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DonnieDarkmode, in TIL: You can view fall distance in Combat Log

I wonder why they decided to crank up fall damage compared to tabletop. A fall from that height in 5e is 3d6 bludgeoning


Probably to make maps require less verticality for the mechanics they wanted. It’d be pretty hard to manage a camera angle at larger discrepancies for the same function. Either that or to make ranged builds more viable with major verticality in maps

skulblaka, avatar

It's also possible in 5e for a raging barbarian to fall an indeterminate distance at free fall and never die from it. You could orbital shock drop a gang of bugbears onto your opponent's military encampment from literal space, and every one of them would stand up ready to fight as long as they started the fall with greater than 60 hit points.

In short, 5e rules for falling damage are pretty silly and it's best to ignore or re-rule those if you expect to use it in any sort of sensible situation.


Probably to make it feel more realistic. It would be strange if you could fall 50 feet and only take 17 damage

AGD4, in Baldur's Gate 3 player traps themselves in Hell by casting Silence on the Devil himself

Man, that takes me back to the unforgiving text adventure games of yore. A simple screw up in any of the early Sierra titles, or Zork or even the Hugo titles, will condemn you to an unwinnable game without telling you.

inasaba, in Baldur's Gate 3 player traps themselves in Hell by casting Silence on the Devil himself

The bit of text about Ethel offering an out surprises me: I’ve done that fight around eight times and she has never once offered me the option.


In the first Ethel fight you need to let her take her turn when she’s at like, 10-15% HP and she’ll offer to give you power (+1 to any stat) if you let her and Mayrina go. If you pass a high intimidate or deception roll you can save Mayrina and get the buff. (Warning though: doing this breaks paladin oath if you care)


I guess I just kill her too effectively!

snooggums, avatar

I assumed the +1 would come with a curse and finished her off!


Nope, just a straight +1 to any stat. You have to eat a gross magic piece of her scalp though to get it

ChaoticEntropy, avatar

I mean… I can still take some scalp if that’s what I need…

teft, avatar

And for anyone who wants to cheat it on a paladin just make sure someone else is closer to Ethel than your paladin. Doesn’t count as breaking your oath if someone else does the conniving. Also she starts the conversation with the closest person. Make sure you change the auto select character after combat to off in settings or this will all have been for naught.

teft, in Patch #5 Now Live! Version Number: avatar

Wild Shapes that do not have weapons will now benefit from having the Tavern Brawler feat.

Gonna be a barBearian now.

Malix, in Patch #5 Now Live! Version Number: avatar

…oookay, the update is 102 GB on gog galaxy… seems a bit excesssive


Maybe the galaxy version doesn’t patch files, it can only reinstall them. The steam version was only like 20 gigs

entropicdrift, avatar

Galaxy does patch, usually. Just didn’t this time

yA3xAKQMbq, in Patch #5 Now Live! Version Number:

Other options in Custom Mode include … the ability to hide failed Perception Checks, which means you’ll never know there was even a roll to begin with!

Now while in camp, you will be able to manage the inventory of companions who are not in your active party without having to recruit them first - all from one single UI.



The inventory upgrade was needed.

Perrin42, in Patch #5 Now Live! Version Number:

OK, how do you trigger the new epilogue? I've started from before the final fight with the dragon and didn't get it; do I need to go farther back?

quirzle, avatar

I've done it on my first two characters, both by starting from saves just before entering the area with that fight. I saved at the "are you ready to face the netherbrain?" prompt at the High Hall on both and was able to play the epilogue after the victory conversations/credits.


Hmm. That did not work for me.

Hairyblue, in Baldur's Gate 3 colossal new patch adds a playable epilogue set six months after the game ends with 3,589 new lines of dialogue, 2 new difficulty modes, and I'm running out of headline space avatar

Wow...just wow. I am amazed at the dedication of Larian to improve their game and actually listen to their customers and try to please them.

I am a fan of Larian.


Credit where credit is due, Larian was always like this. Even with their less successful titles they still made sure to fix all issues before moving on.

I am also a fan of Larian.

Hairyblue, avatar

I own divinity and divinity 2, and you are correct. They keep giving up improvement and fun adds for the game long after release.


