The larger the state, the more internal resistance there will be. Not everyone in Texas or Florida will want to secede, and everybody can buy a gun. It’s one thing to gather some pride boys and meal team six larpers in the town square and march around for a bit, but it’s an entirely other thing to defend territory when you’re outnumbered, outgunned, and half the population is against you.
Oklahoma and Arkansas might be up for it, but there’s no way secessionists hold Miami or Austin.
They are called “casement” windows, specifically turn/tilt operation, and they do exist in the USA. They are typically more expensive than vinyl double hung, and home builders tend to shy away from anything “different” that might scare away home buyers. That’s why you don’t see them very often.
But if you want them, you can buy them and have them installed. You can even get them in patio door sizes, but the larger the door, the heavier it is when it tilts.
It’s really common for people unfamiliar with the door function to lift the handle and think it’s locked, and then a strong breeze blows the door inward. Between the noise and seeing the door falling inward, it can be pretty scary.
Source: I worked in construction in the US with European builders who loved these things and couldn’t figure out why Americans didn’t.
I worked as a transplant coordinator, and that job was soul crushing every day.
One of the worst moments was being on the intake phones. It a phone number every hospital in the area calls whenever anyone dies. They report the details of the death, and we determine if there’s any possibility for donation.
I knew my uncle had been sick, but nobody told me they put him in hospice care and had withdrawn treatment. I took hundreds of calls, maybe thousands, but I still remember the feel of the receiver in my hand when the voice on the line said his name.
There were many sad stories, many sad days, so much that you become numb to it. It was horrible, but it made my job easier because when the numbness sets in, you can think of the trauma and empathize.
The planet is warming overall. This causes climate change as the polar ice melts. It means more extremes in temperatures and localized colder temperatures, and OP explained why. OP wasn’t wrong, and you’re being deliberately obtuse.
You mean like all the child-friendly content built around Dracula, Frankenstein, Mummies, Zombies, Werewolves, Ghosts, but with Freddy, Jason, Michael Myers, Ghostface, Jigsaw, Annabelle, Chucky, Pinhead, Xenomorphs, etc?
When you hear the dog barking outside, and they’re like “What’s gotten into Sparky?” and then there’s like a little yelp and no more barking. Man, fuck that.
I remember reading somewhere (probably my high school textbook) that one of the reasons people don’t like wind power being built is they cause visual pollution....
I don’t understand the Jenny hate. Did they expect her to stay with Forrest and wait for him at home just baking pies and listening to the radio while he went off to war, sailed his shrimp boat, toured as a ping pong champion, and then just fucked off to go running for two years?
Gump and Jenny were both rolling stones. She wanted to be free, and fly far far away from the home where she was abused. She wanted her own adventures. Gump was her best friend, but she didn’t have the capacity for the relationship he wanted.
And there are plenty of MAGA dipshits who aren’t rednecks. If you watched the Mummers parade today, you saw a bunch of Delco bigots who wouldn’t know a tractor from a turnip truck. But those guys sure looked pretty in their dresses.
Confronted with the likelihood that we cannot achieve climate goals, confront socioeconomic inequality, and ultimately build a better world without significant personal sacrifice: How much are you personally capable and willing to lose? I mean this in the most earnest way possible. Acknowledging the likely possibility of working...
I would sacrifice my left arm if I thought it would prevent a climate catastrophe. But it won’t. Literally nothing I can give will improve any of the problems you listed.
What should I be willing to sacrifice? Hamburgers? My personal car? Money? My kid’s college fund? Give me an outcome, and I’ll tell you if it’s worth it.
I know it’s a meme, but is anyone actually sad for the fish? I thought we were terrified about what was happening to our food. If someone autopsied a downed cow and a bunch of toxic plastic shit spilled from their stomachs, we aren’t thinking “poor cow ate all that plastic and died.” We’re worried about our food supply.
Whoopsie! Sydney's road planners just discovered induced demand is a thing, after opening a new motorway.
For those outside Sydney, the New South Wales state government recently opened a new spaghetti intersection just west of Sydney's Central Business District.
