
Lalaz4, to memes in survival optional.

Anything above the speed limit is illegal.


And in Germany, in many places, that speed limit is not a limit. This is the sign for speed limits you see when you enter Germany. Notice that the “130” is inside a blue square, instead of a red ring. That means the 130 kph speed is only a recommendation.


So it isn't a limit. That's great information to share but it does not nullify areas where the speed limit is indeed the speed limit

Zerush, (edited )
@Zerush@lemmy.ml avatar

The Speedlimit on German Highways is only the one that is marked on traffic signs, if there are no signs, the limit is only what the car, traffic or common sense allows. It is also prohibited to go slower than 60 km/h on highways, if there is any reason for this, as it is also prohibited to go with vehicles that do not reach a minimum of 60 km/h. This, in view of the high speeds of others, is also logical.

On the other hand, in general German drivers are quite disciplined and the police are very attentive to violators, high fines and a point system (with 15 points you can ride a bicycle), where there is a speed limit it is sure that it is controlled by radar and at rush hour there are even helicopters controlling traffic, also with patrol cars with civilian or police cars, all of them high-end (BMW, AUDI, Porsche).

Those with 300 or more are mostly rich foreigners “Highway Tourists” who want to experience it with their supercars (Japanese, English, and others) because it is the only place where it is allowed.

Zerush, (edited )
@Zerush@lemmy.ml avatar

Although in Germany there is no express speed limit on the highways, the lines where you can go 300 or more are quite limited and it is only feasible on certain days, since heavy traffic during the week prevents it anyway. On most highways there is a speed limit and it is usually 120 or 130, and these indications come in a red circle and often with radar control. But if not… piped.kavin.rocks/watch?v=7BWE2ftcF4Q

Ravi, to memes in survival optional.

We don’t have enough signs to make a speed limit happen - Volker Wissing, German minster of transit (Sadly not a joke: source)


Then, uh, get more?


Or just say: limit is 130 km/h and remove every sign saying 130 and higher. But that would all be too easy.


Was gonna say, before the Dutch did that stunt with time dependent speed limits the ‘unlimited’ sign just meant 130kph. At the border would be a sign explaining this and that’s that.


The FDP target group are above average people that enjoy fast expensive cars and that’s exactly what there politics are about. They are pretty much the only party pushing Porsches e-fuels in whole europe and keeping all incentives for the car lobby up and running.


That’s the dumbest excuse I’ve ever heard.

the_seven_sins, to memes in survival optional.
@the_seven_sins@feddit.de avatar

Fun fact: Germany is about average when it comes to road safety in Europe, which is still impressing since we’ve got the highest traffic density.

confusedbytheBasics, to memes in survival optional.

“Rest of world” Lol. India, Brazil, parts of Italy… the rule is do whatever you want, try not to crash, bigger vehicle has the right of way.


Tbf you can’t go over like 50 in most Indian roads anyway.


Brazil is far from lawless. In really small communities 12-year-Olds are driving scooters without wearing helmets, sure, but in all Metropolitan areas laws are pretty strict and there are expensive fines.

c0mbatbag3l, to memes in don't know, don't care
@c0mbatbag3l@lemmy.world avatar
netwren, to memes in survival optional.

Meanwhile in the U.S. with ✌️ speed limits ✌️ everyone goes 10 over and the exceptions are 20-30mph over.


Yup, 10 over is my default unless I’m on a highway, which is then 15 to 20 over.

It’s funny, but those who actually go the speed limit are the ones that people get mad at for going too slow. Even though they’re technically the only ones obeying the law.


And the most dangerous are the extremes on both ends encountering each other. It’s crazy to me how normalized vehicles are considering the death that they cause, the behavior people exhibit on the roads, and the sheer absolute ignorance that seems to be paid to making them safer. Maybe it’s just apathy?


I agree with fuck cars but anywhere outside of Urban centers in the United States no personal vehicles would be absolutely untenable. It’s almost every month I have to drive on a dirt road that I am not biking.


Then your case isn’t normal. With fewer people on the road because of better infrastructure, you would have fewer dangerous encounters.

Tolstoy, to memes in survival optional.
@Tolstoy@lemmy.world avatar

On the other side, Germany has TÜV with a mandatory vehicle inspection every 2 years with some exceptions for new cars.

