funny because, this is actually closer to what “The Method” really is than any of the weird shit you hear about (a way of analyzing text into small compartments of meaning and what their transitive emotional properties are and then considering the impact those words would have on another person when said with different intentions, and picking one based on surrounding context clues also found in the text)
That’s my understanding. I always understood “Great Britain” to refer to the entire island composed of England, Scotland and Wales. Maybe I’m wrong or there are certain use exceptions?
My parents had a bed built for their minivan with ample storage and a thick layer of latex foam. They did some trips around the US using that, though ultimately it turns out they’re just not great sleepers.
shit I have a pair of inflatable twin mattresses that can be joined together. open up my sleeping bag, put it down as base warmth, with a pillow and another cozy blanket… That pretty much meets the definition