I had this idea, years back, to start a subreddit for missed photos, IMAP instead of ITAP—“I missed a picture.” I was going to make it a paragraph description, but this would be just as good.
Edit: guys, see how this is all in the past tense? I’m not going to be doing it. I don’t want to be a mod.
I would subscribe and contribute to this community for sure. So often I see amazing things and don’t have my phone to capture it, and it would be a cool place to share some of those things, both serious and silly ♡
I don’t know about visual art but there is about music. Exposing a baby to complex music (many notes), like classical and jazz can help develop perfect pitch. The brain learns musical notes like it learns language.
maybe, but i feel like while it may correlate, it’s not the cause. the cause is more likely that if a parent cares enough to show their child art, they’re probably more nurturing and prioritize academia more than parents who raise an iPad kid
I’m good with public filming in our current world where the government tracks everything we do. It’s the only hope for a shred of transparency and accountability. I’d only be okay with restrictions on public filming if those restrictions are also applied to all of the powers that be as well.
back in the 90s I worked for a pc tech shop and my buddy in a different office location would often quick draw customers and reactions, then fax them to me. It was a game, telling a story, all via fax. gah, I loved the 90s… today these same drawings would be on the front page for 1 day and then forgotten until some bot reposts them. But in the 90’s, we could tell adventure stories in 3 block panels to others via fax.
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