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Altofaltception, in What's a proper response to another dog attempting to mount your dog multiple times and the owner really not doing anything about it?

Mount the owner.

idunnololz, avatar

Owner is playing 5d chess because that’s what they wanted.

riplin, in Is there an artist so horrible that no matter how hard you try that you cannot separate their art from them?

Lost Prophets. Lead singer fucked babies.

spittingimage, avatar

I’m convinced he’s not all there. Dude was talking about what he’s going to do when he gets out of prison. He doesn’t seem to understand they’re going to wheel him out on a trolley.

DessertStorms, avatar

Lead singer fucked raped babies.




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  • blazeknave,

    It’s necessary bc by your logic, “fucking” is a euphemism.


    Yeah, he’s reddit-brained for sure.

    DessertStorms, (edited ) avatar

    You mean the distinction between engaging in consensual intercourse (aka "fucking") vs committing a heinous crime?

    If you think pointing out that babies can only be raped, is the problem, not saying he "fucked" them, this is a you problem...



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  • DessertStorms, (edited ) avatar

    I'm making the point that babies cannot be fucked, only raped, which obviously isn't "inherent" to the person who said "he fucked babies" which minimises the reality of the "scenario" as you call it (more minimisation, why do you do that? To preserve your own comfort of course!). Words matter, and if you think pointing that out is "splitting hairs" (when you're literally the only one making a load of fuss over this valid distinction), then again, you're the one with the problem here (and taking issue with someone pointed out that babies can only be raped, not "fucked" is definitely a problem that needs addressing, like seriously - imagine being the person dying on the hill to defend the use of "fucked" to describe baby rape.. 🤦‍♀️).


    Lemmy sucks. This isn’t a you thing. Nobody IRL would ever spend the energy debating you on this. And of course a follow-up of “whoa relax don’t get triggered bro”

    There is no understanding that words matter round these parts at all. This place is a dangerous bubble bc it started as a place where one assumed everyone was on the level. So if you were the outlier opinion, maybe it really was you: I’d challenge myself and question my opinions. Now, if I’m downvoted, I dig in and entrench.


    Others might just call it being pedantic.


    You seem awfully interested in this topic… Is there something we should know?


    The point is that we should try to stop using euphemistic language around rape. It happens all the time, and it lessens the impact of the act for the reader. We should be explicit.


    Omfg. I’m a big slippery slope, legal precedent, kind of guy. But this demands capital punishment if not castration/sterilization. Just make them laws for one day for this dude.


    I honestly believe that if you’re convicted of shit like this the band should be able to sue to have your rights to royalties and any songwriting/producing credits revoked. Even if they have to surrender any monetary outcome to the victims or their families.


    I know I loved the band growing up and the band have tried to separate themselves from the singer, but how can you? The music is still good but it can’t avoid leaving a bad feeling knowing he used the fame generated by the shared music for such heinous thing


    It would make it a bit easier for people who can if you knew that the scumbag wasnt getting royalty cheques anymore.

    Ian Watkins is a fucking extreme example, but imagine putting in a dozen years of your life and career, your art and passion into a band and its catalogue only for the lead singer to make it absolutely radioactive.


    Hmm not a lawyer but I wonder if there might be some old law about this. Kinda feel like there is one since it’s retroactive.

    rem26_art, in What's a food you forget you like? Then you eat it, and wonder why you don't buy it more often? avatar


    Every Thanksgiving I eat stuffing and remember:

    1. This stuff is great
    2. There is nothing stopping me from making this year round

    and then i immediately forget


    In fairness, it’s not like you see it at the store all year round to remind you. Maybe get a couple boxes to have throughout the year? It’s certainly on sale right now, or at least will be at the end of December.


    I love other people’s stuffing. I made stuffing and gave myself food poisoning.


    When I make it rather than “mashed potatoes made of bread” it’s more like “slightly moist croutons”. Breaks my heart.

    squiblet, avatar

    By putting it inside a turkey or just somehow with stuffing?


    Yeah, I put it inside the turkey. I used a friend’s recipe, but it must have been a bigger bird and took too long to cook or something.

    Okay, I just Googled it:

    When you place stuffing inside a turkey, it comes into contact with raw meat and juices that may contain harmful bacteria such as salmonella.

    squiblet, avatar

    Yeah, it's fallen out of fashion because if you leave it there overnight especially bacteria can grow in it. Well, sorry to hear that. I like making homemade stuffing but I just bake it in a pan... i guess that's called dressing.


    Try microwaving it on high for several minutes (until it’s basically too hot to handle) before stuffing the bird.

