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Clav64, in People who work in food service or customer service: What’s the dumbest thing a customer ever insisted was “the law” or “illegal”?

Worked in bars as a supervisor for 3 years, almost everytime I decided to cut a patron off (usually for being too drunk, or for being an arsehole) I would be met with “you can’t do that, it’s illegal, you HAVE to serve me”

No, I don’t. Service is at my discretion, and it wouldn often be unethical for me to continue to provide you with more alcohol, endangering yours and others around you further.


Funny because it’s really quite the opposite in most places. You’re legally required not to serve intoxicated patrons. If you overserve people and they go off and kill someone, you could be liable in my state. I think that’s pretty bullshit but it surprises me that folks would argue to the exact opposite. Of course, why should that surprise me?

Angry_Maple, avatar

Ehhh, I think it’s probably more likely that you can’t discriminate on specific factors like age, religion, sex, skin colour, etc.

I just can’t see “most places” having laws that force you to deal with any and all aholes in customer service. Could I have a source on that, please? I have never heard of that before.


What are you asking for a source for? They didn’t say that the law requires you to serve people.

They said the law requires that you NOT over-serve people.

CurlyWurlies4All, avatar

Being legally required to not serve intoxicated people is pretty much the standard across Australian states and NZ.…/refusing-service…/key-points-for-the-public/

Angry_Maple, avatar

I misunderstood based off of the first sentence of that comment. My mistake. I’m also pretty under the weather. I’ll double check next time.

son_named_bort, in What is the most unhelpful advice you have received?

“There are people worse off than you”

Thanks, that totally solves my problem.


I always tell them “Following that logic, there’s only one person in the world that can complain. But that dude really got it bad.”


My counter is always, “and there are people better off than you, so stop being happy.”

ech, in People who work in food service or customer service: What’s the dumbest thing a customer ever insisted was “the law” or “illegal”?

Was working retail in an area that had a local bag ordinance that required businesses to charge customers for bags. A man came up to the register and when I asked him if he wanted a bag for a few cents extra, he looked at me like I was crazy and was like, “You charge for bags?” I explained that it was required by the government and he just kinda scoffed. I thought that was it, but as he opened his wallet to pay, he flashed what turned out to be a police badge at me from another city some ways away, gave me a look, and said something along the lines of “I think I know what the law is.” I just finished up the transaction and got him going asap, blown away at the insecurity displayed. It was such a bizarre powermove over what was only a few cents extra for something completely optional.




I work in law enforcement and this is called “tinning” when you show your badge unnecessarily. My personal rule of thumb is if I’m dealing with you and you tin me then I am 100% giving you a ticket now.




I appreciate that there’s a word for it.


American police: they think they know what the law is.


If cops had to pass the bar to be a cop, there wouldn’t be any cops.

josephsh98, in Why is youtube recommending conservative "talking points" to me?

You most probably viewed these types of videos a few times and the algorithm started recommending them to you. It only takes a couple of videos for the algorithm to start recommending video of the same topic. You could easily solve this by clicking on the 3 dots next to the video and then selecting “Not interested”, do it enough times and they’ll be gone from your feed.

phorq, (edited )

Yeah, I get those too. Am always a little surprised, but I’ll be honest I’m interested in knowing what the other bubble is telling themselves… If it gets to be too much I’ll click not interested, but right now it’s just a bizarre break in my feed.

Edit: Just remembered this quote that fits “I’m fascinated by trash TV. The poet must not avert his eyes” - Werner Herzog


This is the way

Lemmylefty, (edited ) avatar

I don’t know how much a Not Interested designation does. I’ve done that for channels where I don’t want to see THAT video, but still like the channel in general.

What I do is just block the channel: if this is what the channel wants to espouse then I’ll do better by eliminating it entirely.


My shorts is the worst. Regular seems fine. Especially the pods dunking on women. “So who should pay on the first date?”…


I am constantly bombarded with Jordan Peterson videos despite disliking them and telling the algorithm to show less like this.

