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Fedizen, (edited ) in Why was Ronald Reagan and Nancy Reagan so bad for the American people?

his election came out of treasonous interference overseas, his policy was to bailout people who made too many bets oil prices would never rise, his tax policy was to shift the burdens to the middle class and away from the rich, the current real estate laws that favor investors were created then, he illegally funded south american genocides, he oversaw a domestic crackdown on unions that is ongoing, his administration was run by the ghouls who later invaded iraq under false pretenses, and the guy was was also a huge piece of shit.

I’m sure I left out a lot.



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  • bricklove,

    We’re pointing out the bad things not the cool things


    Well OP asked about both and no one had mentioned her so…

    Bearbie, avatar

    a throat goat, even.

    roofuskit, avatar

    No amount of a woman expressing her bodily autonomy and sexual freedom is bad for the American people.


    also got rid of the fairness doctrine, explicitly to allow the creation of Fox News and forever change news media for the worse.

    oxjox, (edited ) avatar

    The Fairness Doctrine only applies to network television, which Fox News need not abide by.

    The report by the Congressional Research Service notes that broadcast is "distinct from cable, satellite, and the Internet, which are all services for which consumers must pay.
    “It does not appear that the Fairness Doctrine may be applied constitutionally to cable or satellite service providers,” it continues.…/6439197002/


    Don’t forget that he deliberately slow-walked any response to the AIDS crisis…until his friend Rock Hudson contracted it. Then it was all-hands-on-deck.

    Snapz, in What is a nifty little feature modern gadgets have lost?

    Everything. We’re down to barebones and marketing now focus solely on camera software updates or phone materials (“now with titanium!” How fucking sad is that?) And they are all selling the same phone.

    Some of the most important loses…

    Swappable batteries changed travel for me. Always having two extra charged batteries in my backpack, that you could swap top 100% in 20 seconds, made me ONLY use my phone as a free and completely useful tool without any planning or restrictions on my use. Otherwise, you can’t take too many pictures or videos, stream music or video or make video calls too long or you might be fucked when you need phone, GPS, payment or to get a rideshare to where you’re staying.

    Audio jack similarly meant freedom. Bluetooth headphones out of battery, broken or one earbud lost? Have a pair of wired in the backpack always add backup. Also better audio quality through wired with DAC on certain models and less daily device load to charge/babysit

    secondary screens LG V10 had a bar on top, they also had the T shaped dual screen phone and the secondary screen phone case. There was just creativity and attempts at innovation.

    microSD expandable memory, again less and less available and this was about freedom - fuck your cloud storage add its data leaks, corruption and redaction. I own my data, you don’t control it.


    I also very much miss the removable batteries. I spent 8 years with my old phone simply because I didn’t want to give up it’s easy swap ability but I have to say that the headphone jack is the thing that really affects and annoys me the most. For years and years I literally carried a pair of wired earbuds with me everywhere I went (coiled up and carried in the small pocket of my jeans). No matter where I was or what I was doing, I could literally be ready to go music mode at any time. I absolutely loved it. Being saddled with the bluetooth buds now and their annoying battery life is not at all ideal for me. I often take very long daily excursions that end up seeing my headphones die on me frequently now and I miss my wired headphones nearly every single day.


    When the iphone first came out, it was nice to be able to use the earbuds with my macbook too.

    I don’t think I’ll ever forgive apple for what they did with the lightning jack

    justabigemptyhole, avatar

    I’ll miss LG. My Fuzic II had a headphone jack, full QWERTY keyboard, FM transmitter…


    My new android phone is waterproof, rugged, has 5 days of battery life, 2 microsim, 1 microsd (up to 1TB i think, for apps and/or photos depending on partitioning via adb), headphone jack, no stupid notch or hole in the display and a notification light for $100. Sure I only get 4GB of RAM, a 24MP camera without stabilization, 64GB of slow-ish flash and an 8 core mediatek cpu. But if Google or HTC won’t give me what I want, I’ll buy the Doogee S51 with the fake 2nd wide angle camera that is just a dummy lens.

