Most people mention the costs of owning aircraft vs a sim, but there’s another possible reason: health. People come in different shapes and forms and not everyone who loves aviation is able to get II or even III medical class. So flight simulation is their only option to be a “pilot”.
I mean, on VATSIM (popular aviation simulation network) there’s a group of visually impaired people who have made a special interface so they can fly an aircraft even though they can’t see!
Simulation (of any kind) gives many people what they can’t get in any other way. And as with any other hobby, as long as it’s not damaging to other aspects of your life, let people enjoy what they want
This doesn’t sound like a lot, until you consider it was the #2 most dangerous occupation in the US that year.
Behind #1 Loggers (111 per 100k) and ahead of #22 Police Officers (14 per 100k).
So it’s one thing to have a flight sim rig and at worst fall off your chair. A whole another thing to potentially make a mistake in an actual plane and pay the price with your life.
Why is it that all good calculator manufacturers also have a dark side? I have an RPN calculator made by HP, back in the day they made the holy Grail of RPNs the 32 SII. But they are the single worst thing that has happened to printer ink.
For me it’s an overwhelming nostalgia bomb which definitely can feel melancholy, as I had a good childhood, and I guess am pining for those good times.
Some think it’s a song alluding to unrequited love. So that is maybe why we get to feel a little down when we hear it. We’re missing something. Maybe the person who sang it to us, the nostalgia for childhood, or maybe we just get the idea that the lyrics sound just as pleading as they are declarative.
Their time is more important than your time because they've triple booked all their patients in order to maximize profits. I hope 7min enough to discuss your entire physical health and chronic pain treatment options. If not they'll have to schedule you a follow up because there are other patients waiting! /s
Growing up with a sibling who needed some pretty serious surgeries early on (and then needing some myself as a teen), I spent a lot of time as a kid in doctor’s offices. I learned very quickly that going to a doctor’s office and waiting is a good thing, because it means you are not the most urgent problem the doctor has to attend to. Someone else could be currently getting their cancer diagnosis explained to them, or the odds of making it alive through surgery, or any other dire shit people hear in doctor’s offices. Just because you’re there for antibiotics for a sinus infection it doesn’t mean everyone is.
Like yeah, it’s annoying to wait. You literally have the internet in your pocket though, you can entertain yourself. If you keep getting rushed out of appointments because you have too much to discuss you need to tell the front desk when you call that you need to be scheduled for a longer appointment. If your schedule allows it always do early morning appointments, they have shorter wait times because you’re not dealing with 15 other people with appointments before you all being 5 minutes late and fucking up the schedule.
Some of those things for PC flight sims are straight up real cockpit pieces. Dude is simply buying his plane one bit at a time until he can assemble the whole thing.
I’ve installed Internet for a dude who had a setup this gnarly. And to top it all off, he lived on a piece of land attached to an aircraft museum. He really loves planes.
Some people are so dedicated to their hobbies and I love seeing it.
An extended family member of mine hosted a reunion at his house years ago, and he apparently lived in a neighborhood where many people have small airplane hangars attached to their houses instead of a normal garage. It was nuts. You’re just walking through a normal-looking house in a normal-looking suburban neighborhood, go through what would otherwise be a garage door, and suddenly you’re in a big hangar.
I love ar in flight sims, moving your head to move the camera view across the huge amount of instruments is so nice when youve got hands on the stick and throtle and both feet in the rudder pedals.
Depends on the sim. A good example would be Elite Dangerous. Buy the right HOTUS, put it in the right place, and when you don the headset, you see the controls you have.
This is exactly what I was looking at. What the hell is with that?
Guy probably could have purchased an entire office worth of chairs with the money he spent on all that gear… He didn’t even bother to get one decent chair?
Do you know how much it costs to annual a Cessna 172? You could build 3 of these rigs a year for what the aviation equivalent of a 1988 Toyota Camry costs to maintain and fuel.
First time I got into one, this was my exact reaction: wtf this thing is like a 1980s corolla turned onto an aircraft. I was sure I’d get killed in that rickety pos.