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HKPiax, in Literally a virus

Ah, the famous satellite “half of a Saturn V rocket”. You donkey

nifty, (edited )
@nifty@lemmy.world avatar

Are you new to shitposting? Because I am, make a how-to.


starchylemming, in I dont understand why I have to bring a bottle to the restaurant
LifeOfChance, in Weather app asking for permission to manage calls

You know what’s also annoying AF? The number of apps that keep asking permissions when you open then. Doesn’t matter how many times you say no.


Yeah, NordVPN does that now if you have notifications turned off. I turned them off because I would get notifications that were basically ads. Now, I have to dismiss their “please turn notifications on” screen every time I open it up. This will be my last subscription with them.

Infernal_pizza, in I don't get it
@Infernal_pizza@lemmy.world avatar

I remember seeing this when that date was still in the future, those were the good old days


2118 is still in the future!


As is 41,018.

@ininewcrow@lemmy.ca avatar

They’ll be less sour by then


But a lot grimmer.


And always will be

JaymesRS, in Air quality in there isn't too good

Easy alternative if the shitter is clogged. Rent +$700


“Backup squat toilet”

dan1101, in How I cannot be worry??

Except for the Yes -> Then Don’t Worry part. If there is something that can be done then it should probably be done. Which will take time/effort/expense/cooperation.


Agreed but I think the implication is more “if you can do something about it, then there’s nothing to worry about.”


That’s the entire joke lol


Which I was explaining to the person I replied to. It’s not like I didn’t get it.

Glitch777, in Air quality in there isn't too good

Bro lives under the secret base of the teenage mutant ninja turtles

@ObviouslyNotBanana@lemmy.world avatar



He comes from a land down under.

ObviouslyNotBanana, (edited )
@ObviouslyNotBanana@lemmy.world avatar

Where women do what




What do the men do, then?


Mostly plunder but sometimes chunder.


The more you travel, the more you realize we’re all alike!

@ObviouslyNotBanana@lemmy.world avatar

Damn that’s deep

helpImTrappedOnline, in Wonderful holiday scents

They wanted to make a McFlurry variant too, but couldn’t find a working machine to get a sample.


I have seen their ice cream machines start working more and more frequently. It appears there is a direct correlation between which locations pay more and which locations have ice cream. (Investigation ongoing)



Right to repair DMCA mess and maybe intentionally temperamental to extract repair fees.

LifeInMultipleChoice, (edited )

Most of what I always knew from employees was it was something that was a pain to clean so they would want to start early (preclose) to make sure they could get out quicker. Then eventually some would close it earlier and if sales were low on ice cream they would lie and say it was broken so they wouldn’t have to use it all.

This article discusses similar when I just tried to look up and see if I could find more info on whether it was a DMCA issue or a combination. thedailymeal.com/…/its-likely-that-your-mcdonalds…


Can confirm. On more occasions than I could count my manager would be cleaning it or having just cleaned it, and would tell anyone on the register not to sell ice cream until the end of the shift because it had to be clean for overnight.

effward, in Bonjour, je m'appelle Jesus
@effward@lemmy.world avatar
@HerbalGamer@sh.itjust.works avatar

Well that’s fucking glorious.

RGB3x3, (edited )
M0ty, in The lamest countries

add hamas to this picture


Yes, history started 7th October. Very smart


No, it started in 1948. And it was started by several Arab nations, who invaded immediately after Britain released their mandate in the region protecting Israelis.


Heard of the six day war? How about the Yom kipour war? Who started any of them?


Imagine claiming history has spanned a total of 75 years and that an attempted invasion at the beginning of time justifies a genocide in progress today.


Lemme ask you a question: how did Jerusalem get its name, and who lived there and named it thousands of years ago?

MisterScruffy, (edited )

Maybe learn something before you advocate for the extermination of an entire people. Jerusalem was named after the pre jewish pagan Canaanite god Shalem. Those ancient Canaanites were there before the Jews and the modern Palestinians are the descendants of those ancient Canaanites.

