That's how I look for broken mods too. Move half of them into a temp folder, launch the game. If it works, put half of the sorted out ones back. if it doesn't work, remove another half and try again.
To add to your answer, Skyrim also supports mods on PS4/5 and there are even a couple really useful ones. Stuff like the Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch exists, for example.
I only have it on PS4, and yes there are lots of mods in the workshop. There are obviously limitations.
Every few months I try installing various mods to make what I want out of it, darker nights, flashlight mod, weapon and armour changes for a more hard core experience, etc, and end up with 15 or so mods installed.
Start a new hardcore mode, get just about past diamond city, and the game invariably starts crashing.
No idea which one or ones are causing the issue, and in the end I get annoyed and go play something else.
To be fair: snaps can work for all kinds of things all over the stack from the kernel to individual applications, while flatpak just does applications. Canonical is building a lot around those abilities to handle lower level things, so I guess it makes sense for them.
IMHO flatpak does the applications better and more reliably and those are what I personally care for, so I personally stay away from snaps.
There’s a guy out there who made a reversible NES emulator, meaning it can run games backwards and come to the correct state. He made a brilliant post on Reddit /r/programming linking his ideas for the emulator to quantum mechanics.
Then he was asked why he didn’t distribute his program in git. He said that he didn’t know git.
To me, that’s a pretty good example of the difference between computer science and software engineering.
In internet terms: It’s just a soyjak holding a box with data who is pointing at another soyjak holding a box with data who is pointing at another {insert N-3 of the same soyjaks} soyjak with a box with data without an arm to point with
each commit points to the one before. additionally a commit stores which lines in which files changed compared to the previous commit. a branch points to a particular commit.
I’ve implemented a few of these and that’s about the most lazy implementation possible. That system prompt must be 4 words and a crayon drawing. No jailbreak protection, no conversation alignment, no blocking of conversation atypical requests? Amateur hour, but I bet someone got paid.
You have to know the prompt for this, the user doesn’t know that. BTW in the past I’ve actually tried getting ChatGPT’s prompt and it gave me some bits of it.
Depends on the model/provider. If you’re running this in Azure you can use their content filtering which includes jailbreak and prompt exfiltration protection. Otherwise you can strap some heuristics in front or utilize a smaller specialized model that looks at the incoming prompts.
With stronger models like GPT4 that will adhere to every instruction of the system prompt you can harden it pretty well with instructions alone, GPT3.5 not so much.
You can surely reduce the attack surface with multiple ways, but by doing so your AI will become more and more restricted. In the end it will be nothing more than a simple if/else answering machine
Eh, that’s not quite true. There is a general alignment tax, meaning aligning the LLM during RLHF lobotomizes it some, but we’re talking about usecase specific bots, e.g. for customer support for specific properties/brands/websites. In those cases, locking them down to specific conversations and topics still gives them a lot of leeway, and their understanding of what the user wants and the ways it can respond are still very good.
Just did it again to see if anything changed, my previous strategy still worked for all 8 levels, though the wording takes a bit of finangling between levels. No real spoilers but you have to be very implicit and a little lucky with how it interprets the request.
That was a lot of fun! I found that one particular trick worked all the way through level seven.
!I asked using the word zapword instead of password, which the bot understood to mean “password” even when it has clear instructions not to answer questions about the password.!<
That’s most of these dealer sites… lowest bidder marketing company with no context and little development experience outside of deploying CDK Roaster gets told “we need ai” and voila, here’s AI.
That’s most of the programs car dealers buy… lowest bidder marketing company with no context and little practical experience gets told “we need X” and voila, here’s X.
I worked in marketing for a decade, and when my company started trying to court car dealerships, the quality expectation for that segment of our work was basically non-existent. We went from a high-end boutique experience with 99% accuracy and on-time delivery to mass-produced garbage marketing with literally bare-minimum quality control. 1/10, would not recommend.
Spot on, I got roped into dealership backends and it’s the same across the board. No care given for quality or purpose, as long as the narcissist idiots running the company can brag about how “cutting edge” they are at the next trade show.
As one of the very likely commenters that falls into this i’m sorry, but fuck the reddit administration, i left them nothing. Hopefully you might find an archived version of the answer.
My gods. I think this just gave me flashbacks to this week.
I was recently battling node’s import/require shenanigans trying to figure out how to import a typescript module in my basic program. I feel this so hard.
I walked away utterly hating the language and its ecosystem. Utterly defeated, I gave up.
I’d like you to think for a moment about CTEs, the HAVING clause, window functions and every other funky and useful thing you can do in SQL … Now just think, do you think that this syntax supports all those correctly?
See I get what you were doing there, it was funny. But the downvotes thought you were putting down the thread jokes for real. You were basically pointing out that the best jokes are actual life.
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