There must be different degrees of lactose intolerance. I’m not sure how people do this because I’d have to walk around with liquid shit running down my legs at all times.
Anthocyanins are responsible for the color and they act as a pH indicator, changing color from bright red in acid to bright blue in basic solutions. Soil acidity could have an impact on their color at harvest, but it also really depends on how you use them. If you put them raw in a salad, they’ll probably turn quite red regardless, but it’s also quite common to find them as a purple color.
Sucks to be on the wrong side of history. No one wants to loose their communities, property or livelihoods. However the Jews had a claim to the area going back thousands of years and they needed to go somewhere.
There were many Jewish communities across the Middle East prior to the 1940s that no longer exist anymore either. I wonder who pushed them out… do they get the same sentiment from your bleeding heart?
There have been two state solutions on the table with Jerusalem as the Palestinian capital on the table multiple times. Palestinians turned every one of them down. Instead of building their own state they will be further pushed out of Gaza. Where they go is anyones guess no one wants them, especially other Muslim states.
Might makes right, huh? I already know Palestine will be completely ethnically cleansed and then israel will move onto taking parts of Syria and other countries in their goal of lebensraum. That doesn’t mean it’s morally right.
You either didn’t read my comment from earlier in the thread or you enjoy trying to frame an argument.
I’ll post it below for you to read and educate yourself.
There have been two state solutions on the table with Jerusalem as the Palestinian capital on the table multiple times. Palestinians turned every one of them down. Instead of building their own state they will be further pushed out of Gaza. Where they go is anyones guess no one wants them, especially other Muslim states.
The negotiations were argued in bad faith. Israel would put forth ridiculous demands and then lay the blame on Palestine for rejecting them. Why do you think Palestinians are being pushed out of Gaza and have been continually and constantly pushed out for decades? There was never a sincere effort for a two-state solution.
Nobody wants to take on many refugees all at once, it’s very difficult to manage. Why do you think Britain “volunteered” Palestinian land to relocate Jews out of Europe? It wasn’t out of the goodness of their heart.
There’s literally a response just below yours, but of course taking the time to make sure you’re actually right is never a strong point for you people.
I personally find it very funny that the pro-Palestinian go-to is that none of the offers Israel made for a 2 state solution were ‘realistic’ or ‘serious’ or ‘good faith’. No one doubts that there were offers. Tell me, in what other scenario in all of human history do the losers of a war (that they started) get to dictate the terms of their surrender?
Bullshit, there have been multiple attempts at a settlement with regional actors who were sympathetic to the Palestinians. Palestinians turned them all down.
Not a single country in the Middle East has volunteered to take in even a token amount of refugees… Egypt used to control the Sinai and govern that region… nada, zilch, zero refugees allowed to cross into their boarders.
Nobody in the Middle East except Iran wants anything to do with the Palestinians. Iran is only happy to use them to further their regional goals.
Saudi was in the middle of negotiations with Israel before this conflict broke out.
Why is this? Because everyone has tried to negotiate a peace and the Palestinians refuse to come to terms.
Israel is waging total war on Gaza. It’s ugly and civilians will be killed. Nobody is going to stop them because the region wants an end to this conflict one way or another and no one gives a shit about Palestine.
Brutalizing Gaza and driving Hamas out is the only way this is going to be solved.
so If I threw you out of your house, then you tried to break back in, would that be you “choosing violence”? or would you be justified?
Israel has no intention of living side by side with Palestinians they have always wanted to continually push them off more and more land until there is none left.
If you don’t believe me explain what is happening in the West Bank right now??? Hamas isn’t in control there, the gov in the west bank complies with Israel and there has been no terror attacks staged from there AND YET the settlers and the IDF continue to harrass and kill and displace people. Its clear that for the Palestinians they have 2 choices, fight or leave and never see their homes again. Fighting is the more courageous choice.
So do Palestinians, but when they use them to resist occupation thousands of them die for it. Goddamn I had no idea there were literally people that think might makes right, that if a country outlasts and conquers others that justifies any atrocities
It’s similar to Ukraine, they don’t want peace unless it means getting all their land back. You can literally apply the same logic and say Ukraine can stop the war if they just agree to peace today.
Somewhat similar, but the bottom line is Ukraine is a recognized nation with international backing. Russia attacked them to gain territory. If Ukraine can beat this round of Russian aggression they get to remain a state and regain their lost lands. If they can’t beat the Russians back then it is an entirely different scenario. As much as I want to see them succeed there is a chance they could fail.
Finland also lost a huge chunk of territory to Russia back in the 1940s. They recognized they couldn’t beat back the Russians, struck a deal and moved on. They are now arguably better off than if the choose to continue the fight.
Gaza is not a state, the Palestinians had multiple a chances for statehood and a shot at peaceful prosperity. Instead they choose to continue to fight and commit terrorism. The current state of total war between Israel and Hamas are the consequence of their actions.
Ukraine has a viable path to military victory, Palestine does not. Israel was attacked and is counter attacking in defense, Russia invaded Ukraine under obvious bullshit pretext as a land grab. Your bias is obvious if you can't see the difference.
If driving out hamas is the only way this is going to be solved, why weren’t things solved before the existence of hamas? Egypt and saudi arabia have negotiated and a lot of money has exchanged hands to keep them docile. Egypt is high on the list of recipients of US foreign aid, i.e. money to shut up and behave according to US interests. The US clearly favored israel in the camp david meetings and even spied on egypt for the benefit of israel during that time (…/cia-secretly-bought-global-encryptio…):
“In the meantime, more than 100 governments around the world, possibly as many as 120, purchased and employed the backdoored equipment. China and the Soviet Union, as it was then, weren’t amongst the buyers. However, Egypt was, and this apparently enabled the U.S. to monitor communications between Anwar Sadat and Cairo during the Egypt-Israel peace accord meeting at Camp David in 1978.”
Why are you focusing on other countries taking on refugees? These people shouldn’t be driven out of their homes to create refugees in the first place.
The Jews were going to end up somewhere after WW2. Their ancestral homeland won out. They also had the backing of major Western powers.
