As a tech-savvy mom, managing work, household responsibilities, and personal commitments can be overwhelming. Having access to a reliable and user-friendly operating system is vital in ensuring a smooth experience…
You know what they say are the two happiest days of a boat-owners life, right? The day they buy a gun and a boat, and the day they have to shoot their boat.
This isn’t a “go back in time and assassinate” someone question. It’s just their musical career never takes off and thus any music they ever would have made is no longer in this timeline.
I’ve got a wicked scar on my right hand that can attest to that! I was riding my bike home from my supermarket job as a teenager without a light… While holding my Sobe drink in my hand… I didn’t see a retaining wall log that had fallen down onto the sidewalk so I hit it, tire-first. I flew over the handlebars and my hand landed on the bottle as it broke. Severed a nerve in the hand and damn-near hit an artery. Surgery to repair that, and I still have some numbness in it. Live and learn, but I’ll always think of that when someone mentions Sobe!
Which is honestly their job, their entire corporate existence! My engineer friend would get mad at all the ISPs for every single thing they did that was not related to the service. “Why are they spending time and money lobbying!?” “Why are they paying to put apps on my phone!?” “Why are they treating different types of content differently, their entire purpose is to be a pipe of connectivity!” And you know what? He’s right…
There’s nothing wrong with boundless optimism or even expecting that everything will go perfectly.
But what helped me was someone else with anxiety saying that if you always imagine the worst possible scenario and its fallout, you also have to be fair and recognize that it’s equally likely that the best scenario plays out! That’s not just being fair to yourself, that’s probability!
Two is better than none (
Linux Mint 21.3: Empowering tech-savvy Moms with the Perfect Desktop Experience (
As a tech-savvy mom, managing work, household responsibilities, and personal commitments can be overwhelming. Having access to a reliable and user-friendly operating system is vital in ensuring a smooth experience…
Eternal struggle. But swapped (
Call me an idiot, but I would die laughing even if something like this happened to me (
Put me in the trash can at the park. (
Ewwwwwwwww (
If you could go back in time and stop any one person or group's musical career, who or what would it be?
This isn’t a “go back in time and assassinate” someone question. It’s just their musical career never takes off and thus any music they ever would have made is no longer in this timeline.
I use a WM btw (
I guess it's the pretty colors? (
"No idea" by War and Peas (
All the links...
Here's a phone, call somebody who cares (
What are your "poor person" money life hacks?
Let’s get a list going. Like with a Target debit card you can get $40 cash back and it takes 1 to 2 days to be withdraw from your checking.
Google "Work"space (
Is nothing sacred? (
And I love him (
Plenty of Fish (
Do you have a mantra that keeps you going through tough times?
“it do be like that sometimes” is starting to lose it’s magic a little
Bone jaw (
Thanks, Windows, I didn’t want my computer to turn off, anyway (
Meme transcription: Anakin & Padme...
The NYC subway banned dogs on trains unless they fit into a small bag, so this guy trained his Pitbull to sit in a small bag. (
It's my favorite because it's true! (