I’m not sure how it profiles people, but it sucks.


Go into your watch history and remove them after disliking it. I find removing stuff from my watch history to have a bigger impact over disliking stuff. You can also have YouTube stop recommending specific channels to you. Odds are if they’re posting Jordan Peterson content, you’re not missing anything of value by blocking them


The thing is I’m not sure what I’ve watched that’s triggering the JP spam.

Maybe I need to just nuke my entire history and start again.


If you leave youtube/close the app everytime Jordan Peterson opens his big mouth, the algorithm will get the idea quick enough


Disliking is engagement. Instead tap the three dots and select “not interested”


I’ve been doing that too

Max_P, avatar

This, the algorithm doesn’t care whether you like enjoy it or not, it cares whether you engage with it or not. Even dislikes are engagement.


You don’t even have to watch those types of videos. I got watching Star Trek lore videos etc. And got off on to one channel in particular. Whose videos always ended up devolving into rants against SJW and leftists. This from someone who posts lore videos on a show about luxury gay space communism. But simply because of apparently a large portion of his viewership also engages with the bigotry and hatred. I started getting tons of recommendations for shit that I have never watched and would never watch.

But yes Mark not interested and delete from history was the best way to get it out.

quarlow, in What's a quote that has stuck with you for your whole life?

It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose. That is not a weakness. That is life.

Jean-Luc Picard


That’s a good one. Also, “no being is so important that it may usurp the rights of another”.

001100010010, (edited ) in Is it normal for a person to "feel" less as they get older? avatar

When your older, you understand how shitty the world really is, and shatters any hope you ever had.

I thought the world was so awesome, space is so vast, the world so interconnected, technology, communication across the whole world, we have flying machines, we (as in humanity) went to the moon, we have machines on mars, we might reverse aging…

Then, the realization that we are alone in space, the universe doesn’t care about us, technology is being used for mass surveillance, censorship and propaganda, false information, carbon emissions, recession to authoritarianism, discrimination, etc…

I wish I could be naive and happy as I used to be, but once you grow up, you understand how fucked up thw world is. Its hard to have hope again.

I’m diagnosed with depression, but maybe depression is just the realization of the horrible truth of the world.

maegul, avatar

I think there’s definitely something healthy behind the idea that depression is actually a fairly natural or reasonable state, however hard and painful it can be. Especially for anyone that wants to be mindful of the danger of psychopaths or sociopaths who are probably the types of people that seem oddly immune or unable to understand or empathise with depression.

Otherwise, I’ll just say that a “second childhood” can be a thing (as far as I can tell), where all of the concerns of middle age fade away and we’re forced to wrestle, naively perhaps, with the sheer reality of existing.


My therapist said to me the other day that anxiety is the brain’s survival mechanism and depression is “Safe mode.” It’s so hard in the modern world for most people to find the in between because there is so much to give us anxiety and make us feel like we are in danger and so of course since the body always seeks homeostasis, depression is sure to follow. It’s like an up and down Rollercoaster with no end.

mrmanager, avatar

I think being depressed is perfectly natural when being on this planet. But since it makes your life worse, it’s important to know how to think about something else so you don’t feel sad all the time (which is natural considering how shitty it all is). Human leaders are at a very primitive stage of mental evolution and we all suffer because of that.

I get excited about computers and tech so I focus a lot on that in my life. You need to find something that feels fun and exciting despite the world being shit. Also I stopped watching news like 15 years ago and I’m ignorant now of all the things that happen every day. Feels better.


I used to think it was foolish to be disconnected from the news and current events, but now I think the opposite is true.

mrmanager, avatar

It’s much better for mental health at least. You won’t know about all the stuff that happens every day, but I feel like it’s all useless knowledge anyway.

You will start to feel disgusted by those people on the TV. News anchors, presidents, celebrities, fed chairman’s or whatever it is. They are all inside the matrix 100%.

harmonea, (edited ) in Those who tried Linux and went back to Windows, what caused you to go back to Windows? avatar

I got tired of everything taking so much effort. I was almost always able to eventually wrangle what I wanted out of the OS, but every change I wanted to make and thing I wanted to try needed so much searching and learning. I wanted stuff that just worked, even if it was "dumber."

