WarmSoda, (edited ) to linux in Why more PC gaming handhelds should ditch Windows for SteamOS

How many actual PC handhelds are there?
The link in the article that promises “plenty” of handheld examples talks about Steam deck, Asus, and… the switch. And that’s it. And obviously the switch is not a PC handheld, so… ?


Such as?

wren, avatar

There’s quite a few. Steam deck and Asus, as you mentioned, but there’s also AyaNeo, GPD, OneXPlayer, Aokzoe, Lenovo, etc. And many of these brands have several different models, if you’re counting individual products.


Ah thanks.
How many of those do people actually use though?


Valve was essentially LATE to the handheld market, they just had the technical and company will to do it the best.

WarmSoda, (edited )

I hear that.

But how many people actually use all of those other brands listed?

It’s ok to just say “no one” without downvoting.

All I’m hearing is crickets

wren, avatar

Anecdotally, I have an Aya Neo. I know a few people with a few of the others brands. There’s a decently sized Aya Neo Discord that I’m part of, and I would assume the other brands have something similar. There’s definitely use of non-Steam handhelds, or there wouldn’t be a growing market for them.


Do you have a steam deck too?

wren, avatar

I do not


How’s the Aya? Does it dock with the TV/monitor?

wren, avatar

I personally love it, and yes it can with a dock similar to the Switch’s. It’s ran every game I’ve thrown at it, and I’ve an original 2021 version. There’s a few quirks, like the joysticks will sometimes just decide to not do a random direction, but recalibrating is easy. Obviously the resolution quality isn’t as stellar as if you were running a pc meant output to a monitor, but on the built in screen everything is crispy. It’s decently heavy though, so my baby wrists get tired after a while. But yeah it’s great, playing whatever wherever is pretty ace.


Ah yes lemme whip out my magical sales numbers ball and let you know


It helps they actually made their own OS to make it easier for people to get into. Windows really doesn’t work on those small screens

aniki, (edited )

Not sure what you mean – they all run Linux. The images just have the video hardware configs baked in with a preconfigured user and start script. You would be amazed at how easy that is to do, all things considered. I have a few kiosk configurations I created for the two Home Assistant panels I have in my house.

Atemu, avatar

And, most importantly, money bags to subsidise the hell out of it. Let’s not kid ourselves here, the damn low price is one of the main reasons why people buy the SD rather than the ~2x more expensive alternatives.


MSI just announced their handheld PC too, it has an Intel (Meteor Lake) CPU with Arc graphics.

wren, avatar

Oh, good shout! That one looks 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻

risencode, to linux in Why more PC gaming handhelds should ditch Windows for SteamOS

Yes, the extremely popular handheld PC gaming market.


It’s small, but growing very fast. While actual PC has stagnated, no?

sleepyTonia, avatar

Hasn’t Steam just beat its record of simultaneously online users? And while I’m sure Steam Decks contributed to this, we’re taking of numbers an order of magnitude bigger. Hell, PC gaming is doing so well that we’re seeing until then console exclusive games come out on Steam.


I think the problem is that it’s super popular for those who already own a PC and have a huge Steam Library. I got console friends wanting a Steam Deck but ultimately don’t want to buy one because it means rebuying their games.

caesaravgvstvs, to linux in Why more PC gaming handhelds should ditch Windows for SteamOS

As much as I love my steam deck and the os, I do wish it was slightly easier to install third party games.

I know it’s not hard and I’ve installed plenty, but like it’s so incredibly easy with steam that it’s made me lazy to even install games I already have on gog


It’s actually pretty easy with lutris and bottles. The same process that I do on my arch machine works on the decks desktop mode.


It’s not Linux or SteamOS, but both Epic and CD Projekt don’t support their store client apps and launchers on Linux sadly, such we have to use unofficial ones such as Heroic Game Launcher


But gotta admit, its a damn good launcher! If i had to use windows again, I would install it instead of the other two for sure!

BlanK0, to linux in Why more PC gaming handhelds should ditch Windows for SteamOS

Ideally it would be better to see eventually a variety of OSs based on linux, maybe forks of steamOS.

But for the time being, definitely adopting steamOS would be better.

vojel, avatar

Well there is bazzite or chimera


or even nobara for steam deck

Faresh, to upliftingnews in Experimental antibiotic kills deadly superbug, opens whole new class of drugs

Does this mean we won’t have to worry about the return of bacterial infections as one of the leading causes of human mortality?


i think the key here is:

zosurabalpin doesn’t seem to work on any other Gram-negative bacteria besides A. baumannii. The proteins in the LPS transporter complex are not conserved across different bacteria. Thus, targeting the LPS transporters of other nefarious Gram-negative bacteria will take yet more drug development research. One bright side of this, as Gugger and Hergenrother note in their commentary, is that it may produce species-specific antibiotics, which could protect patients’ microbiomes from being obliterated by broad-spectrum drugs, which we now appreciate is bad for human health.

