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Moralion, (edited ) in Drinking in your 20s vs 30s [Sarah Anderson]

I have always been prone to having horrible hangovers, even in my twenties. Dihydromyricetin has saved my almost forty year old ass from the worst of them by now.


What’s that?


It is used to lessen withdrawal symptoms when treating alcoholics in some parts of the world.

Taken half an hour before starting and at the end of the evening strongly reduces the worst hangover effects.

No miracle cure, but it lessens the most severe hangover symptoms.


Combined with l-cysteine really helps too

TheAlbatross, in Drinking in your 20s vs 30s [Sarah Anderson]

Have a Gatorade before and after you drink.

There ya go, fellow 30-something party people, saved ya a hangover, just hope with that no one suggests a venue change to the club at 11:30


Absolutely not gonna help lol


I’ve learned that people who talk about these remedies or say they don’t get hangovers drink a lot less than I do

TheAlbatross, (edited )

Most of the hangover is just dehydration, so the Gatorade really does help a lot. Pedialyte or a different sports drink would do similarly, but also getting in shape, sleeping right, drinking plenty of water on the days you’re not drinking helps mitigate the issues with a little indulgence just fine.

But, everyone is different so your milage may vary.


Yeah I can drink Gatorade, have a full meal before bed, stop drinking an hour before bed, have an antacid, everything. If I’m “drunk” at any point of the night I am done for the next day


Yeah I can drink Gatorade, have a full meal before bed, stop drinking an hour before bed, have an antacid, everything. If I’m “drunk” at any point of the night I am done for the next day


Gatorade for the win. My life changed when I discovered the healing power of gatorade.

The_Picard_Maneuver, avatar

If I’m out of the house past 10, something has already gone terribly wrong.

ultratiem, avatar

You can make it till 10!!! 🙇‍♂️

AnUnusualRelic, (edited ) avatar

I guess drinking 75+ is technically drinking 30+…


Some young dude caught me yawning at a Rammstein concert this summer. I told him I couldn’t help it because it was past 9.


How about drinking a lot of water, eating healthy and drinking less alcohol?


You don’t get it. I can get a hangover from looking at a beer the wrong way and I’m not even in my 40’s yet.

Seraph, avatar

Ah yes. Why didn't I think of simply drinking less alcohol to solve my hangover?

You are right about water though, hydration is all we're talking about when it comes to hangovers.


If you’re in your 20s


Not really, hangovers are literally dehydration mixed with poor mental and physical recovery if you fall asleep while drunk. Sober up before the nights end, get some hydration and food in you and you should be good to go. If you are going to sleep fucked up then nothing is gonna save you from a hangover whether you are young or not.

TheAlbatross, (edited )

Yeah, during a majority of the year. On the rare weekend where schedules align such that a buncha 30-somethings can get together and party?

Gatorade. Or Brodes.

Everything in moderation, my friend. Especially moderation.


If you are drinking during the majority of the year, I have bad news for u. You’re an alcoholic.


Thanks for the concern, but I think you read my comment backwards.


What and just experience my emotions? No thank you.

Guildo, (edited )

I understand that concern.

ImFresh3x, (edited )

Sugar and alcohol just make everything harder for your liver. Just eat well before, and drink plenty of water before, between, and after alcohol. Drink a bit less alcohol when going out. Get to bed at a semi reasonable time. Skip the sugar water.

quams69, in Darth Vader vs Wolverine [deliberatelyburied]

SNIKT has got to be the funniest onomatopoeia to read

palordrolap, (edited )

You clearly haven't seen the comic where Captain America's shield hits its target with the onomatopoeia "WANK"

be_excellent_to_each_other, in JPEG avatar

I just want to point out that Lin-Manuel Miranda has been advocating for peace between the hard and soft G clans for more than a decade.

Damaskox, in Plenty of Fish avatar

How is that guy so calm about it?

Has he gotten used to it?


