I can’t think of anything more specifically “reddit brain” than lumping Ajit Pai in with Hitler and of the hundreds of school shootings including the one shooter that happened to be trans.
I can’t think of anything more specifically “reddit brain” than lumping Ajit Pai in with Hitler and of the hundreds of school shooting…
Nobody said they’re the same, just that if hell exists they’d all be there. They’re all just famous horrible people that are popular to talk about online, that’s what they have in common.
… including the one shooter that happened to be trans.
You have a point there, that was certainly a choice.
There is way more nuance to and lack of agreement on these topics than is presented here. Do I think God could forgive Jeffrey Dhamer? Absolutely. Do people go to “hell” for being gay? Absolutely not. First, because hell (as in the place of eternal torment) doesn’t exist. Second, being gay isnt a sin.
And yes, I know there’s an army of other Christians out there who are are foaming at the mouth in disagreement.
I’ve had the notion of producing some SDXL images of jesus doing hateful things that Christians do, like holding up a “god hates f*gs” sign or roaring and frothing at a trump rally. Make them see what “Christ through them” looks like. Put it on billboards and shit.
Good idea. It is odd how the old and New Testament seem to be at odds with each other in so many ways yet “Christians” who supposedly follow Christ seem to think “god” or the Old Testament biblical version of him, outweighs christs teachings of god, whenever they feel like being justified in their hatred. They’re closer to Muslim than Christian in their closeness of actions to teachings.
To a sizeable number of “Christians”, Jesus is more of an abstract concept than an actual being. Believing he existed is more important than listening to or living out what he had to say. I mean, I’ve actually quoted passages from the bible to people when they try to rug sweep Trumps many moral bankruptcies or start shitting all over poor people or immigrants. And what do they do? They look down at their feet for a few seconds with a sort of guilty expression on their face. Then, they just kind of shake it off and launch right back into whatever bullshit they were spouting before.
If any of those people ever bothered to crack a bible, they would find a fair chunk of it is spent vehemently railing against the things they are pushing for.
It’s ome thing to abstract it and another entirely to be staring at a billboard where your god is shown to be as vile and hate-fuelled as you are. Make them get angry about it, and point out at every enfuriated comment that they’re only proving the point.
Look who’s talking tells some bad romance story, but with a twist that it’s through the eyes of a baby with an adult inner monologue played by Bruce Willis. He mostly tries to figure out the stupid behaviors of adults.
This demon is from the sequel and how the now-toddlee views the toilet. Potty training is a sub plot of the movie.
More ad breaks for eventual streaming service distribution. Two hours? Only 4-5 ad breaks. An additional 20 minutes? Boom, let’s sell more prescription drugs, or candy, or whatever.
Films are funded through venture capital, and investors are looking for the biggest profit. So modest films struggle to get funding, because investors believe size=quality.
Right? And it’s worse than that. I was going to finally sit down and watch the Across the Spider-Verse movie now that it’s on Netflix because it’s almost 2 hours and 20 minutes long and if I couldn’t take sitting there, I could at least take a break. But then someone who saw it told me it isn’t even the whole story and you have to wait for a sequel coming out who knows when which will also probably be that long. I can’t take it. At least give movies an intermission like they used to.
Without any spoilers, I felt that the spider-verse movie was enjoyable on it’s own. Where the plot ended was, at least to me, in a good enough spot where I was both extremely satisfied with the movie I just watched and excited for the next film.
I’ll bear that in mind if I do decide to sit down and watch it. I was going to do it with my daughter, but she has ADHD and both can’t handle a film that long and also has an annoying habit of saying she wants to watch the rest later and never agrees to watch it when I suggest it later multiple times. I may have to watch it secretly without her.
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