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Delphia, in What is the most user repairable robot vacuum cleaner?

Ive been told the Makita DRC200Z is very user servicable, mostly because its a more commercial space dumb unit.

chaorace, (edited ) in What is the most user repairable robot vacuum cleaner? avatar

I’ll go to bat for Roborock. All common “user serviceable” parts are available for direct order from them and remain the same between generations so even very old models can be easily maintained with first-party parts.

They unfortunately won’t sell you an internal part like a motor, but you can still find new first-party parts if you know where to look and it generally only takes removing ~10 screws to get at the insides (example).

mp3, (edited ) avatar

And Roborock seems to be well supported by Valetudo.…/supported-robots.html#robo…

EdibleFriend, in How to respond to gf saying "I'm fat" avatar

What do you expect? Your mom was fat and as you grow older you’re becoming her.


How to get a divorce with one easy step!


This kills the man

EdibleFriend, avatar

If you’re still alive at that point, and want that to change, start talking about her younger sister.

BeefPiano, (edited ) in Can kindness be learned or cultivated, and to what extent is it an innate quality?

Kindness can absolutely be cultivated. Mindfulness and Metta meditation can help, but also just doing to work on yourself.

I also would like to urge you to think of kindness as a quality of actions, not people. It’s what we do that matters more than our intentions.

ETA: kindness isn’t always seen as nice. A parent letting their kid suffer the consequences of their actions can be seen by the kid as unkind, but if it helps the kid become more resilient it has kindness.

MuhammadJesusGaySex, in Can kindness be learned or cultivated, and to what extent is it an innate quality?

So, here is a story I like to share about learning kindness and empathy.

A little background. I grew up in a poor city right outside Birmingham, Al. All the kids I grew up with including myself had racist, homophobic parents. In return all the kids I grew up with including me were also racist and homophobic. When you grow up where I did with a silent generation dad and greatest generation grandparents from rural Alabama. You aren’t taught “hate”. You’re taught the way it’s always been.

I dropped out of school in the 9th grade. I got my GED and graduated college, but while I was working on all that I worked at Walmart when I was 16. I dated a girl that worked there and when we broke up I started dating a different girl that worked there a few days later.

Fast forward a couple of weeks and this loud and flamboyant twink named Joe that was our age tells my ex and current girlfriends that I dated them both at the same time. Then proceeded to drive both of them to my house where both chicks came in my house and yelled at me for a bit. When I walked outside I saw Joe in the driver seat of one of the girls car.

I figured that they probably met up at Walmart and I was going to beat the shit out of Joe. So, I jumped in my car and raced to Walmart. When they pulled up for Joe to get his car. I was sitting on the trunk of Joe’s car waiting. Fortunately, they left, and what follows is not great, but was necessary for me to learn a lesson.

After they left I was so angry that I used my key to carve the F slur so big that it took up Joes entire trunk lid. Nothing came of it for a few days. Then my phone rang. I can remember it like yesterday. A grown man asked for my name. I said I was he. He said that his name was Ronnie. (If you’ve read my other stuff this isn’t the same Ronnie that killed people.)

Anyway, Ronnie explained that he was Joe’s boyfriend. He told me that what I had done didn’t hurt Joe. He explained that he (Ronnie) was going to have to pay to have the trunk fixed. He appealed to my empathy, but he also treated me like a man. Could/should he have called the cops? Absolutely, but instead he decided to approach me like a man and explain the situation.

After he was done. I told him that I’d have to make payments, but that I’d pay to fix Joes car. Ronnie said that was fine. He invited me over for dinner and said that we’d discuss the terms. I agreed.

I don’t remember how much he said it would be, but I know that I paid him installments until it was paid for. During that time I got to know Ronnie really well. He had a monster truck and collected muscle cars. He had 2 Shih Tzus. He was much older than Joe and I. His previous partner had been someone important with State Farm insurance, but had died back in the 80s (this was mid 90s) and left Ronnie money and a house.

All this happened when my dad and I weren’t getting along. I still remember the first time I called Ronnie and asked if I could stay the night. He said yes without hesitation. I got there and he told me the ground rules. He said that I was always allowed at his house, but personal items like toothbrush, razors, and stuff like that were off limits. He said DO NOT MESS WITH THEM.

I was young not stupid. I had seen the real world. I knew that he was probably HIV positive. It wasn’t long before he and Joe broke up. Ronnie started calling on me. Ronnie lived in the country. I lived between the country and big city. He would call and say hey a couple of my friends are sick and I need to take them some food. Would you ride with me.

Anyway, Ronnie was the first person that I had actually interacted with where I had been forced to face someone that I had been lead to believe was different to me. Ronnie gave me a safe place to be when I wasn’t getting along with my dad. I can remember my “friends” at the time making fun of me for hanging out with a gay dude. I didn’t care.

