On the other hand, he didn’t get two of his limbs chopped off and end up thrown into a pit of lava a short time later, requiring him to spend the rest of his life in an armored suit. So maybe the incest was worth it?
That just activated a long supressed and forgotten part of gaming history. At one point in Final Fantasy XI, you could get a really powerful sword from a dragon. Someone once asked "Would you fuck your sister for a Ridill". Not everyone said no... I might be getting the phrasing of the question wrong since it was 10+ years ago. I tried googling but nothing came up.
I could be wrong, but I read someone else’s comment years ago that said the suit was like that on purpose and it was a way for the emperor to control him or something.
Anyway, that might not even be canon even if it’s in some book or game.
It’s canon. The suit was purposefully made in a very flawed way, so that Vader would have a difficult time winning a battle against Sidious. Even in his crippled state, Vader was a major threat. Also, it’s not entirely clear why it happens in-universe, but Vader’s burnt body was supposed to heal over time, yet it never did - not until Luke brought back a spark of goodness in his heart.
The bajoran that was with Wesley in the academy, she lied during their trial surrounding the death of her team member during an unauthorized and dangerous shuttle piloting maneuver in an earlier episode.
As usual I think that sentiment was retroactive, certainly once Vista came out. At launch, people hated the Fisher-Price look of the Luna default UI. Like, a lot. The switch to the NT based kernel for the home version of Windows also caused a shitton of people’s hardware and peripherals not to work anymore because they needed new drivers and the manufacturers of said gadgets – if they were still in business – could not be arsed. Some of this could be alleviated by bullying that hardware’s Windows 2000 drivers into working with XP. Some of it could not.
I’m starting at new office with that policy. I’m already scoping out the single desks. It’s kind of nice being able to ask people questions, but I’d rather just use webx these days.
For my last open-office gig, it was 100% necessary because every salesperson worked with a junior, and you had to listen to them all the time to teach them.
At least that open office has carpet. I’ve seen open offices with concrete or tile floors and walls. Those kind of offices are hell to be in. If a small group starts talking that sounds bounces around the room and then everyone has to talk louder because they can’t hear each other. And managers are surprised that everyone wears headphones or don’t want to be in the office at all.
It was designed to pack more people into an office plan. The open workspace has been proven to be ineffective, but it makes people more money, therefore it’s everywhere
That looks quiet and positively spacious compared to the last open office environment I did time in.
Imagine that same space but 4 people between the column and the window instead of just 2. Then make the space 3x as long. Then reduce the space between the backs of the chairs by 50%.
Even though everyone in the space was doing individual programming / sysadmin work, the space was extremely loud just from a few spontaneous conversations between people working on the same thing together. Everyone wore headphones nearly all the time, only taking them off if they needed to talk / shout to the people near them about something. Often, if you needed to talk with someone sitting 4 desks away, the easiest way to do it was over IM.
Nope, just a massively overcrowded office building. The ventilation system could barely keep up. But, management made it clear to us that the reason for the open office layout was to encourage collaboration and foster creativity!
Where I worked, it was just six wooden tables with computers on them. It was awful. They didn’t have room for cubicles, so it was pretty much the only option, but that didn’t make it any less awful.
How anyone gets any work done at all with a single monitor is beyond me, actually no, I know the answer is they don’t.
I’m an IT manager and have advocated for at least dual monitor at every workstation for a decade. Every time we’ve transitioned a department to dual we’ve seen significant productivity jumps well worth the $100 per station it costs.
I have no idea. I barely prefer working from home be the office because my desk at home has 3x 24" 1080 and a 32" 4k. Vs driving 100miles one way to the office to sit at 2 monitors, I can get so much more done at home
…how? The only acceptable one (Even though I personally don’t like it) is cash.
Fax sucks ass and should have been put in the grave LONG ago, Flash drives are superior to Floppy in every way and fuck paper filing, digitized paperwork is far superior.
I mean these things can’t be that bad, Japan compete well on the world stage so whatever they’re doing is working fine. Can it be improved, probably. Does it need to be? Not yet
If people actually upgraded from FAX, I would have completely agreed. What we have today is an abomination which doesn’t work. Not even a week ago I had an issue with some paperwork where tax office required me to fill some form in PDF, then print it, then sign it, scan it and send it to them. I have a phone with a pen, so I did all of that and skipped few steps. Signed the document on screen. No no no no no. They didn’t want that. They want my signature on paper which I never have to send them but my signature signed through screen is not good enough.