Nations fall and nations rise, such is life. Don’t be on the wrong side of his . Jews all over the Middle East have been pushed out of their communities since Israel was founded. Sucks for them as well, once again don’t be on the wrong side of history.
Israel is gonna wipe out everyone who was currently there, if you don’t like that you’re on the wrong side of history. Understood, all hail lord Netanyahu!
You don’t have to like it. The Palestinians could have made different decisions to prevent the current conflict (like don’t support terrorist organizations who will sneak attack civilians on a holiday as your method of government).
An apartheid state committing a genocide to create an ethnostate is acceptable self-interest? This isn’t self-defence - particularly when Israel backed Hamas over the secular moderates to create the pretext for this. Netanyahu is getting Israelis killed by both Hamas and the IDF.
I agree - Israel and the Nazis are stupid and monstrous, which is why I condemn both. What’s the material difference between the far-right, genocidal fascist ethnostates Israel and Nazi Germany as far as you’re concerned?
You’ve seen the reports of the IDF killing shirtless Israeli hostages waving white flags and speaking Hebrew because they’re tripping over themselves to kill as many Palestinians as possible. The IDF themselves admitted to this.
Israel funded Hamas over secular orgs (widely and credibility reported) to create the pretext for this genocide.
Where’s the mental gymnastics, Jitler? While you’re at it, you can explain why the far right wing, genocidal fascist ethnostatists are bad when they’re Nazis, but not Israelis. Easy for me - refer to my description of both.
You still haven’t explained the meaningful difference between Israel’s genocide in advancement of a fascist ethnostate and Hitler’s genocide in advancement of a fascist ethnostate.
I’ve stated it multiple times in this thread. Here is a copy paste from earlier:
Sucks to be on the wrong side of history. No one wants to loose their communities, property or livelihoods. However the Jews had a claim to the area going back thousands of years and they needed to go somewhere.
There were many Jewish communities across the Middle East prior to the 1940s that no longer exist anymore either. I wonder who pushed them out… do they get the same sentiment from your bleeding heart?
There have been two state solutions on the table with Jerusalem as the Palestinian capital on the table multiple times. Palestinians turned every one of them down. Instead of building their own state they will be further pushed out of Gaza. Where they go is anyones guess no one wants them, especially other Muslim states.
Blood and soil was a Nazi argument - the fact that you’re unable to differentiate yourself from Hitler in any meaningful way should give you motivation for self-reflection. You’ve had multiple opportunities to do this, and failed miserably.
Much like Putin’s efforts to negotiate with Ukraine being conditional on full surrender and de-armament, Israel haven’t made anything resembling a good faith effort to negotiate. In any case, if they wanted reasonable negotiations, they wouldn’t have helped jihadists secure power in Palestine, displacing secular moderates.
You don’t have the charisma to convincingly sell your Nazi talking points. I’d suggest committing to the bit and copying Hitler’s exit strategy like you’ve copied his prescriptions, methods, and talking points.
Imagine trying to claim the moral high ground and painting the other person as a Nazi after failing to identify any point of difference you have with the Nazis.
Real simple - for starters, they’re genocidal, fascist morons, and ethnostates are pathetic.
Not that it’ll prove a thing, but I’ll let you continue your fail streak by asking you to point out out where I quoted Hitler as you mirrored his ideology.
I’ll extend an olive branch though - I can help direct you to a bunker so that you can finish the copycat job if you’d like.
I wouldn’t support the Nazis, but I’d realize they are going to act in their own self interest and influence the world around them to benefit their society to the best of their ability.
Finland realized it could not win fighting the Soviets and ceded territory for peace. I’d say it worked out well for them.
Palestinians have overplayed their hand for forty years and this latest conflict is just the consequence of their own actions.
Palestine isn’t genociding itself, and they were led by secular moderates until Israel backed Hamas to create the pretext for the genocide they’re now committing. They’ve been relegated to an open-air concentration camp as Israel kills orders of magnitude more Palestinians than Hamas kills Israelis. This is just far-right lunatics creating an ethnostate via genocide - like the Nazis.
The Nazis weren’t about improving society - they wanted to kill multiple groups and suppress the rest. It’s a deeply stupid ideology in addition to being monstrous.
Does your apparent “I think this monstrous bullshit is in my personal self-interest, so it’s justified” principle extend to Hamas attacking Israel? What if I’m homeless hungry and horny - do I get to kill you, take your house, rape your wife and eat your kid? If not, why not?
What’s the ethnic makeup of Israel? What’s the ethnic makeup of Palestine? Which one is closer to the definition of an ethno state? Do words not mean anything to you?
You’re granted citizenship automatically if you’re Jewish and you get a free trip to go there. Being Jewish grants one special privileges. The country is based entirely on ethnicity and was established with that as a core principle. If it’s not technically considered an ethnostate, it’s about the closest that a country can be one without being one in that case.
Who the fuck cares about a claim from thousands of years ago? Can you even count how many Greats you would have to add to even reach your goat herder of a grandpa back when Jesus was still around?
This is just trying to revive a dead dream and we all get to suffer for it.
A recent claim is better. I care about the partitioning of the lands with the Sykes Picot Agreement, I don’t care about some inbred king of sandland did back in 147AD.
Wouldn’t this mean that the millions of Israelis born in Israel over the last 80 years probably have the strongest claim to the land (at least the internationally recognized 1967 borders anyway)? 1916 is not particularly recent
Yeah i think a couple of Neanderthals descendants have claims that go back tens of thousands of years. do they get the same sentiment from your bleeding hearth?
Also my cousin has Etruscan blood, should he kick Italians out of Italy as he has a claim that goes back TWO thousands years and he’s got nowhere to go since his wife kicked him out?
So those claims you talked about are just bullshit and it’s just about i want the land and am stronger so I just grab it. Fair enough you could have made it clear sooner so we wouldn’t all waste time pretending. While we are at it putin is also good for you isn’t it?
No Putin and Hamas are cut from the same cloth. Both are aggressors.
I fully support Ukraine and hope we ship them all the weapons they ask for. I hope they regain all the territory they lost and wipe Russia from the map. But at the same time if they are not able to secure the lands they lost I hope they have sense enough to know when to compromise.