That, and some parts of the community I ran into were really prickly. One that was especially memorable: I was asking for help on a big-ish project with a lot of followers and helpers and didn't expect the lead dev to answer my question, but when he did, he felt the need to make a snide as hell comment about how I have no business being there if I'm going to forget to start a service. On top of the exhaustion I was already feeling, I had a massive moment of "okay my guy, I guess I'll just fucking leave then."

Anyway, it just feels better being a poweruser on windows. I know enough to keep it clean, safe, and slim (like using powershell to disable the bits they don't expose to a settings UI, for example) -- to truly admin my machine -- without having to work so hard for it day in and day out.


Yikes, that is why I hate tech forums. Too many times I’ve asked an informed question I’m unable to find via search and the first replier basically says “hey go FUCK yourself.”

JoeClu, avatar

Hahaha, SO TRUE!!


I work in IT, this is how a lot of engineers and administrators are to be honest. I hate the dick measuring contests in my field.

million, avatar

Jeez that is nasty. What project was it?

harmonea, (edited ) avatar

I was trying to run my own personal-use instance of LiveJournal back 20 years ago when it was open source (and not owned by Russia). Just to see if I could, as is the spirit of a tinkerer.

There was a handful of paid staff as well as a bunch of enthusiastic volunteers, so I expected one of them to answer a low-priority newbie support request, not.. what I got.


Unfortunate, but to be fair, things have changed a lot in 20 years.

There are definitely still angry linux nerds on forums, but I think the experience is a lot more streamlined.


Unfortunately, those kinds of interactions are inevitable when the developer/user relationship is so close. And it goes both ways. I saw a thread just yesterday where a user reported an issue on github, a second user said they saw it too. Later the first user posted a workaround to the issue, and the second user came back with “took you long enough”, and that was the end of the exchange.

Some people in the world are just dicks, but that doesn’t mean we should reject interacting with everyone. Similarly, a community of user-maintained software is going to have some asshats, but that doesn’t mean we should hand our computing freedom over to one or two corporations. Just my two cents.

dystop, avatar

Unfortunately everyone has a limit for how much work they’d like to put in.

harmonea, avatar

Some people in the world are just dicks, but that doesn’t mean we should reject interacting with everyone.

Corollary: Your personal aversion to corporations doesn't mean users have have any motivation or obligation to keep trying when we're getting pushback from both the software and those who maintain it.

Anyway, I'm not sure how you got that I reject interacting with everyone after my experience, but extrapolating my statement to that kind of extreme phrasing sure doesn't fill me with confidence about future interactions, either.


Hey there, I think we got off on the wrong foot. I’m not discounting anything you’re saying, I agree that it’s definitely a very real phenomenon, and didn’t intend to provoke a defensive response. I didn’t say that you were “rejecting interacting with everyone”, on the contrary, I’m saying that in the physical world you deal with people who act like dicks, but you specifically DON’T reject interacting with everyone. I’m drawing a parallel between that behavior in the physical world with how I believe we should also behave in the digital one.

I also did not say that I have any personal aversion to corporations, I owe most of my daily comforts to corporations, so I would be a hypocrite to say as much. But if I had said that “I don’t think we should stick our hands in blenders” that doesn’t mean I have a personal aversion to blenders.


harmonea, avatar

I still can't really agree that the comparison holds; we try harder in real life because the bar for being a dick is (usually) higher. On the internet, when all it takes is a few easy sentences to be a dick to a faceless stranger whose reaction we don't have to see... to me, the response should be equally fluid, else we get bogged down being the only one putting in the effort and taking a constant beating to our self-esteem when we wonder why no one is bothering to hear us.

However, I appreciate you being chill about clearing up what you meant. I did initially miss the comparison you were going for and feel like I was getting cereal box therapy about not cutting people off (and thus staying in toxic communities) when that wasn't what you meant.

