I’m doing the same with my work from home set-up. I even have a mannequin dressed up as a “boss” who hovers at my shoulder while I try to get stuff done .
To be fair, whomever decided to use an apostrophe to indicate possession AND abbreviation clearly didn’t think through all the possible conflicts before going ahead and making it a thing. Should have made a separate symbol for one of them.
Yes, thousands of years of established language development is wrong … not the individual who is unable to learn what millions of others have been able to.
Yes, thousands of years of established language development is wrong
Yes, it is. Island has an ‘s’ in it as a stylistic choice to Latinize a word that has no Latin root. Literally is now defined as “not literally” which is absurd. That’s established language development.
If people keep using “it’s” as possessive then it will become possessive, and nothing will be lost.
Language sticklers are an interesting phenomenon to me. Language has always evolved with its users. The only rule is that we understand each other when we use it, and that rule allows massive flexibility. Watching it evolve in real-time is more fun than trying to police someone for using an apostrophe.
Language sticklers are an interesting phenomenon to me
It’s weird if you think about it. They’re basically saying “English was exactly correct at an arbitrary moment in time that I chose.” Anything different before that (such as ‘iland’) is wrong, but any new changes are an abomination.
That’s totally not fair. Some things are more wrong than others. And the “everything is correct even” language people are just as insufferable as the “there is exactly one correct usage” people.
Using it’s instead of its is not slang, or an evolving use or alternative spelling. It’s simply wrong.
I'm now curious to know where you're from, if you're willing to share. I've always known the game as rock, paper, scissors. I'm in the UK, and it seems like the rest of the Anglosphere uses the same three options but sometimes in a different order, like scissors, paper, rock or something. What's the gesture you make for "stick"?
I like to think it's just the same logic as that old stick vs US marines post. Scissors cut the stick in half? Now you have two sticks. Stick always wins.
okay sure, but that wins you the round if you picked paper and I picked rock? That's paper beating rock. That it does this by "covering" the rock doesn't really clear anything up
We just watched that one last night after a week and a half of dealing with heavy shit that still isn’t done yet. Not really the episode I would have chosen to dip the toes back in after trauma, but that’s what was up next. Still a great ep.
Despite all the “AKcHUaLLy” comments this is probably true.
If the body has 206 bones and the global average is like 205.7, a bone that is even partially complete is still a bone, and it is probably so close to 206 that the missing parts are negligible and distributed across the skeleton anyway. Think about it, how many people do you know that are missing an appendage or a bone by defect? I bet it’s less than 0.5% of everyone you know.
That is a lot of missing bones. How many people would you estimate that you know though? I went to a small high school and I bet out of 500 total I knew 300 just from school. There are lots of family and coworkers and stuff that drive that number pretty high even if you know some amputees.
It was able to get onto the trailer under it’s own power, and I drove it to work the following Monday… it needed a water pump to be “driveable” but I ended up doing a few other things to the car. It was an old Geo Metro and I wanted one to tinker with. I spent about $600 getting the car like I wanted it.
We’ve spent 45k over 3 years between 4 people racing a fucking Saturn station wagon. Vast majority in travel and maintaining the $500 car. Goes up from there homie lol
Racing sims can get crazy. Full wrap around monitors, motion rigs, load cell pedals. You can buy all the same equipment that F1 racing teams use, provided you’re willing to drop six figures.
That said, there’s some top sim racers that have a Logitech wheel clamped to a desk.
I can 100% promise this cost less than getting a pilots license, especially if you want to fly jets. Most people will pay over $10,000 just to get their private pilot license.
Yeah and the $10,000 is just for single prop. ATPL costs like $70-100k so yeah like Yurgenst said, this setup is definitely cheaper.
Also this isn’t the craziest setup I’ve seen. On Reddit years ago I saw a F-16 pilot recreate his entire cockpit complete with the FLIR displays and a real F-16 yoke but managed to make it collapsible. So he could stow it into a chest like thing that his wife approved of haha. He was like “I just really love my job, I want to keep doing it when I’m not working”.
This person is probably a CFI, and simulator time is always cheaper than actual flight time. 25% of your flight time can be in a simulator when learning to fly.
Fuel and maintenance are the big ones. I had a CFI who owned his own old Cessna 150 and would teach me for free. I just had to pay for gas and maintenance, and it was still almost $200 an hour. Aviation is expensive!
I’ve seen certified simulators that are nothing more than a 27" monitor, a yoke, peddles, and a throttle control. That set-up looks better than any certified simulator that I’ve ever seen.
You are completely correct. Most certified simulators aren’t used for familiarisation training but basic manoeuvres. Buying a certified simulator is often extremely expensive and getting one you’ve built certified is insanely expensive and very, very complicated (which is why they often come as pre-assembled kits that flight schools can line up themselves).
I would wager one of my children that this set up isn’t certified.
I wouldn’t bet against you. This setup looks like it is for a jet, probably a commercial airliner. It seems unlikely that anyone is getting certified flight instructions for a 737 in some dude’s dining room.
There’s also the issue of medical. Someone might not be able to medically get a pilots license, but can pull up a chair. It might not have anything to do with money.
They might already have a pilot license. This setup costs way less per hour than actual flying. And it lets you try things that would be risky in a real plane. Or you can practice bad weather or equipment failures safely, so you can better handle a real situation if it occurs.
Hello, this is the Lemmy police. You are now under arrest for showing sympathy to a MacOS user. You will be forced to write an official, public excuse to Tux, or lord and saviour, for dishonouring him and his OS. Tux SWAT police
This comic strip gives me a vibe something like: Maybe Hitler just showed us an example how bad a genocide would be. Im sure he is glad we dialled it down after him.
As a father of 4 boys, I find it sad that young men want a world on fire. There are a lot of good male role model out there, let’s promote them, seems that would be more conducive.
This was a half joke, the lack of male role model being solved by transitioning is kinda incidental, though it may have played a role because I didn’t identify with what I observed as the “male role”
Sure, up to a certain age where they develop their own interests you don’t share. Which is okay, I’m not there to hold their hand forever. Just long enough…
I’m writing this little fictional world for a set of stories, and had the idea to change over one of my “strong female role model explorer” characters to a guy; while keeping a number of less masculine traits. I just felt like it’s important for people to have more fictional characters in their demographic they want to look up to and imitate.
I’m going to take a guess that this sim setup is mainly for IFR or instrument flying. I know some people that do virtual airline stuff and they follow real life as closely as they can, so after taking off its auto-pilot on and using instruments for navigation instead of visual landmarks.
I’m on team inch. I think the metric system has been pushed by Big Socket to sell more wrenches. If they made a meter equal a yard we could be bilingual and use the most appropriate system for the job.
The double-standard on display here is just disgusting. Sure, it’s perfectly fine to modify your home entertainment system into a fake airplane but I try a little remodeling to make work feel more like home and it’s all “security will escort you off the premises” and “we’re taking away your pilot’s license”. Boils my blood.