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Jumuta, (edited ) in Quick, someone inform Alex Jones. AI is turning the frogs gay!

GenAI post 🤮

@MacNCheezus@lemmy.today avatar

Generic AI hating comment 🥱

H3wastooshort, (edited ) in nicotine wars

I hate those disposable vapes with a passion, but hey at least i get free li-ion cells from my classmates empty ones


Can you tell me how to repurpose those? I have a fuck ton.

H3wastooshort, (edited )

There are lots of resources online, for example bigclives videos.

This is the gist:

Depends on the kind of model, but usually you have two caps one one tube. If you take the one opposite to the mouthpiece out with a pair of plyers, you can usually slide the electronics out. Cut the wire at the battery and there you go. Just be careful: they usually are the pouch type, wich means its not that hard to squish, puncture or bend them, which might anger the spicy chemicals inside enough to have it ignite. Put them in the little plastic containers for photigraphic film rolls, pills, or something else rigid. Usually they have solder tabs that you can poke through the lid and bottom to connect to them. You can also solder some wire to these tabs instead.

Make sure to always follow safety precautiobs for small lithium cells, for example not heating it above 50°C. You might also want to add a cheap single li-ion cell protection PCB

You can repurpose them for low-power applications like wireless sensors. If you need more capacity, solder them in parallel, after making sure they are at the same voltage ±0.1V


Most of them are around 3.6V, I just need some protection circuits and a way to charge them

H3wastooshort, (edited )

For a charger you can use a TP4056 module, many of these have protection built-in. You can tell by them having two more small chips near the solder pads, and of those pads having 4, two for battery + and - , and two for whatever you are attaching that will be protected

pic of one of those modules

you can usually find them by sth like tp4056 module with battery protection circuit

the ones with usb c usually are designed without the cc pulldown resistors and thus will usually only function with usb a to usb c cables


Thank you

TimewornTraveler, in are you sure?



Are we? I hate how everyone who struggles with relationships is instantly called an incel.

LadyAutumn, (edited )

Well, this meme is specifically promoting the notion that how attractive you look directly correlates to your ability to date people. When how you look is not the be all end all of dating.

This general concept of one’s “biologically ordained appearance” being incompatible with finding love and relationships is closely tied with incel ideology. The “black pill” is generally used to denote that you’re biologically and immutably so unattractive that you will never be able to “compete in the sexual marketplace.” Felt gross just typing that. It’s also attached to the conspiracy theory of “hypergamy,” that you’re so unattractive that even women of “comparable conventional attractiveness” won’t ever date you.

The message of the meme, that someone is so unattractive they can not date anyone at all, is not explicitly incel ideology, but that notion is closely tied to it. In all likelihood this meme was made by someone in the incel community or who regularly consumes incel content.


Well, this meme is specifically promoting the notion that how attractive you look directly correlates to your ability to date people. When how you look is not the be all end all of dating.

How is that incel ideology? Incels hate women and think they are entitled to sexual relationships. This has nothing to do with believing dating potential directly correlates to physical attractiveness (which it does, at least for men).


If you wanna go ahead and read the rest of my comment I explain it lol


this meme is specifically promoting the notion that how attractive you look directly correlates to your ability to date people

There are behavioral studies showing this to be completely true. As someone who is honest about how I probably wouldn’t date an unattractive person, I freely admit this tracks; and, unlike incels, I absolutely don’t blame either gender for this fact. It’s just how our brains are wired.

TimewornTraveler, (edited )

ohh is there also a study defining exactly how ugly YOU are? or maybe you have some mental health issues and this is just more self deprecating talk?

that’s the issue here, mother fuckers keep saying “study study study fact fact fact ugly ugly ugly” but that speaks nothing to their own situation. you can abuse facts and research, and I see it literally every day: depressed people cherry pick negative evidence to support their worldview that they are worthless


There are two good arguments here.

  1. Biologically attractive people will be generally more successful at having casual sexual encounters. Whether or not this tracks to actually finding love or just finding sex is unsure. Furthermore, whether it has to do with “unattractive” people being less confident/more self-conscious is yet to be shown.
  2. If you take care of yourself and actually go out and interact with women (and people in general), forcing yourself into uncomfortable social situations, eventually you’ll get better at talking to people and talking to people is like 80% of dating.
@snek@lemmy.world avatar

depressed people cherry pick negative evidence to support their worldview that they are worthless

These people need help. It’s not my problem or responsibility. It’s THEIR responsibility.


Like many, I have not seen any success, or really attention (to share my social skills) in dating apps. That step is wholly decided by physical attractiveness.

