
Could you imagine the psychological damage of having your adult mind shoved back into your 6 year old self? You’d be unable to relate to or even tolerate any of your peers, so say goodbye to any childhood friendships. You’d be unstimulated by the mountain of busy work in school and frustrated by all the topics you’d have to relearn. I personally would go through all of the procrastination troubles again. There are plenty of traumatic events that you would not be able to prevent or even affect. Nevermind that you are still carrying that trauma with you, you’re just trying to not re-live it. Develop any chronic illnesses? Maybe you can get treated quicker but you still have to watch your health decline. It’ll be a decade before you have any kind of autonomy to do any stocks or Bitcoin type stuff, unless you want to become some prophetic wünderkind. As far as I’m aware, mt gox was one of the only reliable places to get Bitcoin, until it wasn’t. I don’t know the day that it fell apart off the top of my head.

I never understand why anyone would choose the “do it all over again” scenarios.

TehBamski, avatar

I never understand why anyone would choose the “do it all over again” scenarios.

The consensus seems to be for money, power, or pleasure.


Back when I was 6, in 1983, my uncle who worked in the oil industry told me about global warming.

I could totally have been a real radical environmentalist, but I was 6.

A second time around that talk would have an impact, and with some foresight for the next 40 years. I think no one would be surprised if I devoted everything to fixing global warming - they might be surprised at my success in the stock market.


Global warming was first modeled in 1896. And the idea of greenhouse gas was known in around 1856. Knowledge was never the problem.


Sure. When did you first hear about it, and that it was caused by burning fossil fuels?


I was born in the eighties, and I’m sure I’ve known about it all my life.


Certainly that general knowledge is older than I am.

pyrflie, (edited )

I grew up in abject poverty. Going back to 6 just means another 20+ years of struggle and hardship.

10 mill means safety for me and mine for a minimum of 100 years.

Why would I take the option that includes watching friends die of lack of money all over again rather than the one that results in stability for me and mine.

Anyone who says go back to 6 comes from family money.


That’s not a money issue. There are people from poor places that had good childhoods, such as farming families. Not saying there wasn’t struggle tho.


Red pill. You can make money, but you can’t make time.


I’m putting my allowance into msft and amazon.


See also dogecoin and bitcoin


Bitcoin, damn… my dad hat a friend mining “a few” on his balcony. He is probably rich right now


I bought some bitcoin at 70, but it was for grey market narcotics. The fraction of a dollar left turned into 20 twice lol


That depends on if you want time


Red pill is too vague. Do you go back in time to when you were 6? If so then red pill is good because you could just achieve all you’ve already achieved faster and you have more time for other stuff. Do you just turn into a 6 year old? No thanks, not about to restart on hard mode.

Also is that time really that valuable if you’re going to spend a significant part of it threading the same ground?

That why I’d take the blue pill, clearer outcome and with 10 mil I could easily improve the quality of my time. For instance by completely ditching work I have much more time to see my children grow up.


Clear outcome? If red is “become undocumented child in 2023” blue can’t be simple.

Blue would have you watching over your shoulder for who the money was taken from, or the money would be taken off you as evidence of crime, since no one has millions from nowhere, and it’ll be very hard to hide


I thought red at first, and if it were only slightly different parameters I’d still choose it, but 6? That’s too far back to be trapped in a child’s body and environment. At least going back to a more plausible age for a grown up’s mindset like teenage years would be a bit easier to deal with and to lay low, it’d be strange how much more mature and less reckless and slightly boring of a teenager you had suddenly become, but at least it wouldn’t be like international news. At 6, life is going to drastically changed by your seemingly impossible linguistic skills alone, child development experts would want to study you, you’d now be a prodigy, not necessarily a bad thing but unless that specifically was the path you’d always wanted but never achieved, you’d now be pretty well set down that road and all that comes with it. The relationship with your parents would be so different and they’d be robbed of your childhood and suddenly have this adult they’d never met before to deal with after barely getting any time to get to know their own child. It’d be so frustrating too, no one would let you drive and you couldn’t drink, or fuck. You’d hopefully be able to get yourself some more autonomy than your average 6 year old if you revealed all your cards right away because it’d become immediately clear that fisher price toys and curfews and first grade weren’t appropriate for you, but even so your adulthood, already well underway by this point would be drastically curtailed for something going on a decade. Maybe you’d decide to play like in a movie and adopt secrecy so your parents and peers don’t know how smart you are, but that’d frankly be way worse and so exhausting and lonely and alienating.