The weirdness and unexpected and breaks your mind enought to be like “wtf…” and not knowing how to react to something so unexpected and weird.

photonic_sorcerer, avatar

Nah, he kinda liked it


That’s a strong non-reaction for just “kinda”.

Kichae, (edited ) in JPEG

GIF is pronounced GIF not because the G stands for Graphical, but because it is its essence. It is what is calls out to be… Called.

And because it’s not peanut butter.

And for the same reason, JPEG is pronounced JFEG not because the P stands for Photographic, but because that is the expression of its true essence.

I just didn’t know it before today.

Justice for JΦEG!


Also, “gi” in english makes the hard g sound very often, like in gift, or give, or giddy. You need to do some real mental gymnastics to justify it as a j sound

weksa, (edited )

Giraffe, ginger, ginseng, gist

rigatti, avatar

The giant ginger biologist originally apologized for being allergic to ginseng.


I wear a gi in martial arts


I’m going to call it “geef” from now on!


Not sure if the use of the word “gymnastics” is intentional here


I’m not taking about gy or ge, I’m talking about gi


What about gin?


Sure, I’ll have some.

force, (edited )

giant, gigantic, ginger, gist, gin, giraffe, gibberish, gingivitis, giblet, giro, giron, gingal, gipsy / gitano, gingili, gigot, girasole, giaour, …

logic, tragic, agile, agism/aging, legit, sigil, magi, magic, argil, algid, aegis, vagile, algin, digit, legible, legislature, surgical, intellegible, …

looks like a lot of palatal affricates to me dawg idk, i think you’re the one doing mental gymnastics trying to justify it not being pronounced the way the creator specified. “gif” the way you ask for just sounds weird


Say the word “gift”. Don’t pronounce the t. Wow. That simple.


Say the word “giraffe”. Don’t pronounce the ra. Wow. That simple.


You can tell it’s a soft G from the way it is! How neat is that?

Honytawk, in 10:30 it is 👍

Turns out the daughter slows down on purpose at the end of the date so the friend is too late in bringing her home on time.

She also deliberately dates assholes she would rather see death.

This is a murder spree ran by her and her father.


Pretty sure this is the plot to >!Get Out.!<

dukk, (edited )

Lemmy natively doesn’t support Reddit-style spoilers. It may be a feature in some apps, but consider using the native Lemmy ::: spoiler tag.

(Doesn’t make much of a difference here, just letting you know for the future.)


I’m using an app, so I would never have known, thanks! And sorry if I spoiled that :(

deweydecibel, (edited ) in "Bored" by War and Peas

The benefit of a visual medium is being able to show the punchline without actually having it spelled out in text.

It’s redundant and clunky, often using a cliche line, like “I should have known _____.” or “Really? You just had to ________?” or “wow, ______, why am I not surprised?”

Use the art to make the joke.

Candelestine, in Darth Vader vs Wolverine [deliberatelyburied]

C’mon now, the kid would know who wins before drawing it. (it’s Vader)

FlyingSquid, avatar

The actual winner would be Snake Eyes from G.I. Joe, who comes down from the ceiling, does sick throwing star moves and kills both.

Pxtl, avatar

Vader has The Force, but Wolverine can recover from whatever injuries he gets. Vader has been removed from battle by serious wounds at least 3 times so far.


Do lightsabers cut adamantium?

southsamurai, avatar

Nah, in canon, it’s been shown to be resistant to similar types of coherent energy. It might slightly mar the surface because of the heat, but it wouldn’t cut it. And even the heat thing is my giving the light saber properties beyond what’s shown in film and in books.


Nah, the heat thing they’re shown melting through blast doors. It at least happens pretty early on in Phantom Menace, and pretty sure I saw it happen in some Disney SW somewhere, too.

southsamurai, avatar

That’s blast doors of an unspecified metal. If it follows the usual SW materials where such things are specified, they wouldn’t be exotic materials, they’d be alloys of standard metals on the real periodic table.

