On one hand, it kinda is. On the other hand, ppl tend to turn out to be complete jerks, and marriage somewhat protects from the consequences of such a revelation. On the third hand, what Bolex said
Nah, my understanding is that many people don’t even want to be police anymore. Many retired and their hire rates are low considering the easy and decent pay.
True. The things they say about the ATF and FBI would make you think they’re extremely anti-police, but then you notice they never badmouth the DEA or ICE even though they inflict the exact same kind of brutality on the civilian population.
But because the FBI arrests white supremacists and the ATF sends you a fine for engraving a punisher logo over your AR15’s serial number, they’re the worst.
Pihole is a great project, but it is objectively less capable than uBlock Origin.
That is not a criticism of the software. It is just a fundamental fact that DNS based adblockers are less powerful, and less granular/precise than Browser based adblockers.
They do work well in combination though (the DNS level adblockers gives you moderately effective network wide blocking, and uBlock Origin gives you exceptional blocking but is limited to the browser.
I’m using both uBlock and Pi-Hole and I have to say that Pi-Hole is great. The monitoring features are pretty good and the ad blocking that it offers is, although way less than uBlock, still way better than none at all. It blocks most ads from the random apps I have installed on my phone and a surprising amount of trackers that are sent through my network. It also acts as a pretty good fallback if whatever I’m using physically cannot use a browser like an app or an embedded system.
For me personally I also like to use Pi-Hole for network wide site filtering. If I find a website that’s really sketchy or obviously a scam or trying to make you download malware, I just add it to my blacklist.
Of course each serves its own purposes and it won’t always be useful for everyone. I personally find the tools that it offers has a lot of benefit for what I do.
TLDR; The ad blocking, although way less than uBlock, is more than enough to act as a basic ad blocker. Not to mention the monitoring tools are an added bonus. It also acts as a great fallback if something I’m using physically can’t make use of uBlock.
UBlock is awesome. Pihole only really breaks if you add too many or too aggressive blocklists. The main benefit of pihole is you can block ads and trackers from any device on your network. I find the biggest offenders to be smart devices.
I’m not technical enough, but why can’t pihole do as much as ublock? It’s at the router level before anything gets to the browser, it has all the same info the browser will eventually get.
Shouldn’t it be theoretically possible to do the same?
It’s a DNS server and does not have the same capabilities as the router
It has all the same info the browser will eventually get.
It does not. Not just because of the previous reason but also because most traffic is encrypted nowadays (https) which means that even the router can’t read/modify the traffic to the device.
Another issue is that some things blocked by uBlock are hard to detect with static analysis in comparison to reading the rendered HTML.
uBlock has direct access to the DOM and so can modify what the browser renders. For example, YouTube ads are hosted on the same domains as their videos and so PiHole cannot block them, but uBlock can.
pihole does not deceypt https traffic, so it cant change dom. even if it could, it can’t modify stuff added by js.
also it can only block whole domains, not individual urls
I feel bad for my brother right now, since his gf cannot have onions and garlic due to a food intolerance. At least spring onions are still tolerable, but still…
If the router provided by my isp won’t allow me to change the dns server, is there a workaround for having to set the local dns server on each device that doesn’t involve getting a new router?
Most cable modem router combos have the ability to turn off the router part and just act as a modem in Bridge mode. If that’s an option, you can get your own router to handle local traffic, including dhcp (and thus dns) for all your local devices.
Obviously, this goes against your request not to get your own router, but I thought I’d mention it in case you thought you would have to buy your own modem as well (which you are also free to do, assuming your isp supports customer-owned modems). The modem part can stay the same while having a separate router not controlled by the isp.
If your particular unit doesn’t allow that, you can usually still locally override dns settings, though this is more for computers and phones than it is some smart home devices. iPhone and Android phones will let you specify dns ip addresses when you set up a wifi connection. Just edit the wifi config and change to a static ip. You can usually safely use the ip address given to you from dhcp, so make a note of your device ip address before changing it to static, and just use the same values. Then you can manually set the dns ip address.
You can use a second router and pass through the WAN. It’s a bit complicated to explain in a comment, but it’s also not too difficult. Is your ISP ATT?
Use the pi or whatever little computer that’s presumably hosting the pi-hole software to also be a DHCP server (and turn off the DHCP server on ISP’s router). It can then advertise itself as the DNS server.
Honestly don’t bother. Ublock is better at blocking ads. Pihole is for devices on your network that can’t use conventional ad blockers and is less effective.
If you are not so fit in this questions is better to install Portmaster, its downloading and run it, not much more to do (blocking or give permissions to connecting to the network to your apps. Maybe sellecting an DNS which fits your needs in the settings. It’s way easier to handle than Pi Hole. It even has an SPN (its like a VPN on steroids), but its an paid option.
Hey now - Texas has the state guard too - do you think the entire weight of the Pentagon, it’s carrier strike groups, and multiple branches of well-funded modern military is any match for ~1,600 good ol’ boys?
Also worth noting of that -1600. A fair % have family friends and even lovers not living in texas. In 2024 with easy transport etc and cheap communication. It really is impossible for any state to relly on its own current resources. Things would shuffle hugely in the lead up and post the first attacks. Likely the 1600 would grow from good old boys joining. But experience and command structure would be a mess for a while.
Of course US forces would see the same but less so. Some would have friends and relatives in texas. Many would bulk at the domestic part of foreign and domestic.
Professionals.s following orders can only go so far as far as preventing personal politics.
