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Thorry84, in When you've been in the pool a little too long...
YoorWeb, in I don't think I am...
dessimbelackis, in Grinchmas

Great now the word grussy is in my head

UncleGrandPa, in Electrician job

That is a lot of confidence in the insulating properties of those pliers he has there


And his sandals.

papalonian, in oh my gosh

A man walking by loudly said “oh my gosh” when this happened.

I think we need to hear more from this man. What’s his angle on this? Haven’t seen journalism like this since Ron Burgundy.

@ivanafterall@kbin.social avatar

He reportedly added, "What in the world!?" before concluding, "Crazy!"

Witchfire, in I'm shuddering
@Witchfire@lemmy.world avatar

Yea but switching from bathtub mode to shower mode changes the temperature by 30 degrees in a random direction

@ickplant@lemmy.world avatar

Clearly we’ve stayed at the same cheap hotels.

@c0mbatbag3l@lemmy.world avatar

All of them are like that in my experience


My hope for you is that someday you find that one, special hotel that changes everything.

@c0mbatbag3l@lemmy.world avatar

Oh I mean it happens at home too lol it’s never been super consistent between faucet and shower head. And I’ve lived a lot of places.


Surprise mechanics

PoolloverNathan, (edited )

Fahrenheit or celsius?

@Witchfire@lemmy.world avatar

First one, then the other

gmtom, in My taste in women be like.

Doesn’t even have to make me feel good. I just need attention, even if all she does is verbally abuse me.


If this isn’t a fetish, I can assure you that it’s not worth it. Get some friends, a hobby, a bodypillow, and some ethically sourced porn, it’ll save you both your money and your sanity.


I have lots of good freinds and plenty of hobbies.

@EveryMuffinIsNowEncrypted@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar


Seek help, my friend.





harry315, in "Fun" competition

the fuck am I watching

@promitheas@iusearchlinux.fyi avatar

The balkans

mdd, in And this is why I no longer have cable.

Reality TV is cheaper to produce than scripted shows. Profit is the reason all they show is reality shows.


No one has mentioned that MTV invented the reality show in 1992 with The Real World.


I don’t have a problem with the concept of reality shows, I have a problem with reality shows being like 90% of all content.


Yeah, but it is really funny how many people are putting out documentary quality output on YouTube.


It’s also really funny how many people are putting out trash reality show quality output on YouYube

Terminarchs, in Uplift the creatures

I can’t tell who’s giving the gun which makes this even better.

ruckblack, in How do you like this, sexists?

What’s with the title?

DannyMac, in I bet Rockstar is thinking twice about *checks notes* making a normal looking female character.
@DannyMac@lemmy.world avatar

I like how he’s turning extwitter into 4chan. Advertisers hate it though, but advertising only accounts for 90% of their revenue, nbd


That’s ok, Muskoid is going to sue the ADL and Media Matters, and based on his extremely flawed ideas regarding Freedom Of Speech, he probably believes he can win lol.

he’s such a fucking clown

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

His claim for suing Media Matters is that ads don’t always appear next to Neo-Nazis, therefore they had to hit refresh until one did.

Which… they never said otherwise? And that doesn’t really change things?


No, it’s that they didn’t for anyone organically. Media Matters essentially broke their advertising algo and pretended anyone else saw them.

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

Nonsense. All they did was hit refresh. Anyone can do it.


That isn’t accurate - you can look up the details before getting all fussy. Of all the twitter users they were the only user that saw one pairing and one of the other pairings may have been seen by one actual user, but also might’ve just been MM seeing it twice.

It wasn’t an organic thing and it’ll be interesting to see if it goes to court.

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

Even Twitter isn’t claiming that Media Matters somehow broke their algorithm (unsurprisingly, since that makes Twitter look terrible):

The lawsuit filed Monday accuses Media Matters of publishing a report that distorted the likelihood of ads appearing beside extremist content on X, a move the social media company says led major and influential advertisers to suspend their campaigns en masse. The company alleges that the group’s testing methodology was not representative of how real users experience the site and calls for a judge to force Media Matters to take down the analysis.

The case appears to be a “bogus” attempt to chill criticism in a way that “flatly contradicts basic First Amendment principles,” Ted Boutrous, a First Amendment attorney with years of experience dealing with the tech industry, told CNN. Boutrous added that the case could backfire for X in the discovery phase, as Media Matters could demand internal information that, if presented at trial, could prove embarrassing or highly damaging to the social media company.

The lawsuit also contains “fatal flaws” by conceding that ads did, in fact, appear beside extremist content, regardless of how Media Matters achieved that result, according to Steve Vladeck, a law professor at the University of Texas and a CNN contributor.

“The complaint admits that the thing Media Matters was making a big deal about actually happened,” Vladeck said. “Most companies wouldn’t want their ads running next to neo-Nazi content even once, and wouldn’t care about the exact percentage of users who were encountering such side-by-side placement.”

Contrary to the complaint, Media Matters “never claimed that what it found was typical of other users’ experience,” Vladeck added.



They contrived a situation that literally happened to nobody else. You’ll have to excuse my liberty with the word broken, but this is a non-issue.

If it wasn’t musk none of us would give a fuck. If a right wing propaganda mill did the same thing everyone would happily admit it’s misleading. The fact that it gets any traction at all is so fucking depressing.

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

They contrived a situation that literally happened to nobody else.

How do you know? You’re taking Twitter’s word for it. Why?


I’m comfortable they didn’t lie about their analytics in a court filing. If they did, the court case will be even more fun.

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

Did you actually see their analytics or are you just going with Twitter PR about them?


If I’m not mistaken, it’s in the court filings. I am heading out to grab a friend but I can try to look it up when I get back.


how much does Musk compensate you for all this mate?