If this was, maybe start again at 14, or better yet 16, I’d take that red pill no problem. It’s most of the benefits of the blank slate try again with benefit of hindsight premise, but skipping over the parts that would be simply intolerable for an adult. At 16 you’re a ‘young adult’ getting to relive some of the things you miss about being a child but with many of the benefits of being an adult and biologically you’re pretty much over the worst of it, if you really hate the social restrictions imposed upon you by being not technically an ‘adult’ you’re only 2 years away from fixing that, not over a decade, and when you get there you’ll be in way better control of the trajectory of adulthood. Most of the really decisive things about adulthood that trace back to childhood happen around this time as well so it’s where you’d get the most bang for your buck. You can take a very meandering path up until that point and still change direction but this is where decisions start to become more binding and long lasting so it’s really the point where most people, if you asked them, would probably begin making tweaks if they could. I reckon the details about one’s current life that most people want changed wouldn’t have any meaningful correlation to things they did when they were 6, it’d be things like their career, or relationships they’ve had or wish they’d had, it’d be academic ability or a better body not ravaged by years bad lifestyle choices pretty much all of that is something you could very impactfully change at 16 without the need to learn to read all over again.


Seriously how are people not seeing this?

Ever saw a child or teenager trying to act like an adult? Well now try that the other way around. Since you are a smart adult, you might get it done for a day. But for 12 years? You will slip and it will be noticed.

To add insult to injury, after you become grown up, that whole prodigy thing will fall apart, because you weren’t actually all that much smarter than everyone else. You were just X years ahead for a child and that bonus melted with the years. So then you wouldnt be a prodigy, you’d be a failed prodigy and that is if the whole ordeal doesn’t drive you insane in the meantime and you get hospitalized and drugged up for good.

Finally, even if you manage all of that to then buy bitcoins in the day. “Mommy mommy, please let us put 1.000 € in Internet coins that are 50 cents today. They will become worth 50.000 a piece i know it i promise, Mommy please!”. How do you think your mother will react?


Wow. Autism.


Very comprehensible considerations! I’d love to study another field, just expanding my expertise and having a good time with fewer responsibilities than I have today. But giving up my family? No way! Blue pill it is.


I feel like at 6 you’re not going to be tripped up by teenage relationships like you would landing in a hormone flooded/different brain state in your most important social years

It sounds like a plan for having no friends from school


Red pill easy. Make note of all the stock stuff that comes over the next couple decades, gain more than 10 mill and have more life experience in the tougher times.


Now you just have to convince someone to buy the stocks for you.


It doesn’t say you go back in time to being six years old, you start over as a six year old. A six year old in 2024.

Hashtag monkeys paw.


Ah, I didn’t read the contract correctly. Blue pill it is then, no one wants to grow up in 2040’s.


restart your life. I think you were right in the first place, but let’s keep the meta discussion going :)


By then, cardboard boxes will be sold for billions


Too late, your shift in the sweatshop starts in 5 minutes, of to work.


It’s even easier than that. Red pill, then remember to start mining bitcoin with your PC in 2009. You’ll be a multi billionaire in under a decade.


No brainer. Restart at 6 years old. Time is priceless.


Oh hell no, I don’t want to go through school again. Teenagers are horrible to each other.

KinNectar, avatar

Red pill all the way. Personal experience gains to be had. Also of course there is the prospect of crypto billionairedom.


Depending on your starting point there’s a lot better opportunities out there that are less vulnerable to losing it all to a random hacker.

KinNectar, avatar

Actually bitcoin on a physical harddrive purchased at $50 or below stored in a safety deposit box is pretty ironclad.


Bitrot might get you. printed out paper codes as a backup


That was a lot more difficult before BIP39 seed phrases were invented. You could of course write down anything, but there would’ve been a lot of room for error.