Cheers back.


I hear you, perhaps there is a fundamental difference there with the digital world.

I really want to see some linux distro get to the point that users don’t have to wonder if something has gone horribly wrong for them. As much as I do disapprove of some of Apple’s repairability policies, and as much of a toxic human being Jobs was, Steve Jobs really was a visionary. He saw that if you paid attention to detail, you could turn a computer into something that “just worked” for people who weren’t tech savvy. Until that point, it was engineers selling to other engineers, they just couldn’t see the potential that technology had. As far as I can tell, the linux world has never had someone with such a relentless vision for user experience. I personally think it’s because the opportunity for profit just isn’t there, or at least no one sees it.

But there was a time when buying a windows license meant you got a copy of windows and that was it; now no matter what you do it’s full of ads and telemetry and constant popups about new features you never asked for. I would gladly pay the price of a windows license for a linux distro that was as thought out and usable as an Apple or Windows product in their prime, and maybe we’re entering a window (no pun intended) of time where that’s finally possible.


Currently my experience with 3D printing. It’s one thing after another, and the community, at least on Reddit and Facebook, fucking sucks. If I ask a question, it’s always “hey how about you go fuck yourself” or an essay that has zero relevance to what I’m asking. Made a post on Reddit the other day (I know, but have a single burner account until the 3D printing community here takes off more) and just asked to see some settings due to just constantly having issue after issue. Half of the responses were people just telling me they’re not fucking wizards and they need to know what kind of problems I’m having. I… didn’t ask for that whatsoever. I very explicitly just asked for someone’s slicer settings to compare to.


did you level your bed first!?

harmonea, (edited ) avatar

That's absolutely the worst help forum experience, when you're asking one question but everyone extrapolates the question they think you REALLY meant to ask and talks down to you about it.

And of course if you try to steer the conversation back to your actual question, you get painted as the unreasonable one placing all sorts of conditions on the generous free help others are allowed to bestow upon you.

The less reliance on others Linux requires, the better off it will be for general adoption.


Haha your second paragraph sums it up perfectly. A few folks did share their settings, but they were for completely different printers/hardware haha. Most of the online guides I’ve found are written under the assumption that you’re already a master at the hobby, and it’s strangely spread out in random little nooks of the internet - there’s not really a ton of centralized discussion forums. Maybe the hobby is way smaller than I thought, or maybe I’m just in way over my head, but I fix tech problems for a living - did not expect this to be as much of a challenge. Never buy a 3D printer if you value your sanity and living stress-free. Sorry, I just needed to rant for a minute haha.


Yeah 3D printers are fussier than I expected. Especially when printing anything involving supports and more specifically… small areas that need supports. I print a lot of stuff for D&D and have just started cutting things up into pieces with blender to print easier, then glue it together

I will say. My first thought was obviously to ask what printer you have, to see if I could send you my profile for you to compare (depending on the slicer you use). Then my second was to ask if you’re having issues and if so, what the issues are.

Only because sometimes a seemingly large issue could be a very small fix.

When I first started, I got it working great and then out of no where nothing would stick to the bed. I spent more time than I’d like to admit messing with settings only to realize it was the oils on my hands causing adhesion issues. Some 99% IPA fixed all my issues real quick haha.


That would be awesome! I’ve got an Ender 6 with a Micro Swiss NG extruder. I was printing decently with the stock hardware, but that stock extruder was a nightmare and kept slipping or completely losing grip on filament mid-print, so I upgraded to this extruder. Now I’m just trying to find that perfect spot to where it extrudes but doesn’t grind filament. I’ve been having some really messy prints.

I just had a feeler gauge arrive in the mail, so I’m about to use that to try leveling the bed more accurately. Everyone says to just use a piece of paper or something, but different paper is different widths haha.

I do have a PEI bed, so stuff sticks and comes off way easier now, but I would love to check out your slicer settings to get a good baseline! What kind of hardware do you have, and which slicer do you use?


