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vzq, in Let's goooooo

I’m low key annoyed about the whole “it’s a social construct” to mean “it’s not real”. Social constructs are real as fuck and they can fuck you up good.

The economy is a social construct. Days of the week are a social construct. I still need to show up to work on Monday morning so I can give my socially constructed fiat currency to the grocery shop in order not to fucking starve.


Babies do not have gender, because baby minds aren’t developed enough to understand that kind of social construct. A baby’s gender is both a social construct AND not real.


I’ve socially transitioned and I can safely say it’s like going through a portal into a different dimension.

I mean it’s a bit like saying software is just 1s and 0s. Ya great but I still need to run Krita to draw.


What bothers me is when people use that argument to advocate for replacing ‘constructs’ which evolved more or less naturally over tens of thousands of years, even before the dawn of civilization, with something deliberately engineered by individual humans. Is a cis-normative nuclear family the only way that it’s possible to live? Of course not, but it’s also what the vast majority of the population wants in their lives, which is why it’s the standard.


What bothers me even more is that for a lot of these subjects they’re keen to tear it down, but don’t have anything to replace it. People are creatures of order, and patterns. We can’t operate effectively as a society without structure, and mutual understanding.


I want to destroy the social construct of reality and replace it with tolerance.


Who is “they” anticorp? Tell me, who wants to destroy the nuclear family?


Immigrants and trans people! Obviously.



That’s what people do because they were told so.

God has an elephant head and loves pancakes?

Thunder comes from Thor hitting, … Clouds with his hammer?

You go to geaven/hell if you do this don’t…

It’s just what many peoples software run on, because that was how they were taught/indoctrinated from birth and they didn’t really have the need to break out of it. And well, if it works it might do it for them, the problem is they might think your life/lifestyle is the wrong way to live.


That’s what people do because they were told so.

Nah, man, I happen to think that women are amazing and the idea of living with a woman who loves me is pretty damn cool.


I’m not talking about love, but the artificial idea that when you found someone, then you must stay with them “forever” and other things christian marriage enforcing.


I’m not certain that I possess the linguistic ability to adequately express the full magnitude of my feelings on this matter. Sharing my entire life with this wonderful, magical, creature who loves me back, is exactly what pushes my buttons. Nobody has to enforce that upon me.


Sure, and that applies to LGBT+ too, and also if the fire vanes.


How come you’re defending something deliberately engineered by individual humans recently, right after saying that behaviour bothers you?

chumbalumber, (edited )

This is patently absurd. For one thing, the nuclear family itself is not currently what the vast majority of the population wants; if you look at the global population, both now and historically, the extended family is dominant. I might as well argue that children abandoning their parents and home is an unnatural construct, that’s replacing the ‘tribal’ way of living that was natural for humans for millennia. I could further argue that (since the nuclear family only became the most common type in the US in the 1960s and 70s), it was done in corporate interests to sell more cars and suburban houses, and that it is in fact YOU that is slobbering all over corporate cock.

But I wouldn’t make that argument, because it’s reductive and, frankly, a bit silly to let a narrative take the place of actually reading some sociological studies.


But I wouldn’t make that argument, because it’s reductive and, frankly, a bit silly to let a narrative take the place of actually reading some sociological studies.

I think if “you wouldn’t” make that argument, because it’s reductive, then you should refute it, after you have spelled out the narrative in your comment. I would appreciate that. Or just point me in the right direction idk that might be good enough.

chumbalumber, (edited )

My personal view is that you should always be wary of people asserting “this is how it is”. We’re in a science sub; we know that the purpose of a hypothesis is to rigorously attempt to disprove it and find counterexamples.