It wasn’t an organic thing and it’ll be interesting to see if it goes to court.

it was completely organic. no outside-twitter resources were used to achieve the result - they literally used twitter’s tools and proved it could happen readily. That’s all advertisers need to see to bug the fuck out.


We have different definitions of organic. I think the fact that only they saw some of the pairings shows it’s something no legitimate user did.

You don’t have to modify a lawn mower to flip it upside down and throw cats in it my friend.


If your lawnmower is faulty and you find out after a couple of uses, I don’t claim it only counts if the lawnmower was used by each person once.


When nobody has a problem with your millions of mowers except one guy, we usually ask what’s wrong with the guy rather than the mower.


You don’t have to modify a lawn mower to flip it upside down and throw cats in it my friend.

no you just have to be a psychopath to suggest it.

did they break twitter, inject code, falsify user records, hack anything? No.

They used the service as it’s intended - picked some people and brands to follow then refreshed their feed. Buddy, that’s as organic as manure - and even if it somehow was gamed, dozens of other instances of hate shit being positioned aside brands THAT RIGHTFULLY DON’T WANT TO BE ASSOCIATED WITH HATE SHIT have been posted - it’s not just media matters.

it’s not just the ADL’s criticism.

GET IT THROUGH YOUR FUCKING MELON - Musk’s the problem. Your refusal to see the obvious is sad.


no you just have to be a psychopath to suggest it.

Ah. Miss the point and make a stupid medical diagnosis? Not the best start. I’ll get back to this.

They used the service as it’s intended - picked some people and brands to follow then refreshed their feed.

If it’s organic why did nobody else see the combo? They literally behaved in a way no other user has, and it was contrived to find edge cases in the ad service. It’s not organic use.

We’re talking about facts and definitions. There’s no reason for you to be this worked up, angry or vile to other people.


Ah. Miss the point and make a stupid medical diagnosis? Not the best start. I’ll get back to this.

yeah suggesting murdering animals as a method to defend free speech was you’re weird tactic mate, not mine.

So you’re suggesting without the ‘contrived’ method of selecting people to follow, which is part of twitter’s core features, that no one would see these issues?

Because that’s a lie. It’s happened to hundreds of users. And seeing awful shit on twitter is getting more regular because of Musk’s idiotic reversal on content moderation. time.com/…/twitters-hate-content-advertisers/

You literally don’t know what you’re talking about or are being intentionally disingenous - it’s gross and sad. Fuck off with your bullshit, you defend nazis and their proponents - what the fuck is wrong with you?

And how dare you criticize anyone for getting worked up about your nazi apologist bullshit, you suggested mowing cats, sicko.


I genuinely hope you have a good weekend.

@Fuckfuckmyfuckingass@lemmy.world avatar

How’s Elon’s boot taste?


I don’t like being lied to, even if the lie fits my worldview.


right? they’ve illustrated it happens. Advertisers don’t want to be shown with nazi content, elon’s hosting nazi content, it’s really that simple.


What’s the advertising like on 4chan? I haven’t been on there in like 15 years. Maybe there were banner ads last time I was on there lol.


Weeb merch, dick pills and malicious links. So pretty much what it’s always been tbh.


I don’t remember hearing what Jack Dorsey thought of anything.

Musk has literally paid 30 billion to have his own private megaphone on the internet.

Wogi, in You may want to sit down

Is her best friend Sappho?


And Dorothy.


Kinda related I saw a sculpture of Sappho at a Museum last month and it looked like she was so miserable she was going to claw herself to death. I have read some of her poetry and from what I read she seemed like a pretty happy woman. I don’t know exactly what the artist was going for there.

Qkall, (edited ) in They are all true but the 3rd one is pretty serious...
@Qkall@lemmy.ml avatar

I worked with a guy that only shat if he was naked. He said it was the cleanest and most comfortable way to poo.a Side note is that he went to jail once and he cleaned up his act after he had to “poop in front of another man”


Shitting naked is a prime tier strategy.

@kamenlady@lemmy.world avatar

Taking a shower right after is full stealth mode


That’s the optimal way to shit. You feel fresh both inside and outside once it’s all done. Those who know know.

Llewellyn, (edited )

English isn’t my first language, and I struggle to understand the last sentence.

Could anyone explain it?


Maybe replace “that” with “and”? IDK.

Side note, I’m not in jail but I’m pooping naked right now.

@Qkall@lemmy.ml avatar

Yeah you are correct… I was duking at like 4am when is sent that so… Wasn’t fully awake. I’m pooping again now, not full awake.


The co-worker at one point went to jail and adjusted his naked pooping routine after the experience of having to poop in full view of another man, ie in a shared cell

@Qkall@lemmy.ml avatar

Yes, what’s funny to me … It wasn’t that his homies were being shot or other overall dangers of dealing drugs in the ghetto. It was the pooping that ended it. It’s kinda wholesome…kinda


As a native english speaker - I also do not understand.

@Qkall@lemmy.ml avatar

Sorry… I wasn’t fully awake … I have updated the post for clarity.

Colorcodedresistor, in Survive the zombie apocalypse


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  • 0x4E4F, (edited )

    I was thinking about the german shephard… regardless if it’s trained or not, it’s a liability, it might become a zombie too.

    And I chose the AK-47 because I thought it came with at least 1 round of ammo 🤷.


    I like the idea of everything is best-case. So a trained pup, a loaded gun with couple of boxes of spare ammo, a new jeep with a full tank, etc.


    I’d swap the flashlight for the body armour - easier to find a flashlight out and about.


    I’d argue you might need a flashlight to find a flashlight but most homes will at least have a small version that will suffice

    @problematicPanther@lemmy.world avatar

    Modern jeeps require regular part swaps every few weeks

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