FAX is basically all of this with fewer steps and I can easily see why they wouldn’t want to move away from it. It it works, don’t fix it mentality. Luckily this trend is slowly going away, but damn. Not to mention same IRS office required me to generate a certificate which I can use to digitally sign documents. But I couldn’t do this either, since they accept that only on some documents. A mystery.
As far as floppy disks are concerned, this is mainly for industrial machines. They are still a huge user. Those machines are not replaced every 2 years as they are more robust and made to last. So having a machine older than 30 years still working in industry is nothing new and considering upgrade costs literally millions, it’s simply not worth paying that much money to upgrade to USB.
Lots of those floppy drives in industrial and lab applications (as well as the retro computing enthusiast space) are being replaced by things like GoTek devices, which are essentially floppy emulators with flash memory.
In some places, yes. But many are still not doing the upgrade as it would require technical person to do so, provide tech support, etc. All of that costs money. Whole industry is becoming very specialized place. Siemens still sells laptops with DB9 and other serial connectors just so you can access and program PLCs. And new USB based adapters to serial simply don’t work. Sometimes they do, but most of the time they have issues with these specialized devices.
We use fax in the USA more than you’d think. I’d call that a wash.
Paper in your filing cabinet will never be messed with by a ransomware attack. Ransomware attacks seem to happen to businesses and hospitals just about daily here. I’m actually watching a news story on a hospital ransomware attack as I write this.
I have a really slim wallet, which is only possible because I never have to use cash. Also cash is dirty. I can wash my phone once a week to keep it clean but I can’t do that with cash (well I can but what’s the point, and I’ll get accused of money laundering /j). It’s inefficient since you have to count your coins and bills and the cashier needs to do the same and then you have to check if you got the right change. You can also misplace cash, especially coins.
Meanwhile I haven’t had to handle cash for like 6 years now except for extremely rare circumstances and it just feels way better.
It’s not even accurate anymore. Cards are accepted in a lot of places.
It was absolutely true 10 years ago, though. It’s inconvenient always needing to think about how much cash you need to bring, and having a pocket full of change because it’s significant denominations.
Also, their banks are only open on weekdays and close super early. Bank lines were (are?) massive because everyone had to go at the same time due to work hours.
America doesn’t really have a functional system for this yet either. It’s a lot easier to just tap your phone on a brick and be done with it, but currently the tap method is pretty hit or miss. And bank transfers are atrocious - why do we pay venmo to do something that Korean banks just straight up do for everyone? In Korea you can just give someone your deposit number and with a couple buttons you send money easily/instantly.
You don’t even have to go that far, Canada has interac e-transfers where you can send money by email. Directly accessible through the standard bank app/site. I haven’t handled cash in years
Ew email does not sound like the place for cash transactions.
But yeah, most countries these days have instant bank transfers. The US is ancient when it comes to payments, “cashing your payslip” isn’t a thing in much of the rest of the world.
They likely mean their bank uses email as an identifier. So the bank asks you the registered email you’d like to send money to. Not that you’re emailing cash or something like that.
Similar to zelle, a third party that fills the gap.
The email is like an id for your account. You can use your phone number. AFAIK if you link it email or phone number to your bank and someone sends you money to that email or phone number it doesn’t actually text or email you. The money will be directly deposited into your account.
In Australia you can send money via phone number or email (called payid) but it’s not sent in an email or SMS, it’s just that your number/email address is used as a unique identifier linked to your bank account. When someone pays you via either of those, the money gets directed into that account instantly.
And yes, being paid directly into your bank account is standard here and I would say really the only option for most jobs. I’m 35 and have never had a job that doesn’t pay you direct to your account.
In Australia you can send money bank to bank for free, with practically instant transfers (though large amounts and first transfers from you to someone get a 24hr hold)
And you can use the person’s phone number as the transaction target (instead of bank branch number and account number)
It’s pretty nice, good for small business too, especially trades
Re: Australia: be aware that all normal bank to bank transfers are still min 1 working day transfer. Its FAST and Osko which bypass that with their own new network (up to $1000).
Not every bank is with Osko or FAST, and some are with one and not the other. Though I think FAST is fading away with Osko being dominant.
