Ok, maybe I’m ignorant, maybe I found the phrase “body fart” hilarious, maybe both. But can someone please tell me what is the difference between a regular fart and a body fart?
Excessively smelly usually because of intolerance to foods, swallowing air or if you get constipated because of stress so your body is expelling all the air it can possibly find in the colon. And you’re not alone…body fart is hilarious.
Question because you seem knowledgeable on mesh. I’ve got a network that spans a large area. I connected 3 mesh network aps to one switch which connects to my main router. Should the aps still be close together, or I’m good to spread them a bit since they’re all hard wired?
This diagram is only missing that one super speed zone into another dimensions high speed internet that is hidden up in the attic during the season just before Christmas as you dig through your stored belongings and wonder why you have so many dumb yard inflatables.
Remember those curly telephone cords that stretched out to like 40ft when your mom walked around the house while on the phone and you had to dodge the cord like Catherine Zeta-Jones in Entrapment? And then the cord shrunk back to like 8ft when she hung the phone back on the cradle on the wall. And the next time your mom hung up the phone, the cord was like 10ft long with a bunch of kinks and twists. And the next time she hung the cord was like 12ft long and starting to bunch on the floor. And eventually there was like 30ft of telephone cord on the floor under the cradle that just gets kicked out of the way into the nearest corner and collects dust bunnies until the next time the phone rings and your mom answers and walks all around the house like she always does. (I could keep going but I don’t know where it will end.) Remember those curly telephone cords?
You need a curly ethernet cord like that for your watch. It could help to get around.
Also, what model watch do you have that has an ethernet port? My watch works fine but my gf is always complaining about a rock solid connection so I’m thinking about getting a new one.
It would be way too much cucumber for me, but this is right up some people’s alley. My husband will eat an entire cucumber whereas I can only enjoy a few slices at a time.
I have celiac, and I’ll sometimes use iceberg lettuce leaves as sandwich material. I prefer that because it’s got a much milder flavor.
I must detect a flavor that others don’t because there’s a pretty strong flavor for me that can’t be ignored.
They sometimes make me burp, too. Maybe it’s one of those genetic things because my dad has the same experience.
Don’t get me wrong – I really like cucumbers, especially ones fresh from the garden, but I’d never eat a big chunk in one sitting, unless it were a pickle.
Wired + Mesh Wifi is the best combo. House not wired? Try powerline Ethernet. It does degrade the more you have so I only have it for my computer and PS5.
That’s what I have. My house is quite long, so I’m guessing my landlord ran a cable from the front wall in the lounge through to the office/bedroom at the back upstairs. As a result, we have two mesh nodes hardwired to the router, then a wireless one in the middle to just fill in any gaps. I’ve never had better wifi.
not consistently. I find there are basically two schools of thought in 3d graphics:
the screen is a graph representing a 3d space: the x axis is horizontal, the y axis is vertical. depth, going ‘into’ the screen, then becomes the z axis. mathematicians and programmers tend to like this.
the screen is a camera viewing a 3d space from within itself: the coordinates to position yourself along a line is one dimensional: x. to position yourself on a plane as in a 2d game, two dimensional: x, y. to position yourself within a volume, three dimensional: x, y, z. humans are kind of inherently planar spatial navigators - it’s easy to think about our position in terms of “where on the ground” we are, then adjust for height. 3d artists and level designers tend to like this.
The Z axis is usually used for depth, so it’s going to be perpendicular to whatever your frame of reference (i.e. projection plane) is.
If it’s upright in space, like a computer screen, the Z axis will be horizontal. If it’s a sheet of paper on a desk, then yes, I suppose it could be argued to be vertical instead.