Based on my experience working with PR teams and executives - you probably had a bored PR team that wanted to do something that feels important or relavent, and they pitched it to the exec team in a way that made them feel all important and excited (they probably threw in the phrase “lifestyle brand” a few times), so they went with it against all reason
Agree. HBO is some high class, quality shit. Max is meaningless. I guess it corresponds with the CEO of Discovery channel coming in to wreck HBO in the same way he did Discovery.
It’s like Twitter rebranding to X. It’s extremely detrimental to the brand, but it makes some executive feel really good about themselves and that’s all that really matters apparently.
i honestly don’t get why people refuse to let their dogs be on furniture like sofas, like either stop spending so much money on furniture or start cleaning your dogs paws, depending on the reasoning behind not letting them up.
like do they not want to cuddle with their pet? why have a pet then??
If you take the bag right out of the box it tends to be difficult to put back into the box, having seemingly become larger like the rabbit in the OP picture.
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