They check vital components for road safety and won’t allow the car to be on public roads when it’s not fixed within a month. And it’s not like your tires have no rest profile anymore, it’s like you have to change them when they’re at 1,6mm… recommended is to change at 4mms…

Some “Prüfer” are chill but sometimes you won’t pass because your winter tires you were drivimg for 5 years, are 0,3% bigger than the allowed ones in the registrationpapers… at least I heard.

@Lev_Astov@lemmy.world avatar

Doesn’t Germany also enforce vehicle separation so people aren’t driving too close to each other on highways? That and passing on the left.


Yeees. But some of the guidelines are confusing. So the basic rule is that you have to keep a “2-second distance”. This is the distance you vehicle would travel in two second without breaking. The Formular is 2x(v²/100). But at lower speeds its a completely different calculation. And when you are waaay faster you are supposed to leave half your speed in metres as a gap. Then there are separate rules for fog and long vehicles and multiple vehicles that drive in a row on one lane roads and all that.

There are also rules for the distance you should keep to the cars and especially bikes next to you and they are different depending on if you are in a “place” or outside of one :)


That formular is wrong. The correct formular is (according to the official TÜV theory test questions):

2x(v/10)x3 (well technically they only calculate it for 1 second so I added the 2 infront).

That is, at the same time, slightly more than half your speed meters.

Your formula looks like the formular for the “Bremsweg” with a “2x” added infront but thats not how it works because time is not a variable there…


Wait no. So I’m Shure I got the Formular wrong, but there is one that is specifically for the distance covered per second. And of course time is a cariable because how else would you define speed.


Yeah, that formular “(v/10)x3” gives you the meters you travel in one second.

Your speedometer tells you how many km you travel per hour (km/h) and using that conversion you get the meters you travel per second (m/s).


Is that not a thing in most countries? Tailgating cant be legal in most countries, right?


MOT every year in the UK, similar stuff

@Tolstoy@lemmy.world avatar

I know, but sorry we’re miles apart from each other. I’ve seen “street legal” cars in UK which will get you in jail in Germany xD Tbh I don’t mind those restrictions but some are way over the top here


we have this every year in slovenia. you have to pass a technical inspection then register your car

my mom’s car failed bexause her handbrake was 11% less efficient than new (limit being 10%). she had to get it replaced and then the car passed perfectly with 0 issues stated

i’d rather do this shit than have some jerk driving around with a car thats about to fall apart and maybe not have a working brake

I_Comment_On_EVERYTHING, to memes in survival optional.

Speaking as an American here… could we NOT park cars in the left lane. I’ve seen enough habits of drivers in other countries where the left lane is exclusively for passing, it’s so simple and superior for traffic but Americans be dumb selfish shits behind the wheel.

@dojan@lemmy.world avatar

Left is for passing. You may not overtake in right lane. At least that’s how it works in Sweden. Thus if left lane is slow, right is slower.


In the US, generally you cannot pass in the right lane except when the left lane refuses to move over despite having ample room


In the US it varies depending on which state you’re in and which way the wind is blowing up the cop’s asshole.


Does this apply inside the city aswell? In Germany, this only applys outside the city…


In Sweden passing on the right is only permitted in two main scenarios.

Rate of speed lower than 70kph, or the lanes go to different destinations.

@KairuByte@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

I like this in concept. The issue is that we often get asshats who want to go slow in the left lane.

When my options are to go 5 under the speed limit, or pass on the right, I’m passing on the right every time.


You don’t understand, I have to turn left in 25 km and what if I can’t get back into my lane after I let you pass and I miss my turn. I’m not a confident driver so I am going to do what’s safest and best for me and everyone else can just accept it. I’m going fast enough at 5km over the posted speed limit and you can just slow down, life isn’t a race unless I need it to be.

-The asshole I encounter daily on my commute.




My highway has lights because the gov’t was too cheap for clovers in the 90s.


They meant the left turn at the very end of the hifhway /s

@Lev_Astov@lemmy.world avatar

I’ve actually been pulled over for being in the left lane too long in the US, so it does happen, but not enough.


Did you get a ticket?

I think the real trouble is that it’s hard to convict on that. It’s not like speeding, where you either are or you aren’t, it’s much harder to establish that you shouldn’t be in the outside lane. I mean, it seems pretty clear in most cases, but the lack of a clearly defined boundary makes it very difficult in law. This ends up making it feel like a waste of time to law enforcement, both police and courts, because they could be doing things that will be more likely to have the intended outcome.