It was supposed to solve traffic. Instead, it's turned into a giant car park:
"For the third straight day, motorists and bus passengers endured bumper-to-bumper traffic on the City West Link and Victoria Road. A trip from Haberfield to the Anzac Bridge on the City West Link averaged an agonising 44 minutes in the morning peak on Wednesday.
"Several months ago, Transport for NSW’s modelling had suggested traffic from the interchange would add only five to 10 minutes to trips on Victoria Road through Drummoyne and over the Iron Cove Bridge during morning peaks.
"Those travel delays have now blown out."
So what do motorists say when their shiny new road that was supposed to solve traffic instead turns into a massive traffic jam?
'Dude! Just one more lane!'
From the article:
"[Roads Minister John] Graham and his Transport boss Josh Murray appear reluctant to do what many motorists reckon is the obvious solution.
"That is, add lanes or make changes at the pinch-points that are causing the pain. A three-lane to one merge point from Victoria Road onto the Anzac Bridge, along with two lanes merging into one on the City West Link, are proving to be painful bottlenecks."
“Jif” is the original pronunciation. It is a pun, a play on the word “jif” short for “jiffy” meaning a short amount of time, as in “I’ll send it to you in a gif”. The newer pronunciation has become popular based on the fallacious reasoning that an acronym should be pronounced the same as its constituent words, which isn’t a thing at all.
Language evolves, and both pronunciations are common enough to be considered acceptable. The only way to be wrong about how to pronounce the word is to claim one of the pronunciations is wrong.
Normally the meme is four panels. The first panel is him saying “I feel like I’ve forgotten something important.” The second panel, the other guy replies “If you forgot it, how important could it be?”
So, it’s fine that you don’t understand the experiment, it’s really confusing and not intuitive. It’s not that the photons change their behavior when measured. It’s that they pass through two different slits as a probability field, and the field collapses as soon as it is measured in any way. It’s not just that the behavior changes, the nature of the photon changes. It doesn’t exist as a single point in spacetime until it is measured.
That headline misses the big problem. It’s not that Google was forced to give up search history data. If Google gets a warrant, they will comply. The real problem is that the justices acknowledged that the warrant was unconstitutional and permitted the evidence anyway. They claim the police “acted in good faith” while violating the constitution, which is a horrifying precedent.
If you’re thinking “alls well that ends well,” because they caught the arsonists who murdered a family of five, I can sympathize with that feeling, but consider that the murderer may have his conviction overturned on subsequent appeals.
The police obtained a warrant for everyone who searched for a thing from Google, and the search information was used against the accused in court. 14 states currently outlaw abortion, and there’s some cousin-fucking conservative prosecutor in Dipshit, Alabama, just salivating over the prospect of obtaining the IP addresses of every person looking up directions to clinics.
I’ll never understand why people get huffy when ordering food. If there was ever a time for clear communication, it’s when you want something specific to eat. If the server asks you a clarifying question, you should be happy that they care enough to get it right, not annoyed that they are wasting precious time by not reading your mind.
Mommy's Choice (
What experience crushed your soul?
Venus by Tuesday (
Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey and the Blustery Day (
I have a bad feeling about this... (
Does wind power cause visual pollution in your opinion?
I remember reading somewhere (probably my high school textbook) that one of the reasons people don’t like wind power being built is they cause visual pollution....
The White Buffalo (
REMINDER: this is a shitpost
They’re the same (
Honestly - How much will you sacrifice for a better world?
Confronted with the likelihood that we cannot achieve climate goals, confront socioeconomic inequality, and ultimately build a better world without significant personal sacrifice: How much are you personally capable and willing to lose? I mean this in the most earnest way possible. Acknowledging the likely possibility of working...
Confused with Santa (
Because of a typo in an advertisement, an American restaurant hired this guy instead of Santa.
hypocrite. (
Sexual Dimorphism (
Oops (
I guess they don't have moisturizers on a moisture farm. (
Henry Cavill's Highlander reboot is moving forward with John Wick director at the helm (
Not the brightest kyber crystal in the light saber. (
China shop 2024 (
Double-slit (
Google forced to reveal users' search histories in Colorado court ruling (
[repost] Want an empty omelette? Sure
So it was my first job was a server at a very popular 24 hour breakfast diner/chain. We had lots of colorful customers....