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Sibbo, in Capitalism really just reinvented sleeping outside SMH

Did you know that the weather in the mountains can change rapidly and without warnings?

MacNCheezus, avatar

Sorry, tarps and scaffolding is extra.

Lamorn, in No doubt. Wanna fight me?

Sap from plants! Filtered water with natural nutrients. Still water, but with essential nutrients - brought to you by MFN!

interolivary, (edited ) avatar

Have you never wondered why I drink only distilled water or rainwater? And only pure grain alcohol? Have you ever heard of a thing called fluoridation – fluoridation of water? Do you realise that fluoridation is the most monstrously-conceived and dangerous communist plot we have ever had to face?

BlanK0, in No doubt. Wanna fight me?

Water for life 💧💯

noctisatrae, in No doubt. Wanna fight me?

S Tier for me is Ice cold water mixed with some good peach syrrup and some lemmons.

corsicanguppy, in Sometime relatable



nifty, in No doubt. Wanna fight me? avatar

God tier: cold brew, no cream or sugar.

accideath, in No doubt. Wanna fight me?

I’d personally place tea on S and water on A. Tea is far too versatile. Water is great but tea hydrates just as much and has the potential to be much much more.


Piss water


I see you haven’t had proper tea yet


I didn’t like tea until very recently. Apperently it took about 20 years for me to start liking tea

Zoomboingding, avatar

I mostly agree, but I’m not drinking any sort of tea after a 10k. Water/tea/coffee is 95% of what I drink. Whole milk is 3%, and boba tea is another 1%. I’m ashamed to say I drink soda in social settings.


I’d argue though, after a 10K, you’re not drinking for any other reason than hydration and in such cases water is always the best. But I’d argue that’s an edge case unless you’re a professional athlete or live in a very hot environment

Zoomboingding, (edited ) avatar

Isn’t… the exclusive reason to drink… hydration?

I mean if I was an avid reader in Sweden I could get by on tea/coffee exclusively. Most people will, on occasion, need to drink water to rehydrate.


I also drink because I enjoy the taste. Some people drink coffee or energy drinks to stay awake. One can drink alcohol to get drunk. There are many reasons. Yes, hydration is almost always a present and desired effect but not always the reason.

BigBananaDealer, avatar

no shame in a good sodie pop once in a while

its everyday that it becomes horrible, for teeth and weight

Zoomboingding, avatar

I have the biggest weak spot for sarsparilla! Or if I find a microbrewery that makes any root beer~


I’m not a soda drinker generally but microbreweries sodas are always so much better than anything the big three put out

ReplicantBatty, in No doubt. Wanna fight me?

The Hydro Homies have invaded! Nah but for real ice water is the GOAT

pancakes, (edited ) avatar

Imagine having to add solid bits of water to make it better. The audacity.

-This response was made by the Keep Water Liquid gang.

Viking_Hippie, (edited ) in No doubt. Wanna fight me?

You’re forgetting the fluid that nobody doesn’t love!

RealFknNito, avatar

That woman shouldn’t be alive. What is that barrel made of? So many questions…


It’s probably photoshopped. You can’t trust anything these days smh my head

stebo02, in No doubt. Wanna fight me? avatar

what about tea tho

Wage_slave, in No doubt. Wanna fight me? avatar

I’d fight the shit out of you but I am afraid you are just too well hydrated and I stand no chance.

fl42v, in Oh nooo

Just say ACK or something

Blackmist, in No doubt. Wanna fight me?

Water is a C

ICE FUCKING COLD water is S+++.

gmtom, in Capitalism really just reinvented sleeping outside SMH

Am I the only one that would actually really enjoy this?

Being outside in the mountains with fresh cool air, but you actually have a proper, comfy warm bed to enjoy as well?

Sign me the fuck up.


I would but only if the temperature is right. That picture looks like it drops below freezing tho.

MacNCheezus, avatar

You know, there’s this thing called “camping”, you should really look into it.


Sure let me just bring my whole-ass double bed and mattress with me when I go camping 🤡


My parents had a bed built for their minivan with ample storage and a thick layer of latex foam. They did some trips around the US using that, though ultimately it turns out they’re just not great sleepers.


shit I have a pair of inflatable twin mattresses that can be joined together. open up my sleeping bag, put it down as base warmth, with a pillow and another cozy blanket… That pretty much meets the definition


Yeah thats not the same at all for me

MacNCheezus, avatar

Nobody says you can’t 🤷🏻‍♂️

Dutczar, avatar

“Proper, comfy warm bed”


If you get a big enough campervan you can put a nice big heavy mattress in it.


Without a blanket because the wind blew it away

Macaroni_ninja, in No doubt. Wanna fight me? avatar

Make it a vote and see where sparkling water lands

stebo02, avatar


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