And, of course, with any new antibiotic, there’s the inevitability that bacteria will develop resistance. The researchers already found that select mutations in the LPS transporter machinery can knock back the drug’s potency. Also, A. baumannii doesn’t need LPS to stay alive. That said, simply blocking LPS production would leave A. baumannii more vulnerable, and it’s unclear how that trade-off will play out in clinical settings.


No. It means there's a lull in the battle until the next wave.


No, not really. It’s only a matter of time before they are resistant to this one too, and I don’t know that we can help it even if distribution antibiotics carefully.

A war like Ukraine or a Genocide like Gaza tends to speed up bacterial resistance a lot, while breakthroughs are rare. I don’t see anything in this article that says it will be more difficult for bugs to become resistant to it. All bugs evolve constantly.


If you alternate between uses it responsibly it would be unlikely that anything would arise to be immune to both types.

You use type A to kill most things and then Type B to kill those resistant to type A.

Something would need to arise to be both resistant to Type A and Type B at the same time which would be highly unlikely.


Name me one thing humans have been 100% reponsible with, from nuclear weapons to airplanes. Especially when it comes to antibiotics, people are going to take what they have available.

So as was saying, it will always be a race.

helenslunch, to linux in Why more PC gaming handhelds should ditch Windows for SteamOS avatar

Because Windows blows.

Saved you a click.

SnotFlickerman, avatar

Reminds me of my friend getting in trouble in high school’s the PC lab for changing all the startup screens from saying “Windows 95” to “Winblows 95.”

Crack0n7uesday, to upliftingnews in Experimental antibiotic kills deadly superbug, opens whole new class of drugs

Don’t tell China, they over use it until it’s no longer effective.

ExLisper, (edited )

Did you mean chickens?

Wahots, (edited ) to privacy in Pornhub pulls out of Montana, NC as age-verification battle rages on avatar

“develop a technological standard that might turn a user’s electronic device into the proof of age necessary to access restricted online content.”

Can we not? Can parents just take care of their kids like they have for thousands of years instead of futility trying to babyproof the internet for a minority of people? Jesus.

Jknaraa, (edited )

Can parents just take care of their kids like they have for thousands of years

Okay, so lets be certain that kids do not have a direct connection with every intelligence agency, mafia and terrorist organization in the world right in their pocket, just as they did not for thousands of years. Now, to be clear I really don’t like the approach they’ve chosen here (I think we need to go much deeper into the fundamental design of the Internet), but I would hope it’s not a controversial statement to assert that our society has taken a very sharp turn for the worse ever since the Internet became ubiquitous in children’s development, and I think that really ought to prompt discussion about how it’s being used.


Controversially, I think the Internet has made society better. We’re still in the growing years of the age of information, so plenty of challenges to overcome for sure, but it largely has made for a more informed society and really empowered the average person despite the resurgence of authoritarianism.


In other words parents need to be parents and take care of their kids, glad you agree with the OP.


Not sure why you’re taking a tone which suggests you think I don’t agree with you.

Outtatime, avatar

So there are laws that people agree with that say people under 18 cannot buy/see porn at the store. What makes this any different


Basically PH and other xxx sites need you to verify your identity by uploading your ID. It’s what should be unconstitutional and a violation of privacy.


Probably the bigger issue is the centralization of the internet

If we would have some more decentralized way of consuming content, then it would be harder to censor or control it

The internet nowadays is essentially just google, facebook, and pornhub

So applying a rule you can just target one company which will comply anyway because this is communism

Outtatime, (edited ) avatar

I believe the responsibility should be on the parents to keep their children from viewing porn before they’re 18. Not the government. I also believe there should be at least some control over what minors have access to. Will it ever be 100%? Nope. All we can do is the best we can do


And this one too of course

What i was just trying to say was about governments trying to put restrictions in the name of kids, anti-terrorism, etc

The same way they can’t “protect” people from torrenting sites, here they are trying to protect kids from nsfw

Of course parents need to educate their kids themselves, tell them what good and bad, and be in contact with their kids

Or at least parents can set up parent mode on kids devices, or home network dns filtering

Sacrificing privacy of millions in the name of minority which will find their way anyway is ridiculous


That was the opinion of the Supreme Court nearly 20 years ago in Ashcroft vs. ACLU, but here we are.


Yeah fuck the state. Only overprotective, power hungry loosers work there anyways.


It’s like mandating all cars need to have an ignition interlock because some people drive drunk.


