Oh what fun it is to ride

Patches, Dear Santeria for the dyslexic Cubans out there 🐔
HubertManne, ![]()
this would be funnier if the krampus was not so well known now.
paddirn, “Sleigh Ride to Hell” should be the Christmas version of AC/DC’s “Highway to Hell”
hemko, Sleigher - Reigndeer blood
Santhrax - Random acts of senseless kindness
Seasonica - Master of Gnomes
Xmas Maiden - Number of the Claus
FartsWithAnAccent, ![]()
That is clearly Krampus
madcaesar, Is he related to my dentist Mr. Krentis?
Jerb322, ![]()
“How you boys like Mexico! Woooo!”
DavidGarcia, dyslexic finns be like: saantana
ours, Smooth Latin Rock jingles.
bstix, (edited ) Historically, Santa was a devil figure in Finland.
The original character Nuttipukki was an evil spirit that would go from door to door demanding presents and leftovers from the yule feast.
It later turned into Joulupukki which gave gifts instead of taking them.
Eventually that turned into the classic Coca-Cola Santa, but you can still find goats as Christmas decoration in Finland and Sweden.
bruhduh, ![]()
Actually wholesome
iknowitwheniseeit, “accidentally” : 😏
CitizenKong, (edited ) Pretty sure that’s Krampus. (Evil counterpart to Saint Nick in Southern German folklore, punishing bad children while Saint Nick is giving presents to the good ones.)
dojan, ![]()
I’d love that kind of punishment. Be carried around in a basket and go down a slope in a sleigh, screaming with a childish glee I’ve not felt in decades.
Yeah that would be nice.
ChillDude69, Yo, I keep meaning to watch that clearly wack-ass Krampus movie, from a few years ago. I get the feeling it’s one of those so-bad-it-was-actually-pretty-entertaining kind of flicks.
ours, Krampus (2015) is a solid good fun. No in the so-bad-it’s-good way but in the good horror comedy way.
ChillDude69, Cool beans. I’ll give it a shot.
CitizenKong, I second this. Also a good double feature with Rare Exports, which is another dark folklore take on Santa.
idunnololz, ![]()
Wait then why are the kids so happy
reflex, ![]()
Wait then why are the kids so happy
Krampus taking them to where the bad girls are.
hemko, Krampus is not “evil counterpart” to Saint Nick, it has origins from time before the curse of Christianity got to us
Same goes to Joulupukki (Finnish for Yule goat, or Santa more recently)
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