A bit of advance for those who want very loud shits: get your ass crack waxed. I’m not even joking here, you will gain godlike powers in public restrooms. Consider for a moment how loud you can clap your hands. Now consider how much quieter your clap would be if your hands were covered in hair. I was dating an aesthetician once who waxed my ass after a boyzillian. My shits reverberated the corporate bathroom until the hair grew back in.
I mean the itching was horrible but I’ve shaved enough other parts to know that going in. I’m talking about the farts. A silent butthole is essential to my daily function.
Couple the shaved ass with a diet consisting exclusively of beans, cabbage, broccoli, and soft cheeses and baby you got a category 5 ass-tastrophy brewing
I saw a commercial on late night TV. It said, “Forget everything you know about slipcovers.” So I did. And it was a load off my mind. Then the commercial tried to sell me slipcovers, and I didn’t know what the hell they were.
idk it kind of looks like he hit himself in the head with it pretty good during the fall. It’s obscured behind one of the housing posts but you can still kind of see based on how the railing and his head/upper body moves.
Edit: I was looking at this from an American perspective and assuming these were all 'murican ships and aircraft. There aren’t. Nothing I previously wrote would align with the video since the British navy is weird. So, I just erased my assumptions. They were likely all wrong anyway.
Judging by the fact that the front of that flat deck has a ski jump, I’d wager that it’s the HMS Queen Elizabeth, which does in fact have a dual-island design.
That explains my confusion. Something looked really off and and my brain couldn’t compute what I was seeing, TBH. The elevators looked right, but I still wasn’t sure.
Edit: There more. Is that whole group British? The last two fixed wing aircraft that fly by aren’t 'murican either. I see a Black Hawk-type helicopter, I think. We use SH/HH-60s in our Navy that have their rear strut moved way forward. The British and Americans both use LCACs as well. The leading helicopter might actually be a Merlin followed by some Wildcats. Alas, all I can make are stupid guesses now.
Mostly just the sick ones and the babies. Lions generally don’t go after prey that large. They generally avoid giraffes too. They have to be pretty desperate to go after an elephant because they can’t kill it like most of their prey by either suffocation or breaking their neck.
Agreed. The triggers are far too small. The buttons are not in intuitive places and they are not very responsive. I try and play for Zelda, but wish I could pair a PS5 controller.
I really hate how Nintendo doubled down on saying drift wasn’t a real problem with their original joycons. Two out of two original left joycons got severe drift after little use. To make matters worse, the tiny L/R buttons when they’re unattached stopped working, so no more Super Mario Party without some cumbersome button remapping.
You can! I use a Mayflash Magic-NS for this. I got a few and plugged them into a USB hub on my dock and my friends have been able to use their own comfortable controllers they use for their pc games on my switch. been a big hit for smash bros. ps4/ps5 controllers support gyro inputs fine too. you can even configure it to switch button orders/layouts and stuff for you so you don’t get xbox/nintendo xyab/yxba glyph/button conflicts, if you need. big fan of them overall. they work on other systems and controllers too, you can pair joycons to your PC with it (shows up as Xbox controller), they’re like universal “controller language” translators.
I like using the Switch, but I can’t use it for longer than an hour due to the Joy-Con causing cramps. I’m definitely going to replace them with a third party controller.
I don’t think they’re problematic, but as a slightly above average height American male, I feel like my hands skew towards the smaller side of average which makes a difference. I have no problem with the joycons attached to the console, and I’m also a big fan of the pro controller. A friend of mine who is notably much taller bought me pro-like third party joycons for Christmas and they hurt my hands to use in contrast to the OG that don’t bother me at all.
I’ve heard that a lot but I have fairly large hands myself and really like the feel of them. I even have a set of joycons paired to my pc for shortcuts while I work with a stylus. Just don’t get how people have so much trouble with them.
Edit: I guess my thumbs have a stutter, and there’s no sense in a free advert for a service I wish had better alternatives.
Setting aside all the other stuff related to this subject for a moment, that could be an interesting gameplay mechanic. Looking at your opponent directly causes a drawback (blindness, damage, death, etc.) so you have to use reflections and other indirect indicators to locate and attack. Might work best in VR though since looking one way and attacking another isn’t the most straightforward thing when using a PC or console and regular screen.
Exactly, I’d intended to mention that example since it’s the scenario I was picturing trying to play through. Got distracted and went looking at the current state of VR hardware^1^ instead.
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