It’s really annoying though, because advanced driver courses sometimes do define it: 10 seconds.

If you’re not overtaking within 10 seconds, you should move over. Personally, I find it easier to estimate a 7 second distance by eye - 10 seconds is quite conservative.

@Lev_Astov@lemmy.world avatar

No, they let me go with a warning, but while the one was talking to me, the other cop was peering in all my windows, so I’m pretty sure it was all an excuse to inspect people cars…


Where i live it’s fucking madness. People change lanes randomly, sit in the far left going 10 under the limit, pass on the right or left at seeming random, and sometimes just drive in the middle lane doing 30 mph in a 70 mph zone with their fucking hazards on. Don’t even get me started on their merge technique, jealousy and resentment are what rule people’s decisions and nobody has ever even heard of zipper merging. It’s a shock there aren’t more accidents than there are.

I once watched someone sitting in the far left at the limit, come up against someone driving on the left going 10 under, decide to undertake, and then slow down to like 30 under to “punish” the person.

I’ve changed lanes to pass only to have people change in front of me to block me, then change back when i changed back.

But most of all, and it should be noted i drive a two seater sports car here, i’ve had people in their huge ass SUVs look over at me, MAKE EYE CONTACT with me, and then merge into whatever lane i was in at the time like they were trying to drive me off the road.



It might be a density thing. I often notice that the left lane being full in dense city populations. Get a tad outside and it’s back to normal.


PARKING in the left lane? The hell? Isnt parking in any lane forbidden? Especially on a highway?


It’s a phrase some people use. Specifically prevalent in California. “Parking their Ass in the left lane” Means somebody driving in the left lane at 10mph below the speed limit.

Skaryon, to memes in survival optional.

German here. We do have speed limits on highways. The portions without are often not that long so you rarely get a chance to go truly wild.

Regardless, the highest I usually go is like 180kmh and that doesn’t happen very often.



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  • Skaryon,

    Okay yes of course. I live in the south west. my primary autobahn is the A1 and holy fuck it’s always just a cluster fuck of Baustellen


    But you miss the point: BAB doesn’t mean BundesAutoBahn, it means Baustelle Am Baustelle.

    The roadworks all over nowadays is due to years of neglect in the 80s and 90s.



    blazera, to memes in survival optional.
    @blazera@kbin.social avatar

    Speed limits dont work, road design determines how fast people go.


    A section of the A24 was limited to 130 kmph for 20 years to reduce accidents. Because the reduction the speed limit was lifted early this year. Now there are 8% more accidents with injury and 42% more injured. Politicians call now to make it possible to limit the section again.



    For highway lowering the speed may be effective but lowering the speed limit from 50 to 30 won’t stop drivers from going 50 unless the road is designed for lower speeds. So long as lanes are wide and there are little obstructions for drivers to worry about hitting, such as bumpouts, boulevards, etc., they will go as fast as they feel comfortable unless there is a cop behind them.

    Edit: 50kmh to 30kmh I don’t know what that is in freedom miles

    @PP_BOY_@lemmy.world avatar

    Or just do like we do in the US and place an “undercover” cop every quarter mile behind street signs.


    BTW: the mortality is around 50% if a car hits a pedestrian at 50km/h.

    At 30km/h it’s around 3%.

    So yeah, speed in centre ville counts!

    @wreckedcarzz@lemmy.world avatar

    Damn pedestrians killing drivers for driving quickly, won’t somebody do something?!

    @Zerush@lemmy.ml avatar

    In Germany the speed limit in Cities is 50km/h and in residential zones 30km/h, strong controlled with a lot of radar traps. If you exceed this they screw up your life, in case of hitting a pedestrian even possible with jail time. It cannot be confused by the lack of speed limit on some highway sections, that traffic regulations are very strict and controlled in Germany and any violation can be very expensive.


    I think that comment was meant as a joke because if a car hits a pedestrian, its obviously not the driver who gets injured…

    Anyway, we do have speed radars in Germany but I have not seen one in a 30-zone and inside the city they are rather rare I’d say…

    @Zerush@lemmy.ml avatar

    Well, respect radar control, it depends also in which city or village you are of the local administration, in some are existing only few and in others on every corner. Often also mobile radarstations in “civil” parking police cars.

    @blazera@kbin.social avatar

    it looks like it's designed for pretty extreme speeds


    Unlike the average driver.