Re: phone number: or email address! It’s great, especially if you have your own domain name. You can make different PayID email addresses for each account you have if you want.
Me and my mate have sent money to each other for kitty balancing on fishing trips, this year (about an hour ago) he sent me his share (high hundreds) and it was instant
We don’t use phone number since we have had each other’s bank details for ages
Same in Brazil, i can send i think 10k to anyone in my contact using PIX that was created by the goverment and is opensource, i can pay with it too, there is other way too, but PIX is the easier, just need a internet connection
you can send using ramdom nunber, cellphone number, CPF, qr code, email, just need to configure the key that you want in you bank or bank app, and it just work without fees
Theoretically the situation with bank to bank money transfers should be improving - the replacement for the ancient, slow ACH system went live a few months ago. Of course it will likely take several centuries for a critical mass of banks to support it, but there has been some progress at least.
Yeah honestly living there for a while, I came around a bit on doing things by paper.
It's slower, certainly. But the Japanese are scary efficient at it, and there is a lot of infrastructure to support it.
And in the case where things go wrong or are confusing, at least you can take the forms and actually go and talk to someone, rather than staring at a computer screen that offers nothing.
Most of the hangover is just dehydration, so the Gatorade really does help a lot. Pedialyte or a different sports drink would do similarly, but also getting in shape, sleeping right, drinking plenty of water on the days you’re not drinking helps mitigate the issues with a little indulgence just fine.
But, everyone is different so your milage may vary.
Yeah I can drink Gatorade, have a full meal before bed, stop drinking an hour before bed, have an antacid, everything. If I’m “drunk” at any point of the night I am done for the next day
Yeah I can drink Gatorade, have a full meal before bed, stop drinking an hour before bed, have an antacid, everything. If I’m “drunk” at any point of the night I am done for the next day
Not really, hangovers are literally dehydration mixed with poor mental and physical recovery if you fall asleep while drunk. Sober up before the nights end, get some hydration and food in you and you should be good to go. If you are going to sleep fucked up then nothing is gonna save you from a hangover whether you are young or not.
Sugar and alcohol just make everything harder for your liver. Just eat well before, and drink plenty of water before, between, and after alcohol. Drink a bit less alcohol when going out. Get to bed at a semi reasonable time. Skip the sugar water.
Maybe he just wants some freinds to jam with but nobody hangs out with someone horny without some gold and threats on the line, tales as old as time really.
It’s not the heat but the pressure that does it. The heat in a star is the byproduct of the pressure, it’s not what causes the gold to form. And even then I think metals as heavy as gold only form in a supernova.
I always thought that Johnny won the contest, but Johnny’s pride will eventually land himself in hell anyway, pride being one of the seven deadly. Devil doesn’t care that he lost and doesn’t flip out for that reason.
I always thought this but with the added twist that the Devil didn't actually lose. He chose to "lose" because he didn't want Johnny humbled. He wanted Johnny and all that pride to go across earth challenging anyone to believe they could be so good as to beat the Devil, inspiring more pride.
Been reading the Deathworlders book(s). Basically a FOSS series of novels. Sounds like it would devolve into bad fan fiction. 1,500 pages in and I’m still diggin’ it.
Humans come from a “level 12” planet. Sapience isn’t thought able to evolve on a level 10, too dangerous. Too serious on every front; Gravity, weather, temperature extremes, microorganisms, parasites, predators, radiation exposure, all that.
First chapter is a human on a space station trying to get processed through emigration when the baddest-ass aliens of all lock on and board. He beats one to death with its own arm. Basically like a chimp in a preschool of giant, soft children.
Gets hilarious when the same guy is finally back home bartending and, as Earth watches in awe, those same aliens invade a Canadian hockey game.
it means the story is published under a license that allows you to redistribute and modify the text, the only limitation is that you can’t make a profit.
the specific license used is Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0
If this is a serious question it’s most likely a group writing collaboration of some kind, playing off the idea of the the way free and open source software is a collaborate effort.
I won’t spoil anything for you, but there are at least 3 other books that are not only set in the Jenkinsverse, they all took place mostly between chapters 2 and 3. Also they were written by three other authors, not Hambone
Salvage is canon up to chapter 70 something. You’ll know you left canon when Adrian Saunders starts messing around with a black hole
The Adventures of Xiu Chang. The entire story is canon
Humans Don’t Make Good Pets. While this is canon, it’s a frustrating one as it’s not finished at all, and the character has a lot of potential.
