People get too embarrassed about publicly being wrong. I went in on someone recently in a comment thread, typed up like a whole paragraph tearing down what I thought was an indefensible point.
Homeboy replied like “hey you misread my comment”
Rather than edit everything away to hide my shame, I just replied with “you’re right, I’m drunk on a cruise!” and it was honestly a highlight of the voyage. Maybe some randys can get the same enjoyment out of rereading the interaction, and that’s way more than anyone would get out of “edit: whoops”
The amount of times I’ve seen the “oops, you’re right, sorry/thanks!” equivalent on Lemmy makes me think this place really has attracted some good people.
Disclaimer: yes we have trolls, shit posts, hot takes, etc.
I mean it sincerely. It sounds like the cruise itself wasn’t super enjoyable to you. Which is totally fine. Maybe you’d enjoy going on a guided tour, or self-guiding yourself around another country or region. Or maybe you’d get maximal enjoyment out of just spending a week at the beach. Different people have different sorts of ideal holidays, but if a mediocre social media interaction was the highlight of your cruise, I’d be inclined to think cruises might not be yours.
I had a great time, but thank you very much for all the unsolicited advice. The suggestions that I had a bad time are kinda weird though, maybe reapproach the way you talk to strangers!
That’s honestly a really great approach. I’m going to do that next time I fuck up at work. Boss: “The production server is down and the database is hosed!”
Thanks for sharing our pain. I don’t understand how people pretend that Europe isn’t going thru the same stuff like we are in the US.
Inflation, migration debates, cost of living crises, rise of authoritarianism, income inequality, all of this is and has been global. Some places affected more than others depending on what you look at.
I am also from Germany. Political and cultural developments that happen in the US will in some form arrive in Europe with a delay of about 10 years, at least that is how I often felt.
Income inequality is not a huge problem in many parts of Europe. The distribution of wealth is. A fine, but important difference, because the effects of this are much worse.
They’re not his bodyguards. They’re there to hold him back as long as they can while you run away. This is not to give you an chance to escape, but because he gets disappointed and sad if the hunt is over too soon.
A quote I heard from a Greek minister (from memory). “If Germany had a choice between doing the right thing and hurting France, they will hurt France.”
We had access to a BK at one of the FOBs I frequented in Iraq and although I’ve never been a huge fast food fan, that stuff was so good. It’s a huge morale booster. I’m sure that sounds simplistic as fuck, but you really come to appreciate the little things when you’re deployed.
During my conscription (finnish military), there was a kiosk sized civilian-staffed kitchen at the corner of the small recreational building of the base, where you could buy junk food during off-hours.
God, fried chicken tenders with some crappy fries have never tasted so good…
I lived in Korea at a time when there were scant few western food options outside of Seoul.
So a Burger King came to town, and we were taking expensive taxis across town to get our hands on a damn hamburger that was roughly twice as expensive as it would be in the states. We went daily, sometimes twice for the first couple weeks.
I was not in the military and was living a good life, but sometimes eating soup and rice at every meal can wear on your soul to the point where you’d murder a hooker turned good on the street in broad daylight for so much as a frozen gas station burrito.
Don’t even get me started on how excited I was to once find a six pack of Dr. Pepper on the black market.
It doesn’t surprise me at all that they’d bring burgers to a war zone.
Same. I’ve never been a Burger King fan, but dear Lord, that first whopper after months of eating nothing but MRE’s tasted better to me in that moment than any steak I’ve ever eaten, and that feeling of a full belly after actually enjoying a meal did wonders for my morale.
I betcha 80% of the people on there will believe it, and then immediately start ranting about how they were always pro-Biden, and how anyone who doesn’t worship Biden is a sheep.
That really is one of the best parts of being with someone that will let you be vulnerable as a guy.
We talk about toxic masculinity online, but can can you imagine having to keep that front of “manly man” up even when you’re in bed with your spouse/SO? How fucking cruel a world that is.
Sometimes, when you’re a man, you end up having to shove all that stress down so you can handle things. Having someone that not only recognizes that, but reaches out to help when it’s finally safe to let go of the bullshit is just miraculous. Not having to be the big spoon, to have someone comfort and shelter you, to be your strength when you’ve run out of it. That’s beautiful.
What’s ridiculous is that there are plenty of people who will complain about toxic masculinity, but then tell men to man up, or quit being a bitch if they actually let their guard down. Lots of people have very big double standards between what they think they want, and what they actually want.
Yeah I’ve heard some women I’ve dated complain about men not being honest with their feelings and then when one is suddenly they “have the ick” like, seriously? Just be consistent. Don’t tell me to be open and then when I tell you about my fears and worries act like I’m a pussy for not being able to handle it myself. I could have, but you wanted it this way and now you’re not attracted to me anymore.