The Palestinian leadership has displayed no such common sense as of yet.
Now imagine a civil war begins in the US. Both sides get too weak. And then the Cherokee, Apache, … receive all the military help they need from, let’s say, China. And they start killing “every non Nation person” because “that was our land”. Would you say that’s right and that all and every white/black/Asian person deserve it?
Well yea, to be fair if half these Redditors Lemmies lived in the Middle East they would be calling for the genocide of the US after what happened in Afghanistan and Iraq
Total war is not just an abstract political move, it’s an immense suffering and deaths of dozens of thousands of civilians.
It’s easy to play political mastermind from the safety and comfort of your home. People who witnessed war know full well what it entails, and they know it’s not just numbers and maps and politics.
It’s blood. It’s broken families. It’s famine. It’s the destruction of everything they valued. It’s PTSD for just about everyone who managed to survive.
Think twice before saying things like that. Please.
I’m simply describing the situation in Gaza for what it is, Total War. I’m not advocating for it, but I recognize that Israel is going to respond to October 7 as they see fit.
Would you rather I described it in a way that didn’t hurt your fragile sensibilities?
The fact that I described the current situation as “Total war”. Seems to offend you. Should I say both sides are making a “fluffy”, would that make you feel better?
Sorry it’s been a day between posting and responding. On top of that there are a lot of tools in this thread and it hard to keep every conversation straight.
But in short Israel is a sovereign nation whose citizens were just attacked in a large scale well coordinated manner. They have every right to go after the perpetrators. If total war and the leveling of Gaza is what it takes and they have the ability to execute it then so be it.
And that’s where I and most other Palestine supporters strongly disagree.
For starters, being attacked doesn’t allow the country to breach the international treaties on the law of war. Civilian massacre and “leveling of Gaza” is a grave breach of the treaties and a war crime, it should not be supported and Netanyahu and Israeli military officials are waited for in Hague, where they need to give quite an explanation for what they’ve done (and certainly get arrested).
Second, the attack on Israel was carried out by a small militant group, to which the majority of Palestinians barely holds any relation. About 200 people were taken as PoW. Israel’s response on that was unproportionate, with dozens of thousands of civilians killed, misplaced, and taken as PoWs. Regular people, people who did not attack Israel, are now finding themselves among one of the most cruel and lawless wars of the 21st century, with nobody able to protect them.
People of Palestine did not deserve this. They are civilians, and under the law of war, they should never be touched. There is a reason international community recognizes those rules, and Israel just decided to not give a damn. Israel is currently carrying more unnecessary, malicious violence and extermination than any other country on Earth.
As I said, under any circumstances, total war is not justified, and the international community has long formalized that. This conflict has shown how many people lack basic humanity to be able to universally recognize basic human rights long written in international laws and conventions.
Saying “this section of the planet belongs to a specific race because they’re fractionally descended from one of the people that lived there a long time ago” is dumb as fuck. Modern people have 0 connection to Jews that long ago and most modern Israeli Jews aren’t actually ethnically similar to Jews thousands of years ago, most Israelis are primarily European descendant or other non-Palestinian descendant.
Modern Israelis are not the same group as the various historical groups referred to as “Jews”. Your logic is flawed.
Just a slight correction; something like 60 percent of modern Israelis are Mizrahi, meaning they are from the Middle East and have no European ancestry or connection to Europe. Ethnically they are very similar to the Palestinians and if you put them together in a mixed group, you probably wouldn’t be able to tell them apart based on appearance alone.
There’s also no reason to think that Mizrahi Jews aren’t largely descended from the ancient Jewish population since wherever they’ve lived in the Middle East, they’ve never been fully integrated and have always been pretty insular. Most scholars think that the same is true to a lesser extent of Ashkenazi Jews as well, though obviously they have a lot more European ancestry.
which side is really refusing negotiations: the ones getting armed by the biggest military power in the planet, with the intention of ethnic cleansing, or the ones getting their country leveled fighting with improvised bombs?
Hamas is holding Palestine hostage, they haven’t had elections in how long? Netanyahu is basically the George W Bush of Israel, curating the current situation in order to create the theatre of war. Meanwhile there are some ridiculously powerful Arab countries right next door who talk a lot of shit about Israel but curiously won’t lift a finger to aid Palestine. Why is that?
The leaders on both sides are at fault. And their neighbours leaders. And world leaders. We need everyday people to stand up to this populist war mongering bullshit. Fuck the nepo babies who inherit their positions of power and influence - if we don’t say something now we’re all doomed.
Hamas has called for elections numerous times in the last decades. Israel and the US’s client government in the west bank, the Palestinian authority, refuses because they recognize that they will lose. Hamas is at no fault. As a resistance organization they are of the utmost moral standing. They engaged in symmetric military combat with the Israeli military in a textbook act of honorable military resistance when they had no obligation to. They display humaneness towards Israeli colonizers that defies all the brutality that Israel has visited upon the Palestinian people. This is a war against colonialism and imperialism. The belligerents in this war are the united states and Israel. What needs to happen is that they are defeated.
Fuck the Israeli government with a cactus, but that doesn’t mean Hamas is anything other than horrible. Groups of “the utmost moral standing” don’t seek out civilian casualties or rape women in the street or accept funding from the Israeli government to keep the “war” (oppression and genocide of Palestinians) going as long as possible
The reality is they did not target civilians, they only targetted soldiers and policemen, and they did not rape anyone on the 7th of October. The first point is corroborated by the testimonies of the Israelis in kibbutz be’eri who said the fighters did not harm them but asked them to call the police. In addition to the testimonies that the IDF shelled homes with their inhabitants and fighters inside, fired from helicopters onto the music festival, and shot their own citizens while trying to target qassam fighters, and the casualty figures reported by Israel itself, where 200, half of the burned unidentified bodies turned out to be Palestinians, its evident that Israel caused the overwhelming majority of civilian deaths on 7/10.
The rape and sexual assault allegations are completely uncorroborated to this day, not even one testimony or piece of evidence supports them.