Spinning hard drives last for decades. You can pretty absolutely protect yourself by storing two with multiple copies of the key each


They are succeptible to magnetic degradation, its why you go to open a jpeg from 8 years ago and some are suddenly corrupt. You have to leave them in a RAID setup with sonething self healing like ZFS. They are way more reliable than cold storage SSD ( which can start bitrot in as little as a month) but for cold storage magnetic tape is better


Tape is just as susceptible to magnets, though it is a more stable medium. It’s not like they’ll be exposed to significant magnetic fields though

BCsven, (edited )

Its not just significant magnetic field ( apparently we do have geo magnetic storms that corrupt data) it is that assigning the 1 /0 bit is not permanent. The 1 or 0 you store fades with time as it wants to lose its assigned magnetism. You might be fine for 10 years, or you might lose a critical bit corrupting a file. it is why archival experts suggest if it is critical data stored offline you need to store on two or more different mediums, because “1 copy is not a backup”. Anyway, we are getting deep in the weeds of data entropy and recovery and I think your original comment was meant as being helpful to the lay-person…whom may not actually care to much if they lose a file or two, unless it is a crypto wallet key–i would trust those M series BluRay archival format since the laser alters the disk, but printing out on paper as another copy

KinNectar, avatar

I'm not saying I won't be buying real estate in San Francisco, Magic The Gathering cards, and shares in big tech, but a solid backbone of 1000x value bitcoin is hard to beat on multiples.


Since we get all the information we have now: the correct answer was Bitcoin Armory. You’d have a dedicated computer just for signing transactions, carried back and forth over flash drives.

psud, (edited )

Many of us are tech nerds. We know that those who lost bitcoin to hacks trusted coin exchanges too much.

The people who kept their wallet offline are fine Those who kept their wallet in the cloud are poor


Red pill effectively kills your current spouse and kids if you have any. Also trying to re-engineer the relationship with your original spouse all over again seems like it’d be really creepy. If you go back, you effectively need to find someone else. Couldn’t do that.


The kid won’t exist. The spouse will be fine, though maybe not with you


Sure, but you’re throwing away your current spouse and kid in favor of a do over. That’s pretty cold.

psud, (edited )

Is it unethical to leave a partner? Should we censure Paul Simon for 50 ways to leave your lover?

(Not addressing the kid bit, since it does seem a tad cold to unexistify someone for little fault of their own, also no one but you mentioned kids)


I mean if you were going to divorce your partner, then by all means take the red pill. You’d probably both be better off then. I was speaking of presumably happy marriages.


I guess if you’re in the perfect partnership you and your partner could simultaneously take the red pill :)

ook_the_librarian, avatar

No brainer. Take the money. Global warming exists. WWIII might be happening. What’s the point in being a depressed 6 year-old?


I’m not sure if people here realize this, but the interest from $10m is approximately four to eight hundred thousand dollars per year.

So, with ten million, one could instantly retire and never ever have to work again.

That’s priceless freedom to me, and it wouldn’t require deleting almost all of my friends, relationships, experiences, and who I am.


well, clearly you have a good investment plan…


just an index fund is all you need.


While blue is the easy and tempting option, and I would live comfortably without needing to work ever again…

I would choose red. Considering I am approaching 40, and going by family history, I’ll likely get cancer in my 50’s or 60’s… I think choosing red is a good solution to basically get extra 30+ years of life.

Also, with the forenowledge, there is a huge potential for life saving actions. While I don’t think there is much I could do as a kid, it’s worth a shot and I would have time to figure it out.


No amount of money can ever buy you more time. Only a six year old should take the blue pill. That’s the moral of the story? I don’t know, it’s just a meme I guess.

Riven, avatar

Some people have fucked up childhoods and reliving them isn’t an option. I would take the money, I would never go back to that hell willingly.


You could run away, roll the dice on the foster system

Riven, avatar

Some countries don’t have a robust foster system or a system at all. I would be rolling the die on homeless in the street in a dangerous place with dirt and flagstone roads.


Yeah no thanks, I’d rather not be bored for 2 decades again, without the fun of thinking like a child.

CileTheSane, avatar

I think choosing red is a good solution to basically get extra 30+ years of life.

