Look. I’m making millions doing what I do, and I don’t ever experience these “ravages of war” or whatever that nonsense is, so clearly 7.99 billion other people are just like me in these regards. It’s just a few hundred bad people (lol if that) getting a little mad at each other, so let’s stop this racist wealth-shaming, shall we? Okay then.
it’s amazing when you cross over the border into WA state and the giant video billboards every 2m evaporate, and you can see trees and mountains everywhere.
About 90% of abortions are performed before 12 weeks, well before the fetus could even look like a post-birth baby like the one depicted in the meme. This is a common tactic of anti-choicers to depict abortion as being performed on fully formed and almost born fetuses. They try to use edge cases to argue against unrelated and more common experiences. Fetuses aren’t conscious or sentient or viable when most abortions are performed. Don’t let them get away with disingenuously conflating those concepts and milestones.
…now I want an English muffin with some strawberry jam. But also I want to purchase, open, and put the jam on it myself without ever breaking eye contact with the jar so as to avoid accidentally injesting not jam.
I hate babies. They don’t know shit and they take up too many resources. Nevermind the selfish parents tying up the world’s resources for their next of kin these ppl r pathetic
They don’t know shit and they take up too many resources. Nevermind the selfish parents tying up the world’s resources for their next of kin these ppl r pathetic
Are you leaving your parents and yourself as a baby out of this?
It’s intended to fuck with the mom-brain of a pregnant woman. Like putting porn in front of a guy going through No-Nut November. The goal is to hit those animal instincts and cause intense anxiety.
They’re not trying to influence teenage edgelords.
It’s different for everyone, but I was always put off by kids for all the typical reasons (boring, sticky, annoying, etc.), until I got pregnant.
I don’t mean that I love my kid so it’s different. I mean that the hormones associated with pregnancy changed all of my priorities. Thank god I had an abortion (I’d have a preteen with an alcoholic father and me for a mother- that’s not fair to a child), but it was much more difficult than I expected it to be.
With the pregnancy hormones, I definitely would have cried at this ad. Congratulations to them for emotionally manipulating the most emotionally unstable group in the world?
Defense manufacturers can easily repurpose their entire industry for space travel, especially if we’re concerned about traveling anywhere at a speed reasonable for a human life span. The profit motive for war and conflict is unjustifiable.
When someone tells me I’m a genius … usually its code for “great, you figure it all out, do all the work, sort it out, organize it, maintain it and fix it if need be … and I’ll just sit here and enjoy all the benefits of your work … now get back to work you genius”
Bluntly, those are not the same picture. As a dude, I see a couple of important things right away. Most importantly, there’s dividers between the urinals in the second picture.
If there’s room, I’ll still leave a gap, but with no dividers, if there isn’t room to leave a gap, depending on the spacing of the urinals, I might just want to wait until there can be a gap. With dividers, I probably won’t. It’s still not ideal, but dividers make it much more palatable.
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