This is not to imply that Palestinian resistance would be wrong to target Israeli “civilian” settlers, they would not. Settlers are active participants and beneficiaries of violence, murder, oppression, and ethnic cleansing. The social order where their comfortable lives depend on Palestinian death and subjugation must be upended. For the oppressed to inflict violence on their colonizers is for them to assert their humanity.
They literally posted videos of it, the fuck are you talking about? Hamas is a piece of shit terrorist dictatorship that Israel supports and allows to exist as an excuse to keep killing Palestinian civilians. Btw the “they don’t want to be in power but nobody will let them step down” bullshit is very tired and very obviously bullshit, you sound like a tankie trying to explain how Stalin wasn’t a dictator. Hamas isn’t fighting for the people, they’re tin pot tyrants with suitcases full of money from their supposed enemy, a convenient excuse for Israel to drive out and kill everyone in Gaza. Hamas is a pawn in Netanyahu’s game, if you hate zionism you should hate Hamas too
Show me the videos of Qassam fighters targeting civilians. Israel does not support hamas, that is delusional. They have never giver aid to hamas as a political organization. Israel funnelled money to hamas when it was a civil religious charity organization, before it had any political dimensions. They directly support the Palestinian authority. I never said hamas didn’t want to be in power. I said they called for elections. They would win these election because they are the most popular Palestinian political party. Hamas is fighting for Palestinian liberation and more successfully than any organization before it. That is a fact. All resistance of the oppressed is going to be used to justify violence and murder against them. That does not make resistance futile or helpful for the colonizer. All resistance factions would resist Israel in the same way in this position. Hamas’s Muslim ideology is irrelevant in the colonial stage.
The rest is wrong and I don’t give a shit about it, but if Hamas would win the election so easily, why not hold elections? What kind of delusional circular logic is that? “Hamas is popular, so no need to see if the people want Hamas to stay in power” You seem like you know a lot about the issue and have a lot of good takes, but Hamas Good is very very much not one of them. Ngl the kind of shit you’ve been saying here has major hexbear/grad vibes, like your only thread of logic is “Israel bad and supported by US, therefore their enemies are perfect by default and any evidence that proves otherwise is fake”
What? Hamas controls the Gaza strip. They are calling for elections in both the west bank and Gaza, and the Palestinian authority (which controls the west bank illegitimately after losing the 2006 election) refuses because they will lose. The Palestinian authority is ruled by Fateh, the collaborator party that is supported by Israel. I didn’t comment on the need for elections. As a Palestinian in Palestine it’s clear that hamas would win in the elections if there were any. They already win in student elections etc.
In the context of colonization and resistance, there is nothing to criticize Hamas for. There is a lot to commend them on. Hamas isn’t perfect obviously. Hamas would be justified in attacking Israeli settlers as all anti colonial resistance movements would be. If there were any evidence of al qassam engaging in sexual violence, that would be an excess that needs to be exorcised with discipline. But there is no evidence of that. In any case it is certain that that is not part of the strategy or doctrine of the al qassam brigades.
So your blame is on hamas and Gaza for what Israel is doing there? Here’s a question, if there are terrorists hiding under a school or who were hiding in Manhattan or Tel Aviv. Would it be justified to bomb everything like what happened in Gaza?
Well, New York is American soil, if Terrorists were hiding under a building there I hope our government can surgically remove them. I then hope that our government would glass whatever shit hole those terrorists came from.
Tel Aviv is Israelis territory, it’s response is up to their leadership and the will of populace.
Maybe Israel shouldn’t fund Hamas over secular orgs to manufacture the pretext for the genocide they’re now committing in order to create an ethnostate.
Ok so you’re against Israel providing work permits to Palestinians?
Hamas was also included in discussions about increasing the number of work permits Israel granted to Gazan laborers, which kept money flowing into Gaza, meaning food for families and the ability to purchase basic products.
From one of your articles, they’re literally complaining that Israel allows Palestinians to have jobs in Israel and saying that this practice of not totally starving out Palestine is proping up Hamas.
Since Netanyahu returned to power in January 2023, the number of work permits has soared to nearly 20,000.
The article is angry at him for something you almost certainly use the opposite of as a reason to call it an apartheid state or open air prison or whatever, this is something you surely think should happen right? Palestinians should be able to work in Israel, right?
They go on to talk about how he shouldn’t be letting aid money into Gaza, etc
And do you agree with this from the article?
One thing is clear: The concept of indirectly strengthening Hamas — while tolerating sporadic attacks and minor military operations every few years — went up in smoke Saturday.
They argue that anything less than total military destruction of Hamas is equivalent to support, they want a boodier and more brutal war which is why they’re saying the claim in the headline - surely you don’t agree with that? Surely you don’t think that Israel shouldn’t let aid into Gaza and should attack more violently? Therefore surely you don’t agree with the claim in the title.
You’re parroting headlines without reading the article, probably because you’ve heard the claim repeated by so many people who also didn’t bother to read the article and just assumed it validated their existing view.
Ok so you’re against Israel providing work permits to Palestinians?
I’m against apartheid states that requires people of ‘undesirable’ ethnicity get work permits.
And do you agree with this from the article?
Yes - Israel has done away with sporadic attacks and launched into a more rapid genocidal approach.
Imagine defending an apartheid state committing a genocide, pointing to the apartheid to say there’s not apartheid, and rapid escalation in indiscriminate killing to say there’s not genocide.
You’ve purposely tried to redirect the topic to avoid the very clear fact that the conspiracy theory claim you made is based on them doing things that you think they should be doing.
You just spoke about the current conflict as worse than what was happening previously, the article you used up back up your conspiracy theory that Israel created Hamas is based on the argument they should have had a similar reaction sooner and that it should be more extreme.
You say genocide which I presume you count as starting before this current conflict and is based on the flimsy arguement they don’t let enough aid though, etc but you also want to use the flimsy arguement that they’re letting too much aid through which is propping up a terrorist organisation.
The reality that you don’t rely know or care about what you’re talking about is very clear, you’re throwing around buzzwords and meme talking points you haven’t even thought about and have no idea of how they relate to the wider situation. You’ve decided your team thinks Israel is bad and you’re on a quest to amplify that because you feel it will make you look like a passionate and intellectual person - unfortunately these hamfisted and empty arguments you’re making just make you look like a gullible blowhard.