Even in the civil war many refused allegence to the side they were expected to fight for. With Internet and more communication of the 2000s. Allegiances will be less not more founded.
If officers are too smart they might start to think minorities are also people and that kids should be protected. We obviously can’t be having that in America
Or maybe during their “Killology” training (yes really) one of them might say “Wait, this is insane bullshit. And has this trainer even seen a gun before?!”
I saw at the end the plaintiff became a prison guard. It’s been over 20 years now, i would be interested to see how long he stuck with it seeing how their whole thing was about smart people quitting the force
Biden has already released a statement announcing he’s caving to them. I’d say they’re ‘finding out’ that they can do what they like and the Dems will fold without a fight, but they already knew that.
Well that sounds very bad. Giving the president emergency power to shut down the border? When does that expire? What conditions are required for it to be executed? Does it mean that Americans can’t leave or come home too? This doesn’t sound good at all to me. I really dislike that every administration rules through emergency and executive orders now, instead of legislating intelligent and long-term solutions.
Yeah, that’s not caving, that’s DARING Congress to refuse to pass the bill.
See, they were going to pass a budget bill that has some border funding in it, and Mitch McConnell was telling the Republicans to pass the darned thing – but then Trump said it might be nice to use the border mess in his campaign, and Poof! McConnell spun around so fast, his heels were smoking! (no, not literally) Here’s a link: news.yahoo.com/trump-thrown-wrench-mitch-mcconnel…
The statement from Biden is a double-dog dare to not pass the bill. Every time Republicans cry, “Waaahh! Border scary! Biden’s fault!”, Biden is going to hold up that statement and point out that he was ready, but they refused to sign it.
He’ll say it, but only newsy Democrats will hear him. The Republicans will say the bill didn’t go far enough, cost too much, and blah, blah, blah, glossing over the crazy powers it would have allowed. This isn’t any special ‘5d chess’, this is standard politics. Biden knows Congress won’t do ANY border deal now that Trump told them not to, so it doesn’t matter what concessions it has.
Many immigration and border requirements are clearly spelled out in law. Laws the administration is enforcing as written. Like many other issues, Congressional Republicans have chosen not to update these at any point over the last couple decades, while also complaining about border issues, simply so they can blame any Democrat President.
This isn’t a new issue. It’s an issue the Republicans clearly plan. As soon as a Republican is in the White House the “imminent” border issues disappear, or the President enacts some over the top fascist solution that doesn’t actually do anything for the cause. And Congress then ignores the causes again so they can complain when the Democrats inevitably regain control and are stuck spending time fixing the fuck ups instead of handling the actual causes.
You know that game 6 degrees of separation, where you find 6 people you and a stranger have in common? You can do the same thing with your job and MIC spending by the government.
I see a pretty stark difference between people who married young and had kids right away, vs people who married young and enjoyed their time for a while before having kids. The ones who had kids seem weird to me, never got a chance to goof off in their 20s and figure out who they are. The ones who waited feel more normal. But that’s just my experience.
This is the main point here, IMO. A child is a huge responsibility and the early 20s is a period of life you’re still figuring things out. Culture also plays a role here; where I’m from, people are deciding to live together (without having kids) for a couple of years before formally marrying.
The ones who had kids seem weird to me, never got a chance to goof off in their 20s and figure out who they are.
I definitely needed to goof off in my 20s and figure out who I was. But not everybody is like that, and the meme in question suggests it’s “weird” to know who you are and not need to goof off.
People are probably not feeling better under communism. But yes, the state of the world is just super depressing. We have zero good world leaders, and no future to look forward to.
I know two people who grew up in a kibbutz. One says it was the best time, one says it was the worst time. You can likely do the same for any form of government or economy.
Nah, I’m pretty sure people in China are feeling pretty good about their country’s development:
The real (inflation-adjusted) incomes of the poorest half of the Chinese population increased by more than four hundred percent from 1978 to 2015, while real incomes of the poorest half of the US population actually declined during the same time period. www.nber.org/system/files/…/w23119.pdf
From 1978 to 2000, the number of people in China living on under $1/day fell by 300 million, reversing a global trend of rising poverty that had lasted half a century (i.e. if China were excluded, the world’s total poverty population would have risen) semanticscholar.org/…/c883fc7496aa1b920b05dc2546b…
From 2010 to 2019 (the most recent period for which uninterrupted data is available), the income of the poorest 20% in China increased even as a share of total income. data.worldbank.org/indicator/SI.DST.FRST.20?end=2…
By the end of 2020, extreme poverty, defined as living on under a threshold of around $2 per day, had been eliminated in China. According to the World Bank, the Chinese government had spent $700 billion on poverty alleviation since 2014. www.nytimes.com/…/china-poverty-xi-jinping.html
This might be a good place to ask this. I was messing around with my Asus router setting last night and noticed that it had Ad Guard, which works similarly to PiHole with DNS. To test it I went to Reddit and saw ads still. Is Ad Guard not as effective as PiHole or Reddit ads are DOM based?
As a rule of thumb, I expect that Asus as a business only cares about adbock from two angles:
A feature to slap on the box for advertising.
A B2B feature for helping business management make workers more productive.
To the first, there’s little incentive to ever update the lists after you’ve bought the device, so it’s quickly outdated. To the second, it’s like to be far more optimized for Amazon or Newegg, then for Reddit. Between the two, I don’t generally expect them to hold a candle to pi-hole and similar software.
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