It’s an animated coming of age comedy on Netflix. It’s extremely raunchy and vulgar, and also gets more meta in the later seasons. Between all the masturbation and dick jokes it occasionally has a good message in some episodes. It’s very much a polarizing show that you will either love or hate.
Yeah, definitely don’t just stick something in, use protection. If you want to use an unknown public charge, there are USB data blocker adapters you can buy.
You get slow charging (since the devices can’t negotiate), but it’s better than an infection.
My father was an academic and the thing academics do when they visit each other’s houses is to bring a bottle of something. So they had a cellar room full of booze. It was awesome when I was in high school in the mid-90s. My parents didn’t drink beer though, so there was no beer in the house except for a six-pack of Michelob at the back of the room that had pull tabs on it. They stopped making pull tabs in 1980. So it was at least 14-year-old beer. It was one of the few things I didn’t think about and/or decide to steal.
Similar situation for me, but my sister was five years older than me and age and her friends got to all the good stuff first. All that was left for me was a selection of gross flavored brandy and a bunch of novelty shaped bottles that I undoubtedly ruined the collectible value of when I cracked them open.
Though I think I misunderstood you. “men on lemmy attacking women for looking how they want”, I thought the “they” here meant the men. I was thinking wow, who wanted her to look like that
haha i see the misunderstanding now. but tbf there are a lot of men that like this look,. i think someone else in this thread linked a lemmy community for it
To be fair, I think it’s important to examine the social trends that influence people’s body images and contribute to them wanting to get a lot of plastic surgery done. I don’t think that’s healthy and it’s a lot more complicated than just “looking how they want”
My girlfriend’s family cabin has a cold storage in the basement. We found some canned stew that had expired in 1982. A friend of mine actually ate it and he didn’t get sick!
Yeah, the expiry is beaurocracy in action, but okay beiroacracy, I’m fine with putting the dates. But canned goods are eternal if stored properly, and doing a quick inspection for what you mentioned is all you need when you’re scouring the wasteland for Vienna sausages in the far off time of the year 2025.
2097, obviously, cause 1817 there were no plastics* or refrigerators** or cameras cheap enough to take pictures of trivial shit*** and 1997 would be to obvious. Nah, its definitely not 1997
I’m in Canada, when I order pizza for my family of 3 it comes out to like $65+ with tax and delivery, it’s insane. Took them to burger king the other day, we got 3 meals and a couple of apple turnovers and it came out to $50+, shit is insane.
I generally order only when I can’t. Like when the day has been a hectic disaster, it’s 20 minutes from dinner, I haven’t had a chance to go to the store or cook, and the kids gotta eat. If it was just me alone I’d survive in crackers
Yeah. During the pandemic I realized fuck eating out. Why is the main public activity going to a fucking restaurant anyway? We need more museums. Like, lots more.
I will say tho, fast food salads (pick up not delivery) are worth it. I bought a $25 salad from a deli chain & said this is too expensive. So next week I spent $20 on salad ingredients & made a salad. I didn’t feel like a salad for a couple days & all ingredients wilted.
Maaan!! That’s crazy prices! Have you ever tried buying a frozen marg pizza and putting ur own toppings on. That’s what I do and it usually costs way less with minimal effort.
You gotta order online and use their apps and newsletters it can cut the price by half if not more. They are making their prices punitive for not using their apps now. Domino’s should be about $8 a pizza.
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