The big problem I have with joycons is my big, meaty hands. Makes it slightly harder for me to comfortably hold those small controllers when they’re not connected to the switch itself. I’ve totally been thinking of just going down to the nearby game shop one day and getting a controller, if I ever get more switch games to make the investment worthwhile.
First, I bought one of the Nintendo pro controllers day one with my Switch, and I love it. Secondly, I never liked playing with it mobile because it’s difficult to play with larger hands, but I just recently discovered a grip that the switch slides into giving you more meat to hold on to making it much easier for me to play on the go… was about $17 on amazon.
I buy antibiotics from this guy downtown, who has cut out so much waste by providing it in powder form. I now I’m not supposed to, but I take it everyday with a nasal inhaler. I’ve never felt better and have great ideas of grandeur for hours each morning!
Have you ever had a non-fresh fried egg? They taste like misery and egg whites. This is a whole pile of them. It’s horrific. Why would anyone do this to the world?
We (loc: krautland) totally stopped ordering take-out. It gets less and less, worse and worse, cheaper and cheaper, but also more and more expensive. It’s not worth it anymore. At all.
We may be just some cheap fucks (as many still do, even those with way less moneyz), but takeout is no viable alternative to cooking anymore.
Though that last paragraph does apply in many places outside the US. Sometimes it’s even the US military responding outside of the US (I mean I assume they protect the airspace around their bases, but I guess I’m not really sure what kind of jurisdiction they’d have just because they have a military base).
Yeah, this. FAA does give a fuck. A lot of people fly drones extremely illegally but they’re too small for the FAA to notice or bother with, and most of them can’t get to real dangerous heights anyway. But try flying near an airport and you’ll find out real quick.
I still haven’t figured out if people just aren’t aware that it’s illegal or if they’re just too brazen. I think it’s the former but not really sure.
from me all the FPV pilots I know don’t have the license, because it’s very difficult to do because they are almost all the same things that a real airplane pilot needs to know,
Also I have seen FPV 6S drones at maximum speed even in densely populated areas always exceeding the legal limit of 120m if they had a license
First of all, the “licensing” is kinda tough, but I wouldn’t call it “very difficult”. You could learn it all in a few days.
Secondly, you don’t need the “license” unless you’re flying commercially. Flying as a hobby has like a page of material to read and like a 5 question test with a few rules to follow, so that’s far from an excuse.
Thirdly, FPV has probably the hardest rules because you literally can’t see the sky so they require you have someone with you to call stuff to you… Which no one fucking does, so FPV is by far the worst offenders.
Also I have seen FPV 6S drones at maximum speed even in densely populated areas always exceeding the legal limit of 120m if they had a license
This type of shit is why the FAA is forcing regulations across the board, including towards manufacturers, to have tracking on who’s flying what and from where, which is going to start butchering the hobbyist communities. This is fucking brain dead and dangerous and people that do this shit are asking for accidents and the reason why we can’t have nice things.
I’m not in the US, I don’t know how FAA operates. In my socially ridiculous country it’s called ENAC and the difficulty is similar to that of a car license in terms of the level of knowledge required, and it’s an infinite bureaucratic stress like any non-mainstream license, only those who do it for work do it.
Good to know. I still wasn’t thinking that their* line was serious, just helping inform people that the widely held belief of urine being sterile is false.
A Slavic person chimed in it actually is a real phenomena based on a toxic culture in high school that encourages young men to drink an excess of alcohol.
It’s hard to look good when you get peer pressured to drink alcohol until your liver fails
I know this is a joke, but advertising doesn’t try to make you buy something immediately. The goal of all advertising is to put the brand name into your memory, because when you do want something, you are statistically more likely to make a decision to buy from a brand you recognize or have seen more recently. It’s a subconscious thing.
Like, if you did go to the store for chocolate, seeing m&ms in an ad shortly before increases the likelihood you will choose that over some other chocolate you haven’t heard of or know of but don’t hear often.
That being said, this absolutely is a type of ad for m&ms, called gorilla marketing, where product names are present in otherwise unrelated content. Though it may not be intentionally placed by Mars themselves, it’s still a type of ad.
You’re right, I come to Lemmy to relax and to not have to think too hard but advertisers know this and it makes me uneasy to know that corporations know where people go to relax and they will advertise to us any possible way they can. So this post up there looks like it comes from some cartoonist with Instagram and TikTok and Facebook links, most certainly hired out by Mars M&M company to make a subtle ad that looks like a cartoon. By the way this cartoon doesn’t even make any sense. It’s just “sexiness sells, insert product placement.”
For what it’s worth, this isn’t the original comic. In the original, the last panel said “because blue m&ms come with nuts” insinuating she’s got a dick. You can even see the bulge in the first panel. It’s a little vulgar for a company to commission directly. But it still could have been
I was thinking the same thing. It’s probably higher quality ingredients than today’s shit. I grew up in the 80s and I distinctly remember food tasting better back then. Even shitty TV dinners.
I don’t know if that affected Ireland, or whether Ireland was importing British beef, but I don’t think I’d eat that even if it smelled good, and I wouldn’t give it to my dog either
Ireland has had issues with BSE too, even recently.
In 2020, Irish beef destined for export to china was found to be infected, and it resulted in a 3 year ban on Irish beef imports. In 2023, another case was found, and exports have been stopped again.
There have been ~2000 cases since 2001. Way down from the 90s, but it still exists
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