Sure thing, I have a two Sovol SV06’s, one for a 0.4 nozzle and one for a 0.2 nozzle, and a Bambu Labs X1C.

The SV06’s took me a few weeks to tweak, especially the one with the 0.2 nozzle.

Here is my cura profile for the Sovol SV06 with the 0.4 nozzle

Just using that outright probably won’t work. What I would do is load up the default Ender 6 profile that Cura has, and then adjust settings based on mine. For instance. You went from a bowden extruder to a direct drive. So you can probably copy my retraction settings as a baseline and adjust from there. You need far less retraction on direct drive extruders (i.e. 0.2mm-1mm for direct drive vs 5mm-8mm for bowden).

I would also look up CHEP and Teaching Tech on youtube. They have great videos on bed leveling and everything else related to 3d printing.


Most of the online guides I’ve found are written under the assumption that you’re already a master at the hobby

I’ve had exactly the opposite experience lol. Most of the stuff out there is dreadfully basic, and if you want detail like scientific comparisons of the strength-weight ratios of different infill patterns, good fuckin luck. Some chum on YouTube will have some half baked experiments and that’s as good as it gets.


I’ve found this same type of animosity and superiority all over tech forums in general.

harmonea, avatar

You're not wrong, but running Linux directly correlates to more time spent on "tech forums in general," so it's still a bigger problem with that OS than others imo.

cwagner, in given how little one vote matter, it seems to me that stripping felons of their right to vote is both petty and counterproductive if the point was to reform them into civic minded individuals ?

if the point was to reform them into civic minded individuals ?

You are talking about the USA, right? I don’t think anyone sees the USA prison system as something targeting reform and rehabilitation.

Felons don’t lose their right to vote in most of Europe, and that right is actually seen as a human right by the EU.


But if that were really true why ever release them at all? Why not go the full China approach with capital punishment and organ donation?

I think it’s just a legacy from older laws, especially against gangs in smaller communities, etc.


What? Just because they want people punished instead of rehabilitated does not mean that everyone should get capital punishment. What kind of weird straw man is that?

And the US does have capital punishment.


Tbf china and north korea are not as bad as the media portrays them as

Prison camp = prison

Slave labour = prison labour

Both disproportionately imprison and kill minorities, but isn’t that also what the US does


Given the rights prisoners have in many other countries, it might be better to say that things are just as bad in the US as the media paints other countries.

Because, uh, prison labour is pretty fucking awful, especially when considering that y'all gots them private prisons down there.


I’m Finnish, so I know the situation in the US is bad But yeah media likes to hide the country’s problems in most countries

OrkneyKomodo, avatar

Although not in the EU anymore, I think the UK has managed to find some way of preventing prisoners from voting across the years.


For Details : Disfranchisement#United_Kingdom

The “some way” seems to mostly be “fuck your rulings, court”.

SilentStorms, avatar

The US is nuts. You can vote from prison in Canada

Pea666, avatar

Same thing in the Netherlands. You can have someone vote for you in your stead.


I believe the same is true in Vermont and Maine, but 2 out of 50 isn’t great.

If you can take away the right to vote as punishment for a crime, and make anything a crime, then you can take away anyone’s right to vote. This reinforces the concept of the ‘precariat’.


Also the same in Australia. In fact, it’s required by law for them to vote (as it is for all eligible voters)

SkyNTP, in Why do I not find any video/gif content here?

For now I don’t think it makes sense to federate large media like videos. The storage costs are just too high to replicate this data all over the place.

The better model I think is to link to content providers with more traditional approach to providing videos. Lemmy is a link aggregator after all, not a media platform.

TBH, I think this was the downfall of Reddit. Reddit had kind of devolved into a cesspit of reactionary videos. Can’t say I miss those, sure it was entertaining, but it forms habits of doom scrolling and at the end of the day, I don’t want it if it takes shitty business models to support such a service.

Lemmy should stay focused on what made Reddit famous: being the front page of the internet, and honest, raw commenting system to hear from the people.