Ronnie taught me more about being a man than my own father did. When he should have just called the cops he took the time to turn hatred into a teachable moment.

If you’re wondering what happened to Ronnie. I hung out with him fairly regularly until I got on drugs really bad. After my family deserted me. I deserted my friends because I couldn’t live with them hating me for what I had become.

After I got clean I started trying to pick up where I left off. I called all of the good friends I could think of. So, I called Ronnie. A man answered and I asked if Ronnie was there. He quickly asked who I was, and I explained that I was a friend. He said that he was Ronnie’s brother and Ronnie had passed away a few years earlier due to complications from HIV. He said that he got some kind of dementia.

We talked about 2 hours. I told him about how Ronnie had taught me about empathy. He said Ronnie had done the same for him. Ronnie was one of the greatest men I’ve ever known.


Yeah, someone needs to make this into a movie STAT


I’m sure Ronnie would be proud of the person you are today. Thanks for sharing.

Signtist, in How to respond to gf saying "I'm fat"

That depends heavily on who she is, and what your relationship looks like; a lighthearted response might work best for one person, while launching into a serious discussion about body image might be best for another.

My go-to response when my wife says something bad about her body is to just respond with “You’re beautiful.” and leave it at that. Sometimes I throw in a “Hey, don’t talk about my wife like that!” for good measure.

qooqie, in Can kindness be learned or cultivated, and to what extent is it an innate quality?

I’ll go against the grain here not because I disagree, but for sake of discussion. I think it’s mostly innate. Why? Well my father is a clinically diagnosed sociopath currently running from country to country after he’s done something reprehensible. Growing up with that man, there is no fucking way you can teach or cultivate kindness in him.

And no sociopathy is not something that should be romanticized like it has in podcasts, he has destroyed and harmed so many people it’s unbelievable that people like him can stand to look in a mirror. Anyways mostly innate lol

laverabe, in What is the most user repairable robot vacuum cleaner?

My personal preference would be a consumer model, <$400 usd, that doesn’t require wifi or bluetooth for any functions (preferably not even having that capability)

ultra, in What is a nifty little feature modern gadgets have lost?

I’m surprised I haven’t seen anyone mention IR transmitters in phones. Luckily, some phones are bringing them back (cough OnePlus Open cough)


IR blasters are definitely my most-missed feature.

Having a widget to control all kinds of devices in my house without having to buy new devices or plug things into Google or Amazon was nice.

And never heading to hunt for the remote anywhere was priceless.


My first cell could use this as a wireless connection to my laptop as a hot spot, circa 2003. Great times. Laser Internet

Jakdracula, avatar

Most traffic preemption devices intended for emergency traffic redirection use optical technology to beam infrared light from vehicles to static receivers mounted on traffic light poles.

Essentially, the tech works by detecting a specific pattern of infrared light emitted by the Mobile Infrared Transmitter (MIRT) installed in a police car, fire truck, or ambulance when the MIRT is switched on. When the receiver detects the light, the traffic system then initiates a signal change as the emergency vehicle approaches an intersection, safely redirecting the traffic flow so that the emergency vehicle can pass through the intersection as if it were regular traffic and potentially avoid a collision.

Use IR to change traffic signals.


That would make you a jerk

Jakdracula, avatar

Yea. But: A jerk not waiting in traffic.

DuckOverload, (edited ) in What has been the best thing that has happened to you so far?

The woman I loved decided to give it a go. 13 years later, we’re a super happy family.

PS: also, being bi and resisting the social urge to “be true to myself” and go gay, assuming the straight part was obviously bullshit.

Liz, in What is a nifty little feature modern gadgets have lost?

Physical buttons in cars

Repairable phones

Repairable laptops

Resoleable shoes

Hand-crank drills (for those quick and easy projects where dealing with batteries or cords isn’t worth it)

External frames on hiking packs

Actually tough jeans that need to be broken in and last a while

Headphone jack


I miss physical buttons on everything. We’re a tactile species living in a digital purgatory


I switched to the 2022 iPhone SE for this last year only for the EU to pull the usb-c thing toward apple (who of course requires the Apple certified cables now anyways so it solved nothing). and after that happened I know the writing is on the wall for this phone one day because of its design. I’m going to be using it until the very bitter end when not a single app is supported anymore. I will be a physical button warrior to the end.

jtk, avatar

That single button is hardly worth holding out for. If you switch, I think you’d find it’s no worse, just exactly as shitty.


I’m guessing we’re a similar age because those are all on my list too, along with cars that come with full size spares and a jack.


Resoleable shoes are alive and well, just not in the mainstream brands. Rose anvil youtube has a lot of good shoes reviewed.