    I was really baffled when I got a November 2023 security OTA update. Didn’t expect that. Also it isn’t loaded with crapware like a Samsung or Lenovo. Overall I am quite satisfied with price/performance.


    I think the reason why you get the OTA is because Doogee uses mostly non modified Android software, making the official releases available for your phone with ease.


    Swappable batteries are coming back in 2027 because of the EU.

    Under the legislation, consumers must be able to "easily remove and replace” portable batteries used in devices such as smartphones, tablets, and cameras.

    Full article here.


    I just tried a Pixel 8 for a few days after years of using a Pixel 6 - it is legitimately a worse phone. Even with its higher frame rate screen (which is considerably smaller), all the phones animations look like garbage because the CPU struggles to keep up. I found some menus that I tested side by side on the pixel 6 and 8… the 6’s reaction was instant and smooth, while the 8 took about half a second to register that it had been touched, after which the menu’s animation was glitchy. My wife tested one too, and was having issues getting her fingerprints to save.

    Is there even an option for a decent modern android phone that doesn’t have bloatware (i.e… Samsung)? I was hoping the pixel would be acceptable so I could use Graphene OS, but it doesn’t look like that is going to be happening. Is there another device that works well with Lineage or something similar that would be a decent alternative to a Pixel with Graphene?

    fastfinge, in Who doesn't use an adblocker and why?

    I don’t block anything. I work in accessibility, so it’s important to me to know what the experiences are like for my fellow users with disabilities. I also don’t want to recommend sites or apps that are riddled with inaccessible ads. I’d rather not give them traffic at all. Though even though I let them track me, I still get ads in a language I don’t speak for cars I can’t drive. What’re they doing with all that data?


    How are you presumably having websites presumably displayed in one language and ads displayed in another language?


    I assume it’s because I live in Canada, and big American data just assumes all Canadians speak French. I regularly get French ads on English websites.


    Right, thought it was a trick and I was intrigued.


    If you presume it, it will come


    So me seeing ads in random languages is not me being clever with identity obfuscation, but big data being big stupid?

    And thank you for your work in accessibility 🫡


    Apparently! I don’t hide my data in any way, and constantly get ads in languages I don’t speak. Usually French, but sometimes Hindi or Chinese. And as a blind person myself, I’m not sure that my well paid full time job working in large enterprise and big tech accessibility is altruism deserving of thanks haha.

    Gigan, in Am i the a**hole for telling my coworkers no? avatar

    Not the asshole, they’re mad because they have to work now.


    They have to find someone else to do their job now

    wjrii, avatar

    You think that's not WORK? 🤣

    skillissuer, in What are some modern bullshit jobs? avatar

    anything related to planning, creation and targeting of ads

    hissingmeerkat, in What salary do you think would make you happy?

    Universal basic income and universal healthcare so I (and everybody else) don’t have to worry about a job, being able to work, retirement, disability, and employers will have to offer meaning, increased quality of life, and actual respect to attract employees.

    Gradually_Adjusting, avatar

    These social safety nets would be a huge win for worker’s rights too. If you can tell a job to go fuck itself on the spot, they can’t operate without treating people right.

    Tattorack, in Which of your favorite creators content quality went downhill very quickly? avatar

    VSauce. They used to be THE shit years and years ago. Their content now has been… Rather sparce and uninteresting.

    I don’t mind content that takes a long time. Ahoy and Lemmino are great. But VSauce just became… Feeling like a waste of time.


    Seems like they never recovered after the whole YouTube Red exclusive stuff they did. I was glad they came back, but you’re right, it just doesn’t hit the same.


    Their Red exclusive show was such a disappointment, I stopped following them after that


    Is that the one where we got to watch his Ayahuasca trip cause of so I almost say it was worth it just for that.

    ani, (edited )

    Lemmino are great

    idk I didn’t like latest Lemmino topics. I’d like seeing a new video on a space mystery

    Tattorack, avatar

    But he already made those in top 10 format. There isn’t much “mystery” to talk about without hyping up certain things like science journalism tends to do a lot.