Hell, do the right things to receive the same offer in 30 years and you can take another red pill. Infinite loop!


Without knowing the conditions of recieving that offer, I wouldn’t bank on being able to replicate it. You’d think whoever has the technology/magic to yeet your consciousness back in time into your 6 year old self without a time paradox would be smart enough to think of that infinite loop thing and avoid that.

But it would be an interesting way to achieve pseudo-immortality.

psud, (edited )

Or perhaps if the red pill is turn six today variant that pessimists think it might be, you might get actual immortality. Say we work out immortality in 2060, that might be difficult for someone 50 today, but easy to reach for someone 6 today.


Used to want the red pill but I have a kid now. Resetting would almost assuredly cause me to end up with a different kid.

I’m team blue.


There’s a related movie that I highly recommend: About Time.


Very good movie


Oh yeah I love that movie. I have it on my server.


This. My kids and my pets - I’d be haunted for the rest of my life knowing I traded them in. I’ll take the 10 mill and be happy.


Am I transported back to 1993 with all the knowledge I have now? Or am I 6 in 2023? Because the first case it becomes ridiculously easy to make 10 million… Just memorize a single set of lottery numbers for a specific time and date… and have a little knowledge to invest in apple as soon as Steve Jobs returns to the company and Tesla when it’s founded, and at that point you are a billionaire.

Pharmacokinetics, avatar

Yeah, going back in time is too op. Let’s say you become your 6 year old body with the same memories and mental capacity as you are now. What about now?


Mmm… It depends, if I live in an upper middle or mid middle class or above household I’ll choose going back. I could convince my parents to invest $1000 a month in my future and have 10 million by the time I am the same age I am now. Whilst also knowing what I know about the world, women, life, love and relationships from 6 to 37

AngryCommieKender, (edited )

Google > Tesla in that scenario

Google and Apple would be your best growth potential for investments.


Also dump money into Bitcoin when it cost less than a dollar


Red, and then just get bitcoins early on and invest in tesla, by the time i’m back at 2024 I would have way more then 10M


Where is your initial stake coming from. You had money at 6. Most everyone didn’t even with foreknowledge.

Congrats you just discovered privilege.


Upvote because you’re not wrong.


You are not wrong but I don’t see how this is relevant to this hypothetical post

IDontHavePantsOn, (edited )

Everyone is choosing red because they think they would be rich, but would they?

Imagine having the knowledge, that you knowingly stepped back in time, and all of your memories are now not real. They won’t happen again unless you actually act exactly as you had before. No one believes anything you say because you are 6. You’re forced to go through school again at 6.

Let’s say you use your genius to progress quickly through school. Those sorts of kids become famous prodigies. You would end up on the talk show circuit with Ellen.

You would also know way more about your parents than you should at that age, and cause familial issues that would land you on Dr. Phil.

Imagine how torturous it would be to relive every moment, not being able to convince anyone of anything due to your age, unless you give up the fact that you were somehow sent back in time and know the future. Would you be able to convince your family without going insane? Would any government agency take qcute interest in your foresight? Imagine having to keep a level head while also going through puberty a second time.

How much will your presence affect the timeline? Maybe your first big move to get rich causes all subsequent moves to not exist. Maybe your parents hate you. Maybe it’s chaos theory. Maybe you end up taking a path away from opulence and become an addict due to the constant anxiety, regret and boredom. Maybe you become a nihilistic mess that drives you to a worse life than you had before.

I’d take the definite of $10M. I know what I would do with it right now. I know it would be good.

Edit: a downvote without a reply telling me how I’m wrong is really an upvote.


No, that’s not why people are choosing the red pill. Most people are not mere mercenaries.


I down voted for your cringey edit about down votes without telling you why your wrong being an upvote.


You do you bud. It’s all just opinions and assholes.


Weird. So if I wanted to upvote I should click the down arrow?

Anything you say my friend…



dingus, (edited )

I’m not really understanding why you’d need to convince anyone of anything? Why would you need to tell anyone you went back in time? All you need to do to become rich when going back in time is to memorize a winning lotto ticket or to invest in something that you know will make it big. Why do you think that you’d need to convince people you aren’t crazy or whatever you’re saying? Legitimately curious.

