If you like chocolate, just eat the unprocessed cocoa bean. Anything after that is just a level of preference for how much you like that bean processed, dark chocolate included. Stating you like the sugar more than the chocolate is ridiculous.
I aspired to the purity of simple carbs. Your kind, cling to their complex carbohydrates. As though they will not break down and fatten you. One day the diet you call balanced will starve you, and you will beg my kind to save you. But I am already saved…
I’m really confused by the bail. What was he headed towards? Was it on fire? Was it school children? Puppies and kittens? What possessed him to take that roll?
Muffin in non-North American English refers to a part-raised flatbread, like a crumpet. In North America, muffin typically refers to a sweetened quickbread baked in a mold like a large cupcake, but shockingly even less healthy. The rest of the English speaking world generally refers to this as an American muffin.
In North America, biscuit refers to a levened, typically unsweetened quickbread. For the rest of the English speaking world, a biscuit is flat, unlevened, and often sweet, like shortbread. This would be referred to in North America as a cookie.
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