flop_leash_973, (edited ) to piracy in Amazon and Tolkein Estate force author to destroy all copies of his work. Only pirated copies will survive.

The only sane thing to do in response to this is the same thing that SHOULD have been done when Paramount went all sue happy on folks making unofficial Star Trek stuff.

Creators should stop making things related to their works and consumers should stop consuming and giving Paramount money for the official works.

The lesson being if the rights holder for something wants to keep it all to themselves, let them, forget it exists and starve it out of profitable existence. Spend the time and money with content, creators, and consumers that don’t believe sucking up ever dime that’s not nailed down is, or should be, the ultimate goal.


Did you even read the article? This dumbass wrote a book based on LotR characters and then HE tried to sue the Tolkien estate and Amazon. This person actually probably needs mental help if they think this could have worked, it was such an incredibly bad idea that there has to be some kind of mental health crises involved.

DrJenkem, avatar

Worth also mentioning the Tolkien estate is notoriously letigous. There are piracy sites that specifically ban Tolkiens works from being uploaded for that very reason.


They plagiarized his fanfiction. Theoretically you would have rights to your stories even if they involve characters that you don’t have rights to.

ILikeBoobies, (edited )

US law is on the Estate’s side

If the characters/events from LOTR are a big part of his fan fiction then the Estate can have it destroyed

Also since the author had no legal ownership of the works, there is nothing wrong with the people who have rights to it using it


Transformative works exist, I don’t think it works like that.


The if part is what gets argued in court

transformation is a type of fair use that builds on a copyrighted work in a different manner or for a different purpose from the original

Fifty Shades vs Twilight would be transformative

Anderson v. Stallone

Would be the most likely case reference for this ruling where Anderson made a Rocky sequel and it was deemed infringement

bane_killgrind, (edited )

Yeah wow it’s like I thought ( the right holder being able to dick around writers)

It was strikingly clear to the Court that Anderson’s work was a derivative work; that under 17 U.S.C. section 106(2) derivative works are the exclusive privilege of the copyright holder (Stallone, in this case); and that since Anderson’s work is unauthorized, no part of it can be given protection.

After he had meetings with MGM about using that script.


Your true enemy is capitalism, tho. Don’t shoot the messenger.


Can’t have copyright in capitalistic systems

The person who can produce the work the cheapest is the one who gets money


That’s a lose lose scenario. I’d rather guillotine the copyright holder so the IP “fall in the public domain” if you ask me.

Digital_Prophet, to piracy in Amazon and Tolkein Estate force author to destroy all copies of his work. Only pirated copies will survive. avatar

meh. Fan fiction. Not a real book. not a real author.

Lettuceeatlettuce, avatar

Ah, because you, the god of “real” art say so? Quit gagging on your own bullshit.


Can yall go back to reddit lmao

Evilsandwichman, to piracy in Amazon and Tolkein Estate force author to destroy all copies of his work. Only pirated copies will survive.

He tried to take them to court?!

GeekFTW, avatar

They were...not smart lol.


Well if they did plagiarize some independent’s fanfiction, and they can get away with that, it really limits the remedies for independent writers when their unpaid for script drafts end up being used for storylines.

BearOfaTime, to piracy in Amazon and Tolkein Estate force author to destroy all copies of his work. Only pirated copies will survive.

What was this guy thinking? He was clearly violating copyright.

Is he just soft in the head, or is he up to something us not crazy people can’t see?


His motivations are beyond our understanding


First two books in the series were "Fellowship of the King" and "The Two Trees" so...I'm not entirely convinced they were even very original stories...


I’m not a Tolkien fan and even I recognized that, haha.


samus12345, avatar

So the third must be “Return of the Ring.”


Oh, is that the one where Bodo Fraggins goes on a long journey to give back to Soraun the ring he lost?


Frodeo Braggins is a short-statured cowboy with big hairy feet, and has a habit of boasting about improbably grandiose adventures

samus12345, avatar

“Excuse me, Mr. Soraun, sir, I think you lost this a couple thousand years ago.”

MxM111, to piracy in Amazon and Tolkein Estate force author to destroy all copies of his work. Only pirated copies will survive. avatar

Purchased paper books will survive too.


Not if the author finds and destroys it.

anewbeginning, to piracy in Amazon and Tolkein Estate force author to destroy all copies of his work. Only pirated copies will survive.

The author then filed suit against both Amazon and the Tolkien estate, claiming the streaming series “The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power” had borrowed from his sequel and infringed his copyright.