    He could make a documentary that goes into deeper details about one of the things he already mentioned in his older top 10 videos…


    I didn’t watch the top 10 videos because this format doesn’t appeal to me. Topics like why there is a universe/anything at all, what is beyond the observable universe, how the universe will end, etc are the greatest mysteries and deserve their own videos.

    Tattorack, avatar

    Top 10 videos aren’t typically my thing either. But Lemmino is next level. His top 10 videos are very well informed, and before he started making actual documentaries, only got longer and longer. It got to the point where every entry in a top 10 vid was like a mini documentary on its own.


    Platform has grown and they just arnt the only game in town.


    I just learned that they have Vsauce 2, 3 and 4 but it’s not with Michael, so not as good.


    Remember when they had all 3 channels firing on all cylinders? Vsauce for mind blowing science videos, Vsauce2 for awesome shorter format wtf internet widget videos, and Vsauce3 for gaming science stuff. One of the best eras of YT.


    I think Vsauce is a lot more grifty than he looks. If you look at the really early videos they were very different and he changed his content wildly in order to find something that makes the most money with the least work. The science education happened to be profitable but as the Meta started favouring more than 10+ min and science vids became mini documentaries he just dropped off and started reviewing science toys and do compilation videos. Right now he is doing a lot of shorts because they are being pushed by the algorithm.

    Tattorack, avatar

    I started watching VSauce well over 10 years ago, so I’ve experienced how his content changed first-hand. I feel VSauce dropped off when Michael became an internet meme, when VSauce made it “big”. They got their own studio, their own merch box, and I thought this was going to be an upgrade to the content between VSauce 1, 2 and 3. But then Michael made that YouTube Red series and that was basically a brick wall.

    Only Jake Roper still made some good videos for some time, but that stopped eventually too. Mindblow stopped, Build It, Draw It, Play It stopped. Instead of seeing anything that would justify having a studio and a team to work with we basically got, like you said, Michael reviewing toys from their merch box, and Kevin doing some math philosophy once in a while.

    Mindblow is technically back but… it lacks any energy or soul that the original Mindblow had. It’s sad…


    His side gigs are super grifty. Curiosity box was a straight scam. Two months delayed and full of shifty products that break or fall apart trying to assemble them.

    yamanii, avatar

    Vsauce2 is still good and mindblown just recently came back, Kevin basically said on his podcast that the mindblown videos just take too much time to research for something that’s presented extremely fast and short, since he’s not a tabloid making wildly innacurate reporting on science papers.

    Rhaedas, in People of Lemmy that take more than 5 seconds to start your car and drive, what are you doing? avatar

    People who tear out of their parking space within a few seconds of getting in, wtf?

    netburnr, avatar




    JWBananas, avatar

    Sorry, wrong number!

    UndulyUnruly, avatar

    Understandable. Have a good day.


    asking the real questions!

    Bahalex, (edited )

    Because it’s a crowded parking lot. People are getting pissy and frustrated because they can’t find a spot to do this stupid shopping…they didn’t even want to come now, but that stupid BBQ is later, so they have to come when it’s super busy. And that freakin guy went the wrong way and got that spot they were trying to get…

    A little moment of kindness and acknowledgement is sometimes enough to reset the spiral of negativity and anger.

    Or I’ve really got to poop, as previously mentioned.

    ZagamTheVile, in What's an amusing thing to say before going under general anesthesia?

    I had to be in twilight, that’s where you’re basicilly out but can just barely understand what’s going on a bit. I was in and out and just absolutely baked. At one point I looked at the anesthesiologist and asked for a little more. He got concerned and asked if I could feel anything? I said “no, no I can’t. I’m just having a really good time”. I’m not sure because he was wearing a mask and all, but I think he grinned and I have zero memory from then.

    dgmib, in Tech workers - what did your IT Security team do that made your life hell and had no practical benefit?

    One IT security team insisted we have separate source code repositories for production and development environments.

    I’m honestly not sure how they thought that would work.


    Could work if dev was upstream from prod. But honestly there would be no difference between that and branches.


    Maybe it is a rights issue. Preventing a prod build agent of sorts to access develop code.


    Yeah…assuming that the policy was written “from blood” (meaning someone did something stupid).

    But even then you can put other checks and balances in place to make sure that kind of thing doesn’t happen.

