like some shitty suburban parent at an Olive Garden? No he fucking didn’t, because that would be a grade A dick move, and because Eowyn would’ve probably just fucking lost it and killed him on the spot and then we wouldn’t have gotten a third movie, and if Aragorn understands one thing it’s box office ka-ching. He’s not stupid, he wants his $$$ and to not die and to not be a piece of shit. So you don’t. Talk. Smack. Bout. Baeowyn’s. Soup. 😤
The copyright expires in 2044. The Perter Jackson series came out 2001-2003. From a studio point it is approaching the now or never time. They need to make one within the next few years to be able to make a 3rd one just before the end of copyright. From a studio buisness perspective this makes sense and is kind of a no-brainer.
In the books it’s very explicitly tobacco. However in the movies it was clearly meant to be psychoactive, if not actual cannabis. Either way sign me up for that organic Hobbit grown middle earth smoke.
I think there’s a difference from the doom and gloom of your post and the actual problem. Quick generated-spam content is really what you’re arguing against.
I can see the use of well crafted jokes in the form of AI art being acceptable. I do not like low-quality spam content though.
I think it’s too rash to just say “ban AI content” and instead reinforce rules like “Ban low effort posts/comments”. The AI stuff that’s low quality farming has been pretty obvious.
lolll yes. i don’t know though it’s still a valid question. but i have to say, reading the novels, i didn’t really question it. however once i saw the films, i couldn’t help questioning it.
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