Speaking from the male perspective, I’ve struggled with this as well. Sometimes it seems being tacit is “rewarded” by esteem.
So firstly, that is a sign that your partner may not be the one for you. But secondly, many of us men do not know how to communicate our emotions very well. We tend to think a breakdown is communication, when that’s just as explosion - a loss of control, maybe because the actual emotional communication didn’t come soon enough.
I fared a lot better after I payed attention to how women navigate this stuff amongst themselves. They often go back and forth very rapidly with tiny emotionally charged statements, and do lots of following up and outreach. Sometimes they’ll do nice stuff for each other that doesn’t make sense until you realise it’s tied to some other thing.
Lots of multidimensional supporting and being supported going back. And if it’s not going both ways, or the sines aren’t syncing, then that just means that particular relationship is not 10/10 and that’s ok.
Yeah, every time I’ve allowed myself to be emotionally vulnerable with a woman I was dating it was like a switch flipped on her attraction to me. Nothing was the same after that and I’d much prefer to have sex regularly than have a shoulder to cry on, so I won’t be doing that again. Whenever I mention that I always get told “you’re just dating the wrong people”. Which, ok maybe, but I’ve never exactly had options lining up around the block.
I’ll never understand women who don’t want a sensitive or emotionally open man. For me, I can’t stand men who aren’t. When a man is open about his emotions, it makes me feel like he’s going to understand better when I get emotional, which is important to me because it happens a lot (bottled up trauma and such.) It’s not just something I look for in partners, but also friends.
But I may also have a bit of a different perspective due to being trans and remembering what it’s like to be a guy having to bottle everything up until one day I explode in a vicious cycle. It makes me feel good to be somebody’s outlet knowing that I can take a little weight off and help keep them from having to go through what I did.
Indeed, it seems that many women have a hard time relating to how difficult it is to be a man in the modern world, especially when you’re being told you are undesirable, toxic, and expendable literally everywhere you go these days.
That’s why I love this meme though, because instead of fighting fire with fire and demonizing or disparaging women, it encourages a more tender and wholesome solution to the problem.
The funny thing is maybe putting him in jail for 5 or 6 years and stripping him of his fortune could be the one thing to give him the human elements he has been stripped of. Humility, responsibility, and understanding the value of others. Maybe after all that he could humble himself and actually experience these wonderful emotions. But fuck it, I’d rather just have a piano fall on his fat face.
The subtext of your comment that Trump could be a loving, gracious, accepting, and listening individual is endlessly fascinating to me. On those brief instances where I can convince my brain for just a moment that these images are genuine, I just feel happiness and hope.
Sure, it’s imagination, but it feels so nice to imagine there is an alternative universe where Donald Trump and Joe Biden spent the weekend hiking, picnicking, baking pies, knitting, and talking through to common ground. No division. No anger. No fear. No lies.
If there is such a universe then it is several orders of magnitude more likely there is a universe where tar covered flaming pianos fall on his face every day and it’s like groundhog day and he doesn’t know when it’s going to come crashing down but it always does. Twisted I know, but I’d portal to that one.
Remember those curly telephone cords that stretched out to like 40ft when your mom walked around the house while on the phone and you had to dodge the cord like Catherine Zeta-Jones in Entrapment? And then the cord shrunk back to like 8ft when she hung the phone back on the cradle on the wall. And the next time your mom hung up the phone, the cord was like 10ft long with a bunch of kinks and twists. And the next time she hung the cord was like 12ft long and starting to bunch on the floor. And eventually there was like 30ft of telephone cord on the floor under the cradle that just gets kicked out of the way into the nearest corner and collects dust bunnies until the next time the phone rings and your mom answers and walks all around the house like she always does. (I could keep going but I don’t know where it will end.) Remember those curly telephone cords?
You need a curly ethernet cord like that for your watch. It could help to get around.
Also, what model watch do you have that has an ethernet port? My watch works fine but my gf is always complaining about a rock solid connection so I’m thinking about getting a new one.
Giorgia Meloni is Italy’s current prime minister and also happens to be a proud founding member of the Neo-Facist party, and is the granddaughter of Benito Mussolini.
Stopping immigrants at the border would actually be a horrendous policy and have devastating economic effects. Literally advocating for a terrible US policy that could be seen as inhumane and unethical.
I’m just saying that the “fascist” parties in Europe are no more “fascist” than American right wing parties. People support right-wing parties for different reasons. Calling it dumbassery is weird.