    It also helps if you don’t pack it in. It should get to 165°F to be considered safe.

    idunnololz, avatar

    I made a bunch of stuffing not on Thanksgiving a few years ago. Was addicted to it and kept making it. But then ate it too often I got tired of it. This always happens to me though. I get excited about some food. Then I make it until I get tired of it and move on to the next thing.

    rem26_art, avatar

    true true. There's definitely too much of a good thing.


    This is me, but also with like people and hobbies and my career


    Pick up a box on sale and put it in the cupboard. It’s a useful base for some chicken pieces, or to make some vegetables into a casserole. Excellent with mushrooms. (Take into account the liquid that will be released by the cooking veggies, or else saute them first, before mixing with the stuffing)

    This year, instead of a whole bird, I made Turkey Balls using 2 lbs ground turkey, 2 raw eggs, stuffing mix, then sauteed onion, celery, apple, mushrooms, (let cool before adding) Chardonnay, and cool broth. I added the usual spices, keeping in mind there’s already some in the stuffing. I piled them in a lidded casserole, but you can also bake them on a sheet pan and serve with dips.

    rem26_art, avatar

    The turkey balls sound really good. Like a good way to get a whole Thanksgiving experience in a more compact package


    Plus there’s the opportunity for jokes

    NeoNachtwaechter, in Mandatory security check followed by a long travel to area of work. When do you clock in?

    As soon as you are doing the things that your company has ordered, you are working.

    This includes enduring the security check.


    2014 unanimous Supreme Court case says that they do not need to be paid. State law may require otherwise though. Believe there was a PA case recently that ruled they did need to be paid.

    effward, avatar

    Wouldn’t that definition also include time spent commuting?


    Sometimes. Generally doesn't order you to live where you do. If you want paid commuting time they will tell you to move next door so your time is 1 minute (that zoning doesn't allow this or someone else lives there isn't their problem ).

    If you are told to travel from one office to another though you should be paid for your time. If they transfer your office they may owe you moving expenses so your commute isn't too long '


    If you are told to travel from one office to another though you should be paid for your time

    This is actually law in the 'states. If you need to travel further than your normal commute you are paid for your travel time from your normal location to the new one and if you drive your milage is paid at a rate of 67¢/mile off the top of my head. I worked IT at a rural bank for a while and had to expense my milage pretty often as I went to branches 30-50 miles away to swap computers and whatnot


    Good question. Generally No.

    Your duty to come to work is part of your work contract. But not the question where you come from, or where you go after work. That’s your decision and your private time.

    If it is different, for example if they order you where to live, then that must be compensated.

    bulwark, in What is a niche interest or hobby you'd personally like to see represented more on Lemmy

    Linux and Star Trek memes. I just don’t see them enough.

    SubArcticTundra, (edited ) avatar

    Hmm, you might like this one website – I think it was called Lemmy.

    BunnyKnuckles, avatar

    Would you like me to say “and my axe”?

    bluebadoo, in What are some food items that cost less than what they "should"?

    I would argue that of the three items you listed (bananas, coffee, chocolate) that the main reason those items are “cheap” is exploitation of the workers and economies of the global south.


    This is just one popular science article on the topic, and it just brushes the surface of how colonial politics have stripped the global south of resources while simultaneously building capital in the global north.

    This single pane comic is the jist of it. A map of the world with Africa excavated and gold piled atop Europe and North America.


    What about Asia? Are we forgetting Africa is China’s China right now?


    If China does to Africa what they did to themselves, that would be awesome!


    Enslaving and killing ethnic groups en masse, creating a surveillance police state, imprisoning people for criticizing the government, making their people work in sweat shops to rule and manipulate global manufacturing, collecting personal information on every person on earth, militarily and financially supporting the worst despots on the planet?

    bizzle, avatar

    People don’t ever seem to want to talk about demographics in China, I can’t figure out why 🤔 maybe the fact that it’s an ethnostate…

    novibe, (edited )

    Why are you talking about the US? And literally what the Europeans did to Africa for centuries.


    Yes, both are terrible. Africa should be run by Africans.


    And that’s exactly what China does? They don’t do unilateral trade agreements. They don’t impose their policies on countries they make deals with. They are equal partners. Which is why most countries in Africa prefer China as a partner than the US or EU nowadays…


    100%. Exploitation is not limited to one continent or group of people.

    JusticeForPorygon, (edited ) avatar

    “This Jacobo, he’s making us pay minimum wages!.. and that’s not all, he’s taking our unused land and giving it back to the people! Does that sound familiar?”