I agree with all but hand crank drills. If you own a battery drill it’s probably stored with it’s battery and with keyless chucks (that don’t work on a hand crank drill) getting a battery drill ready for work is faster than a hand crank, and it will do the job faster too.

HerbalGamer, avatar

also it looks cool when you change the battery like a gun


Agreed and that was also my one exception to that comment.

If someone’s really worried about having a super compact kit for smaller, light duty jobs, the 12v (and under) options from any major tool manufacturer will fit the bill nicely.


Dayyyyym Chuch!

CalamityPayne, (edited ) avatar

There are some products that buck the trend for a couple of your points:

Repairable phones -

Repairable laptops -

I have a framework 13 and absolutely love it. Not used a Fairphone yet, and I believe the latest model might have sadly scrapped the 3.5 headphone jack, but will still be a strong contender when I next need an upgrade.


I’ve been eyeing the Framework for my next laptop, definitely looks interesting!

johan, avatar

Physical buttons in cars

My induction hob, my extractor fan, a light above the countertop… All of these things just in my kitchen don’t have physical buttons and I hate it. Physical buttons are so easy to use and in so many ways superior to these “touch” buttons.


You can still readily get crank hand drills, I have a (vaguely) modern one that I use for situations where I want the control/tactile feedback and/or have restricted access or the like. It covers a different set of problems than the standard cordless.

Mine is Fiskars branded and a little plasticky (and not the version they sell currently). I like it enough that I’ll get a nicer one if I kill it.


Nice! I inherited mine from my grandfather and I hope to pass it on myself someday.


Actually tough jeans that need to be broken in and last a while

Doesn’t that have to do with the fact that modern jeans have some stretchy materials added in which makes them more comfortable?

Surely one could buy old type jeans if one really wanted too.

ace_garp, in How to respond to gf saying "I'm fat" avatar

Phat like 1994!

Pika, in What is a nifty little feature modern gadgets have lost?

Most features that smart phones had. Most prodomimantly the micro SD card slot, headphone jack and IR blaster.


Lots of phones still have those. Notably all Redmi phones have a SD card slot, and Redmi still sells new phones with IR blaster, and most have a headphone jack too.

Pika, (edited )

I’ve looked into those phones, the specs look nice but they don’t work in my region, unfortunately rural areas of the US don’t have Tower support for those style models(yay refusal to upgrade any sort of infrastructure). many of my friends that are overseas have stated that they love the phones though.


Sony xperia should work. Though it doesn’t have IR blaster :/


AFAIK, Xiaomi doesn’t sell anything in USA, by purpose.


My first Samsung had a removable battery. Haven’t seen one since.

n3m37h, (edited )

I miss IR blaster on my phones, so handy.

There are lots of phones with micro SD and headphone jacks.

My Motorola G60s has either dual sim or sim with SD and a headohone jack. Also has a 120hz screen. Just missing the ol IR blaster


Yeah but they’re all the lower end phones, all the major flagships removed the features three or four versions ago, I don’t want to have to sacrifice camera or screen quality in order to have features that should be built into phones by default

anothermember, (edited )

How about, I don’t want to sacrifice features that should be built into phones by default for camera or screen quality!


Then dont go for the flagship phones?

What does a $1000 phone do that my $250 phone cant?

Shit this POS im using can even record at 240 fps


That’s really that is why I went with the phone I have, out of the phones that I looked at all of them were a downgrade for the screen, and generally camera. Or lacked the tower support in my area since we barely have LTE


I’m going to say that today, even on lower-end phones, the screen, processor and camera are all pretty decent.

I have a Motorola G31, which cost about 200€ one year ago, when I got it. It has a Micro SD Card Slot and a headphone jack. The screen is plenty good (1440p,60hz) (why would you need 120hz or 4k on a phone) And the camera is also quite nice. It has no fancy features, but it takes pictures and that’s all I need.

From my perspective, flagship phones are impractical and overpriced to say the least.


Ive been using 144/165hz monitors for years now and it’s jarring going back to 60 hz

I only spent $290 Cdn after shipping and taxes for my moto g60s. I 100% agree, flagship phones are unnessesary.


120hz is amazing for scrolling through feeds, it is absolutely night and day. It is like turning off the annoying motion blur in a video game.


i wish my pixel 7a had those


But by removing all the ports and turning them into screen monoliths, we can now safely pee on them.


And yet, we still don’t have a phone that can pee on us. Engineers are so culture-deaf.

Presi300, in What has been the best thing that has happened to you so far? avatar

Moving out of the province… Yeah, I fcking hate living in the big city but the people I’ve met and the friends I’ve made more than make up for it.

scroll_responsibly, in What is a nifty little feature modern gadgets have lost? avatar

Headphone Jack.

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