    This is such an extreme reaction though. Or the policy was made from someone dumb

    Potatos_are_not_friends, (edited )

    That’s fucking bananas.

    In my job, the only difference between prod/dev is a single environmental file. Two repositories would literally serve no purpose and if anything, double the chances of having the source code be stolen.


    That was the only difference for us as well. The CI/CD process built container images. Only difference between dev, test, and prod was the environment variables passed to the container.

    At first I asked the clueless security analyst to explain how that improves security, which he couldn’t. Then I asked him how testing against one repository and deploying from another wouldn’t invalidate the results of the testing done by the QA team, but he kept insisting we needed it to check some box. I asked about the source of the policy and still no explanation, at least not one that made any sense.

    Security analyst escalated it to his (thankfully not clueless) boss who promptly gave our process a pass and pointed out to Mr security analyst that literally nobody does that.


    I’m honestly not sure how they thought that would work.

    Just manually copy-paste everything. That never goes wrong, right?


    I mean, it’s what the Security guys do, right? Just copy+paste everything, mandate that everyone else does it too, Management won’t argue because it’s for “security” reasons.

    Then the Security guys will sit around jerking each other off about how much more secure they made the system


    Yep doing that now. Not sustainable in the slightest. Im glad im not in charge of that system.

    Rhynoplaz, in Gamers who have gamed for a long time

    Same here. Time is just more valuable now. Hopping into a few quick rounds just feels easier than starting something up and getting halfway through the beginning tutorial, before being interrupted by the kids or wife, and then feeling like you just wasted the hour or so you had to spare, because you didn’t even start playing the actual game yet.


    Why I play brawlhalla, and only brawlhalla. For as long or as little as I can


    Yup, the only game I play right now is factorio and that was a mistake. Staying up after the kids fell asleep and magically it’s 4 hrs later. PC broke and I’m finally getting proper sleep. Should have stuck with slay the spire and other 1 hr run type games


    Dang, I was defeated… but now I get to sleep?

    Slay the Spire Victory? Screen, The Silent laying on the floor


    dunno, better start another run to have something to do while you figure that out


    Exactly. I know I only have like an hour tops before need to do something and it’s just not enough time to truly immerse myself so I end up not even want to start the game.
    Now I’m wondering when I’ll be 50 and the kids will be gone and have time again to play 8-10 hours straight. Maybe then.

    scytale, in What free things online should everyone take advantage of?

    If you’re in the US, you can sign up for Informed Delivery with USPS so you know when to expect incoming important mail. This can help if mail theft is common in your area.

    ApathyTree, avatar

    It also helps if you are too lazy to bundle up to go outside to check when it’s cold as nuts, but are waiting for something specific. 😁

    And if you just never check your mail (I get almost exclusively junk mail, so I check it every week or two. All my bills are autopay, and all communications are paperless when possible).

    SpaceNoodle, in Your greatest weakness becomes your greatest strength. How is your life different?

    Alcohol is addicted to me.


    I mean, in a way, it can’t quit you…

    captainjaneway, (edited ) avatar

    “If you’ve managed to quit alcohol - your greatest weakness - perhaps you’ve already found your greatest strength.”

    • Gandalf the Grey
    dirtySourdough, in What gifts that you received for Christmas this year are already in the trash?

    I mentioned to a family member how much I like my garlic press. I then received a garlic press for Christmas and will certainly be regifting it.

    ApathyTree, avatar

    What kind do you have?

    I have an ancient one, probably my great grandmothers, and the garlic just gets smashed into the square-but-actually-round holes and it’s impossible to get most of it out.

    Mostly it makes smashed garlic, which I can do with a knife much more easily…


    I got an Oxo Good Grips one for my Christmas this year and I think it’s the last press I’ll ever need

    Usually_Lurker, avatar

    Pampered Chef also makes a very nice one. Usually pampered chef is terribly overpriced but they do have a few high quality gems in the catalog.