I’d be happy to throw away any attempt at using those sites, but unfortunately much of the dating world has moved to them; and the people in relationships I do know generally used them.

What we know of those sites suggests the only men receiving attention on them are in the top 10% in terms of appearance. I’ve also anecdotally heard from women who admit to using the environment more for attention seeking behavior than actual relationships. I certainly wouldn’t call myself “ugly” for being in the bottom 90 percentile. I am okay with my appearance - I just know I’m not a perfect Adonis. I’m even okay with that behavior from the opposite gender - you can’t help what you like. Even if one of my friends was a granite-chinned gigachad, I wouldn’t fault him for just refusing to work through such a toxic environment - even if he has trouble finding such relationships elsewhere.

This is a complex situation not faulted to any one gender. The net effect, though, is that it’s not a good idea for anyone to date unless you’re blinded towards the survivorship bias you see from those that make it through, or are unconventionally attractive.


Online dating is not really the best snapshot of stability when it comes to people and relationships, or people who should be in relationships.

You run a high chance that there are scammers. That will immediately taint your findings.


Everyone’s idea of physical attraction will be different. There’s also people who don’t strongly have opinions about physical attraction as they do about personality attraction. And then you have intellectual attraction.

There are people out there single and happy regardless of their attractiveness and not even bothered with it. They aren’t even lonely. There are people where it’s not even their lifestyle. There are plenty of people who may not appear physically attractive to one person but are in happy relationships. So physical attraction is a red herring argument when it comes to describing what makes a person turn into an incel.

It’s about how an incel handles rejection and being alone. There’s much more to do with obsessiveness, loneliness, entitlement, anger transference and toxic thinking than it does with attraction in and of itself. The toxicity becomes more a self fulfilling prophecy.


Sure, people that can completely ignore physical appearance exist; it’s a bit of a straw man to say any claim is about 100.00% of people. The point is that appearance matters to a majority of people - and that it’s often the first attractor that even leads to any further discovery. Romantic comedies tend to put “opposites” into quirky unexpected circumstances that lead to that discovery, but that won’t happen for a lot of people.

But as to your second and third paragraphs, you are completely correct - and it may have been a missed expectation thinking I was arguing against that. People should be happy on their own. It might just be me thinking that the meme is originally pointed towards people expressing that relationships are something everyone should seek, because it has nothing to do with attractiveness - and that is what I consider untrue. But yes, people can still choose to be “ugly” (by mild comparison) and happy. Nothing totally excuses toxic behavior from people’s rejection.

@snek@lemmy.world avatar

The message of the meme, that someone is so unattractive they can not date anyone at all, is not explicitly incel ideology,

Hmmm, to me it read differenlty: that someone who is attractive doesn’t understand the problems that come with being unattractive, and also it was funny how naively the guy in the bottom row asks “are you sure?”.

I guess, like everything else in life, there’s more than one way to read/interpret something.

frezik, (edited )

I wish there was a better way to distinguish between small-i incel (a life condition you’d like to change) and big-I Incel (a toxic social movement).

Corgana, (edited )
@Corgana@startrek.website avatar

(a life condition you’d like to change)

Incel ideology is defined by the “involuntary” (the “In” in “Incel”). So by definition, saying that something can be changed, implies it is not involuntary. And not a part of the ideology.

And because choosing to follow the ideology is a choice, there can be no such thing as a “small ‘i’” incel.


Except it’s not exactly involuntary for them, is it? People who subscribe to that ideology are undateable because they become awful, toxic people, which can be changed.


There’s r/foreveralone. I don’t know how the community evolved, but like 7 or so years ago it was basically what you described. People seeking comfort over feeling undateable and being scared of never finding anyone, but without the toxicity and hate that incels are known for.

Don’t ask me how I know this.

Corgana, (edited )
@Corgana@startrek.website avatar

This is absolutely an incel meme. Incel ideology hinges on always placing the blame on something external (often women and genetics) for their problems, never their own actions. If someone were to blame themselves and take responsibility for their own situation, it would by definition not be Involuntary.


How so? Incels blame women for their failures. I blame myself.

Corgana, (edited )
@Corgana@startrek.website avatar

I wasn’t calling you an Incel.

snek, (edited )
@snek@lemmy.world avatar

I posted it to promote one thing and one thing only: giggles from the shitposting meme community.

I’m F30 (if that matters at all), I have a boyfriend, we live together in a stable and happy relationship, we’re both social, have lots of friends and boardgames and beer, and occasionally take each other out on dates at nice restaurants. Neither of us is “unattractive” (whatever that means in this context, quite subjective I’d say), and we both laughed our ass off at this meme, it was funny, and gave my brain the giggles. Not everything like this is pushing incel ideology, and neither does anything else on my profile (feel free to check, I guess?).