That’s why I say that I’m giving the benefit of the doubt to the light saber. They reach plasma temps, which is hot as hell, but wolvie has taken hits from plasma generated by technology and super powers. If it was a sustained thing, maybe; but a fight doesn’t allow for sustained contact.

I mean, obviously, it would depend on who was in charge of the writing decisions. But us nerds have to guesstimate as best we can. In SW universe there are exotics that can resist the sabers both under short and sustained contact. Adamantium is pretty exotic, and is canon about as close to indestructible as it gets.

Light sabers aren’t really meant to be unstoppable, they’re not an ultimate weapon. They’re a high tech, very effective sword that uses coherent energy that generates high heat on contact. There’s limits the what they can do.

It’s one of those things where sabers have been written to have limits more often than Adamantium has, so I err on that side of things.


Yea, I just mean light sabers have a heat component to some weird degree. How ever that interacts with Wolverine or his adamantium is indeed a whole other thing. lol

I definitely agree adamantium should be able to stop a light saber whether or not it gets heated by continued blocking. I think at some point, Wolverine wouldn’t much like trying to live with a heated skeleton. But I mean, isn’t that also how the adamantium got there? Seems like he’d survive extended exposure either way, too.


It’s always difficult to merge worlds but maybe adamantium is roughly equivalent to beskar or slightly better.

I think wolverine would win in that fight. He’s got lots of experience fighting many different enemies varied power including “throw things at him” and can take a ton of damage. In contrast vader will be a bit surprised by the healing abilities, commentary and hidden armor.

tias, (edited )

That was my initial thought too. But if Vader can stay at a distance and force-choke Wolverine until he’s passed out, then Vader could move in after it’s safe and basically burn up every ounce of Wolverine’s body except for the adamantium using the light saber.


There is a large amount of discourse on this topic


You know, I was thinking about Superman and Goku the other day…

Quentinp, avatar

How about the hulk with a red lantern ring?


Green lantern rings are willpower right? I’d give it to Vegeta with a green lantern ring vs hulk with a red one.


I’d think so, as far as I’m aware they can cut thru any metal if given enough time. In the movies and TV show the only thing that fully blocks sabers is another plasma/laser type thing.

mosiacmango, (edited )

Enough time is the key phrase here. Adamantium absorbs a goldly amount of energy in the marvel universe, to the point of being literally “unbreakable” in a canon with a fuck ton of different energy blasts/weapons.

Vader aint going to melt it in the span of a hand to hand fight filled with glancing nipple saber blows.

Sans force powers, wolverine takes this.


Good to know, I can now rest easy knowing the most likely outcome of this nipple duel!


Yeah I was surprised how long they took to get through (start to melt) the blast doors in the first prequel.


Is there a known material* that lightsabers don’t cut? Serious question.

*Beyond that time Kylo Emo Ren had a hissy and attacked a console, that thing should’ve been way more damaged.



I was thinking of the one from Dark Forces, but I guess all of these are non-canon now?


Yes, the beskar armor that the Mandalorians have has been shown to block lightsabers several times. I’m betting that adamantium is stronger than beskar, so Darth Vader could only cut Wolverine until he hit bones, and then Wolverine just shrugs it off. The Force telekinesis would be more dangerous to him.

agent_flounder, avatar

Force telekinesis from his nipples

Sheeple, avatar

Adamantium is not even the strongest metal in the marvel universe. If you want a comparison to beskar, look at stuff like vibranium.

Marvel also in an interview confirmed that lightsabers could break vibranium


Maybe wolverine should get an upgrade to vibranium?



Pxtl, avatar

It’s kind of a moot point anyways? I mean, how good do you think they’re going to be at parrying under this circumstance? They’re both gonna get stabbed in the chest.

DragonTypeWyvern, (edited )

Yeah but that will kill Vader and mildly annoy Wolverine.

Vader should Force Push him off a walkway with no handrails, it’s his only option.

I think if he used Force Aneurysm that would probably work temporarily but if lightsabers can’t cut adamantium it’s just delaying the inevitable.


These are the hard hitting debates that bring me back to the Internet every day.