Also you neglected to mention that “Purveyor Kevin Jenkins” is a normal out of shape bartender.
That’s like The Damned series by Alan Dean Foster.
Basically alien societies naturally formed without the type of infighting and barbarism humans started with, so the entire idea of war to them was extremely foreign and uncomfortable until they were attacked. They formed an alliance to push back the empire trying to conquer them, but they lacked the will or martial ingenuity to really hold the empire back. Then they come across humans, and the first (random) human they come across accidentally severely injures their ambassador. So they offer humans heaps of technology and resources for soldiers. They don’t offer membership (because we’re absolute nightmares) if I remember correctly, but Earth is fine with that. People volunteer in droves to see the galaxy and fight in wars where they are so overpowered it feels like they put in a cheat code.
The series is about… well, what happens to our society when our main export is unstoppable death and destruction. Hence “The Damned.”
The Undying Mercenaries series by B.V. Larson is kind pf similar. Humanity is basically given the choice to be useful to the galactic empire (forgot what it’s called in this series exactly) and the only useful export product we can offer are soldiers. The minds of the soldiers are backed up before going into battle and can be put in a cloned body, hence undying mercenaries.
There are LGBTQ movies from China so this makes no sense. One of my favorites is Lan Yu (藍宇) from 2001. Most of the characters are gay men and the plot is even critical of how the army handled the 1989 Tiananmen Square incident.
Did y’all learn about what China is like from Rocky & Bullwinkle cartoons or what
I mean yeah I wish representation were better. Too many regional representatives are boomers stuck in the past. I was in Shenzhen in 2019 though and met a bunch of cool queer folks though.
Americans call the Boston massacre and only 6 people died, just saying that on the level of supposedly horrific state violence that should never be forgotten, so you have any idea how many massacres of the same and larger scale the United States has perpetrated just in the last 30 years?
According to the Chinese Communist Party around 200-300 civilians died, and several thousands were injured. According to most other agencies, the numbers are around 10 times higher, with 1000 to 3000 dead. Either way, it’s a very high number of dead.
Or is this not a massacre? By the way, two wrongs don’t make a right
I do care about wrongdoings of any country. The issues with police violence, racial discrimination and gun violence in the US are not a secret. You are not the first one talking about that. Everyone in the west talks about that, it’s now the first thing most people think of when talking about the US in the west.
That being said, I don’t understand why, when anyone even tries to say “China bad” the answer is always “but America is also bad”. Why does that make it right?
because we’re in a contrived thread that twists over backwards to shit on china, not a thread about the legitimate issues with china. Its frustrating to see, even when I agree that china is pretty bad in a lot of ways, seeing that drumbeat of “enemy state bad” as an army of mindless brainwashed western redditors marches by throwing out half truths and outright lies (its almost never real criticisms, like with north korea its just miles long lists of shit westerners were taught to think like its illegal to not have the kim haircut) it just makes my head pop
What? I was just watching a show the other day with a trans hostess on Chinese national TV. Her name is Jin Xing and she’s very well known and her show draws 100 million viewers regularly
I love how entitled you feel with the white man’s burden, representing all of rest of the world, even though you paleskins are only 12% of the world’s population and have suppressed and looted the rest of the world for centuries. Consider that when white privilege dies, you people will start to become extinct, as is already happening in USA…
What exactly did any of his reply have to do with white people? Or are you defending the persecution of gay people and blaming white people for homosexuality?
Parent comment literally explains that LGBT+ is not persecuted in China. Above reply starts with “dear tankie fuck yourself with broken glass”, even going on to talk on behalf of “rest of the world”, that aligns with China instead of Anglosphere.
He is the whitey perpetrating Sinophobia, which I point out as being typical white person nonsense. And all of you repliers are the defenders of anti-China bigotry.
Parent comment literally explains that LGBT+ is not persecuted in China.
Dishonestly, and they were called on it. Yes. With facts directly related to the movie in question.
Above reply starts with “dear tankie fuck yourself with broken glass”,
While I’ve had some bad run-ins with tankies, that’s more extreme than I would normally have said myself… But
even going on to talk on behalf of “rest of the world”, that aligns with China instead of Anglosphere.