The genocide that Israel is talking about pretty transparently as they indiscriminately bomb the shit out of civilians is a conspiracy - you got it, Jitler.
So your original claim? You’ve forgotten about that and your not going to respond to anything I’ve said but will continue to throw out emotive but meaningless statements?
That Israel is committing a genocide? Here’s a parade of their political leaders saying as much…
Prime Minister Netanyahu
They (Israel/IDF) are committed to completely eliminating this evil from the world,”
You must remember what Amalek has done to you, says our Holy Bible. And we do remember.
I don’t call them human animals because that would be insulting to animals
“Defence” minister Galant
We are fighting human animals, and we are acting accordingly
Nakba to the enemy now! This day is our Pearl Harbour. We will still learn the lessons. Right now, one goal: Nakba! A Nakba that will overshadow the Nakba of 48. A Nakba in Gaza and a Nakba for anyone who dares to join!
erasing all of Gaza from the face of the Earth. Gaza needs to be wiped out.
goals for this victory. One, there is no more Muslim land in the land of Israel. After we make it the land of Israel, Gaza should be left as a monument, like Sodom.”
In case you don’t remember your Torah, here’s a refresher on the Amalekites… I will punish the Amalekites for what they did to Israel when they waylaid them as they came up from Egypt. Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy all that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys.
Maybe you meant the funding Hamas piece - here’s Brig. Gen. Yitzhak Segev, Israeli military governor in Gaza in the early 1980s telling a New York Times reporter that he had helped finance the Palestinian Islamist movement as a “counterweight” to the secularists and leftists of the Palestine Liberation Organization and the Fatah party, led by Yasser Arafat.
The Israeli government gave me a budget, and the military government gives to the mosques.”
Unsurprisingly, Arafat also referred to Hamas as
A creature of Israel
Avner Cohen, a former Israeli religious affairs official who worked in Gaza for more than two decades speaking to the WSJ…
Funding might be true. But do we have real evidence that it was done precisely for what you described? Did someone specific decided “let’s give them money, so they would build rockets to bomb us, then invade to kill our citizens in an attack we’ll be unprepared for and then have all the right to obliterate them and nobody would stop us”?
Incredibly loaded framing aside, what’s your explanation for Israel backing a Jihadist group, and helping them displace moderate, secular alternatives while consistently using genocidal language and displacing Palestinians?
I’d say it’s not loaded framing on my side, but convoluted assumptions (and possibly clairvoyance) on the other.
I may not have the explanation of why “Israel funded hamas”, but I know that half the world funded Palestine for years, and that most of that help naturally must’ve went through hamas.
Simply put, it doesn’t seem like Israel could avoid funding Palestine. Hamas could’ve put that money in improving lives of citizens.
Israel put a terrorist org that’s hostile to them in neighbouring territories they’re trying to ethnically cleanse via genocide and you can’t figure it why? I suppose critical thought was never fascists’ strong suit.
International funding went to Palestinians via aid orgs - not Hamas. That said, anything that did go to Hamas was because Israel put them in power - you don’t get to put terrorists in power, commit war crimes, then whine when the international community sends aid to the people you’re genociding. Israel is also a recipient of $3.8 billion dollars every year in US military support alone - that’s comparable to the total amount of internal aid sent to Palestine between 2014 and 2020.
The problem isn’t Israel funding Palestine - it’s with them funding a terrorist group to put them in power, removing the secular moderates that were in place already… You know - so they could justify the genocide they’ve been loudly telegraphing they want to commit.
You don’t get to play the victim on this one, Jitler.
it’s with them funding a terrorist group to put them in power
And I thought it was Palestinians who chose hamas during elections. The other candidate was also a terrorist group if I’m not mistaken though, so really don’t see how complicated the plan of Israel should’ve been for everything to play out exactly as it had.
so they could justify the genocide they’ve been loudly telegraphing they want to commit.
So basically the plan was “Kill us, so we could kill you” all along, huh? This is some flat earth level conspiracy.
Hamas is a terrorist org that Israel backed to replace the secular moderates - this isn’t half as complex as the narrative knots you idiots tie yourselves in to defend the genocide - in not sure why you’re finding this difficult.
So basically the plan was “Kill us, so we could kill you” all along, huh? This is some flat earth level conspiracy.
They’ve been signalling genocidal intent for years, but can’t just do it without losing the US backing they need to not get obliterated by their neighbours. Why else did they help the hostile jihadists over the secular moderates? Again, really straightforward stuff.
Meanwhile, you use Nazi-tier logic to defend Nazi-tier actions.
First, the whole matter of some country being able to affect political groups in another country being normal, as you’re saying about it, is more than lousy to say the least. Israel did not create hamas. Israel could not know how it will act over the years. Israel could not know who will win the elections.
Second, proposing the idea that a modern non-jihad government would put their own population at risk of terrorist attacks in order to have a chance to do genocide of other population is ridiculous.
Third, if the “second” thing above is incorrect, they would instead fiddle with the iron dome. More specifically, there would be no iron dome in the first place - they would take all the rocket hits they could in order to show the world how aggressive terrorists are and invade Gaza asap.
you use Nazi-tier logic to defend Nazi-tier actions.
I don’t know what to say here. What nazi-tier even means is beyond me. But you here basically operate with extremes like every actor does exactly what they are programmed to do. It seems to me that even if some investigation will conclude that Israel, in fact, did not intent to fund any specific group, you’ll still find new twists in order to make Israel guilty of what hamas did.
Israel did not create hamas. Israel could not know how it will act over the years.
Noone said Israel created Hamas - but for them not to realise that they would be openly hostile to Israel given their rhetoric would represent a literally unbelievable level of incompetence on Israel’s part. Dumb and/or dishonest.
Israel could not know who will win the elections.
They threw enough money at Hamas to help them successfully win the election. Not a guarantee, but a definite finger on the scale. Dumb and dishonest.
Second, proposing the idea that a modern non-jihad government would put their own population at risk of terrorist attacks in order to have a chance to do genocide of other population is ridiculous.