    It’s not actually. It’s quite an old network so it was built before cars could go as fast as they can go now. There are surprisingly sharp corners and very short off ramps. If it were built from scratch today it would be even safer. Speed limits are bs outside of particularly tricky areas.

    @blazera@kbin.social avatar

    Is the image from the article not of the highway in question?


    Ah yep my bad, I was speaking generally. The image in the article is only a short section of highway but it does look like one of the 2 lane sections that are usually quite old. If they were more modern and built for higher speeds they’d have an even shallower curve and would probably be 3 lanes with a hard shoulder. If you drive on the Autobahn you’ll have a few moments where you notice the difference in road layout from those which more modern highways implement - the on and off ramps in particular can be a bit scary.

    @Zerush@lemmy.ml avatar

    High gasoline prices also influence the average speed on the highways. The vast majority of people do not usually go faster than 120, many even less.

    @miss_brainfart@lemmy.ml avatar

    Idk, I’m seeing plenty of people here for whom gasoline is evidently not expensive enough yet

    @Zerush@lemmy.ml avatar

    That is the problem, people with high end cars have enough money to pay an expensive fuel. Apart with an industry which mostly expensive high end E-cars, the high fuel prices only affect the people wich don’t have money for such cars.

    @miss_brainfart@lemmy.ml avatar

    Well the funny part is that it’s not even people in high-end cars that I’m seeing

    @Zerush@lemmy.ml avatar

    I was referring to those who go 300 on the highway, difficult for those with an old Ford Fiesta.


    Speed limits absolutely do work if there are cameras and consequences. Unfortunately everyone seems to have decided that suspending licences and siezing cars is a human rights violation.


    Speed limits do work, but the road should be designed with the speed limit in mind. Just slapping a new sign up and reducing the speed limit is going to lead to non-compliance - even if the speed limit is enforced by police.

    The UK recently released figures on speed limit compliance. For 20mph roads (30-35kph) they primarily measured roads that didn’t have traffic calming measures recommended for 20mph roads (ie the roads don’t “feel” like 20mph roads), and they found 85% of drivers exceeded the speed limit.

    _number8_, to memes in survival optional.

    if there are speed limits i usually am forced to spend more time dicking around looking for signs or cops or checking the speedometer, instead of focusing on the road and how safe my current speed actually feels


    This can be solved quite easily by introducing head-up-displays in cars showing the speed in front of the driver. HUDs were introduced years ago in some airliners allowing the pilots to maintain situational awareness while having quick access to the critical information about the aircraft. And introducing safety standards from commercial aviation is almost always a good step.


    I’ve driven a car that kind of projected your speed onto the bottom of the wind shield. It’s really convenient, can recommend.


    I think traffic calming is really interesting for this reason, building roads to make you feel most comfortable at the correct speed. The road design here is usually good, but when driving I feel really anxious on roads that have a design not matching the speed limit too.


    100% agreed. If I don’t set cruise control, I usually speed on my commute due to me just focusing on the grip of my car, distance to/from other cars, and perceived speed. It’s just hard to gauge speed without checking often on my speedometer, which isn’t as safe. Even just trying to follow at a constant distance in the right lane is difficult because the semi trucks usually end up having wide speed differences at random times, meaning 60mph-80mph depending on the hill usually.


    If your mental capacity is reached by checking your surroundings while all the traffic is going roughly the same speed as you, then no way youre capable of handling “no speed limit” where everyone is driving to their liking.

    It’s not just you who’d be suddenly free to do whatever they want, but everyone else too.

    Claiming “I know better what’s best for me” is the best sign of someone who absolutely doesn’t.


    I think you’re misunderstanding their message. To me it reads that places where there’s low speed limits, are also places where you need to pay a lot of attention on the street and surroundings and wouldn’t want to drive faster anyways


    Fair, maybe that’s how it was meant. But “dicking around” makes me think otherwise.

    Blaubarschmann, to memes in don't know, don't care

    Michael Mittermeier?


    Michael Mittermeier!


    Wider den deutschen Kulturimperialismus! Spaß. Als nächstes bitte Mettigel in die Memes verpacken 😄

    EherVielleicht, (edited )


    Bearbeitung: Ich tat es.


    Dies unser kommentarbereich? 🥹


    Ich habe ihn zuletzt öfter auf Lemmy gesehen als im TV.


    Siehste mal.