So you are defining “white” as anyone of every ethnicity that isn’t Chinese AND living in China? Seems an odd way to put that word.
He is the whitey perpetrating Sinophobia
The first racist comment in this thread… and it came from you. Do you just hate everyone who isn’t Chinese?
which I point out as being typical white person nonsense
Again. I know Chinese expats who feel this way about China, and black- and brown-skinned people who agree. Are they all “white” by your definition?
And all of you repliers are the defenders of anti-China bigotry.
Ahh yes. Respond by classifying everyone as “you people”. Would you put “you people” up against the wall? How about our children? Would you put a toddler up against the wall? Tell me, do you think everyone who isn’t Chinese or pro-China is less than human and have an opinion that doesn’t matter? That’s about 80% of the world.
Yeah, okay buddy. Not like there aren’t already three other comments here calling that initial comment as the bullshit that it is.
Anyone ever told you that you have the reading comprehension of a carrot? Of course, that assumes you actually care about what you’re reading, rather than just blindly supporting totalitarianism and espousing racially-motivated attacks.
Have they maybe said that you’re just genuinely fucking insane? I know that everyone is already telling you how racist you are, so I don’t have to ask that one.
Oh, and btw, if you’re using easily disproven half-truths to (durr this movie even talks about Tiananmen Square!!) to try and lessen the reality of such heinous events, you can fuck yourself with broken glass, regardless of your skin color, you racist prick.
Edit: Oh, you’re that Tankie piece of shit mod from the tech board that’s been recorded deleting everything you can that so much as implies China has ever done anything wrong! People like you don’t deserve even the smallest shadow of power, you fucking scumbag, and I hope your racist rant comes back to bite you.
Edit: Oh, you’re that Tankie piece of shit mod from the tech board that’s been recorded deleting everything you can that so much as implies China has ever done anything wrong!
Can you provide proof I have deleted comments? I will report you to admins if you fail to prove these allegations. Nobody falsely accuses me on my moderation of boards and rooms.
Oh, our ancestors were fucking awful humans, and our current ruling class is even worse, but don’t lump us common folk in with them, ya fuckin’ racist.
::sigh:: Again, you’re making it about race, when we hate the rich assholes who did and do that shit just as much as you do. So yeah, that is racism. Ya damn fool.
The wiki explains that most of the crew from this movie is from mainland China, however it was made by a Hong Kong director and was filmed without permission from the government.
It explicitly states
at the time, no mainland Chinese publisher would have published it, nor would the author be safe from government reprisals. Hence, its anonymous publication on the Internet.
The film did had a brief showing run in December 2001, at Peking University, where interest by Chinese citizens was quite high, selling out the showings.
The Festival originated from Peking University, and is considered to be “the only community-based non-governmental film festival in China with a special focus on gender and sexuality”
Didnt say it was a government event. Said the governemnt would implicitly have had to allowed it to happen, or it wouldn’t have. Or at least, thats what people who think the Chinese government is an all powerful oppressive force would say. Which is my point.
ETA: Like the fact that a festival like that exists AT ALL, in the nation’s capital, proves that the government isnt an evil opressive anti-queer regime that people paint it as.
The movie was filmed without permission, what makes you think it couldn’t have been shown without permission?
Good Chinese folk can find ways around unjust restrictions just like any other country in the world. The first "festival"was held in a library in the University, probably not the type of festival you are imagining.
They didn’t get explicit permission, but they also didnt get shut down.
Also, the “filmed without permission” is weird phrasing anyway. Does every indy movie in other countries get explicit permission from the government to be filmed? A Wiki article for, say, an Australian indy movie about queer people that covers Australian oppression of the indigenous wouldn’t go out of its way to mention “the government didn’t give permission for it to be filmed” because why would it? The government doesn’t need to approve such project. Including the “government didnt give permission” feels like editorializing to make things sound more sinister then they are.
Since this work contained positive depictions of gay men, explicit (by Chinese standards) gay sex scenes, and resurrected the ghost of Tiananmen Square, at the time, no mainland Chinese publisher would have published it, nor would the author be safe from government reprisals. Hence, its anonymous publication on the Internet.
You decided to go out on a limb to defend the Chinese government, make a false implication about it, and when you’re called on it, your answer is “Nothing would ever satisfy you people”.
What did you expect when you lied?