To discuss an area that I know some specifics about and can be more confident on: the historiography of the French revolution. Starting with George’s Lefebvre, the Marxist historians had a clear idea of what the revolution represented: a movement from the feudal mode of production to the capitalist, and so while their work is incredibly important and academically worth studying, they also tend to go into their work with a clear idea of what they wanted to find. So when the revisionists (starting with Cobban) come along, they find a lot of inconsistencies; the facts of the period don’t directly align with what the Marxist narratives wanted it to be (e.g. Cobban’s disagreement is that he thinks the feudal mode was near extinct by the time of the Revolution, and that it was more a political conflict than social).

Bringing it back to your question: I disagree with the narrative I put because I think reductive narratives aren’t helpful, and cause us to miss a lot of nuance. The nuclear family was dominant in England from the 13th Century onwards, but to leave it there misses a host of interesting social structures and changes (e.g. the role of the church and monasteries as social institutions that exist wholly separate from the family). Moreover, I don’t think it’s helpful to use the past as a suggestion for how we should build our future. The ‘return to tradition’ that’s suggested often has an idealised view of the past that misses all this nuance. The narrative around ‘ancient greek masculinity’, for instance, conveniently misses off their ideas around pederasty, which we perceive as abhorrent today.

As for reading, Foucault on how we like to categorise everything is quite interesting. If reading isn’t your cup of tea, the Thinking Allowed podcast from the BBC has an episode on Foucault that covers him that’s worth listening to.


You might enjoy reading some analysis into how capitalism requires the nuclear family in some ways



Thanks – I’m familiar with some of Engels’ analysis on it, but will have a look at this. Seems interesting!


It’s a very interesting article. I broadly think its argument is sensible, but there’s a couple of places I’d offer some dissent:

  1. I think the idea of greater socialisation of child raising is framed as avoiding turning back the clock to a time when the nuclear family was stronger. I’d disagree with this framing of the suggestion; in many ways this is a return to tradition. Capitalism and the autonomy it represents has led to a loss of the kinds of community the author is describing. It has allowed the destruction of the ‘village’ in the idiom ‘it takes a village to raise a child’. There is now enough wealth for parents to leave the extended family and the local community to form their own, isolated nuclear family, which I personally think can be damaging for children’s socialisation.
  2. I think the author makes a good point about ‘gay’ and ‘lesbian’ as identies having the space to exist as subcultures with the greater autonomy afforded under capitalism, but I would take issue with the suggestion that queer identities are only able to exist as a result of capitalism. There are numerous examples of historical transgender and homosexual identities, not just behaviours (e.g. two-spirit people in Native American culture).

Overall I think it’s an interesting narrative and a good point about the distinction between homosexual behaviour and desires, and queer identity.

vzq, (edited )

That’s a huge strawman jk. We really just want the hets to stop trying to harm/kill people that are different from them.

TEH GAYS WANT TO DESTROY THE FAMILY is vintage homophobia and really needs to go jk.


We really just want the hets to stop trying to harm/kill people that are different from them

I know very well that this is what the majority of people want, but bad actors attempt to take advantage of the situation with bullshit, like DEI initiatives, which are really only thinly veiled plots to maximize profits that hurt people who just want to be left alone by weaponizing their lifestyles for political gains.



You need to l lay off the glue jk.

zalgotext, (edited )

Why are you ending* every sentence in jk


That’s his name. I’m talking to him, zal.


Hah, wondered too, usually jk = just kidding :-)


DEI is a corporate initiative designed to restructure society so it can be more easily commodified and monetized, with a crudely drawn rainbow on it so that people will defend it like these corporate entities are somehow your friends.


Why is everyone obsessed with DEI all of a sudden? Is DEI the new thing to be mad at or something?

Did y’all move on from 15 minutes cities and political correctness?

Jknaraa, (edited )

It’s just one simple example of current corporate culture that most people will understand.



No shit Sherlock. But it’s pretty telling that you pick DEI efforts to rage against and not all the actual ways capitalism fucks the entire planet and everyone on it.

It makes it kinda hard to believe you are acting in good faith jk.


Gee, maybe I picked that one because I was initially talking about restructuring “social constructs” by using the cis-normative family as an example.