I get what you’re saying, but it’s sad that this very basic aspect of listening to customer feedback and implementing said feedback is so foreign to us now.

teft, in Baldur's Gate 3 colossal new patch adds a playable epilogue set six months after the game ends with 3,589 new lines of dialogue, 2 new difficulty modes, and I'm running out of headline space avatar

I’m playing the new difficulty and its great. If you fuck up there is no way back except to your last save. You can’t even quickload. I don’t think it’s more difficult than tactician so far but I’m still in act 1.


I’m still in act 1, so they have a permadeath mode?

bjoern_tantau, avatar

I think you can choose to play on after dying, but you won’t get the golden dice after completion.

teft, (edited ) avatar

I think I read somewhere that it is but don’t quote me on that. The biggest reason I’m playing it is because if you beat Honour Mode you get golden dice.


I might do this for my second play through with my gf. Increase the stakes. Can you still load if you die?

teft, avatar

I don’t know yet as I haven’t died yet but I believe death is final in that mode.

In the words of Scar:

Be prepared.


You can load, but it won’t be considered an honor mode run

Four_lights77, in Baldur's Gate 3 colossal new patch adds a playable epilogue set six months after the game ends with 3,589 new lines of dialogue, 2 new difficulty modes, and I'm running out of headline space

I’m so glad they love this game as much as I do. If they eventually added a DM or creative mode to run custom campaigns I’d be over the moon. Take my money Larian!

cupcakezealot, (edited ) avatar

do an expansion pack or w/e set in exandria with the critical role voice cast (along with the og cast ofc because they’re awesome)


WotC should hire the studio to build the engine for the VTT in dndbeyond.

just_change_it, (edited )

The problem wouldn’t be the studio making it, it would be the monetization imposed on every facet of it. Any possible add-on would be dlc or part of a subscription. They wouldn’t even allow them to do significant free updates unless it was tied to a paid product or hefty subscription fee.

I don’t really want Larian getting looped into being a WotC shill. I hope they stay independent and keep on making the best games they can make. Single player or small party story games never get old.

DNDBeyond is just another bullshit live service with subscriptions in perpetuity.

teft, (edited ) avatar

Want 2 short rests? Fuck you, pay me.

Want to respec? Fuck you, pay me.

Want to recruit Scratch? Fuck you, pay me.

samus12345, avatar

Imagining Withers saying “Fuck you, pay me!” is pretty amusing, though!


That’s preposterous, WotC would never do anything like that! They’ll helpfully not even mention $ anywhere in the app, instead we’ll get Gold Pieces (gp), Electrum Pieces (ep), and Platinum Pieces (pp). If you log into D&DBeyond, you’ll get a daily 5 gp reward and if you complete your daily quests, you have the chance to unlock even more rewards (1 ep per quest). Every session you run or participate in gets you another reward, while every purchase of a digital-only DLC rulebook grants you further rewards.

Nevermind that it would take hundreds of daily logins and constant vigilance with daily quests to even be able to afford anything, they’ll helpfully provide the option to “level up” your account to instantly unlock rewards without having to go through all that trouble.


WOTC would use electrum 🤮


Amen to this!

If anything I would love for Larian to continue developing their DoS rules engine further. Playing BG3 I just wanted the rules from DoS. More punts and more combo barrels.


They have such a mode in Divinity: Original Sin II. Sure it’s not DnD but it’s a fun system. Never got the hang of that dm mode though, I’m too stupid.


What is this DM mode?




Pretty sure custom campaigns will definitely arrive at some point, just like they did with DOS2. I want to say Larian has even stated that they’ll eventually open the doors for it and potentially modding support?

Oldmandan, avatar

Mod support has definitely been mentioned as an eventual goal, IIRC though they didn’t have plans to implement an official DM mode.


I kinda bet WotC would take issues with them making a dm mode like in Divinity… Since they are trying to get people to only ever play dnd on the dndbeyond vtt, I doubt they’d be keen on letting larian basically build a better version, lol.

ThunderWhiskers, in Baldur's Gate 3 colossal new patch adds a playable epilogue set six months after the game ends with 3,589 new lines of dialogue, 2 new difficulty modes, and I'm running out of headline space avatar

The performance improvements alone are insane. I’m playing on PS5, just got into act 3. I turned it off on Tuesday a little frustrated by how the game was running inside of the lower city. Turned it back on after patching and everything is smoother than the entire rest of the game has been for me.

Also, being able to access all party member inventories is a game changer.


That’s good to read. I had a bug for a few patches where I couldn’t even use DLSS (local multiplayer) so act 3 was quite annoying. Everytime we went into a basement it was noticeable smoother and enjoyable. This was fixed I believe with patch 4.