The gall.

sheepishly, avatar

I honestly wouldn't even be surprised. What was it, that thing with Star Trek Discovery taking plot points from some adventure game with space-faring tardigrades?

Karlos_Cantana, to piracy in Amazon and Tolkein Estate force author to destroy all copies of his work. Only pirated copies will survive. avatar

I was going to write a Star Wars sequel and then sue Disney for copyright infringement, until I heard this story.


Don’t let your dreams be dreams! What were you going to spend all that money on anyway, retirement?

Th4tGuyII, to piracy in Amazon and Tolkein Estate force author to destroy all copies of his work. Only pirated copies will survive. avatar

Going after the copyright holder for infringing on your work, which by merely existing commercially infringes on their copyright, is one hell of a way to get sued out the arse...

Having said that, it is a crime that LOTR still hasn't entered the public domain yet.

DarkGamer, avatar

Yeah, I'm not sure what this idiot thought would happen...

ArtificialLink, to movies in Gary Oldman Says ‘Thank God’ for ‘Harry Potter’ and ‘Dark Knight’ Movies Because ‘They Saved Me’

I mean we all know what about clickbait and titles. The headline here is a perfect example. Because it makes it seem like Gary oldman wasn’t getting offers potentially for movies or didn’t have opportunities for movies. And he was worried about going under or not being able to support himself etc etc. But if you read the actual article, it’s made very clear that he wasn’t sparse for opportunity as an actor, but rather these movies gave him an opportunity to be with his children more while they were all going through a very rough time and still earn an income presumably to support their lifestyle and this is what he feels saved him personally.

Gary oldman is a good dad. And it seems like he wanted to put that first and foremost. Which I think is wonderful. I was raised by a father who was given soul custody of his kids during a very messy divorce. And now that I’m older i can see how much sacrifice he made for me and my sister. Cool that gary oldman seems willing to do the same for his kids.


You’re not wrong. But the title is literally his quote.


A lot are but it takes it outta context and twists his point slightly.


"Thank God for ‘Harry Potter.’ I tell you, the two — ‘Batman’ and ‘Harry Potter’ — really, they saved me,

That’s his exact quote. How long do you want the title, which is quoting him, to be?


“Gary Oldman thanks Batman, Harry Potter for ‘saving’ his family life”.

Accurate, informative, and shorter than the given title.

WarmSoda, (edited )

Next time I talk to Variety I’ll let them know.


You respond like you didn’t specifically ask how.


I think /u/WarmSoda may be as pleasant in real life as their username.


Nah, theres just no reason for people to care this much.

WarmSoda, (edited )

It’s pretty funny you don’t understand what a rhetorical question is.


The title does not need to be a quote to give you information about the article. They use the quote out of context specifically to twist it slightly and get more clicks.


While you may be technically correct, a quote taken out of context can be misleading, as is the case here.

They chose the quote to be the title for that purpose. That’s clickbait.


I’d prefer titles that more accurately described the content - they don’t necessarily have to quote the content.


Cool dude

whoisearth, avatar

Asking a question as a separated dad which I think I know the answer to. I get my kids every other week. Outside of that I also take them one on one (I have 3 of which 2 are special needs) when it isn’t my week. I have no idea why my ex doesn’t do the same. She comments I never have alone time because I’m using my week off from them, but I love my kids and they deserve one on one time. They also never leave my house early when the week is up but they’re always eager to come to my house even when it’s not time to show up yet.

I’ve always assumed it will pay off in the long run and they’re aware.


From one divorced dad to another… just keep doing what you know is right. Your kids will see it. It doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks.


As a kid who survived through this maybe not special needs. But a kid who’s arrived through this. The best you can do is just show them how much you love and care for them no matter what. That will mean the world to them. Also, just hope your ex-whaterver e isn’t a bitch who warps and twists your kid’s minds. Cuz I don’t say this lightly. My dad with the way the court systems are was not awarded full custody lightly. The court system in America very much prefers the mother. And my mother was a crazy psychotic bitch who made me go to a fucking two week inpatient facility because she fucked up my head so bad. But my dad is the greatest thing I’ve ever had and he is caring and he has sacrificed more than I think anyone will ever know. And for all of that I said the best you can do is just put love first. Because love is what ultimately prevailed for my father despite my mother’s twisted fucked up words

swiffswaffplop, to movies in Gary Oldman Says ‘Thank God’ for ‘Harry Potter’ and ‘Dark Knight’ Movies Because ‘They Saved Me’

“ I could do the least amount of work for the most amount of money and then be home with the kids.” Gary Oldman and I share the same philosophy about work.


