As funny as this is, I concur. Also… why were they taking a picture? Kinda concerns me that they may have intentionally pushed the box top over to tip the cat
Hmm it’s possible but I’d think a cat would easily be able to stay on its feet if the top was pushed off. But losing its balance and ending up like that also doesn’t make sense to me.
My guess is the picture taker gave the cat some kind of jump scare (which tbf could involve pushing on the top) and had the camera ready.
Though if that is the case, the joke might be on them because that cat might look for new places to do its business now that the litter box isn’t safe.
Edit: looked again at the pic and I see that this might be a box where the cat stands on top of the part that fell rather than that being like the top of a “cave” like I had at first assumed. That makes both the cases I didn’t think very likely much more likely and my own guess less likely.
National Novel Writing Month, often abbreviated NaNoWriMo, is an annual event encouraging people to finally write that novel they’ve always said they would. The goal is to write 50K words during the month. There are usually meet ups, writing workshops, and other gatherings so participants can encourage each other, share ideas, and generally have fun being part of a thing.
Edit to add: The “nation” is the USA I’m assuming. I’m in the USA and have only heard of it being a US thing. Presumably if you live somewhere else and want to write a book in November, the various online communities would be glad to have you though.
Some ridiculous percentage of all currently publishing novelists in the US have an MFA in literature or creative writing or something similar. If this makes you feel a little suspicious about how the publishing industry actually works, it should. It’s very much a closed ecosystem that’s all about recycling the tried and true and that is highly risk averse in terms of straying from the norm. This is why it’s almost impossible for “regular” people to get a novel published unless they self-publish.
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