The difference is that the people involved there are adults and there is no equivalent to the parent responsible for their behaviour so a technical solution makes more sense there.


or a real example that most newer cars have a “check rear seat for occupant” alert because some people forget their babies in the backseat and they die…

ElBarto, avatar

This is a world for children, a world that adults have to keep alive.


This is a world for everyone in it. We shouldn’t actively make it hostile to children, but we also shouldn’t be prioritizing forcing every aspect of it to fit their needs.

Our need to keep it alive isn’t just for children, it’s for everyone, which is also completely unrelated to censorship of sexual content


Especially since parenting is the only thing that’s going to actually work. Do you think kids won’t figure out a VPN? If they heard enough to type “pornhub”, they’ll hear about the one extra step.

And there are worse things on the Internet than porn. Some likely on Roblox.

You’re just going to have to parent your kid with or without this nanny state blocking scheme.

dontblink, to privacy in Pornhub pulls out of Montana, NC as age-verification battle rages on avatar

What about sexual and emotional education in schools?


Oh they’ve wanted that gone forever.

folkrav, (edited )

The people who really think of age verification as effective measures tend to also be against having those in schools in the first place.

independantiste, avatar

That would involve cutting 0.001% of the road budgets… Nope!!

Metal_Zealot, to privacy in Pornhub pulls out of Montana, NC as age-verification battle rages on avatar

No one’s made a “pulling out” joke yet?


other than the one in the title?

eager_eagle, to privacy in Pornhub pulls out of Montana, NC as age-verification battle rages on avatar

pulls out heh



Cheradenine, (edited )

There’s also this gem at the end

Aylo can expect that law enforcement will continue watching Pornhub closely

ETA : if you don’t read arstechnica, really , you should


Also rages on.

bartolomeo, to linux in SSH protects the world’s most sensitive networks. It just got a lot weaker avatar

Ylönen, who at the time knew little about implementing strong cryptography in code, set out to develop the Secure Shell Protocol (SSH)

TIL SSH was invented by a Finn. I swear that country has the most awesome per capita of any country on earth.


Long dark winters when everyone is home without socializing with people. You have got to come up with something to survive until the two week summer.


Long dark winters when everyone is home without socializing with people. You have got to come up with something to survive until the two week summer.

possiblylinux127, to linux in SSH protects the world’s most sensitive networks. It just got a lot weaker

I might just go ahead and change the default port. Problem solved

SeeJayEmm, avatar

If someone going through the effort to target you with a MitM over the Internet, that’s not going to stop them.

Just diable the affected ciphers and/or update opened.

Kid_Thunder, to linux in SSH protects the world’s most sensitive networks. It just got a lot weaker

Since he doesn't mention it in his 'fantastic' reporting, OpenSSH 9.6 was released Monday that will patch this attack. Also, since he doesn't mention it, if on the Internet, the MITM would have to be installed at both end points (client side and server side) to be effective without the patch.

cypherpunks, avatar

Since he doesn’t mention it in his ‘fantastic’ reporting, OpenSSH 9.6 was released Monday that will patch this attack.

I am tempted to delete this post just for the article’s stupid clickbait headline, but it still will probably cause some people to go update their OpenSSH installs, so… meh.

Anyone who actually wants to know details of the vulnerability should read the website about it which is obviously much better than this article.

Also, since he doesn’t mention it, if on the Internet, the MITM would have to be installed at both end points (client side and server side) to be effective without the patch.

Huh? No. The attacker doesn’t need to be in two places or even near either end per se, they could be located at any fully on-path position between the client and server.


It’s better that you guys discuss it in the comments and the click bait effectively makes me click the comments so it all worked out; thanks all.

charonn0, to linux in SSH protects the world’s most sensitive networks. It just got a lot weaker avatar

Even the researcher who reported this doesn’t go as far as this headline.

“I am an admin, should I drop everything and fix this?”

Probably not.

The attack requires an active Man-in-the-Middle attacker that can intercept and modify the connection’s traffic at the TCP/IP layer. Additionally, we require the negotiation of either ChaCha20-Poly1305, or any CBC cipher in combination with Encrypt-then-MAC as the connection’s encryption mode.


“So how practical is the attack?”

The Terrapin attack requires an active Man-in-the-Middle attacker, that means some way for an attacker to intercept and modify the data sent from the client or server to the remote peer. This is difficult on the Internet, but can be a plausible attacker model on the local network.


It definitely receives more clicks. I’ve posted this link here a day ago, but arstechnicas title is more engaging. My first thought was whether there’s been another vulnerability found.

That said, this headline isn’t as bad as it could’ve been.


If someone can gain physical access to your network, you’re already fucked.


Yeah, if the attacker is in a position to do a MitM attack you have much larger problems than a ssh vulnerability that so far can at most downgrade the encryption of your connection in nearly all cases

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