If those movies are what he call least amount of work, I love to see one where he went all in. Cause he was awesome in this ones.


Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy?


I don’t care what anyone says, He won the Oscar for that.

niktemadur, (edited )

Actually, he won it for playing Churchill in The Darkest Hour.
Although I do believe Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy should have won all kinds of awards. And that includes Oldman for doing the nearly impossible as George Smiley: reprising a truly iconic Alec Guinness role and actually making it his own.

EDIT: well it took me a minute to catch your real meaning.

520, (edited )

Tiptoes, a movie about small (dwarfism) love where they cast Gary Oldman in the role of a lifetime.


Was it Daniel Tosh who made me aware of this cursed thing?


I found and purchased a copy of it on DVD from Goodwill many years ago. Totally worth the $1.99 lol.

jordanlund, avatar

Well, least amount of work for him. He always brings his A-game from what I’ve seen, but a nice payday for a fraction of the number of days worked is nice!


Fifth Element?


I have heard some things about it will definitely check it out.

TheRaven, avatar

Hannibal? The makeup alone took 6 hours each day.


Didn’t know he was in it, it will put it higher on the list.

derekabutton, (edited )

The thing about these ones is that he is a side character for multiple movies. Both series had large casts and he was a key component to small sections of each. Large pay for little work is ideal. It’s not that he didn’t go all in. Just went all in for less time.


Definitely agree, but then I want to see a movie where he went all in for a bigger part of it. I have gotten some good suggestions, that I will ad to the list.

WarmSoda, (edited )

I’ve never thought about about it but I don’t think Gordon is in the first movie all that much. They’re just little scenes here and there, really.

He’s at his desk with a stapler. He’s at the docks for ten seconds. He takes out the trash once. The batmobile scene. And the end when he plays with the batmobiles rockets. Aren’t those the major scenes with him? I’m curious now.

Either way he even says he worked for less than a month on it. That’s pretty cool.

Psaldorn, avatar


canthidium, avatar

Leon is such a good movie. One of the first of the Oldman unhinged performances I can remember.


Bring me everyone.

norbert, (edited ) avatar

That and Bram Stokers Dracula were my introductions to him and some of my favorite characters to this day. He just completely owns the roles and defines the characters in ways nobody else can. He can be completely over the top and at the same time be completely believable. Gary Oldman is a great fuckin actor and any movie he's in automatically gets chance from me.

solidsnake2085, to movies in Gary Oldman Says ‘Thank God’ for ‘Harry Potter’ and ‘Dark Knight’ Movies Because ‘They Saved Me’ avatar

It wasn’t TipToes?


I mean he TOTALLY looks like Mathew McConaughey’s twin brother despite being ten years older…

Really it must have been the guys from COPS that messed it all up.

IchNichtenLichten, to movies in Gary Oldman Says ‘Thank God’ for ‘Harry Potter’ and ‘Dark Knight’ Movies Because ‘They Saved Me’ avatar

He’s so good in Slow Horses at the moment.


It’s unbelievable to see him in Slow Horses and then see him in this article photo. He’s so good at disguising himself.

IchNichtenLichten, avatar

The make up to show him as a heavy drinker is excellent.

schnapsman, to movies in George Clooney Says a ‘Great Script’ for New ‘Ocean’s’ Movie Exists, but He Won’t Call It ‘Ocean’s 14’: ‘We May End Up Doing Another One’

That one episode of Rick and Morty ruined all heist movies for me forever.


You son of a bitch, me too.


IDK I saw Logan Lucky for the first time last year and it kinda blew me away. I think heist movies can still be great with the right script


From the same director as Ocean’s 11. I believe in the movie they joke that it’s Ocean’s 7/11


There was that interesting heist miniseries that could be watched in random order and still make sense. It was an interesting concept.

I believe it was called Kaleidoscope, all the episodes were a color. White first, Black last but any other episode order still worked.

canthidium, avatar

Daniel Craig is so great in that movie. I’m here for the Daniel Craig funny accent universe.

0x1C3B00DA, to television in ‘Minx’ Canceled at Starz After Network Rescued Show from Max avatar

This sucks. I liked the first season but didn't know it was picked up by Starz.

Patariki, to movies in Variety | Vin Diesel Sued for Alleged Sexual Battery of Assistant in 2010

I hate these kinds of news stories. It just promotes the guilty until proven innocent mindset.

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