Hopefully this brings the frame rate up and that will let me enjoy and end act 3.


The lack of decent inventory management meant that when I got new companions later on, I just didn’t use them for more than their story quest, and they were mostly wearing their default gear.

Just seemed more effort than it was worth to sort through everything, including all those chests that litter the camp but might as well be voids because as soon as something went into one, I never used it again.


I used the chests mainly to hold camp supplies, and also a loot dump when there was a lot of valuable armor to loot that was too heavy to carry. Loot until full, send to camp, loot more. Go to the vendor, sell all, go to camp, grab until full, go back to the vendor.

WarmSoda, (edited )

Im still in the beginning of the game so maybe I haven’t noticed something, but I’m confused by what you’re saying. I’ve been able to access all thier inventories at the same time.

Do you mean sorting the inventory?


Once you’ve been playing longer, you’ll see. At the start you can pretty much just carry everything about, but later on you’ll be sending armour and weapons to camp or dumping them on a character you think they might be useful on in certain situations.

Then, if and when you get a new companion (and you might not get them depending on your choices), you think “oh, I wonder what gloves I should put on him”.

And that’s when you realise that all the gear is scattered among the camp chests and characters in camp, and you end up just not bothering.

It’s even a thing between your origin characters, as you mess about decking e.g. Gale in all the best magic gear, and then you need to use Wyll for something and you just can’t be bothered to move it all over so don’t use him because you know you’re going to have to move it all back again when you want a companion that isn’t such a whiny bastard.


Ah gotcha. Yeah I can see that.

stevedidWHAT, in Baldur's Gate 3 colossal new patch adds a playable epilogue set six months after the game ends with 3,589 new lines of dialogue, 2 new difficulty modes, and I'm running out of headline space avatar

Game is fucking legendary. Every ounce of respect, already earned.

ghostdoggtv, in Baldur's Gate 3 colossal new patch adds a playable epilogue set six months after the game ends with 3,589 new lines of dialogue, 2 new difficulty modes, and I'm running out of headline space


BoiLudens, in Baldur's Gate 3 colossal new patch adds a playable epilogue set six months after the game ends with 3,589 new lines of dialogue, 2 new difficulty modes, and I'm running out of headline space

Man I’m glad I waited on this and Cyberpunk to be more feature complete

TALL421, avatar

Cyberpunk, sure. But you honestly didn’t even HAVE to wait with BG3. I know it didn’t hurt though, so congrats if you’re planning on digging in soon!


Well ackshawlly…(PCmasterrace smug) BG3 was in early access and playable for PC gamers since last year.

But seriously - the early access was content rich, but it was pretty buggy. I took am glad I waited for the full release.


EA was basically a demo… It had maybe 20% of the content, and a lot of it (e.g. origin characters) was rewritten before full release anyways

TALL421, avatar

Totally forgot about the early access!


Absolutely, I’m going thru a slow campaign with folk, so the bugs I’ve been hearing about and qol go faster than I am progressing for the game. Plus I have a huge backlog to get thru, so it just ends up being I’d rather wait for a good chunk of bugs to be ironed out even if the game has already been amazing so far. I don’t see myself replaying it, as there’s just so much out there, I want my first go thru to be dope af. Then when time and life post backlog permits I’ll go ahead and class up for a differently for a new playthru

cupcakezealot, in Baldur's Gate 3 colossal new patch adds a playable epilogue set six months after the game ends with 3,589 new lines of dialogue, 2 new difficulty modes, and I'm running out of headline space avatar

but where’s bing bong and unhinged narrator mode blobcat, glarezoom

bjoern_tantau, avatar

Spoiler for the epilogue:

EpilogueShadowheart mentions (at least on Selûne path, when you romanced her) befriending a peculiar Imp named Bing Bong after your adventures in Baldur’s Gate. So I guess in this universe Bing Bong is alive and well in Faerûn.

cupcakezealot, avatar

yess! i just saw it on sugarmellie’s tiktok and now i can’t wait to see

bg3 spoilersaliona’s reaction when she and jen get to that part in bg3 :3

bjoern_tantau, (edited ) avatar

Continued SpoilersI’m especially interested in Dev’s reaction and whether Jen and Aliona will let anything slip next time they stream. I mean, they were probably both there when Jen recorded it.

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