And that’s just smart design, so you don’t get fried if the breaker or RCD is physically blocked or is wilfully held in place, like with hillbilly Bob over here.
Working from home and Internet goes out for an entire 5 minutes at 9:00am: Oh well, better luck getting things done tomorrow then. Goes back to sleep for the day
Just get a salaried job, where you can still get paid while not working, in exchange for working 70 hour weeks (30 hours for free) when an impossible deadline is set.
Eh, I’m salaried, so there are opposite days, where I’m working well past 9pm on a weekday. There are also days where I have to work regardless of my home’s power/Internet status. If I lose those on one of those days, my office is going mobile for the day, yay!
EDIT: I’ll also add that I one of the lucky few that has a boss that measures my performance in productivity instead of hours behind a desk. It’s a beautiful thing to experience.
That’s the only way I remember it. I guess I had stopped drinking it before they switched to plastic. It’s probably my fault they stopped making it. Sorry.
I remember the firefighters that lived on my street would poke a hole in the top of an empty Sobe bottle cap and fill it halfway with gasoline before nestling the glass bottle inside their fire pit. They did this pretty much every weekend. The fireball was always impressive.
I’ve got a wicked scar on my right hand that can attest to that! I was riding my bike home from my supermarket job as a teenager without a light… While holding my Sobe drink in my hand… I didn’t see a retaining wall log that had fallen down onto the sidewalk so I hit it, tire-first. I flew over the handlebars and my hand landed on the bottle as it broke. Severed a nerve in the hand and damn-near hit an artery. Surgery to repair that, and I still have some numbness in it. Live and learn, but I’ll always think of that when someone mentions Sobe!
Agreed. I’m guessing this is one of those ‘myths’ that Humanity has about Vulcans and the Vulcans just play completely into it to have an advantage. But the longer a human works with a Vulcan, the sooner they realize that it’s utter bullshit and that most Vulcans are a bunch of lying emotional sluts
His marriage is fine. It’s his own trauma that he’s running from. That’s why he spends his days fixing everything else and his nights playing dress-up and dolls.
I mean they’re not even bound to tell the truth like the Aes Sedai, who anyway manage to deceive plenty. Plus even if Vulcans had some kind of instinct to only tell the truth, Spock is part human.
I watched it on Halloween. It was so boring and predictable. It was also slow and pretentious which some people seem to like that is even I admit for a horror movie it had good cinematography but it felt pretentious non the less.
We’re the Terminators of the animal kingdom. We’re slow and deliberate, able to stalk our prey for days or weeks at a time, and can often come back from injuries that would be a death sentence for other animals.
Same here. I’m hoping that with so many users posting different artists comics and then linking to them that they’ll notice where some traffic is coming from and move over.
I know the Loading Artist guy has started posting here on Lemmy.
100-com otherwise you’re getting double exploited. That shit sucks. Although its sometimes fun to watch shitty small business tyrants get yelled at by a shitty large scale capitalist
“I’ve got just the place for low-cost housing. I have solved this problem. I know where we can build housing for the homeless: golf courses! It’s perfect! Just what we need. Plenty of good land, in nice neighborhoods, land that is currently being wasted on a meaningless, mindless activity engaged in primarily by white, well-to-do male businessmen who use the game to get together to make deals to carve this country up a little finer amongst themselves.
I am getting tired, really getting tired, of these golfing cocksuckers in their green pants, and their yellow pants, and their orange pants, and their precious little hats and their cute little golf carts! It is time to reclaim the golf courses from the wealthy and turn them over to the homeless! Golfing is a arrogant, elitist game which takes up entirely too much room in this country. Too much room’ in this country! It is an arrogant game on its very design alone, just the design of the game speaks of arrogance.
Think of how big a golf course is - the ball is that fucking big! What do these pin-headed pricks need with all that land?! There are over seventeen thousand golf courses in America, they average over one hundred and fifty acres a piece - that’s three million plus acres, four thousand, eight hundred and twenty square miles - you could build two Rhode Islands and a Delaware for the homeless on the land currently being wasted on this meaningless, mindless, arrogant, elitist, racist, there’s another thing; the only blacks you’ll find at country clubs are carrying trays.
And a boring game. A boring game for boring people. You ever watch golf on television? It’s like watching flies fuck! And a mindless game, mindless. Think of the intellect it must take, to draw pleasure from this activity: hitting a ball with a crooked stick and then, walking after it! And then, hitting it again! I say pick it up asshole, you’re lucky you found the fucking thing! Put it in your pocket and go home, you’re a winner! You’ve found it! No chance of that happening. Dork-o in the plaid knickers is going to hit it again and walk some more. Let these rich cocksuckers play miniature golf! Let them fuck with a windmill for an hour and a half or so! See if there’s any real skill among these people.
Now I know there are some people who play golf who don’t consider themselves rich. FUCK 'EM! And shame on them for engaging in an arrogant, elitist passtime.”
He would love to muse about these times as he did so well, but he abandoned hope for humanity getting it’s head out of its ass decades before he died. Can’t say as I blame him, he was right about our nature. A person is great. People clumping up in groups in groups end in blood, cruelty, and tears on a long enough timeline.
I would take solace in those musings as well though.
Here in Norway, a few years back, almost every news outlet had “guides” on how to buy your first apartment/house (buying a home became an integrated part of our economy after the war).
It was in the style of “if I can do it, anyone can”-interview with someone that just recently had bought their first home. The articles started pretty tame with clever tips where the boy/girl made coffee/lunch at home and saved a miniscule amount of money. Sure. Nice tips on how to save money.
Then it usually escalated to get your parents to buy an apartment, rent it out and keep all the rent income while living for free at home. After a while, sell the apartment and buy a new one.
Pretty fucking horrifying that journalists thought: “yes, this is a good article to print. It will help people!”
My health insurance costs 842€ a month. I pay half of it, the other half my employer. So I am quite impressed with the $20 from the estimation.
But why do two jobs? Won’t people do a better job concentrating on one thing and getting $2000 for that, instead of gaining experience in two different areas at the same time?
But why do two jobs? Won’t people do a better job concentrating on one thing and getting $2000 for that, instead of gaining experience in two different areas at the same time?
It’s because McDonald’s was trying to make an excuse that paying people US Federal Minimum wage (7.25$/hr since 2009, it’s still that in 2023) is enough to live on, and utterly failed, even while holding both a 40h a week and 30h a week min wage job. I guess they expect fast food employees to use to make their own fast food while they’re there as their food budget.
It was a case in point in 2013, rent and all expenses are way up since then. People aren’t going to make a living or have any savings at all, probably accruing more debt even with 2 jobs and less than the minimum of expenses.
Yeah, seriously. What is even the context of this? We have no idea. The cops might have been like “We need a warrant to look at that footage you idiot.”
Whoever owns the camera presumably has an interest in reducing/solving crime in the area (why else have cameras?), so they would likely be happy to make the footage available to police if asked nicely, with no warrant required.
Yeah, in general, but not necessarily in that circumstance. A lot of time talking to tech people (I’m a softwar engineer) they can can be smug about this while leaving out important context.
No, I’ve been in this situation as a victim. My bike was stolen and they said it would take hours to search the CCTV. I told them about binary search, they didn’t understand.