    Without a doubt. And when it’s things that can only grow in those parts of the world, it can be harder to find alternatives.

    Not that I can afford them, lol


    Hold up. We exploit South America pretty hard too.


    Absolutely, the comic was from a piece on Imperialism from Europe in Africa, but a more comprehensive one would show the entire global south dug up.


    China is currently colonizing Africa and SE Asia as well.

    solrize, (edited ) in If you could go back in time and stop any one person or group's musical career, who or what would it be?

    I won’t say his name but I stopped someone’s musical career once. He was an up and coming young guitarist, getting performing gigs here and there, and teaching guitar students to help pay his bills while waiting for a break. I took some lessons from him and as part of general chatting it came out that I worked with computers. He thought that was interesting and asked good questions, so I brought him some programming books. He became a full time programmer a couple months later and a very good one too. I’m glad it worked out for him, but I always wonder what we lost.


    Which books? Also, how long ago was this?


    This was decades ago. I don’t remember the specific books but they were about programming in C. By now that is considered a neckbeard language. The first thing the guy did, with like zero experience, was write a video compression program in C.


    Did… Did you create Bill Gates and Windows??


    Nah, Windows was supposedly inspired by NASCAR. Bill saw how people loved seeing constant crashes, and he got an idea…


    My coach used to tell the story of a really promising track and field athlete who might have had a serious shot on the world scene, but quit to play in his band called The Barenaked Ladies. I never fact checked that, so I have no idea if it was true or not. But it stuck with me because it made me think of all the people who might have been incredible in one field or another who just never gave it a shot.


    “Ike At The Mike” by Howard Waldrop. Award winning short story. An elderly Dwight Eisenhower is invited to the White House. Ike famously gave up his West Point cadetship to become a jazz musician. Among the attendees honoring him is the young Elvis A. Presley, Senator from Mississippi.

    Joker, in Anyone who recently had a "Yup, it was that kinda day" day. What happened?

    A couple days ago I was swapping out my GPU. As I was carefully removing the glass side cover, it basically exploded in my hands. I don’t even know how.

    There’s glass all over the room and I’m bleeding from the little shards that hit my hands and arms. Every time I think I got all the glass I find another piece. I finally get it all, replace the GPU and fire up the PC.

    I hear crunching sounds that seem like they’re coming from the fans on the front. I shut down so I can vacuum out the remaining shards. As I’m taking off the glass front cover, that shit slips out of my fingers and fucking shatters on the floor.

    I couldn’t do anything but laugh at that point. I cleaned up again and decided I’m not going anywhere today because it’s one of those fucking days.

    0x4E4F, avatar

    Yep, one of those days 😂… you feel like “I better start laughing cuz crying ain’t gonna help” 😂.


    I don’t even know how.

    Do you perhaps have a stone tile floor?


    Man I’m so glad my glass side panel has a steel frame around it. At work I’ve had to repair a couple PCs like that and man they make me so anxious. It’s best to bite the bullet, unplug everything and lay the PC on it’s side.


    Glass can do that with internal or external stress. One of the reasons I absolutely hate it as a material.

    Thrashy, (edited ) avatar

    Had that happen to my case a few months back and haven’t bothered to replace it. Tempered glass is super strong on the face of it, but if you get the slightest scratch on the edges the internal stresses in the glass will literally blow it up. I know it will mar, but I’d rather have an acrylic window any day of the week, or better yet, a sleek solid side panel.


    I had the same thing happen to me but I was luckier. When I was 15-16, my parents had a big ass glass shower door sitting around so they asked me and my cousin to bring it downstairs so we could sell it. As we were trying to move it so we could pick it up, the thing exploded into a million shards flying everywhere on the floor. My cousin and I were basically unharmed but the floor was littered with tiny tiny glass shards that was a pain in the ass to clean up.


    It seems these things happen more often with glass side panels. I don’t how how or why, but it’s not just you and most likely it’s not your fault.


    This is why i dont have any interest in glass side panels.

    I dont even like clear side panels, but if i have it i’ll take acrylic… sure, it supposedly scratches easier, but wtf are you doing to get it scratched in the first place? probably the same kinda stuff that breaks tempered glass, lol.

    blaine, (edited )

    Same here. Call me old-fashioned, but the only part of my computer I have any interest in looking at is whatever is being rendered on the monitor.

    I don’t need any LEDs in my PC because the case is a black metal box with no side panels. Any time/effort/money spent on making a PC “look cool” is time/effort/money that should have been spent making it perform better.

    umbrella, avatar

    red leds wont make your computer go faster, overclocking is blue leds wont make it cooler, tuning fan curves and undervolting is

    and so on


    I like the lights but I agree with you.