Nah, that can’t be it. You’d better keep the corpo-knob spit polished just to be safe.

vzq, (edited )

Gee, maybe I picked that one because I was initially talking about restructuring “social constructs” by using the cis-normative family as an example.

You have done zero work showing anyone is threatening the “cis-normative family” jk.

Nah, that can’t be it. You’d better keep the corpo-knob spit polished just to be safe.

Ah Yes. A fellatio reference. Because oral sex it’s demeaning.

Jknaraa, (edited )

This is a textbook example of why they staple rainbow flags to everything they do, so brain-dead thralls will leap to their defence as though their lives depend upon it.


That’s true. But it still doesn’t tell me how it’s a threat to the nuclear family.

And that’s because it’s not. That’s just persecution complex dreamt up by reactionaries like you.

daltotron, (edited )

DEI initiatives, which are really only thinly veiled plots to maximize profits

How do they make a company more money? Is it that it makes them more morally acceptable to buy from, giving them a larger audience? I always thought that the common argument against DEI, and shit like it, was that some morally neutral omnipotent objective third party somewhere wouldn’t be able to hire all of the extremely highly qualified straight white men, and would be forced to hire everyone else who are by implication, less qualified, and that would tank productivity metrics.

Edit: which, by extension, ruins the economy, something something yadda yadda crushes western civilization, because now every company is run by some trans woman that wears programming socks, and has replaced everyone with a highly efficient system of different spreadsheets, connected to one another in some sort of chain, which generates free energy.


The big problem facing the corporate world is that they’re running out of space to expand, and so the new rage is all about rearranging what already exists into a more profitable configuration. The big hurdle to this is that we already have large segments of society which are arranged socially for the benefit and enjoyment of the population instead of maximizing profit metrics.


so the idea is basically that they’re using DEI to restructure corporations along like. profit metrics, right? sort of along the same lines as laying off the lower 10% of your workforce every year or whatever stupid thing that it is, which I’ve just been reminded of in a different lemmy post. so is the idea that DEI would basically just provide like a socially acceptable, progressive lens for that process to function through?

you know, that sounds more like you just dislike how corporations work, more than you dislike, necessarily, the idea of DEI initiatives. Like, if DEI initiatives were applied to a less flawed university system, to get more diversity in tech sectors at the beginning of someone’s journey into those sectors, at the beginning of their journey into capability and compoetence, would that be, would you speak out against that, or would that be acceptable? I guess what I’m asking is, is it the framework of the system which is flawed, or is it this specific piece that you’ve called out as flawed, which is flawed? because it seems like the framework of the system, to me.

I also would like to point out that this POV doesn’t really speak out against the narrative that like. if we get rid of/hire in their stead, all the capable straight white men everything, that would be bad. here’s the point of what I’m saying, I guess. basically, right, if DEI initiatives are applied just to new hires, that would be fine, right? it’s just that other people are getting fired, and then they are churning through people, and using DEI to launder that. if that’s the case, you should probably, instead of calling out DEI and lumping that in, right, you should be calling out the churn, and calling out the fact that corporate likes to restructure everything every five years to get more short term performance indicators out of it for stockholders.

the DEI is maybe a way to launder that, but people, on hearing you disagree with that, are probably going to think more along the lines of “this guy is calling out DEI because he hates X kind of people”, as most people who disagree with it do. what you would need to do is establish credibility first, with the preceding opinion, and then make sure that other people understand the perspective you’re arguing from, since they will tend to assume the worst. by having DEI be the main point of contention, corporate has gotten another benefit out of it, which is that now everyone’s arguing about stupid bullshit instead of arguing about how it sucks that we’re all driven around at the behest of bean counters and their rich gambling addicted lords.


Studies done by Amazon and others show that diverse groups of workers are less likely to unionize. Other studies show workplace education on things like unconscious bias and racism actually increase our awareness of the differences between us and not in a good way.

