My brother and I used Ego for lawn work. I’m not sure if these brands have lawn/garden stuff (I think I remember Ryobi does), but it’s the same concept. I love battery powered tools, but I hate how the brands tie you in.
I agree with what you’re saying. I might be wrong here, but I got the impression the person you replied to wasn’t saying that the statement is fictional/wrong, but that the god is fictional
I feel this. I’ve met a few exceptions (including my sister, who is wonderful and my best friend), but much of the time I can only get along with religious people until they find out I’m queer. It’s pretty uncommon, at least where I live, to meet a religious person who’d even want to be friends with me, knowing that.
I absolutely agree with you. I do still laugh at the meme, though. It’s not because I think my teachers were wrong for teaching basic arithmetic; it’s just that “because you won’t have a calculator in your pocket” turned out to be an ironically bad reason. 100% still glad to have learned it, though.
I originally posted this on the other site back when I took the picture, and it resulted in a lot of confused comments, especially from Americans, eventually getting removed by overzealous mods. Either way, I promise you that this date does not exist, and has never existed.
Oh yeah. Maybe it’s because I’m still in the just-got-my-first-credit-card phase, but damn I love that little piece of plastic. I’m clumsy and suck at using cash, but I feel so graceful with a card.
Oh that’s a good suggestion, thanks! Please dw about the post, more than anything I’m just glad people are talking about it. Thank you for the kind reply :)
Oh, and I have a weird question. If one day I do have a video of a similar situation, what’s the best thing to do with it? Just post it online? I don’t have any social media except Lemmy (and youtube), but I guess it doesn’t matter if the point is just to get it out there.
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I originally posted this on the other site back when I took the picture, and it resulted in a lot of confused comments, especially from Americans, eventually getting removed by overzealous mods. Either way, I promise you that this date does not exist, and has never existed.
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Let’s get a list going. Like with a Target debit card you can get $40 cash back and it takes 1 to 2 days to be withdraw from your checking.
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