    I have LEDs in my computer against my will, because the heatsink and motherboard both came with them and to get ones that didnt would have cost more.

    My GPU used to have them too, but I recently upgraded to a new one that doesnt, which is fan-fucking-tastic in my opinion.

    Looks like the floor of a abattoir after a unicorn butchering.


    Your BIOS/UEFI might have some settings to turn off lights, if they can’t be controlled through ways of RGB.


    At least the high quality parts have RGB controls that let you turn them off.


    sure, if you use windows and download their proprietary spyware control panel.


    some can be controlled by open source, like my case leds


    And even jf you do want to have a clear side, plastic is the better/safer choice.


    Yes they only really get scratches when mishandled. They’re lighter and they don’t break.

    I still have a lot of older cases with the acrylic (called plexiglass over here) and they’re fine. I’m not planning on buying anything new, but when I do I din’t want anything with a glass panel.


    Why have glass panels? That’s just asking for trouble.


    It’s silly but I like color changing LED lights.

    1. super helpful comment.
    2. OP doesn’t have them anymore.
    iamtrashman1312, in How to respond to gf saying "I'm fat"

    “You callin my girl fat you piece of shit?!”


    i love this comment. it is extremely funny. /gen

    TheOneWithTheHair, in How to respond to gf saying "I'm fat" avatar
    TrickDacy, in What is Something Scientific that you just don't believe in at all? avatar

    Op: what are some inherently enraging opinions that fly in the face of everything we know about logic?

    Also op: omg guys stop downvoting these inherently enraging opinions. I implicitly made that rule …triple stamped it no erasies!!


    I’m going to give you a couple examples:

    1. A study showed Dementia brainscans heavily correlating with a form of Plaque. For decades people believed it, but then it was debunked. Someone expressing disbelief in it before the debunking would not have been “flying in the face of everything we know about logic.” They would have been right.
    2. A researcher made a study where Aspartame used to sweeten Gatorade correlated with fast developing terminal cancer in mice. The researcher who developed Aspartame shot back by saying they fed the mice daily with the equivalent to 400+ Gatorades. Of course, a French study later showed at large scales people who consumed aspartame were slightly more likely to develop cancer in the following decades, but the outcome was still preferred to the consumption of sugar. This is an example that is much more clearcut in the favor of science, but I think there is still room for skeptics to express doubts.

    I think talking about these things in a welcoming environment can both alleviate certain less scientific beliefs while also giving a great idea of how the general public views certain topics. Also it’s fun. There is a guy in here who thinks maybe a dude can fight a bear, not that they should.

    TomAwsm, (edited )

    Okay, but if anyone forms full beliefs from single studies, they’ve grossly misunderstood the details of how science works.


    This would apply to 99% of journalists.


    This particular hierarchy is specific to medical science, it doesn’t fit the other scientific disciplines perfectly.

    Also, if I had a nickle for every conflicting pair of meta-analyses… happens so often.


    Fair, but my point is that it illustrates how much stock one should put in single studies.

    TrickDacy, avatar

    Yeah to be fair a few of the responses were that. I just don’t know a way to keep away the oxygen consuming idiot opinions like the woman so proud of doubting the moon landing.

    Basically if you’ve got a logical explanation I can get on board with your idea as a hypothesis, but some of these replies are not that and are insane.



    This reminds me of the research on saccharine that involved massive doses of it in mice. The belief that pumping huge amounts into a mouse can substitute for lower levels over long times always struck me as odd. Most systems, especially biological ones, have a critical level where systems fail. An example is the body’s ability to process toxins like alcohol in the liver. If you overwhelm the enzymes in the liver you get far different results than if you gave low levels over long periods.


    Of course, a French study later showed at large scales people who consumed aspartame were slightly more likely to develop cancer in the following decades

    If we’re gonna be correct about this, the study showed that there’s potentially an increased risk of developing cancer but there is a lot of data that still needs to be analyzed, so it’s a bit early to draw conclusions.

    RegalPotoo, in What is your favorite time travel movie or show? avatar

    Can’t believe noone mentioned Primer


    I heard about it but never watched it. Is it good? What is it about?

    reversebananimals, (edited )

    Its very good. Its a low budget indie film. Its about two unremarkable engineers who work on toy projects in their garage accidentally discovering a type of time travel similar to the movie Looper. The film follows the realization, experimentation and ultimately the downfall of the engineers due to the power of their own discovery.

    Primer is famous for being extremely complex and hard to follow. The characters speak in real engineering jargon, and there’s constant time travel paradoxes happening in the background which you don’t pick up on without multiple viewings.