Could they move the nipples separately? If yes, then one nipple blade to block and one to stab?

TheGiantKorean, avatar

I mean, Vader could force chuck him out into space.


As far as I know, Wolverine would survive this. He might not be conscious until he reenters an atmosphere conducive to human life, but the Hulk has survived being thrown into space many times.


One could argue that his regenerative healing could make him alive burning the entire time in severe pain until he got back to a habitable planet. Nightmare fuel.

MataVatnik, in "Wild Life" by MrLovenstein avatar

Fun fact, baby bunnies are so high stress they can die from little baby heart attacks if they are too stressed.


That high stress could include smelling urine of a predator.

Imagine just dying because you smell cat urine.


Because of a roommate I had around 2006-2007, I don’t have to try very hard to imagine.

Viking_Hippie, in "Bored" by War and Peas

At least it wasn’t in the bathroom this time 🤷

RememberTheApollo_, (edited ) in JPEG

We should just go ahead and pronounce all acronyms the way their unabbreviated forms’ first syllable letters are said. Just ignore we treat individual letters differently than the words they came from.

The CIA should sound like “see ya” Department of Transportation “Duht” Internal Revenue Service “ears”



CIA is an initialism, not an acronym, since you pronounce each letter individually.

What you sir are suggesting is a complete erasure of initialisms, and I will not stand for it.


It wasn’t a real suggestion. A bit of hyperbole and exaggeration due to the pointless debate over jig/gif. We have a long precedent of pronouncing acronyms as initialisms and not enunciating the letters as they were pronounced in their original word. While I think the original argument over jif/gif was for fun, some can’t let it go.

Drummyralf, (edited )

So you’re saying gif


Lol, absolutely.


National Informatics Goods Governance & Esteemed Residence Society …




Dept of Transportation would be “dot”, no?


People tend to pronounce “of” more like “uhv” in shove or glove, not like stove or clove. So I went with “duht” for pronunciation.


I would suggest the tax guys be pronounced ire’s. The raise my ire anyway.

TigrisMorte, in 10:30 it is 👍

The ageism is strong in this thread.


People are saying this isn’t funny to young people who would be horrified by this.


The humor or lack there of has nothing to do with it.

JohnDClay, (edited )

What do you mean? That’s what the comment ‘boomer meme/humour’ is referring to for example, that this meme appeals primarily to people born during the post WWII baby boom.


If you say so.


What do you think they were saying? That seemed like the most straightforward interpretation.


And piles of dirty laundry spawning rats was the most straightforward interpretation during the black plague.


Okay… Do you want to tell want you think the comments are actually saying and why? Then we can compare.


Lmao what


Which do you hate more, this thread or your spouse?


Have you stopped beating your child?

Snowpix, avatar

Always somebody looking for any excuse to be offended… and they call us snowflakes.


Bigotry should offend everyone. But no, snow flakes are each unique fractals. So I'd never call you one.

Snowpix, avatar

Bigotry, when it’s actually bigotry, is reasonable to be offended by. This ain’t it.

TeaHands, in Plenty of Fish avatar

Is this a thing that happens? Do I need to add it to my list of reasons I’m terrified of the sea?

idunnololz, avatar

Terrified… or excited? 😎

irreticent, (edited ) avatar

On a serious note, there are parasitic fish that will swim up your urethra and embed themselves there. Enjoy your trip to Brazil!

Edit: I forgot to mention the buttworms. Don’t sit in the sand on most beaches in Brazil.


Like don’t sit in the sand inside water or also on dry ground? And doesn’t require you to be nude?


That sounds kinda hot though

TeaHands, avatar

Just don’t ever set foot in Brazil, ok got it.


Is Brazil the new Australia?


Only for butt stuff. And urethra stuff.

slimarev92, in 10:30 it is 👍

Boomer meme

ThatWeirdGuy1001, avatar

Loser comment


Self-descriptive comment.

Snowpix, avatar

Ok boomer, off to bed with you.

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