I didn’t see anyone mention streamers. For me that has to be Asmongold. He is now just drama farmer and reacts to videos and reddit all day. I would even say he is slowly turning into another Andrew Tate.
Called it on Lemmy a few months ago! Something about him and MoistCritical just give me bad juju. Can’t explain it except as a father you learn to trust your gut sometimes and it was run of those times.
If this makes sense. YouTube algorithm aggressively pushes Joe Rogan. In that sphere are other trends that come with it. Sadly they come into that picture
Kind of related but I follow lilAggy on twitch. He pissed off some of chat one day because he told them to fuck off with their Andrew Tate bullshit and full on explained bluntly how Andrew Tate is a mysogynistic fuckwad.
I just realized it only recently, but Asmongold was going downhill for a few years. He wasn’t my favorite streamer, but watched him here and there.
List of my streamers is slowly shrinking. Nowdays I mostly watch Lirik. He just became a dad like a year ago. As far as I know he has no problems. Only thing that some people are not liking about him is that when NFTS came out, he wanted to make some, he didn’t at the end. I don’t really blame him. When NFTS came out even I thought it was interesting for little while.
My second most watched streamer is probably Elajjaz, I discovered him only a year ago. He is a variety streamer who really likes Dark Souls and similar games. I don’t think I acually saw him “react” to videos. He just plays games.
LilAggy’s stream looks interesting, I gave him a follow. Will see if we click.
Check out Josh Strife Hayes, a very sensible streamer/Youtuber who steers clear of the drama. He and the guy from Pirate Software are my new favourites.
I know about both of them, but Josh doesn’t stream in my free time, so I only watch his youtube videos here and there. Pirate Software doesn’t play games. I knew about him even before he blew up, but I like streamers who play games, like sure, talk about interesting stuff, your life, etc but I need some game in the background. Don’t get me wrong, his stream is great and I check on him sometimes. But he mostly talks about how to make games and how to start making games. I don’t really need that.
Yeah. I’ve been pleasantly surprised. He stays in his lane alone with the other souls streamers. That community seems to be pretty good at being good people.
Agreed, souls community is definitely one of the most wholesome communities I’ve seen/been in on twitch. Drama free (afaik) and everyone’s super nice and supportive of everyone else even when they’re in direct competition. It’s great.
That you cannot extract billions of years worth of stored energy from the earth (like oil and coal), release it, and expect there to be no consequences.
Humans aren’t much better than dogs taking a shit on the lawn in our little finite planetary backyard and kicking a few tufts of grass over it. Dumping stuff into the ocean or waterways. Can’t see it! Must be gone, right? Burying toxic chemicals. Can’t see it! Same with CO2.
Shit’s still there. Keep shitting everywhere and there’s no way you’re gonna avoid stepping in it eventually.
I joined a company, was given part ownership, could not believe how much money was wasted by the other owners behind the curtain, proposed reforms that were ignored, set up a presentation showing that we could all retire in 4 years on interest if we invested excess profits, nobody was interested. They just wanted to expand.
The other owners were taking minimum to zero salary, saying that their stakes would pay off soon after they expanded.
I insisted on receiving full salary since I was working and again explained that we could all start receiving interest payments right away if we invested this year’s profits. Ignored.
After two years of full salary and basically running the company, warning the other owners I would leave if nothing changed and they kept investing capital into unnecessary expansions for a year, I gave two months notice, the other owners acted surprised, I trained a few people to do my job, cashed out my ownership, left the company, cut ties, haven’t looked back in years .
Just found out a couple weeks ago that the company collapsed almost immediately after I left.
I couldn’t get into it. Felt very stressful to me. Like I had to do something productive every day before night. It’s probably more my fault than the game’s fault though.
I 100% agree. There’s just so much to do and too much of your day is spent as a time tax maintaining what you already have. There are several unlocks to reduce this, but they come far too late in a playthrough in my opinion.