A few of hundred Israelis traded for the extermination of the Palestinians and the annexation of their territory is implausible to you? Just about any force that’s conducted an annexation has paid a greater price than this - look at Russia right now. Israel aren’t Islamic, so jihadist isn’t a great characterisation, but they’re theocratic and genocidal - a distinction without a meaningful difference. Dumb and/or dishonest.
they would instead fiddle with the iron dome.
Why? It works well enough, and they haven’t bothered to invest further in it with Hamas in power and years of rocket attacks? Seems as though Netanyahu isn’t too concerned about a few hundred Israeli deaths, no? Dumb or dishonest.
What nazi-tier even means is beyond me
A far-right wing fascist ethnostate doing warcrimes and genocidal bullshit. Dumb and dishonest.
What did these Israeli government representatives mean when they said…
Prime Minister Netanyahu
They (Israel/IDF) are committed to completely eliminating this evil from the world,”
You must remember what Amalek has done to you, says our Holy Bible. And we do remember.
I don’t call them human animals because that would be insulting to animals
“Defence” minister Galant
We are fighting human animals, and we are acting accordingly
Nakba to the enemy now! This day is our Pearl Harbour. We will still learn the lessons. Right now, one goal: Nakba! A Nakba that will overshadow the Nakba of 48. A Nakba in Gaza and a Nakba for anyone who dares to join!
erasing all of Gaza from the face of the Earth. Gaza needs to be wiped out.
goals for this victory. One, there is no more Muslim land in the land of Israel. After we make it the land of Israel, Gaza should be left as a monument, like Sodom.”
In case you don’t remember your Torah, here’s a refresher on the Amalekites… I will punish the Amalekites for what they did to Israel when they waylaid them as they came up from Egypt. Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy all that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys.
The contradictions quoted directly from the genocidal monsters you’re defending, which are dumb, dishonest, and speculative?
I’m sure you’ve shared your totally real explanation of the mask off genocidal admissions with your totally real girlfriend… who goes to another school… In another country - it’s all definitely real though.
I wish you all the very best of luck in emulating Hitler’s exit strategy, Rudolph Jitler.
When I said contradictions and “speculative” I meant only unquoted parts. Quotes parts from named persons are pretty much irrelevant and I have neither time nor interest to verify them, especially when they are mixed with accusations of religious and/or other uninteresting nature and fake names.
You’re wrong and I’m defending a genocide - in just too lazy to explain why, and your quotes from the leader of the country she leader of the military are irrelevant… Fake news.
You’re applauding the genocide of a group of people because of their race and religion, and you don’t understand why. You’re both a useful idiot and a monstrous piece of shit, deserving of the type of treatment that you’re wishing upon Palestinians.
You’re applauding the genocide of a group of people because of their race and religion, and you don’t understand why.
I’m not applauding, it’s only in your head. If hamas fought for freedom they’d do it in a way that would not lead to current events. Even still, they can stop what’s happening by surrendering. I don’t need to care about their religion to understand that their actions are idiotic and will not lead to what they claim they’re fighting for.
The existence of Hamas isn’t an excuse for the genocide of Palestine.
If Hamas all killed themselves publicly immediately, this wouldn’t stop.
The Israeli government backed the rise of Hamas over moderate secular orgs - they’ve admitted to this. The Israeli government wants to commit a genocide in order to establish an ethnostate - they’ve admitted to this, and kill far more Palestinian civilians than Hamas - to say nothing of those they’ve forcefully displaced, and the rest that they confine to an open air concentration camp (which they’re currently bombing). The Israeli government supported the Hamas terrorists, knowing they’d kill Israelis, creating the pretext for what they’re now doing. This is monstrous.
If Hamas all killed themselves publicly immediately, this wouldn’t stop.
It will, for the same reason why Israel couldn’t do the genocide publicly without “creating the pretext” beforehand. Because somehow they feel satisfying public is imperative.
Israel, the dominant regional, nuclear power, have:
Established an apartheid state,
Confined their untermensch to concentration camps,
Promoted an openly hostile group to leadership of the untermensch, knowing hundreds/thousands would die, giving them an excuse to kill orders of magnitude more.
Restricted/cut water, food, power, trade and movement to the country-scale concentration camps.
Killed tens of thousands of civilians, injuring and displacing many more to advance a genocide to establish an ethnostate.
Will likely abandon democracy.
…and they won’t stop until they’re forced to.
Why are you defending this unambiguously monstrous behaviour
How much further would Israel need to go for you to condemn them
Why shouldn’t the international community (i.e. The US) step in immediately?
Is there a meaningful distinction between Novemberpogrome-era (kristallnacht) Nazi Germany and Israel you can identify?
Why at some point you say Israel needs a public reason and very carefully constructed circumstances to start the invasion, but then say that Israel will not stop this invasion unless someone makes them? This absense of logic shows that your judgement is based on how you imagine a monster in your head, not on how real events play out.
If you allow yourself to assume I’m defending Israel, then I’m gonna assume you’re defending monsters who were, by your own words, put in power by Israel, and then for years were bombing both Israel as Gaza with barely working missiles.
You refuse the idea of hamas being able to stop the invasion by surrendering, so I’m assuming those people are more important than the rest of Palestinians for you.
Why do you ask me to condemn something if, by your own words, only the US is able to stop Israel? I’m not the US and they will not listen to me.
Looking for confirmation of some magic connection between something and nazi Germany is useless and only serves your own satisfaction in placing a “bad” marker on a monster you imagined in your head. Feel free to do that without anyone’s permission.
Why at some point you say Israel needs a public reason and very carefully constructed circumstances to start the invasion, but then say that Israel will not stop this invasion unless someone makes them? This absense of logic shows that your judgement is based on how you imagine a monster in your head, not on how real events play out.
If Israel doesn’t manufacture pretext, the US won’t be able to support them, which will stop the UN security council vetoes, military and financial aid, the dampener on international condemnation, and likely trigger direct intervention to stop the genocide - as it is, Biden has taken a massive hit at the polls due to his support. This is very simple, straightforward logic where’s the gap you’re insisting exists?
If you allow yourself to assume I’m defending Israel
What are you doing here if not defending Israel? I’ve given you ample opportunity to correct the record on this point, and you’ve consistently deflected to whining about the far lesser of two evils.
