It’s 2023… People still believe some dude walked on water… And some other dude split the moon in half with a sword… Then put it back… The stupid has been with us since forever.
Possessed by very confused alien souls that got here because an intergalactic alien warlord named Xenu wanted to do a genocide so he rounded up a bunch of other aliens, tied them to volcanoes on Earth, bombed those volcanoes with hydrogen bombs, captured their souls and made them go to therapy.
(For those who may have missed that south park episode)
I mean, that is the crux of the OTs. There’s a reason they tell members that it’s dangerous knowledge that will literally kill anyone who sees or hears it before they’ve been prepared by scientology. Anyone who claims to know and isn’t an OT is clearly lying because they are alive, so the silly alien soul story is clearly a lie until you’ve been brainwashed enough.
I’m curious, is there another word that have the same taboo status as the n-word? I’ve never heard of another word that can only be uttered if you have the right shade of skin. What a stupid world we live in, seriously.
I’m not speaking from any position of authority here, but I think it has more to do with being in the right culture, not the right skin color like some people imply.
There are urban white kids who grew up in the projects who use the same language as their black peers, and I think generally no one cares. However, when someone outside that culture uses that language, it’s not something they use for normal speech and there’s probably some other motivation behind it. It’s just like in a lot of people’s speech they say “bro” but it doesn’t mean brother. To people outside the culture it means black person, but they use it like others use “bro”. It doesn’t really mean anything.
Reiterating, I have very little experience with this. It’s just my observations. I’ve known black people who it’d be weird for them to use this language and seen white people who it’s just a normal part of their speech.
I don’t think it’s as removed from skin color as you think. If someone saw the white kids saying it and didn’t know they grew up in the projects, would they still not care? Conversely, if a bunch of black kids who grew up in an affluent household said it, would people be offended?
You’d likely know where they grew up by the manner of their speaking. The white kids from the projects are going to sound “urban” and the black affluent people are going to sound stereotypically “white”. I wouldn’t be offended (I’m white) but I would be surprised if the black people I know who do not use that language started using the n-word suddenly. It’s not a part of their normal language, so what caused them to suddenly start using it? Probably nothing good I would assume.
It also depends on the time and place. Those white kids from the projects would probably need to code switch when going to a job interview or something, for example, just like their black peers do. That language is context-dependents on whether it’s acceptable. It’s more than just being black.
Isn’t it just a legalese game? Hey we’re HBO and we agree to this and that and this show and that arrangement and with this guy and that production.
A year later … OK now we’re HBO Go … all agreements with HBO? Gone and changed, we’re HBO Go now and these are our new terms, new productions, new people, new pricing, we make all the rules, f you
A year later … Ok sorry about all the changes with HBO Go, … we’re now HBO Max … the old name was shit you were right … but we’re making changes again and this time they’re great … for us … again … and not you …
A year later … yeah HBO Max sucked … but we’re changed to HBO Super Duper Time and we’re changing rules and formats and pricing again because we can because we changed our name
I was totally thinking about how these shows must be faked in some way. I just figured they payed people to go looking, despite the fact they actually have a nice enough home(s) and don’t actually need to move.
I always figured they paid people to act excited on The Price is Right.
Imagine if someone didn’t even want to be there and just went to the studio because their family surprised them with tickets while they were on vacation. Then they get picked and super grudgingly go through the whole game.
Nah, they just wouldn’t choose someone who wasn’t excited to be there. Pretty sure they interview everyone before hand and watch them before filming before deciding who to pick. It’s definitely not just random.
I love how most of the comments in this thread completely ignore the context of the post, and instead are “Canada bad!” posts that seem to delight in bringing up every horrible thing the country ever did.
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