If we’re all just killing babies anyway and its hunting season, why don’t we throw them together and make it baby hunting season. Those little fuckers won’t know what hit them.
Because people are built different. I’ve been so nauseous from drinking the night before that I just immediately threw up every gulp of water I took, even at about 20.
“All the world will be your enemy, Prince of a Thousand enemies. And when they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you; digger, listener, runner, Prince with the swift warning. Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed.”
Unironically, why would anyone expect anything that happens after you die to be any less arbitrary and unpredictable than anything that happened while you were alive? Could be nothingness, but it could just as easily be Poseidon, or Flying Spaghetti Monster, or Kitty Cat Thanksgiving.
People love to attribute meaning and purpose to the randomness that occurs in life because the randomness can be scary, confusing, and frustrating. I don’t blame them for that.
But perhaps if we all learned to properly cope with the difficulties in all our lives (rather than fool ourselves into thinking there is a mystical being controlling it all and judging us), we might be able to be nicer to each other.
I’m just intrigued by the level of the wine in the last panels. I guess it implies that she’s accelerating down the hill faster than free fall? Which I guess fits.
Hmm, I did some pretty heavy drinking in my 30s but rarely had hangovers. I have no data for my 40s because I just haven’t had much desire to drink, or to drink that much when I do drink.
Everyone’s different. My ~70 yo father-in-law can knock back IPAs all night and go for a bike ride, bright eyed and bushy tailed, the next morning. Meanwhile I’ll have 2-3 light drinks and be grumpy and unmotivated the next day.
Poseidon is the God of water, I think he understands how dilution works. Peeing in the ocean? Basically didn’t do anything, essentially untraceable. Peeing in the pool? Nasty af, and easily(ish) detectable.
Yeah I didn’t really understand hangovers until I slowed my drinking down to reasonable levels, and then to barely at all. Now it’s not so much a hangover, but I notice I’m not really 100% percent for a couple of days after some drinks.
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