    Ist Michael Mittermeier Atheist? Bin jetzt nicht super mit seinem Programm vertraut, und er nacht sich glaub ich schon hin und wieder über Religion etc lustig, aber meine mich vage zu erinnern dass er zumindest christlich geprägt ist.


    Meine Wahl lag einzig und alleine an seinem Gesichtsausdruck, dieses schelmische grinsen. Von seinen früheren Programm meine ich rausgehört zu haben das er nicht die gläubigste Tomate auf dem Strauch ist, aber was und ob keihne Ahnung.

    uphillbothways, (edited ) to memes in don't know, don't care
    @uphillbothways@kbin.social avatar

    As concerned as most christians seem to be with punishment of those doing some imagined wrong or another, wouldn't that sort of mean they're following in their supposed satan's ways and tenets.

    praise_idleness, to memes in don't know, don't care

    I don’t think punishing bad guys makes you a good guy.


    you’re missing the point. There are a slew of contradictions in christian dogma that don’t make any sense at all. People who “punish” people are typically the good guys in stories. Take a sheriff in a western for instance. They chase the robber and throw them in jail as a form of punishment. The meme is just showcasing an example of how religion faulters under critical examination


    A whise DreamButt…


    And that’s why they don’t want you to think. Because if you think, it all crumbles away.


    They merely said that being separated from God means suffering, while following H…er.im means walking towards the establishment of H…er.is Kingdom/City unto Earth. They talked more about Hell as a state than as a physical place, but, well… who cares nowadays, right ? Parabola never taught us anything about the real world, the spirit doesn’t exist, and morals are relative, they were simply naive ignorants who never had anything to teach us, embrace modernity and reject 100% of the past.


    I like how you skipped over the part where it’s been a core component of oppression and suffering


    I don’t entirely agree with my comment either, because there’s multiple interpretation of Hell.
    One of them is interesting, it says that if our consciousness survives after our death, our mind will finally think clearly, we’ll remember our past better than if it happened today, and we’ll be overwhelmed by shame, this hell would be created by ourselves.
    Another one would talk about a real place, but not in the afterlife but right here, on Earth(, it combines perfectly with this talk of afterlife if you believe in reincarnation), and says that if we all live our lives ‘searching for’/‘aiming at’ God, then our descendants/reincarnations will live in Paradise(, or in Hell if we don’t).
    There’re other interpretations, as well as the thought that we’re not free since we’re determined, so God decided before our birth whether we would end up in Hell or in Paradise, a thought discussed in the Middle-Ages and rejected in favor of free-will(, i don’t think Spinoza would disagree with the conclusion that God predestined us for Hell, if he believed in Hell).
    Obviously, the most common explanation is that police(wo)men didn’t existed back then, God-fearing people was the equivalent of virtuous people, even when nobody can see/stop them.

    MyPornViewingAccount, to memes in don't know, don't care

    If we’re being truthful, Satan is supposed to be punished in hell too, its only modern works that portray him as the one ‘ruling’ and dishing it out to people in hell.


    Paradise Lost is from 1667.


    Well that concept isn’t in the Bible and even if it were then 1667 would still be somewhat “contemporary” compared to when the Christian scriptures were supposedly written. Of course I say all that as if any of it is real or matters anyway lol


    Thank you for the input, /u/MyPornViewingAccount.


    Lmao youre welcome. Its what i get for not swapping



    @seitanic@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

    If we’re really being truthful, none of that stuff’s in the Bible.


    What is “none of that stuff”? Both Satan and Hell are in the Bible.


    They mention it a lot, but never say what it is beyond it having fire that never goes out, some passage in Matthew.

    Christians have just ran away with some ideas, just like with pro-life, just like with the devil, just like with most of the religion. You decide what you want to believe and twist the Bible to back it up.


    Not sure why I’m being down voted. You’ve reaffirmed my statement.


    Well when someone says something like Hell, a huge fixture of the religion, is in their holy book they just expect more than a sentence or two.


    Almost the entirety of hell was made up by Dante Alegeri

    @SzethFriendOfNimi@lemmy.world avatar

    You can find it here. Along with a scathing rebuke to those who wear the name Christian and yet are so full of hate they refuse to do any of these things.