I’m gonna assume you’re defending monsters who were, by your own words, put in power by Israel.
Yes - I’m defending the group I called monsters (and evil in the paragraph above). You’re too stupid to sell these lies - don’t bother.
You refuse the idea of hamas being able to stop the invasion by surrendering, so I’m assuming those people are more important than the rest of Palestinians for you.
You’re going to need to explain your logic on this one. There’s zero logical connection between those statements.
Why do you ask me to condemn something if, by your own words, only the US is able to stop Israel? I’m not the US and they will not listen to me.
Because I’m underscoring the fact that you’re defending a genocide. You’ve complained about Hamas - WHY THE FUCK HAVEN’T YOU STOPPED THEM?
Looking for confirmation of some magic connection between something and nazi Germany is useless and only serves your own satisfaction in placing a “bad” marker on a monster you imagined in your head. Feel free to do that without anyone’s permission.
I’ve drawn a pretty clear comparison between the actions of Israel and one of the most uncontroversially evil groups in history (particularly to Israelis). I’ve invited you to point to a meaningful difference between one of the greatest evils in history and the group you’re defending, and you’ve failed.
Give me a reason to think you’re not defending a genocide rather than telling lies, pointing to fictional logic gaps and insisting I’m defending a group I’m actively condemning. It’s reeeally simple “Israel are committing a genocide - a completely indefensible act, which should see their leadership tried in the Hague” or alternatively, “What Israel is doing is fine because…” - at which point I’ll continue to ridicule you for your continued moronic, genocidal nonsense.
This is very simple, straightforward logic where’s the gap you’re insisting exists?
The gap is you thinking whatever they achieved with the “pretext” will not disappear with the last hamas members surrendering.
What are you doing here if not defending Israel?
I’m merely pointing at elephants in the room. What hamas have been doing was a mistake and a lost opportunity for Palestinians.
Yes - I’m defending the group I called monsters
Defending hamas you mean? Yes, I don’t see why anyone would do that if not for the sake of hoping they would do more useless attacks, instead of doing something meaningful in current situation.
You’re going to need to explain your logic on this one.
IDF: we need to kill hamas terrorists.
Hamas: gotta hide ourselves and let them kill Palestinians instead.
You: Israel wants to kill Palestinians, not hamas. Hamas better hide themselves.
Still not seeing it?
You’ve complained about Hamas - WHY THE FUCK HAVEN’T YOU STOPPED THEM?
So this is why I haven’t been seeing any discussion where people like you condemned hamas terrorists attacks in past years? Because by your logic you need to be able to do something to correct the situation in order to be allowed to condemn it? I see. But then not getting what are you trying to achieve here.
I’ve drawn a pretty clear comparison between the actions of Israel and one of the most uncontroversially evil groups in history (particularly to Israelis). I’ve invited you to point to a meaningful difference between one of the greatest evils in history and the group you’re defending, and you’ve failed.
Let’s start with the fact that nazi didn’t need to construct the “pretext” that would rely on a group (that they’ve put in power) that would attack them with useless missiles. They’ve just attacked. Meaningful difference.
Jitler, I’d say I expected better, but I’m not as comfortable lying as you clearly are, and my views aren’t dependent on lies. You’re having trouble keeping your story straight and it shows.
The gap is you thinking whatever they achieved with the “pretext” will not disappear with the last hamas members surrendering.
The pretext is killing Hamas. No Hamas, no pretext. Even you can’t be this stupid - this isn’t a lie worth telling. If Israel isn’t trying to kill Hamas, are you just biting the bullet and admitting they’re committing a genocide to establish an ethnostate?
I’m merely pointing at elephants in the room. What hamas have been doing was a mistake and a lost opportunity for Palestinians.
Yeah - Hamas are bad and counter-productive. As you point to the elephant in the room, there’s a pack of genocidal monsters gunning down every Palestinian in sight… not to mention a bunch of journalists, aid workers and Israelis - you’ll have to forgive my suspicion at your singular fixation on the elephant.
Defending hamas you mean? Yes, I don’t see why anyone would do that if not for the sake of hoping they would do more useless attacks, instead of doing something meaningful in current situation.
Yes - calling Hamas monsters and many other negative things could only be because I am defending them and want them to do more useless attacks. Another lie too transparently stupid to be worth telling.
IDF: we need to kill hamas terrorists.
Hamas: gotta hide ourselves and let them kill Palestinians instead.
You: Israel wants to kill Palestinians, not hamas. Hamas better hide themselves.
Israel: We want to genocide Palestine Hamas: Thanks for the funding and helping us displace the secular moderates - I guess we’ll do exactly what we said we would and kill Israelis Israel: oh no… I guess we’ll have to genocide Palestine - can’t be helped - we couldn’t know who is and isn’t Hamas… Thanks for the continued support, US.
Difference is that I can just point to actual quotes from Israeli leaders rather than sharing - but more on that later.
So this is why I haven’t been seeing any discussion where people like you condemned hamas terrorists attacks in past years?
I wasn’t on Lemmy until a couple of months ago, so you can’t possibly be talking about me. That said, I haven’t seen it as particularly relevant to comment on it the past few years - particularly when Israel were killing orders of magnitude more Palestinians while maintaining concentration camp conditions in Palestine. The recent escalation to clear genocide changed that.
Because by your logic you need to be able to do something to correct the situation in order to be allowed to condemn it? I see. But then not getting what are you trying to achieve here.
That was your moronic logic - not mine. I’ve been comfortable condemning Israel, Hamas and the Nazis, as your logic from your last reply means that you’d need to insist Hitler did nothing wrong. It’s clear you’re struggling to keep your lies straight, so here’s a refresher…
Why do you ask me to condemn something if, by your own words, only the US is able to stop Israel? I’m not the US and they will not listen to me.
Again - this is all plain to see and too dumb and transparent a lie to be worth telling.
Let’s start with the fact that nazi didn’t need to construct the “pretext” that would rely on a group (that they’ve put in power) that would attack them with useless missiles. They’ve just attacked. Meaningful difference.
