It would be way too much cucumber for me, but this is right up some people’s alley. My husband will eat an entire cucumber whereas I can only enjoy a few slices at a time.
I have celiac, and I’ll sometimes use iceberg lettuce leaves as sandwich material. I prefer that because it’s got a much milder flavor.
I must detect a flavor that others don’t because there’s a pretty strong flavor for me that can’t be ignored.
They sometimes make me burp, too. Maybe it’s one of those genetic things because my dad has the same experience.
Don’t get me wrong – I really like cucumbers, especially ones fresh from the garden, but I’d never eat a big chunk in one sitting, unless it were a pickle.
Dude am typing this on my neighbors wifi XD. Btw they left the 5ghz band public so have been using it for the past 1 year or so. Lol its quite fast too!
I’ve been doing that for 6 years when I didn’t have internet connection. I was 8 when I got a first smart device, Android tablet. One of the first things I tried was connecting to Wi-Fi of all neighbors. 2 of them had the ultra-secure password “12345678”. I remember the first website I visited was Wikipedia.
However, I have tried to not spend too much data. I only watched videos in low quality (240p) and browsed the web. For downloading large files (which I considered anything above 50MB at the time) I’ve used public networks. Usually at the bus station or a nearby pub.
Sometime later I got access to even more Wi-Fi networks using the convenient “WPS WPA Tester” app. Like a third of all networks used one of the default PINs.
Chocolate covered espresso beans. Think peanut M&M’s with a caffeine center. The only candy I’ve ever heard of that can actually cause a medical emergency.
my absolute dumb ass, eating a bunch of those, enjoying the coffee flavored chocolates at 9 PM, wondering why my heart was racing and being unable to sleep at 3 AM
It’s an honor to be invited to dinner with the leader of your country. When that leader can’t pay the staff to make the dinner, so he orders McDonald’s, it’s not a relief.
Well you probably never accomplished anything but most people, especially athletes who have had to be on a strict diet all season would rather party and just joke amongst themselves
So you think Trump saying, “there’s a partial government shutdown, so we can’t give you a fancy catered dinner full of the fanciest food you’re ever likely to eat in your life because it is literally made for the world’s royalty, but instead I’ve dug deep into my rich man pockets and spent $3000 on some room temperature Big Macs and Chick-Fil-A” is something that would appeal to them? Yeah, I guess you’re right. I mean it’s not like you’d want to be treated like a king after winning a national championship. Much better to have to travel to DC at the team’s expense and have the president buy them the worst possible burger he could have bought them.
But sure, it’s because I’ve never accomplished anything that I wouldn’t understand why someone would be honored to eat a Big Mac paid for out of Trump’s generous pockets when he could have had lobster flown in fresh from Maine. Or, I don’t know, catered well-made burgers from a good burger place. I’m guessing D.C. has one or two local places that might just possibly taste a little better than what they’ve got at McDonald’s.
It’s not even that it’s a burger. It’s that he put it on display as a banquet, talked about how he paid for it personally, and he acted like they should be honored to eat the burger.
And, again, maybe it’s because I’ve “never accomplished anything” that I would hope that the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES would spring for more than a cold Big Mac after inviting me to the WHITE HOUSE.
I’d do what I could to offer those guys more than a cold Big Mac if I invited them to my house and I’m by no means someone who brags about his fabulous wealth.
I think they deserved to be treated better regardless of you think what they would have wanted because of all of your amazing accomplishments. I’m sorry, but your Nobel Prize doesn’t mean they aren’t entitled to be treated with at least the modicum of dignity as a visiting head of state.
I mean at the absolute very least keep them warm instead of taking them all out for a photo op where they’ll get cold! Is that making too big a deal out of it? Saying they were entitled to a warm Big Mac when visiting the President of the United States at the White House who brags to you about paying for it with his own money?
Yes, expecting someone to get warm food when they get invited to the White House is an embarrassing position and I don’t know why I haven’t deleted it yet. Maybe it’s my lack of accomplishments.
I know I’ll probably get downvoted for saying this, but the amount of hate he got for doing this was about as unwarranted as Obama’s white suit episode.
There was a government shutdown and the White House catering staff was on unpaid leave. And he was hosting a football team, not some delegation of international politicians. He basically did what anyone else would do if they have an unexpected visit and no food in the house. His guests had no complaints either, only the press hated it.
Im not going to bother looking for it but there are videos of the players coming into the room and one of them is heard asking if this was a joke/real. They were dressed up for fine dining at a respected instituition, not a family BBQ at the park.
At the White House? Yes. Like, literally, are you a fucking dumbass? How hard in the head were you hit as a child? Or are you just the trashiest of trailer trash that’s ever existed?
I don’t think anyone would really even remember if he hadn’t written hAmBeRdEr. No one was talking for weeks about how this incident clearly made him an inappropriate president. We laughed and moved on for the most part. Not remotely the same as the tan suit “incident”.
It wasn’t the fact that it looked good on him that he got crap for, it was the question whether it was appropriate for the occasion (a press conference discussing the potential escalation of military strikes in Syria).