Do you concede the below statement that you replied to? I’ll re-paste it to confirm:
Since this work contained positive depictions of gay men, explicit (by Chinese standards) gay sex scenes, and resurrected the ghost of Tiananmen Square, at the time, no mainland Chinese publisher would have published it, nor would the author be safe from government reprisals. Hence, its anonymous publication on the Internet.
Try fixing that section, which is entirely speculation, and see how quickly it gets reverted and by whom. You’ll quickly run into either a power user with reactionary politics that should’ve been banned ages ago per Wikipedia’s own policies or a series of FirstWordLastWord962578 accounts making reversions with no explanation.
The latter is what lazy government behavior looks like. The former is the larger social structures built around the acceptability and empowerments of reactionary thought and narratives that is inherently anticommunist.
But really, go do it. Remove the section as speculation and show/tell us what happens.
Didn’t alcohol use actually go up during temperance? I swear I read some studies on that. Like that was the reason it failed – alcohol use not only increased, but the alcohol that was available became more dangerous, so temperance was reversed and regulations on how it was made and licensing were instated.
If there is one thing I could bring back from that era, it would be the durability of their appliances and materials. Much better than this throwaway culture we have, where everything is made to last a couple years past warranty, then thrown out at the first sign of malfunction. Shit from the 1950’s was built to endure decades of regular use, and repairs were simple and cheap.
so how come they’re so rare nowadays? I mean everyone had one back then, why aren’t the overwhelming majority of these appliances still with us? Survivorship bias, that’s why
but if they were “built to last” then surely we shouldn’t have needed much more produced after market saturation. And yet, they actually are vanishingly rare today. Which means most did break down
Don’t discount how much marketing convinces people they need to just buy new shit every few years either. I’ve seen a lot of perfectly functioning appliances replaced just because someone saw something they thought was nicer “on sale”.
Sure, I’ll agree that they did break down. Everything does at some point or another. Back then it was easier to repair your equipment and you had the right to. That’s why they were “built to last”
Then, as time passed, that changed. It became difficult to find the necessary parts for repairs.
Example: My father is a heavy equipment mechanic. I’d say somewhere in the last ten to twenty years, his suppliers started to refuse selling specific parts he needed because he’s an independent.
He also described to me how some jobs he takes today feel like he’s handling a bomb. If he so much as trips a stray sensor, a representative from the machine’s manufacturer will come sniffing around the yard to catch him.
Then there’s the knowledge required to perform the necessary repairs. The common sentiment I hear from people is that it’s cheaper to replace than to repair. They’re not wrong, however this way of thinking demotivates the need to learn how to repair it.
So yeah. Those built to last machines have broken down. Knowledge and parts for them have become difficult to acquire, however an enthusiast willing to put the time in to repair them will have a machine that hums for the rest of their lives.
Tons were thrown out for fashion or modernization, not because they broke down. Kitchens have trends that last around 7 years and even back then people wanted the latest designs.
I’ve lived in at least 20 residences across 4 continents and only one of those was from the 1920s.
It still had an original stove.
That stove was the fucking best shit ever. It was amazing. I swear to God I have never been able to cook bacon so amazingly as on that stove top.
I don’t disagree that survivorship bias is a thing. And perhaps I had the best possible option of that era. I mean, yes with an induction top I can do great things. With an MSR dragonfly gas stove I can cook the camp a great breakfast anywhere in the world. I’ve cooked on wood fire stoves. I’ve cooked primitive fires in outback Australia and the himiliaya mountains… But there was something special about that 1920s stove that I’ve won’t ever forget.
Side note, MSR dragonflys are the shit. I love everything about them, the literal drink bottle of petrol you have to carry around, the crazy aluminium foil windshield, the pumping, the way they spray fuel everywhere as you light them, then the tower of flame that almost burns down the building as it primes. Cheap to run, indestructible, perfection.
I recently heard an interesting take on a podcast that prior to electronic calculators and especially computers, doing calculations was very tedious, time consuming, and not as precise for complex calculations. This resulted in things being over engineered to compensate.
Once it was easier to make calculations, you could easily figure out the minimum amount of resources needed to make a product last during the warranty period. With spreadsheets, you could have a complex view of all variables and tweak the materials to maximize profit, largely at the expense of durability.
This is I think one of many factors, including survivorship bias, why people feel like they don’t make em like they used to.