Make of that what you will.


Some people push it like that, but that’s not really what the observation is about. It’s meant to highlight that it’s not preordained. Life is mostly made up and we should learn to acknowledge that openly. Especially when aspects of that made-up-ness actively oppress people

HiImThomasPynchon, in Let's goooooo avatar

I motion we re-name them “genital reveal parties”


Giving gendered pronouns to a child too young to understand gender accomplishes only one thing, and that’s telling strangers what genitals the child has. It’s pedo bait and child abuse.


Yeah let’s reveal your child’s genitals… doesn’t have the same ring to it

HiImThomasPynchon, avatar

Better yet, don’t even mention a child. Just invite all your friends to a Genital Reveal Party and see what happens.


Genital Reveal Party

Children welcome!


Hoho, I’ve been to plenty of those

JackLSauce, in Let's goooooo

My favorite part of this is that anthropology majors can find inconsistent gig work not involving food delivery and they still have to be a professor to qualify

BananaOnionJuice, in Let's goooooo avatar

And … The gender is cake! 🌈🎂🎉


The cake is a lie

kogasa, in Eyes up here avatar

Cox-Zucker Machine

AngryishHumanoid, in Let's goooooo

Finally one I’d ACTUALLY want to be invited to.

starman2112, avatar

Make it ice cream cake and I am in

heyitsmikey128, (edited ) in Let's goooooo

Aren’t there skeletal differences that an anthropologist would point out?


Not in a fetus.

Laticauda, (edited )

Skeletal differences are related to sex not gender.

fossilesque, avatar

It’s a cultural anthropologist, obviously! :)


You’re confusing sex with gender


Which no one would then know at the point of a typical gender reveal party.

fossilesque, (edited ) avatar

A baby is a baby! Don’t need an excuse to celebrate new life. :)

In the off chance I ever reproduce, I want “I’m pregnant, chips and dips party!” style events. Everyone wins at those.


That’s called a baby shower.


People generally expect you to have an excuse, though. Otherwise, you get your one baby shower (only the first baby!) and anything else is tacky. I think that’s why gender reveals caught on so fast. The parents and, maybe, grandparents are grasping at excuses to celebrate. And why people find them so cringe in general. Everyone else is a bit annoyed you’re getting more than your one party.


The anthropologist might see skeletal differences but they’d also pay attention to the manner in which the subject was buried or what possessions survived with them that could also serve as clues of the subject’s identity in life.


Exactly; for instance, if two people of the same (biological) sex were buried together, it means they were definitely just very good friends.


Perhaps even roommates.


Bert and Ernie?

Oscar and Gil?

Waluigis_Talking_Buttplug, (edited )

Humans have sexual dimorphism, but it’s a cultural thing that women wear skirts and men drink themselves to death instead of talking about their problems (both of these are jokes btw. I have a friend who wore kilts quite often and my mother drank herself to death)

Also, genetics is tricky, there a plenty of examples of people who do not fall into one category or another for these sexually dimorphic traits. There are people who have genetics from both sex, as well and differences in hormones distributions will causes these traits to appear or not appear.

Is a huge grey area.

Zerush, in Excuse me, René avatar

Descartes was not right, most people do not think and yet they exist unfortunately.

exocrinous, in Excuse me, René

Reality is fake.

bouh, in Excuse me, René

And then we’re surprised fascism is rising…

IDontHavePantsOn, in Excuse me, René

I’m just here to argue.


I won’t argue with you till you put some pants on.


I’ll consider it when you give me a better option than to call you moron.


I won’t argue with you; I am unequivocally a moron.


Oh! Oh. I’m sorry! This is abuse. No, you want twelve. Next door.