Tradition demands that you wear a dark suit for something as serious as discussing the sacrifice of other people’s lives. A tan suit has more of a lighthearted vibe and is therefore something you’d wear to a festivity, not when discussing drone strikes.
He could’ve just as easily hired someone to cater and make good food, instead he spent $5000 on fast food because he thinks that’s what college football players prefer.
Also, Trump was the reason for the government shutdown because he wanted funding for his bullshit border wall.
Yeah you’ll get downvoted, because spending 5k on cold hamburgers from McDonald’s ist not something anybody would do. It’s something an idiot would do. Everyone with two brain cells would have started calling large restaurants or catering providers and ask them if they can make something happen.
I’m not even a Trumper, I don’t care if he’s re-elected or not, but he certainly wasn’t as terrible a president as everyone says. Most of the drama was just the media making flies into elephants.
Yes, because Trump and his people are anti-vaxxers who have convinced their legions to never vaccinate or wear a mask and they keep dying. And Biden has never suggested a bleach cure.
Trump supported the vaccine you idiot. It was the Democrats who were against it while he was in office, and then promptly wanted to make the very same vaccine mandatory as soon as Biden took over.
Sorry, stopped reading at the insult. I have no interest in Reddit-style behavior. If you want to talk to me with the courtesy I have afforded you, I will go back and read the rest of your post.
I have a feeling this will be replied to with another insult.
I didn’t call you an idiot for criticizing Trump, I called you an idiot for bringing it up as a criticism against Trump even though far more people died of it under Biden’s watch.
He basically did what anyone else would do if they have an unexpected visit and no food in the house.
And this would be understandable if he were a middle class housewife. But this is the US president, during a shutdown caused by Trump. There should have been any number of restaurants that would have dropped everything to fill an order for the White House. This entire episode was just an embarrassment.
A middle class family couldn’t afford this much McDonald’s. They’d also have more taste and class than to serve this.
Agreed they could call many restaurants that offer catering. Or, he, his wife, or any of his adult children could have made a home cooked meal for stellar optics instead of this travesty.
Fat fucking chance I’m eating a home cooked meal made by Melania, Ivanka, Don Jr., and Eric. It would be fucking boiled potatoes, plain canned corn and green beans, and overcooked New York strip steaks.
Lol … Actually thinking that he paid for anything.
He probably ordered it from the nearest McDonald’s and just demanded it all because he’s president, promised them they’d get paid … then never thought of them again.
Oh yes I’m sure all that fast food tasted great after two and a half hours of sitting around while the entire batch was cooked, then transported, then arranged carefully, then had all the eventgoers show up to room temperature food.
McDonald’s barely tastes that good if I wait more than 10 minutes after getting it in the car…
I call out the absurdity of hating on a guy buying McDonald’s and am attacked and I’m getting the warning? Not shocked I guess. If you don’t instinctively hate corporations here you are deemed a troll.
I mean what do you want? Me to answer a questionnaire and then we can have the rest of lemmy answer? And you can round up 50 or lemons? It can be a small little study!
For real, I’m about as center and middle of the road as you get. If you believe that the users on this forum are representative of the general population when top content is consistently femboys with thigh highs (and that’s not derogatory in ANY way) then I’m not sure what to tell you about your observations that make you think lemmy is even close to a generalized national/international persona.
You made the claim. It’s not my job to prove it’s true.
And I thought we were talking about the opinion that McDonalds is “great” food, not some weird claim that you are the world’s average when it comes to opinions.
Also, ‘as center and middle of the road as you get’ in some countries (like the U.S.) is ‘right-wing’ in others (like most of Europe).
spare me the monologue from S1E1 of Girls. No, its not a good thing that a massive corporation can make cardboard food similar across a global supply chain.
It’s wasteful, decadent, corpo-simp trash thats bad for the individual, the society and the ecosystem.
And it’s not even pleasant food. That doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy it - but like enjoying b-movies, or bad music, or silly clothing… you’re not enjoying it because it’s good.
It was a dick move like everything else. He hosted the national college football champs during a partial government shutdown, but rather than pay for some nice food from a third party for those champs, he figured that just being in his presence was reward enough, so enjoy your shitty fast food, boys.
In an explanation for the evening’s menu, White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders tweeted, “The Democrats’ refusal to compromise on border security and reopen the government didn’t stop President Trump from hosting national champion @ClemsonFB tonight. He personally paid for the event to be catered by some of America’s great fast food joints.”
Though he told reporters that he had personally bought “300 hamburgers,” in a tweet the next morning that number had skyrocketed to “1000 hamberders [sic].” (Photos and videos of the scene show that the lower number is likely the more correct one.)
Ok, maybe I’m ignorant, maybe I found the phrase “body fart” hilarious, maybe both. But can someone please tell me what is the difference between a regular fart and a body fart?
Excessively smelly usually because of intolerance to foods, swallowing air or if you get constipated because of stress so your body is expelling all the air it can possibly find in the colon. And you’re not alone…body fart is hilarious.
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