I find a time control/clock-stopping on demand mod almost mandatory for me to be able to play without stressing, especially when playing with expansion mods that more than double the amount of content in the game.
I love these types of games, and I’ve tried to get into it multiple times… But everything feels like it’s on such a strict timer. I just want to chill and farm/explore/talk to people without worrying if I spent too much time enjoying myself doing any one particular thing. If it had some kind of sandbox mode or if you could slow down the time, I’d give it another go.
You should defs try My Time At Sandrock then, with friends or the story alone. Absolutely great for exactly what you want, without the overbearing timer having really any effect on gameplay.
I get like this in any sort of “real time passes” games, with some exceptions. If you have a limited amount of time to do a limited amount of things in game, my mind starts min/maxing what I should be doing every moment in game. In Outer Wilds the passage of time matters less cause you always start back at zero, what you gain each run is just knowledge, you don’t lose out and fall behind on any resources, points or whatever cause you didn’t do certain things that day.
Just remember that HR serves the company, not the employees. You want to phrase things so that you aren’t seen as the primary problem. It’s you and the company Vs the potential problem (in this case, the manager’s policy), not you Vs the company.
Capitalism didn’t kill third spaces, technology did. Niel Postman and Robert Putnam spent most of their lives writing about the creep of technology and how it destroys actual human society and its base-level interactions.
I’d say it’s not even capitalism but the rabid anti-tax people/movement. Third spaces like libraries and parks are paid for by tax money, and if people keep voting against raising taxes, well guess what. No more public spaces.
Your politicians, along with business leaders, have made sure to remove those places as much as possible.
But I have to ask: Is talking not allowed in American libraries? Cause where I live, libraries are places where you can sit, talk, eat, drink, play board games, and of course read. There’s different rooms for different activities.
Some libraries have this in the US, but not all. Also a lot of funding to libraries has been cut over time. Due to this a lot of libraries that once had these features no longer do.
They’re telling you that these “private” spaces are allowing for child exploitation because it triggers exactly the thoughts you’re having now.
“Oh I don’t want that, I guess I’ll give up my privacy”
It’s an excuse. Apple had client side image scanning, cutting through ALL privacy. The program basically found 0 child porn images, but instantly that it existed, governments wanted to use it to censor images they didn’t like.
It’s a lie, it always has been. “Won’t people please think of the children” has been used to create horrendous lies of policy since the beginning of time.
You know what existed before these services? The same evil that existed after them.
We can ban knives because a few people stab others with them, but ultimately if your goal is to stab someone, you’ll use what you have available. Perhaps a fork? And society will no longer have knives, but is that actually a reasonable answer? I mean there are no knives allowed in prisons, and they still make decent shanks .
Killing privacy to solve child exploitation is just a nice lie they sell you to convince you that your privacy doesn’t matter. Facebook has zero privacy and it’s currently the biggest distributor of child porn. It’s a huge problem, and clearly the lack of privacy didn’t solve it like they said it would.
Because they’re distracting you with bullshite problems.
For example, gay marriage. There’s a simple answer that appease everyone…… the government doesn’t regulate marriage, they regulate “civil unions”
You just change all the official paperwork to call everyone’s “marriage” a civil union and let the people decide if they want to call it a marriage or not. Who the fuck cares?
But no, they made it a culture war. “The gays are destroying society and they’re gonna make our kids gay” Vs “They are denying the gays marriage and next they’re going to start assassinating them”
Left or right, they both crave power and are selling us out for it.
This guy is gold! I’ve bought a few pairs of cheap headphones after reading his comparisons and reviews, and all have been spot on! He tests on both iPhone and Android, and he explains the differences in sound quality if very approachable and concise ways. When I need headphones again, his site is my no 1 stop.
I hope that you’re not specifically talking about Israel Palestine because if so that particular issue has so many different people with very strong wildly divergent views that simply trying to define what “fake news is would be a political decision”.
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