PS: It’s nice to see people giving each other advice for dating here… One funny thing about the meme is that that person in the bottom row might simply “view” themselves that way, or exaggerate the contrast between him and the guy in the upper row. All in all, some people got the laughs, others got nice advice, there was no intention to promote any kind of ideology, so I’d say it’s been a good post.


One funny thing about the meme is that that person in the bottom row might simply “view” themselves that way, or exaggerate the contrast between him and the guy in the upper row.


no one on earth looks like the dude in the image but I see people everyday who genuinely believe that’s what they look like and their life is doomed

you can see how someone who is exposed to that mentality regularly would be alarmed to see it appearing on here right?

snek, (edited )
@snek@lemmy.world avatar

So… Next time you want me to post it with a trigger warning? I didn’t really feel like it needed one, being a meme and all.

And please stop taking to me like this, this patronizing tone is not called for.


I want you to post memes that aren’t shitty, that’s all. and I wanted there to be at least one comment calling this out for being shitty.

we can agree to disagree on this one. I can appreciate that you laugh at the funny face, but the message genuinely disgusts me.

I apologize for my tone. be well snek

@snek@lemmy.world avatar

In any case, thanks for pointing it out. Obviously people should be aware that it’s a meme that has incel undertones and is likely made by an incel (I found it online and reposted it here… not really anywhere in specific, I think I was duckduckgo’ing something else and this popped up in the results, so not from 4chan or anything like that).

I can appreciate that you laugh at the funny face, but the message genuinely disgusts me.

I respect that. I understand that, if seen from the incel lens, this meme looks bad.

I want you to post memes that aren’t shitty

**Sorry, sadly that’s not something that I’ll stop doing on Lemmy Shitpost.**I recommend you check out Ten Forward, where I post better memes… if you like Star Trek.

I apologize for my tone. be well snek

You too, TimewornTraveller, may you travel somewhere less cruel than our current era for some time and rest that weariness 😊

Corgana, (edited )
@Corgana@startrek.website avatar

I’m not trying to diminish your experience, but it’s called “dogwhistling” for a reason. You, being in a secure happy relationship, are unlikely to hear it. But a deeply insecure young man looking to externalize his shame absolutely will. He is the target, not you.

I know you didn’t mean harm, and FWIW, this is not my opinion, it’s a central tenant to Incel ideology. Here is the exact same “joke” on the Incels wiki.

@snek@lemmy.world avatar

Right, thanks for pointing out that it would be dogwhistling if I had done it intentionally. I’m not taking it down though, seems like there is sufficient discussion in the comment section about this, plus people seem to think it’s more funny than it’s offensive.

Corgana, (edited )
@Corgana@startrek.website avatar

Meme-style dogwhistling actually relies on unwitting “carrier” intermediaries to spread and normalize the ideology. You see the same technique a lot with anti-trans memes too (“I Sexually Identify as an Attack Helicopter” is a common one that gets often repeated by non-transphobes).

By posting, upvoting and laughing, “normies” (emotionally secure people) play into the propagandists hands. A dogwhistle is not just the meme itself, but the entire social scenario around it. The real target of the whistle will see upvotes and laughter as reinforcement that the “unspoken ideas” espoused in it are true (there are a few in this thread).

@snek@lemmy.world avatar

“I Sexually Identify as an Attack Helicopter” to me sounds like it makes fun of made up tumblr genders.

Anyway, I guess I don’t see it the way you do. I think it’s a lot of over analysis that turns people into censorship/word police. I don’t prefer absolute censorship because it puts discussions to death. I’d rather this is out there and talked about rather than removed to be only in corners of the internet where these “incels” would gather alone, further removed from society.

If you think it’s problematic, by all means do report it.

Corgana, (edited )
@Corgana@startrek.website avatar

Again, this isn’t just some arbitrary opinion I hold, it is actual Incel propaganda. You are welcome to spread it wherever you please, I just thought that you might want to be made aware.

snek, (edited )
@snek@lemmy.world avatar

Thanks for the details you provided though, it was informative and might affect the next time I post something like this (maybe I’ll add some kind of disclaimer or something).

TimewornTraveler, (edited )

my issue isn’t even the blame, it’s the delusional self-deprecation


Well …it is in SHITposting…


why not just post swastikas then

@snek@lemmy.world avatar
@snek@lemmy.world avatar

It’s Lemmy Shitpost, is it not?


again, why not just post swastikas then? if it doesn’t mean anything and you don’t stand by its message, what’s the difference? it’s all just white noise on shitpost right?