Aux, (edited )


Jokes aside, the Bible states that Jews conquered the city from Jebusites. There’s no scientific consensus on who Jebusites actually were. But they were not Israelites, that’s for sure.

WaxedWookie, (edited )

Will the answer justify the genocide?


Why should anyone care, and why do you deflect to this with less integrity than literal Nazis, who use the same blood and soil arguments you do, but at least tend to own their genocidal positions?

@bufalo1973@lemmy.ml avatar

By your logic, who named Los Angeles, Nevada, Texas, Florida, …? Are you saying the US has to give back more than half of the territory to Spain?


They also tried to straight up genocide Israel two more times afterwards too.


1948 is the year Israel began their genocide by killing or displacing hundreds of thousands of Palestinian people, after which several neighbouring nations staged a joint military intervention.


Ah yes, the good ol “they deserved it”


Pointing to an ongoing genocide isn’t the same as saying citizens of the state committing that genocide deserved it.

That said, it’s interesting though not at all surprising that you’re running right past the tens of thousands that Israel have killed to cry victim about the couple of hundred that Hamas killed.



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  • WaxedWookie,

    No - you’re making it clear you support a genocide as I scale my concern relative to the civilian death toll and ability to stop the violence.

    The fact that you’re saying literal babies are members of a jihadist movement tells us all we need to know.


    Didn’t read. Where babies to eat


    This is some Poe’s zionist shit - I can’t tell if you’re trolling or a monster - even with that username.

    kSPvhmTOlwvMd7Y7E, (edited )


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  • WaxedWookie,



    So you’re just outright happy babies are dying?

    DragonTypeWyvern, (edited )

    Pretty sure he’s saying you don’t beat a dog and get to act surprised when it bites.

    Completely unbiased and not deranged troll “EvilZionistEatingChildren”


    One of the key differences between Chat GPT and humans is that humans can remember more than 32k tokens in a conversation at a time.

    Given that you already forgot what OP wrote by the time you replied to a top level comment, you’ve performed significantly worse than a bot. Congratulations.


    Sorry, I am unable to fulfill your request. Could you reformulate?


    Sorry, I am unable to fulfill your request. Could you reformulate?


    Read that in the voice of GLaDOS.


    You mean Israel.

    harry_balzac, in Aliens decide to communicate with us

    Well as someone with ADHD, depression, and anxiety, as well as being on the spectrum, initially we’d be kinda screwed. I have spent a lot of time in therapy and have done a lot to manage it all, as well as developing empathy for myself and others, so not so bad.

    However, I choose to be a non-theistic Satanist and an anarchist, so a lot of other people are going to be fucked. Especially those that deserve no empathy due to their hoarding of resources and exploitation of people and the planet.

    @0x4E4F@sh.itjust.works avatar

    Could you elaborate on the Satanist part? It’s the first time I encounter that specific term.

    @Kiwi_Girl@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

    They might mean this: thesatanictemple.com/pages/about-us

    @0x4E4F@sh.itjust.works avatar

    Ummm… doesn’t that contradict what satanism is all about?


    That’s because they don’t believe Satan or dark magic exists.


    All religion is as meaningless as the meaning we attach to any word.

    U.S. Christian Nationalists are engaged in a campaign of legal and political efforts to change U.S. law and public policy in such a way that it removes divisions between public policy and religious doctrine, or uses public money for Christian causes. The Temple of Satan was (at least partially) founded to combat those efforts and to set people free by spreading knowledge. They do this by subverting the laws that privilege Christians (religious holiday displays, religious after school clubs, etc); by working to shine a light on what Christian’s are doing while offering a community and guidelines for moral living without fear of gods concocted by prehistoric man. In many of their materials, they allude to being the snake in the garden of Eden, whose only crime was sharing information with Eve. In the one bit of research I did for this comment, I also learned that satan is just the Hebrew word for “accuser” - and originally they just pointed out how dumb some things were.

    Contextually, the Temple of Satan name is honestly probably more relevant to them than Christian is to U.S. Jesus worshippers.


