Have you never wondered why I drink only distilled water or rainwater? And only pure grain alcohol? Have you ever heard of a thing called fluoridation – fluoridation of water? Do you realise that fluoridation is the most monstrously-conceived and dangerous communist plot we have ever had to face?
I’d personally place tea on S and water on A. Tea is far too versatile. Water is great but tea hydrates just as much and has the potential to be much much more.
I mostly agree, but I’m not drinking any sort of tea after a 10k. Water/tea/coffee is 95% of what I drink. Whole milk is 3%, and boba tea is another 1%. I’m ashamed to say I drink soda in social settings.
I’d argue though, after a 10K, you’re not drinking for any other reason than hydration and in such cases water is always the best. But I’d argue that’s an edge case unless you’re a professional athlete or live in a very hot environment
I also drink because I enjoy the taste. Some people drink coffee or energy drinks to stay awake. One can drink alcohol to get drunk. There are many reasons. Yes, hydration is almost always a present and desired effect but not always the reason.
My parents had a bed built for their minivan with ample storage and a thick layer of latex foam. They did some trips around the US using that, though ultimately it turns out they’re just not great sleepers.
shit I have a pair of inflatable twin mattresses that can be joined together. open up my sleeping bag, put it down as base warmth, with a pillow and another cozy blanket… That pretty much meets the definition
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