@snek@lemmy.world avatar

I mean if you posted a funny meme of hitler, would it not have a swastika on it?

And yes, this is Lemmy Shitpost. If you want classier shit I think you might want to look elsewhere.


What the fuck are you taking about my dude

@snek@lemmy.world avatar

I guess saying anything that sniffs remotely as politically incorrect (whatever that is these days) leads us straight to swastikas lol

son_named_bort, in Mark Zuckerberg has been diagnosed with a serious medical condition

I thought Zuck was a robot.

FabledAepitaph, in Blue Fluid !!!

Peeps, I hate law enforcement abuse and overstepping of legal boundaries too, but let’s just laugh together for the five seconds while they’re not trying to shoot our dogs, and maybe they’ll catch on a bit? Lol

4grams, in Great Scott, Vern!
@4grams@awful.systems avatar

I may try to be cool, but I’ll never be Ernest in a DeLorean cool.

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

I’m not these two guys from the Ernest movies in a Chevette cool.


FrostKing, in Chicken soup

Yogurt. Not bad actually.

Outtatime, in Chicken soup
@Outtatime@sh.itjust.works avatar


5null5, in Kid is doomed

Depends on who you ask actually.


I’m pretty sure it’s a far right attempt at a meme.

My son’s Psychologist has repeated to us that our kid will do much better in a house with parents in a secure relationship than the one we have now. Which isn’t hard to believe, when your mom is belittling everything your dad does and your dad says things quietly to her that make mom explode.

Personally, I think he would have benefitted from a relationship where she didn’t send nudes to the guy she cheated on me with 3 years ago, but maybe I’m just that unattractive and distracted by work.


That would explain the random fact of there being exactly 1,488 ratapedes online in the cap.

Resol, in With water from a rock and fire from Mt. Horeb
@Resol@lemmy.world avatar

I thought he always Yiddished his coffee.

MacNCheezus, (edited )
@MacNCheezus@lemmy.today avatar

I don’t even know what that means, but you gave me a great idea for another meme.

Also, Yiddish originates from the Ashkenazi community in 9th century Europe, Moses certainly didn’t know anything about that.

@Resol@lemmy.world avatar

I was just trying to make a joke about a different language that was also written with the Hebrew script. Turns out it sounds terrible.

@MacNCheezus@lemmy.today avatar

Oh vey, what a shonda…

Real talk though, that’s honestly quite fascinating, isn’t it. Yiddish is a Germanic language while Hebrew is Semitic. Those are two entirely different language families, yet both languages use the same letters.

Also, Finnish and Hungarian belong to a common family even though they read and sound entirely different and have little cultural and no geographic overlap.

@Resol@lemmy.world avatar

This is what keeps me up at night.

cypherpunks, in Please clap
@cypherpunks@lemmy.ml avatar

this meme using the verb found instead of reached is mildlyinfuriating

@MacNCheezus@lemmy.today avatar

No refunds.

ShortFuse, in Chicken soup


wildbus8979, (edited ) in With water from a rock and fire from Mt. Horeb

Abraham certainly did not speak modern Hebrew. A language that was invented in the late 19th century to further the Zionist cause.


@MacNCheezus@lemmy.today avatar

Doesn’t matter what language he spoke (probably biblical Hebrew), he was a descendant from a people referred to as Hebrews (see Exodus 2:1-10).

@gedaliyah@lemmy.world avatar

Weird. Then why can I read the inscription in this photo of a text composed 3500 years ago? I guess some time traveler learned this totally invented 19th century language and taught it to the people back then, and also came up with Arabic and some other languages that are pretty closely related.

By the way, it says not to lie (although his hand is partly covering it).

arin, in Reblog if youre american

I’m uncircumcised and after fapping when my head is still exposed i cannot wear underwear or pants omfg it’s so fucking uncomfortable touching anything dry, IDK how circumcised people live, it’s like constant pain.



Kinda like how martial artists slam their shin into a bat. eventually the shin strengthens and you don’t feel it near as bad as you did at the start.

@dylanTheDeveloper@lemmy.world avatar

I think you might have syphilis


THIS!! Why didn’t anyone else tell him? I’m glad you did. He might not die of fantasy now.


Kertinization. A layer of keratin forms around the head to protect it when circumcized.


I love it, and I have no idea what you are talking about, it’s never bothered by being in clothes.

EvilEyedPanda, in Chicken soup

NGL burrito is pretty perfect!

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