For now I don’t think it makes sense to federate large media like videos. The storage costs are just too high to replicate this data all over the place.

Luckily, media isn't federated but only stored where it was uploaded ^^


I have another cool tip for you. You can embed the graphic into your comment when you use markdown formatting. This way ![]( becomes this:


I'm on the android chrome kbin app, annnnnd i think you meant to embed that? But lol... For me it's the literal exact same bluetext hotlink

garrettw87, avatar

Since it sounds like you have auto media preview turned off, just tap that little icon to the left of the link, and you'll see the image load below the link.

SCmSTR, (edited )

Oooooo... Yes that's it. Thank you. That's a good protip. I'm assuming that's a setting that I probably turned off while trying to make the the All page be more compact.

Edit: I don't know where that setting is. It's not in my profile settings.

garrettw87, avatar

Here’s where you go to do it


My God. Multiple times I've been on that screen in the past. But every time, I'll have no idea how I got there. I've tried to get back, but the best I had was on a magazine's page at the very bottom.

Thank you for showing this.

My opinion? This is AWFUL design. That a second settings button is THERE is unbelievable. Maybe I'm not hip to how the fediverse exactly works, but this doesn't feel like the right route to that stuff.


Oh well, in Lemmy this works fine ^^


Are you using a mobile app?


Both, mobile and web app.


On Lemmy that is. Kbin I believe replicates everything (unless I set my server up wrong). My server at the moment pulls in around 1.5 GB a day it seems. There is a pull request open on the kbin git repo for a feature to auto-remove old media. Personally I'd like the ability to turn on/off media replication. If an instance wants a complete copy in case of defederation/disconnection somehow, they can opt in and mirror all media that comes in. Most servers should just link to the original image source on the originating instance though.

DigitalAudio, avatar

I wholeheartedly agree with this. Reddit has been slowly descending into becoming yet another Instagram/TikTok clone. You scroll a never ending front page of videos and pictures, and it gets somewhat overwhelming pretty quickly.

I think this might be the necessary distinction that will make this a unique space different from Reddit. The less doomscrolling I can have in my life, the better.


It's true that reddit has got tiktokified but what I want is not that tiktok content. I just want multimedia here on lemmy via any form. Be it from any other instance or embedding media sharing platforms.

Not having videos on fediverse is just plain boring. I always don't want to interact or read text based content all the time. Sometimes I want to scroll and chill on the videos/gifs which can be informative, funny and so on.

Marccalexx, in Should an altruistic organ donor be allowed to restrict their donation to a specific group of people? (e.g. women, gingers)

In Germany what you describe won’t be possible: organ donation from a living donor is only allowed if both person are quite close to each other (partners, family and so on). Organ donation from dead people is anonymous: the doctors that take the organs out of the dead person doesn’t know who receives them. Only Eurotransplant knows.

I think that’s a very good system. Organs should be given and received as anonymous as possible.

night_of_knee, (edited )

Are you sure Germany doesn’t have an altruistic kidney donation program?

This document from 2016 agrees with this assertion (bottom of second page).

It seems such a waste, this podcast makes it sound an amazing idea


From the paper:

The legal basis for a living donation in Germany is a relationship or close personal connection between donor and recipient.

Aviandelight, (edited ) avatar

So you guys don’t do domino kidney donations? This is something that is sometimes done in the US.


No, we don’t have that here in Germany.

gandalftheBlack, in What password manager do you recommend?

Bitwarden is a no brainer. It offers ALL the features that an average user needs in its free plan (which imo all other password managers don’t.)

Its also a privacy friendly service which has passed multiple security audits from external entities

yardy_sardley, in I need to survive for 3 days without pooping, and eating as little as possible. I can pee, but not very often. It can't take up too much space. What food do I pack?

OP doesn't want his crush knowing that he poops. Simple as.