IDontHavePantsOn, (edited )

Don’t tell me what I want, and don’t tell me you’re sorry. Do you think I actually came here to abuse people? Do you think I’m that fucked up? Are you trying to tell me what to think? I know what happens next door, and you’re not going to get me involved with that weird sick shit that you’re clearly involved with. Maybe that would fly with your other friends, but it’s not going to here. Why don’t you just take your weird sicko bullshit next door and tell them about my abuse huh? Yak it up with all your sick ignorant friends, and pat each other on the back while crying abuse. I’m sure you’ll all have a really fucking nice time. Really. Go ahead and have a good time. Is that what you want to hear? Because if I say anything otherwise I’m the fucking asshole right? Well fuck you. I’m done. Got it? I’m done.

frozencat, in Excuse me, René

true klol

hakase, (edited ) in Excuse me, René

The worst part of this comic is that philosophy bro is clearly not even very good at his field, since there’s a much better Cartesian parallel to be made here (and I’m not even a philosopher).

“I think, therefore I am” is actually leaving out (imo) the most important part of Descartes’s argument. He was trying to find literally anything that he could know without a doubt was true. The problem is, that’s really hard, as our existence-troubled shopper has discovered. Descartes could doubt the existence of God, he could doubt the existence of goodness, of truth. All of these things might not actually exist. Descartes could even doubt his own existence.

In fact, literally the only thing Descartes could conclude without a doubt was true was the fact that he was doubting at all. So, since that’s the only thing he could be sure of, that’s what he built his argument for rationalism upon.

This perfectly mirrors the existential crisis the so-called philosopher comes upon, but instead of starting the shopper right where Descartes started, he instead just provides what must seem like almost a non sequitur in context, since if the man is currently doubting his existence, he can also doubt that he’s thinking. What he cannot doubt, is that he is in fact doubting.

I doubt. Therefore, I think. I think, therefore I am.”


In a sea of garbage, this is actually one of the most interesting things I’ve read on here. Thanks mate.


But what if you’re just imagining or dreaming that you’re doubting…? How do you even know you are the thing that’s doubting…? “You” could be a spurious Boltzmann brain, randomly manifested out of quantic chaos, in a state resembling that of a person doubting their own existence, for a mere Planck instant before dissolving back into the chaos from whence you emerged…


Guys stop. “Doubt” is starting to look funny


Semantic satiation


Yes, all you know is that something exists. And for the sake of argument, we call that ‘you’.


I could be any of these things, but I would still be

xthexder, avatar

In the grand scheme of things, a human lifespan is in the same ballpark as a Planck instant when considering an infinite universe. That doesn’t mean either are insignificant in their own context though.

Time can be infinitely subdivided For all we know, billions of entire universes could be created and destroyed within ours in an instant. Our own universe could be as insignificant as an atom in some higher level universe. We can’t know that. But what I do know, is that I exist in this moment, and that’s enough for me.

Slightly related is the anthropic principle, or the “observation selection effect”, which is nicely summarized by this analogy:

This is rather as if you imagine a puddle waking up one morning and thinking, ‘This is an interesting world I find myself in — an interesting hole I find myself in — fits me rather neatly, doesn’t it? In fact it fits me staggeringly well, must have been made to have me in it!’ This is such a powerful idea that as the sun rises in the sky and the air heats up and as, gradually, the puddle gets smaller and smaller, frantically hanging on to the notion that everything’s going to be alright, because this world was meant to have him in it, was built to have him in it; so the moment he disappears catches him rather by surprise. I think this may be something we need to be on the watch out for.

  • Douglas Adams, The Salmon of Doubt

The takeaway I get from this is that it’s important to appreciate the time we have, since everything comes to an end eventually.


Damn, you really forget sometimes what life was like before therapy.

PatFussy, in Unlocking Human Behavior: A Feline Exploration of Vocalizations and Behavioral Variations for Optimal Wet Food Provision from the Servant Human Class

Finest research coming out of cranberry lemon university


Deserving of Cat Nobel Prize.

HootinNHollerin, (edited ) in Neil deGrasse Tyson knows what he did.

Mittens and snowball are definitely on the tender track

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