    What do you think Satanism is about? I model my behavior on a rational, scientific, and humanistic worldview and I fight against superstition. One of the predominant superstitious organisations in my country have a mythical being that espouses all of these same traits and they call it Satan. It’s convenient for us to refer to ourselves using their own language, so they instantly know we are against anti-humanism and superstitious oppression.

    @0x4E4F@sh.itjust.works avatar

    My point was, maybe they should call it Paganism or something like that. Satanism doesn’t really bring much to the table (as a term) IMO.


    That’s fair. If you decide you want to identify your religion as Pagan, you are free to do so. It is much less fitting for our beliefs, tenets, and morals than Satanism, but may be a better fit for your beliefs.


    Bro. You don’t think that having to label a “rational, scientific, humanistic worldview that fights against superstition and ignorance” as SATANIC makes a point?

    You gotta remember the Satanic church started in like the 50s or 60s in the USA when the tone of the country was even more overtly religulous than it is now. It’s an aggressive reaction to craven stupidity. Murica, don’t tread on me, that sort of thing.

    LemmyKnowsBest, (edited )


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  • 0x4E4F,
    @0x4E4F@sh.itjust.works avatar

    Well, paganism should be a more acceptable name for it, just to distinguish between the two.

    I completely agree with the first part though, nothing wrong with that. In fact, we should all be leaning towards that if we wanna survive.


    The Church of Satan believes in the supernatural and would be the traditional satanists.

    The Satan’s Temple are essentially atheists that formed a religion to enjoy the same religious protections as people in other religions.

    takeda, (edited )

    I met a member. And he explained to me that they are pretty much atheists but from the point of the law they enjoy religious protections.

    Basically if you call yourself atheist, you won’t get any religious protections, because you don’t have any religion. Everyone knows that FSM is a joke, so that wouldn’t fly either. So they created a religion. They chose Satan, to get expected reaction from devoted Christians, they don’t believe in Satan though (unlike wackos from the Church of Satan). You can read their 7 tenets, which sound quite reasonable: thesatanictemple.com/…/there-are-seven-fundamenta…


    This is actually really reasonable. What are the “religious protections” you speak of?


    They put cool shit up in state capitols (see: snaketivity), have “after school satan” clubs, abortion rituals. All sorts of shit to use the cover of religion to assert freedoms.


    That sounds amazing


    It’s a pretty legit movement. I have met some more ‘witchy’ types that take it too seriously, but meh. Not hurting anyone so who cares.


    I care, but in a that’s great and I wish I had thought of that way.


    Well, I mean that I like the TST, but the witchy nonsense feels kinda ick.


    Things that you normally don’t think about. For example if you tried to get a job and the owner refused to hire you, because you don’t believe in his religion, you can sue that they are discriminating. If you are atheist, that won’t work, because you don’t have a religion.

    If a certain group claims to be offended by something, because it affects their religion, atheists have no say, because they have no religion.

    There’s no tax exemptions, money that might be directed to religious institutions won’t go to atheist organizations, because again that’s not a religion and so on.

    As for the other commenter’s, about putting Capitol displays and after school programs is meant to emphasize separation of church and state and religion in schools. The “abortion rituals” are for fighting recent SCOTUS ruling, that it apparently infringes their religious freedoms and prevents practicing their religion (kind of contra to Christians imposing their beliefs on others). Though, with current SCOTUS and states that are banning abortion, I don’t know if it does much.


    called fighting fire with fire ;)


    This is wonderful how had I not heard of this before

    @Funkytom467@lemmy.world avatar

    I’ll gladly take aliens trying to cure me of an ADHD and depression i don’t have if they can also cure us of religions and capitalism.

    More importantly you going to therapy and improving yourself the way you described it, that in itself is sincerely the best exemple we can show an alien, ever.

    @ininewcrow@lemmy.ca avatar

    Intergalactic Therapy Industrial Complex rubbing their hands

    @Funkytom467@lemmy.world avatar

    Well yes please, fix us.

    Although i doubt we have anything worthy of hand rubbing for them. But hey, at least we’re making jobs!


    Your mental state does explain your political beliefs.


