You just use it to buy drugs so you don’t have to use your other money for drugs. Kinda like how you use your dirty cash for filling up your car, paying for groceries, contractors… You can basically build an entire house with cash and then sell it and pay taxes and shit.
You probably wouldn’t need laundered crypto, but you would need to be able to hide it from the bankruptcy court. This only works if you can clear the credit card debt.
I pay for my VPN in Monero. You can also get items shipped to an Amazon Locker near you with Monero. I agree, the adoption isn’t great but it’s better than nothing.
Sorry, it’s late and I’m tired. I misunderstood your comment. No it doesn’t need to be laundered. It obfuscates the amount of money, recipient and receiver meaning it’s as private as giving your friend some cash in person.
Yes, I understand how monero works. Yeah you’ll get away with buying some groceries or whatever with it, but people who go through bankruptcy (especially who aren’t rich, and are felons) have a close eye from the government on their finances. If you try to buy a house or a car or anything actually life changing with that, you’re pretty likely to get caught and charged with fraud etc., unless you legitimise it, that is, launder it.
The phrase “free is never free” already acknowledges that the service does not require payment (free), but it implies that you are used as a method of making money.
I was also kinda referring that a lot of free hosting has something in their contract that specifies that everything belongs to them after you upload it. Obviously more legalese than the way I said it.
Shit, I totally missed that. This is for reals a Google Workspace ad that I only modified the text of. I wouldn’t have used this particular ad if I had seen that. Apologies for any implication on the people in the picture!!
Excel has never once shot slicers over the spreadsheet (something I have had happen on several occasions in Google Sheets). And it has issues with formatting tables in Docs - basically it takes way longer to get something that looks half as good.
For enterprise environments really nothing compares to MS. The whole suite of power apps shoots productivity through the roof. Power query, power automate, power apps, BI, etc. With Python integration I can do even more, I can automate most things and set up automations for non savvy peers.
By enterprise I just mean any business that deals with a lot of data, I work for a company with 15 people and we’d need probably 5 more if we were running on Google. 😂😂
Heh, our company is bigger but I guess we don’t use spreadsheets the way you do. At least on the dev side basic functionality is fine, and our core business runs on real databases and stuff like AWS quicksight.
Yeah most of our ERP dumps data into an Azure database, but we frequently pull queries for ad hoc reporting/analysis into Excel as well as maintained BI reports.
The real issue is a lot of our SaaS isn’t fully integrated like that so we have to csv dump data that loads into other queries and we pull from that 🙃 But those csv dumps are set with automations so it’s mostly hands-off, just a little janky lol.
I have the exact opposite experience, honestly, running the IT of a 120 employee company. MS is too bloated with legacy systems, while I find Google very purposeful engineered to get the job done. I very much believe it’s more of a habit thing than anything else. Would need 5 more people to run everything on MS compared to Google.
I do concede that sometimes it feels like MS began doing their stuff in the 90s, while Google began with theirs in the early 10s; some basic functionality Google haven’t gotten around to yet.
I can see a company of 120 needing 5 more IT staff to effectively utilize Microsoft productivity infrastructure, but you would likely be able to either cut that employee count down to 100, or more positively, have the same 120 people handling the productivity of 150 employees, increasing your company’s output and profit.
More knowledge work is required to make effective use of the entire Microsoft stack, but in the enterprise, nothing comes close for multiplying user productivity.
Oh, it is just a pretty terrible set of tools if you need to do anything that is semi professional (build a complex spreadsheet or a presentation you can show in public, for example).
Uh what do you mean by “complex” here? That’s what apps script is for. I have a spreadsheet that processes my gmail inbox using regular expressions. Try that in Excel.
The plastic thing that stands upright is part of the tray and there was probably a bottom where the cat could sit so as not to get its paws wet. Probably this second bottom broke under the weight of the cat while he was peeing. The cat’s owner managed to film a rare shot of the fall.
Kinda’ looks like it was pushing its back backward against the plastic wall and the extra top popped off, suddenly offering no support, so the cat and the top tumbled over out the box.
Why it’d put so much weight outward is a whole damn question, though… The before picture was probably funny, too.
It does, having all the humanity knowledge in your pocket is amazing and you can learn a lot which people do use to learn and get smarter. Sadly not everyone uses it that way and some just refuse to learn but that’s just loud minority (I hope).
I would argue that it’s contributed to the collective stupidity of humanity on a global scale. It’s had a lot of positive impacts as well, of course. I guess the negative ones just seem more palpable.
Yes, but now stupid people can easily collaborate with other stupid people, amplifying the echo-chamber-circle-jerk on a global, nearly instantaneous level. Furthering the stupid at a never before seen rate.
Has it, though? I grew up in the 80s, and I feel like I simply didn’t have a clue how ignorant people were or what batshit things people believed behind closed doors. Even when people disclosed to me their inner narrative, I feel like I just assumed they were joking or using extreme hyperbole.
The internet has made me realize … they weren’t joking. At all. They really believe that shit.
I’m approximately your age. I assumed the same thing. Hell, I thought crazy conspiracy theories were just people pretending “What if…” together.
In my younger days I would have been on a lot of bandwagons just to joke about the people who “didn’t get the joke”. It turns out I was the one that didn’t get it.
I would look at it from a different angle. Before the internet you had to have a lot of knowledge in different areas to be able to sound and behave smart, and also to make good choices.
Now you have knowledge readily available everywhere and there is much less incentive to learn things you don’t currently need, just to have it available in case you talk to someone about this topic.
This has become even more evident with AI, where you don’t have to skim through a lot of context to find your information, you just ask what you need and it is presented the way you need it right away.
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