    Yeah I saw those but they were stupidly overpriced like every they do . The Oxo ones were about €30, amazing price for a BIFL item


    I have this one as well. I like how it’s one piece, unlike some cheaper ones

    Blue_Morpho, (edited )

    It’s not one piece. It looks like one piece but the rubber handles eventually separate. The past couple of years I have used it without the rubber handle covers.

    Blue_Morpho, (edited )

    It will last about 5 years. I have one. The rubber handles fall off and the chrome plating peels.


    It does say not to put them in a dishwasher or that’ll happen


    Are people just too lazy to chop garlic?

    smort, avatar

    Sometimes you want it pressed rather than chopped


    Pestle and mortar? Smash it with a spoon?


    Knife works better, since it’s a flat surface. A spoon would push it to the side instead of crushing evenly. Mortar and pestle is overkill unless you’ve got a lot of garlic to press.


    You don’t know my diet


    Pressed garlic has a much more intense flavor. For a stew or most cooked stuff I would squash and chop it, for sauces or garlic oil I prefer pressed.

    It’s also much faster as you don’t have to peel it and if you wash the press right away it’s just as fast as washing a knife.

    sanguinepar, avatar

    It has literally never occurred to me that there’s no need to peel garlic if it’s going in a press. I feel dumb now.


    Is your family member Google Ad Sense?

    “I see you spent a week researching PSUs for your computer and I see that you finally bought one. Would you like to buy a PSU? because even though we know you bought one we’ll be showing you nothing but ads for PSUs for the foreseeable future.”


    Ad Sense doesn’t know you’ve made your purchase.


    Its really bad when you’re in your living room talking about PSUs, then all of a sudden the only adds you see online are about PSU’s.


    Yeah, I’d be all like, “wtf happened to my ad blocker!?”

    Speaking of which, if you talk about ad blockers in your living room, do you get ads for those?


    Why have you not violently disposed of your “smart” electronics that apparently permanently monitor you for amazons profit?

    umulu, avatar

    Regifting it because you don’t need a second one? Or because the one gifted to you is of lower quality?


    Both. I bought one from this brand before and it rusted after the first use. I’ll admit I may not have washed it properly, but that’s not something I expect from my kitchenware. And I don’t see a use for a second garlic press, but I’m open to hearing one

    umulu, avatar

    That’s some chinesium level shit right there XD I wouldn’t want that crap either.

    MargotRobbie, in What's a food you love, that isn't worth making from scratch? avatar

    Honestly? Ramen. There are way too many ingredients that all needs to be cooked differently, and even the broth itself is a nightmare amount of effort for what you get at the end.


    I spent 2 days cooking my first ramen broth, the tare, the marinated eggs and the garlic oil. It’s definitely a case of tripling the batch and freeze it because it takes a lot of work regardless of the quantity.


    I don’t know if there is anything special about Ramen broth, but once you get used to the process, homemade bone broth is absolutely worth it.

    I get pork knee joints from the Asian market, bake them at about 400 for an hour, and simmer on the stove top for a couple of days. That broth is my winter staple.


    It definitely is worth it. You can tune it like you want, it is really more flavourful.

    But it does take a lot of time.


    Just reading this opened my appetite


    Thanks for being honest with us.


    Ramen is easy to make, assuming you don’t prep anything and don’t want the soy eggs then you can make it easily in 15 min

    MeanEYE, avatar

    Then you are not making ramen.


    15 minutes? To bake the baking soda maybe


    I’d say a lot of my favorite Asian dishes follow this pattern. Most of them are pretty challenging to recreate due to the amount of ingredients and types of cooking involved. Guess there’s a reason they taste so good


    I made homemade General Tso’s and it is absolutely worth the effort. The recipe I used stayed crispy for days even with sauce on it. I could control the flavor. It was so good.


    Can I get that recipe haha


    Kenji is king <3



    My gf and I love ramen and looked into making it at home. I’m the cook of the two of us but she’s happy to assist.

    …by step 15 of just the broth, and not even halfway through that, I just looked at her and said, “We’re not doing this.”

    MargotRobbie, avatar

    You can kind of use a simplified method to get a good broth with a pressure cooker, because from what I read, the key to getting something good seems to be a sustained hard boil with lots of collagen and fat on the meat.


    You are talking about noodles? lol

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