    Seems i am going to be just fine after all.

    Seriously though how did you write something so personal and yet described my life so well.

    Like the only difference is that you are a non theist satanist anarchist. While i am an agnostic spiritual anarchist having Jesus (but not god) as an example of a good.


    I like that it takes becoming satanic to develop a civilized view of the world. Rather I like how completely we have twisted the world with TOTAL BULLSHIT that people feel the need to claim a force for ultimate evil is what makes them want to make the world a fairer, less shitty place.

    balderdash9, in Comment which one is your orgasm face in the comments.
    MrsDoyle, in Don't even ask.

    I actually knew someone who died of that parrot disease. Psittacosis? He caught it off a budgie.

    Here it is: en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psittacosis

    EfreetSK, (edited )
    @EfreetSK@lemmy.world avatar

    Holy moly, and I was thinking about buying a parrot to my daughter …

    @FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

    There’s a better reason not to do that. They can live over 70 years.


    Depends on the bird type. Budgies live for about 7-15 years, for example.

    yamanii, (edited )
    @yamanii@lemmy.world avatar

    I thought people wanted their pets to live as long them?

    @FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

    That is a pet that has a good chance of outliving you. If you have to will your pet to someone else, you probably shouldn’t get that pet. The same reason why I told my 80-year-old mother not to get a dog. She didn’t listen to me. At least she didn’t will the dog to me.

    @WeirdGoesPro@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

    Within reason. Long lived animals can get the same sort of neurological diseases that humans do, but without the advantage of language and healthcare.

    It’s bad enough when Nana goes senile, but it’s even worse when all she can do is screech, claw, and bite at you, and there are no teams of professionals to help. That’s life with an elderly parrot.


    Shit, my family won’t able to tell the difference regarding my grandmother’s old bird, fucker was born mean

    @WeirdGoesPro@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

    You might be too if your wings were confined to a cage. It’s the ball and chain of the avian world.


    Honestly i always found it cruel to own a bird as a pet. Birds are meant to fly. All bird owners just either keep their birds in a cage or chained up all the time. They never get to fly their whole lives, or they’d fly away. Imagine being born with your upper limbs with the purpose of flying and never doing it because someone needs a pet bird.

    @FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

    I agree 100%. I would never get a bird as a pet for this reason. I have a huge yard for my dogs to run around in and a dog door so they can go out any time they like. The only kind of bird you could do that with is a bird of prey that you’ve trained to do falconry with, and even then only for a limited amount of time.


    Dont, they cling to one owner, they live a lot of time and they need a lot of socialization. Its not a humane pet to have.

    RubberElectrons, (edited )
    @RubberElectrons@lemmy.world avatar

    You can rescue some as I have. Birds are very unique and fun, but fragile and want as much love as they give (which is a lot).

    I have two conures, one was “too loud” and ignored in the corner of their garage for a few years until he started pulling out all his feathers and chewing off one of his toes, at which point he was donated.

    It took about a month to get him to trust me. He will not stop attacking his own feathers, but now does so in a relaxed, quiet way while on my shoulders. He loves to just hang out with me while I’m doing some design work or programming, calling from the open door of his cage in a certain way when he wants to shoulder surf. He’s afraid of everyone else, but I know him, his body language tells me that he likes being around me.

    They are a unique gift in terms of a life form. I wouldn’t buy one. Go for a rescue, try to sense their personalities as you talk to them.


    KingThrillgore, (edited ) in Especially with a real one!
    @KingThrillgore@lemmy.ml avatar

    I told my dad a pegging party was when you had the bros on the back of your bikes.

    I’m now expecting my mom to text me back any second now.


    I see our feeds align


    We are NOT done talking about this !

    EveryMuffinIsNowEncrypted, (edited ) in Yes
    @EveryMuffinIsNowEncrypted@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar


    Source: xkcd,

    You shouldn’t have to rely on commenters to provide sources for your post.

    intense finger wagging

    Edit: Just noticed that bdonvr@thelemmy.club provided a source before me. Props to them. 👍

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