Kolanaki, in What is the most unhelpful advice you have received? avatar

I was a new dog owner, went to /r/Dogs to ask about a particular behavior my dog was exhibiting I’d never seen or read about before (turned out to be normal tho) and every reply I got basically told me I don’t know how to care for an animal and that I should give him to someone else.

It was then I realized that it wasn’t just /r/RelationshipAdvice that was full of bitter, jealous losers whose advice is always “dump them.” It applied to literally every single subreddit dedicated to advice. They may have started with good intentions and knowledgeable people, but over time filled up with people who had no business giving anyone advice.


Oh yeah even lifeprotips, if you go in the comments it’s just full of people grasping at straws to find the tip useless and upvoting each other’s cynicism

There was one: “If you want a fridge’s compressor to turn on and off less frequently (ie: if you sleep in the same room), fill it with water bottles to increase thermal mass” and the top comments were “Actual life pro tio: get an apartment with 2 rooms???”

I was like: are these people actually that slow?

The less there is to say about an advice, the less reasons you have to go write a comment. Therefore the people in the comments are often outliers


Just fyi: That person was trying to make a joke.

idle, avatar

As a fellow dog owner, the internet always seems to be the most judgemental place to get dog advice. If you dont spend 6 hours a day training your dog, feed the top of the line kibble, and vax them for diseases only 3 dogs have got ever, then you dont deserve to have a dog.

Kolanaki, avatar

This is true. Even random articles found on search engines give messed up advice.

“Can dogs eat avocado?”

Websites: “Yes. No. Maybe? They are toxic. But what makes them toxic doesn’t affect dogs. At least not as much. Don’t give them avocado.”


People get so hand-wringy about what dogs can and can’t eat. Like I’ve had people tell me not to let my dog eat apple because there’s a chemical in apple seeds that’s converted to cyanide in the gut.

Like, first of all, I’m not feeding the seeds to my dog, and second of all there’s not enough of that stuff in one apple’s worth of seeds to hurt you, and third of all you’d have to basically chew the seeds into powder, a thing that dogs famously do not do, to get even that tiny harmless amount.

It’s not safe for dogs to eat chocolate, grapes, or alliums. Everything else is kinda fine. (And tbh growing up my family dogs ate all of those things a few times and were fine – how dangerous it is depends on the concentration of the toxic thing, the size of the dog, etc.)

agamemnonymous, in People who work in food service or customer service: What’s the dumbest thing a customer ever insisted was “the law” or “illegal”? avatar

Lots of people buy Emotional Support Animal vests online and think that means they can bring them into restaurants. Nope, FDA is very clear about it: trained service animals only. ESAs actually have almost no special privileges over regular pets. Basically the only exceptions they get are against pet policies/fees on leases.


People who do that I find so annoying and honestly pathetic. It’s like they think they’re better than everyone else and can do whatever they want.


I watched a guy get kicked out of the Costco food court area because he kept saying his dog was an “licensed” ESA. The Costco manager busted out a little card with the relevant federal laws for a service animal and listed all the rules the dog was breaking by lunging at people, not staying under the table, and barking it’s head off at a real service animal that was just sitting calmly under it’s owners table like nothing was going on around it.

Even if your dog is truly a licensed and trained service animal, but you’ve allowed it to continously break all the rules it’s supposed to follow in a private business. They can still kick you out if your dog doesn’t behave like it’s supposed to be behaving. That’s why it’s a big no no to interact with working animals with their vests on and for owners to let their working animals to break the rules repeatedly by misbehaving and never correcting them.

ImplyingImplications, in Does the reddit style format breed toxicity?

Just post what you want to post and ignore the votes. A few downvotes is to be expected. Try not to read into them so much.


Alternative way to think about it: 10% of people are insufferable assholes. Do you want them to be happy with what you say?


That’s a great way to think about it.

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    Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 10489856 bytes) in /var/www/kbin/kbin/vendor/symfony/http-kernel/Profiler/FileProfilerStorage.php on line 171

    Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 4210688 bytes) in /var/www/kbin/kbin/vendor/symfony/error-handler/Resources/views/logs.html.php on line 25