    Matthew 25:41-46 (NKJV)

    41 “Then He will also say to those on the left hand, Depart from Me, you cursed, into the everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels: 42 for I was hungry and you gave Me no food; I was thirsty and you gave Me no drink; 43 I was a stranger and you did not take Me in, naked and you did not clothe Me, sick and in prison and you did not visit Me.’ 44 “Then they also will answer Him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see You hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison, and did not minister to You?’ 45 Then He will answer them, saying, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to Me.’ 46 And these will go away into everlasting punishment, but the righteous into eternal life.”

    @seitanic@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

    Well, that’s embarrassing. I thought for sure that was one of those things that was created from extra-biblical sources.

    This really makes me wonder about those Christians who claim that it’s faith, not works, that gets you into Heaven. This seems like a strong argument for the opposite.


    Indeed. To quote more of the bible:

    James 2:26 (kjv) “For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also.”

    @cujo@sh.itjust.works avatar

    The argument is that it’s faith that gets you into heaven, but the proof of true faith is found in works. If you claim to be faithful but do not do good works, your faith is dead.


    Well unfortunately the majority of Christians believe that simply believing in Jesus grants them access. Who needs morals when you can just ask for forgiveness every time you do bad thing 🤷


    Biblical Satan is a role, not a person. I’ve seen it translated as “opponent” or “rival”. Something like a “devil’s advocate” in catholic church - person or entity who tests somebody’s faith.

    And Lucifer is again a completely different character, not related to Satan until much later.


    Why does faith need to be tested?


    Christians seem to love the concept. The idea is if you keep believing if seriously challenged, it means you are a true believer.


    The height of stupidity and evil.


    “opponent” or “rival”

    Aaand that’s the interpretation The Church of Satan takes. They’re atheists and don’t believe in Satan as an entity.

    @Pat_Riot@lemmy.today avatar

    You’re thinking of The Satanic Temple. CoS is a theistic organization started by Anton Lavey. They worship a literal Satan.

    @synae@lemmy.sdf.org avatar


    Why do Satanists worship The Devil?

    We don’t. Satanists are atheists.


    The devils advocate in Catholicism is something very specific and not at all that. In order for someone to be determined a Saint there’s more or less a trial. One side presents arguments that say the individual has met the criteria by which one can be determined a Saint. The other side, which is called the devils advocate, attempts to poke holes in it and presents arguments by which the individual hasn’t met those conditions. They’ll do things like bring up sins and character flaws that persisted into the individual’s saintly period, as well as attempt to disprove any miracles the individual is said to have committed.


    Is that the origin of devils advocate?

    That is super interesting if so


    Not a bad take, clearly can be read that way in the English. But I don’t read Greek, so I can’t tell you one way or the other.


    I didn’t read the Bible fully but as far as I know there are only very few mentions of satan/devil and stuff.

    666 the number of the beast.

    A story about a guys faith and a bet between god and the devil.

    The fall of lucifer the angle (not linked to either above)

    And maybe the devil is mentioned in a few more sentences but not more.


    Actually, Satan is always described as being on earth. In Genesis, Lucifer is cast down to earth, not hell. In Job Satan tells God he’s passing by during his comings and goings on earth. In the Gospels, Satan tempts Jesus in the desert.


    Revelation 19 says the beast (maybe satan?) will be thrown into the lake of fire, and Rev 20 says the same for Satan.


    Sounds like they’re not in the lake of fire then, considering nothing in revelations has come to pass.


    Just not always described as on earth.


    Hell is not biblical

    Lifebandit666, (edited )

    If you listen to the Yazidis he was sent to Hell for defying God by not bowing down to us humans, his greatest work, despite God telling Satan to never bow to anyone because he was made of God’s essence rather than us, made in his likeness.

    So he went to Hell for 10 000 years until his tears put out the fires of Hell, then God forgave him. He also rewarded him for honoring his original pact with God and was given Dominion over Earth.

    He took this Dominion and gave us Humans “Knowledge” like the Serpent in the Garden of Eden, only the Knowledge was of Farming.

    Thing is, the Yazidis live awefully close to what is thought to be the birthplace of Farming.

    When asked to describe Satan, they described him as a Peacock holding a sheaf of Wheat in it’s beak, the same image found in Gobekli Tepe, which is thought to be a shrine that taught Farming to the world.

    Hail Satan.

    Edit: this is just my understanding after reading an article or 2 on the subject, I’m probably wrong about loads of it, but it’s all just stories anyway so who cares?


    That’s super interesting, thanks!

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