With going back and time, you could both become rich and change things and events from your past that you regret.


An adult stuck in a 6 year old body that somehow knows everything and is more mature than their parents and also has money to invest, that I’m sure that won’t rouse any suspicions.


I’d “suffer” through school again happily if I could take some opportunities that once passed me by. I was at a good age when Bitcoin hit the scene. I thought it was not very interesting and probably wouldn’t amount to much… At a time where you could get several a day with little more than the computing power of an era appropriate smartphone.

$10M now vs mining as many Bitcoin as you could back then, and then cashing out when it peaked in 2021… Just that simple change and the 10M seems like nothing.

I also made some strategic errors in my youth, dropping out of school and going to work full time at a dead end retail job, and working there for years before deciding to go and finish my education. I had saved nothing from my time working and put myself pretty deep into debt by the end of it.

By the time I graduated, I was pushing 30, I was something like six figures in debt, and I had no job prospects. I ended up working at a call center.

So yeah, I’ll suffer through grade school and high school again if it means I can do it right. I wouldn’t excel so much that I stood out… Maybe just enough to skip a grade, get started on college just a little bit sooner. Invest any money I had into Apple or something, right before the big iPhone explosion. I would still be financially set for life, knowing what I know.


If I get back to 2005 I can easily get more than 10 millions by the time it’s 2024 again. Plus all the other perks of restarting your life


Easy. Bitcoin.

KazuyaDarklight, avatar
  • Zoom and GameStop stock.
SpaceNoodle, (edited )

Yeah, get into Bitcoin at the peak investment age of ten.

Edit: JFC y’all, I’m middle-aged.


Have you tried being older? Bitcoin would be a 21+ problem for me!


I’m already older, I was talking to that guy

Dagnet, (edited )

At the start all you needed was access to any computer. Mine for an hour and come out with some bitcoin

bdonvr, (edited )

If your family had a PC at that time absolutely. Just wait for the first inklings and start mining. It was way easier at the start. You’d be able to get several thousands pretty easy. Maybe you get some visa gift cards as a kid for Christmas, dump em in there. Or even just go to any store and use your allowance to buy one. Then sell at the peak. EZPZ


Yeah, you can do that. Bitcoin is anonymous and you could earn it relatively easy when it first came out. If you want to get real fucked up with it you could make even more by appealing to those early black markets and use your age as a cover, but that’s risk.

Neato, avatar

You generally need a credit card to do that.


At ten you might have a computer that can mine a couple of hundred bit coin


Were there any DOS programs for mining Bitcoin a couple decades before Bitcoin even existed?


You were the one positing the idea of Bitcoin at age 10. A 10 year old in 2010 would likely have a suitable computer


Where is your initial capital coming from. Less than 100,000 will not get you to 10 mil, even mining at an early age requires either wealthy parents or venture capital.

Running a digital farm takes money. Something you clearly haven’t thought out.


Early mining required a mid-tier gaming PC, the kind you could finance with a paper route

funkajunk, avatar

Think of all the time that you could waste again!


You become 6 again, but it’s still 2024 and you really freak out your parents. No getting to know the future.


No way I’m going through childhood again. Mine sucked.


I’m liking the “going back to when I was 6 with all the knowledge I have now” option, but in reality 6 year old me would probably be too immature to know I need to remember it and by the time I needed to use that information in any sane way it would have been long forgotten.

I mean some people are saying get bitcoin early days, but 6 year old me was at least 10 years off Bitcoin existing.

It would also really suck knowing how easy it was to obtain information in the future only to be stuck in the past and barely have access to the internet at all.


I think people underestimate how much the physical state of your body, ie hormones brain structure etc play in how you make decisions.

When I was a lad I almost always knew I was making the wrong decisions but felt powerless in the moment to stop myself. I also had basically no concept of the future as a real thing that would happen and could be planned for until I was like 27 or so. Like the logical knowing things part of my brain knew the right moves but the doing things me rarely consulted with knowing things me.

Not to mention that kids have a serious lack of control over their own destinies.

I honestly think going back in time with all my memories is one of the worse hells I can imagine. Just doomed to watch myself fuck up in similar ways again and hope that it all works out “OK” this time too.

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