Speaking as an American here… could we NOT park cars in the left lane. I’ve seen enough habits of drivers in other countries where the left lane is exclusively for passing, it’s so simple and superior for traffic but Americans be dumb selfish shits behind the wheel.
You don’t understand, I have to turn left in 25 km and what if I can’t get back into my lane after I let you pass and I miss my turn. I’m not a confident driver so I am going to do what’s safest and best for me and everyone else can just accept it. I’m going fast enough at 5km over the posted speed limit and you can just slow down, life isn’t a race unless I need it to be.
I think the real trouble is that it’s hard to convict on that. It’s not like speeding, where you either are or you aren’t, it’s much harder to establish that you shouldn’t be in the outside lane. I mean, it seems pretty clear in most cases, but the lack of a clearly defined boundary makes it very difficult in law. This ends up making it feel like a waste of time to law enforcement, both police and courts, because they could be doing things that will be more likely to have the intended outcome.
It’s really annoying though, because advanced driver courses sometimes do define it: 10 seconds.
If you’re not overtaking within 10 seconds, you should move over. Personally, I find it easier to estimate a 7 second distance by eye - 10 seconds is quite conservative.
No, they let me go with a warning, but while the one was talking to me, the other cop was peering in all my windows, so I’m pretty sure it was all an excuse to inspect people cars…
Where i live it’s fucking madness. People change lanes randomly, sit in the far left going 10 under the limit, pass on the right or left at seeming random, and sometimes just drive in the middle lane doing 30 mph in a 70 mph zone with their fucking hazards on. Don’t even get me started on their merge technique, jealousy and resentment are what rule people’s decisions and nobody has ever even heard of zipper merging. It’s a shock there aren’t more accidents than there are.
I once watched someone sitting in the far left at the limit, come up against someone driving on the left going 10 under, decide to undertake, and then slow down to like 30 under to “punish” the person.
I’ve changed lanes to pass only to have people change in front of me to block me, then change back when i changed back.
But most of all, and it should be noted i drive a two seater sports car here, i’ve had people in their huge ass SUVs look over at me, MAKE EYE CONTACT with me, and then merge into whatever lane i was in at the time like they were trying to drive me off the road.
It’s a phrase some people use. Specifically prevalent in California. “Parking their Ass in the left lane” Means somebody driving in the left lane at 10mph below the speed limit.
Maybe for short times, but I’ve heard about dogs getting paralyzed at the groomers’ from being put in a harness for too long. Veins get pinched. And that’s with a harness meant for dogs, not something improvised like this.
This isn’t update related but when I inserted an SD card into a laptop running Windows it blue screened. Yeah that’s right, the OS crashed due to a fucking SD card.
a single anecdote that could have been coincidence proves nothing bud. i’ve been running Arch for years and recently my laptop has been having some issues. the trackpad only works intermittently, the speakers will randomly quit halfway through a video, and lately it’s randomly shutting down with no warning when running a game. does that mean linux is terrible and nobody shouls use it cause it fucked up my computer and is a pox on all humanity? of course not. all it means is this laptop is a lemon. all those issues happen in Windows too, the once in a blue moon I have to reboot to run a game Proton doesn’t support yet; i’ve called a repair guy in twice to replace the trackpad, and both times the issue has completely gone away for a few months before creeping back again; the speaker issue gets triggered when the laptop gets bumped, so it’s almost certainly a loose connection; and i’ve all but confirmed the random shutdowns are thermal.
also, fwiw, i recently had to try to recover data from a physically damaged microSD card. plugging it into my laptop under windows, nothing happened. plugging it (via USB mind you) into the exact same laptop under linux and trying to mount it caused mount to lock up, requiring a reboot before it would do anything else involving filesystems.
am i still a linux fanboy? yeah. linux is infinitely better than windows for the things i need to do, most of which involve programming. but that doesn’t and shouldn’t mean that i believe microshaft winblows is the worst piece of software ever created and that arch is the one true OS that everyone would be using if only they would see the light (looking at you, Gardiner Bryant).
linux diehards get outta here. you’re making the rest of us look bad.
All I did was make a simple negative comment about windows. There was no need for a multiple paragraph rant. I’m assuming it’s because of my username and if that’s true then I need to tell you my username is mostly a joke.
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