The only meaningful difference you can identify between the actions and rhetoric of Israel and early Nazi Germany is the fact that Nazi Germany wasn’t dependent on the support of an external party they needed to placate? I won’t argue with that - what do you think that says about the regime you’re running cover for?
You still haven’t managed to condemn Israel, and you’ve spent an awful lot of time whining about the comparatively minor evils of Hamas when you’ve made it clear Israel is comparable to Nazi Germany. Why is that?
Now for those quotes I promised you…
Prime Minister Netanyahu
They (Israel/IDF) are committed to completely eliminating this evil from the world,”
You must remember what Amalek has done to you, says our Holy Bible. And we do remember.
I don’t call them human animals because that would be insulting to animals
“Defence” minister Galant
We are fighting human animals, and we are acting accordingly
Nakba to the enemy now! This day is our Pearl Harbour. We will still learn the lessons. Right now, one goal: Nakba! A Nakba that will overshadow the Nakba of 48. A Nakba in Gaza and a Nakba for anyone who dares to join!
erasing all of Gaza from the face of the Earth. Gaza needs to be wiped out.
goals for this victory. One, there is no more Muslim land in the land of Israel. After we make it the land of Israel, Gaza should be left as a monument, like Sodom.”
In case you don’t remember your Torah, here’s a refresher on the Amalekites… I will punish the Amalekites for what they did to Israel when they waylaid them as they came up from Egypt. Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy all that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys.
The pretext is killing Hamas. No Hamas, no pretext. Even you can’t be this stupid - this isn’t a lie worth telling. If Israel isn’t trying to kill Hamas, are you just biting the bullet and admitting they’re committing a genocide to establish an ethnostate?
Yeah I struggle to understand why you’re avoiding the whole matter of how “capture all Hamas members and release all hostages” is such a difficult concept to grasp and, therefore, a matter to fulfill. If someone actually wants to make IDF go home, that is.
As you point to the elephant in the room, there’s a pack of genocidal monsters gunning down every Palestinian in sight… not to mention a bunch of journalists, aid workers and Israelis - you’ll have to forgive my suspicion at your singular fixation on the elephant.
And there is also a thing that happened on October that involved quite a lot of stuff. A thing that would have prevented a lot of deaths, if it had not been done, you know. I’m not asking you to forgive my suspicion at your fixation on something that came after that. I’m telling that you are defending terrorists. Or, maybe, you even share goals with them.
Yes - calling Hamas monsters and many other negative things could only be because I am defending them and want them to do more useless attacks. Another lie too transparently stupid to be worth telling.
Well you’re only calling them negative things when asked about it, and only to make others accept you as an adequate person, or stuff. Pretty simple concept to grasp - express something that you don’t really feel, you know. Called a “lie”.
Israel: We want to genocide Palestine
That didn’t happen. Or, whatever the way you want to rephrase it, the ground operation decision was not made until what happened on October, happened.
Hamas: Thanks for the funding and helping us displace the secular moderates - I guess we’ll do exactly what we said we would and kill Israelis
So you’re basically refusing the idea that Hamas could be adequate human beings, and think they can only operate as machines, or instruments in someone’s hands. Too bad. It is they themselves who should take responsibility for their actions, not Israel.
I haven’t seen it as particularly relevant to comment on it the past few years - particularly when Israel were killing orders of magnitude more Palestinians while maintaining concentration camp conditions in Palestine.
Magnitude more than… ?
You still haven’t managed to condemn Israel
I don’t need to condemn Israel. They are being watched, and are a subject to investigations and prosecutions, or whatever the world community decides will be needed. Hamas is a whole different beast - there is no one to bring them to justice as there are no proper institutions in Gaza for that to happen.
comparatively minor evils of Hamas
Comparatively… minor…
Okay look I got a new explanation for you. Simple one. Hamas did this to themselves, and to all Palestinians in the process. Why and how? Simple.
Hamas: We enjoy killing and can’t care enough to build anything that would help our citizens in their lives. we will make them into terrorists and teach them to enjoy killing. So when Israel comes for us, they will have the whole Gaza to fight against. The more Palestinians are killed by Israel, even by accident - the more terrorists we will have at our disposal. * invades Israel to mercilessly kill/rape civilians and take hostages * Come at us, Israel, we need you to kill our people or else we won’t have enough terrorists.
Israel: Well you asked for it. We tried our best, even gave jobs to your people and provided you for your needs but you wasted all resources into missiles instead. Too bad that you can’t get your shit together.
Hamas: Thank you! Can’t wait to die as heroes from your hands and give rise to a terrorist army.
Simple concept, don’t you see? Current genocide is the intended result of Hamas’ actions - they needed someone to come and kill a lot of people. Israel’s evils are comparatively minor, they are merely being used as instruments.
Also, could you maybe explain why would someone call someone else Jitler, and why would someone assume someone else knows what “Torah” is?
If my active, repeated condemnation of Hamas is support, based on your self-contradictory, transparently dishonest, frequently Incoherent, cowardly and genocidal rambling, it’s safe to assume you’re currently raping a Palestinian baby to death, and I don’t particularly need to be a part of that.
Yeah I think it would help everyone to waste less time if you could spill out exactly that in the first place, instead of ramblings towards the Jitler guy and Torah stories.
I hope so too - difference between you and me is that I apply the principle consistently to both Hamas,the Israelis backing them, and the Israelis committing a genocide.
That gives me an idea for an invention. Hollow chopsticks so you can pump ketchup onto your sushi as you eat it. You could even stab it into it and do a ketchup injection!
I believe FNAF getting mega-popular was the precise moment when the scales tipped for me and I officially became old. I looked at it, and I decided that it’s just dumb and I can’t comprehend why the kids these days are so into it. I mean, I know the real draw is watching streamers or whoever freak out at all the jump scares and act ridiculous. But that’s a pastime that doesn’t appeal to me in any form whatsoever. Just, get that kind of thing off my lawn.
I did watch a ton of Game Theories videos, though.
I wanna point out, recognizing something isn’t for you doesn’t make you old. Your refusal to recognize it as something someone else enjoys is where that boomer mentality comes in. That’s just a theory, a BOOMER theory
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