    If you like being intellectually challenged, its great.

    Should also be mentioned that the director is a massive POS, which is why I don’t promote the movie even though I like it.


    Thank you, director been POS never stopped me from watching or liking the movie/show. I don’t even care for most ratings or reviews. There were many times when rating or review was bad but i loved watching it.

    magnetosphere, avatar

    Sometimes I wonder if horrible people can be great storytellers because their outlook on life is so different from our own. That doesn’t excuse or justify their behavior, but still, I wonder.


    From my personal experience watching some POS directors/writers content sometimes they can better than good once.


    What’s up with the director?


    1st I’m hearing of this too.


    From Wikipedia:

    From 2011 to 2018, Carruth was in a relationship with Amy Seimetz. The couple became engaged in 2013. Seimetz obtained temporary restraining orders against Carruth in 2018 and 2020 and a permanent restraining order in 2020, citing years of domestic and emotional abuse and harassment. Carruth has denied these allegations.

    On January 13, 2022, Carruth was arrested at the home of another ex-girlfriend on allegations of domestic assault and vandalism. He was released four days later on a $50,000 bond.


    Came here to say this. That movie is fantastic. And it was made for basically nothing. It’s so smart.


    They begged borrowed and stole everything to make the movie, except spent $8000 to rent lights to film.

    They then went on to make $20m at the box

    Susaga, in No politics inteded: Why isn't Trump after leaving office in any way or shape involved in politics say as member of congress or senate? avatar

    You can’t say “no politics intended” and then directly discuss politics. The answer will invariably include politics.

    Trump didn’t want to be a politician. He wanted to be president. Being a senator or congressman is a job, but being president is a mark of prestige. If he can become president again, he will, because it makes him look good. There’s no point for him in taking a lower position with less power.


    Are you looking at this picture, reading this post and then attempting to seriously debate the author on the merits of their argument of no-politics "inteded"?

    BigBlackCockroach, avatar

    You are right, but what I meant was, that I didn’t ask from a political point of view, just wanted to understand from a technical point of view. Like I understand that once you have been president you retire. But trump didnt retire. So since he is continuing on, why in the meantime isn’t he in congress or senate?

    I thought obama, bush, clinton are just not in senate or congress because they were president, following the unwritten rule.

    So since trump didnt retire why isnt he in congress or the senate. I think he would have gotten a vote in florida or other such states.

    yeah but what you say makes sense, so it is just to do with trumps personality profile…


    All excellent points except he has a real dire agenda if he is president again and it’s not just to make him look good.


    When people say “no pun intended,” it is always right after they’ve made a completely intentional pun.

    When a person says “no offense [intended], but,” it is always right before they say something intentionally offensive.

    What I’m saying is that maybe this grammar “no X intended” doesn’t actually mean that literally they don’t intend X, but instead that they want to lessen their culpability for exactly intending X.

    Hamartiogonic, avatar

    No comment intended, but… oh, well. Too late now.


    When people say “no pun intended”, I like to say “none taken”.

    xantoxis, in What's an amusing thing to say before going under general anesthesia?

    “I’m aware that consciousness still exists under general anesthesia, but the brain is no longer capable of forming memories, so have fun stabbing me with knives, I’m actually going to feel it!”

    atx_aquarian, avatar

    But hang on, there’s an interesting topic. Is consciousness the current processing, or is it the memory (and perhaps something additional)? Since not all nerve signals arrive in the brain at the same time, consciousness provably isn’t immediate. Perhaps it’s the recent memory of what just happened?


    Fuck dude… You just told everyone that we’re living in a constant state of desync and the gamer in me doesn’t know how to handle that


    What about now?


    Eh…life is an MMRPG, so a bit of lag is normal…


    The real lag was inside us the whole time


    Lol, wait till you see the specs…/Nerve_conduction_velocity


    Separately, is it still pain if you’re not conscious of it?

    Doctors used to assert that babies didn’t feel pain, because 1) they couldn’t tell us about it, and 2) they didn’t remember it later. They would just not anesthetize babies. Of course, that endpoint of this line of reasoning is horrifying, but it’s still a fair question. When we say “pain” do we mean the firing of the nerves, or do we mean awareness of it?


    To be fair, dosing babies with anesthesia is way more difficult, and there’s zero record of whether they have any drug allergies or intolerances

    moosetwin, avatar

    and there’s zero record of whether they have any drug allergies or intolerances

    Nowadays, you can test for anesthetic drug resistances with DNA site testing, (as in, a blood test), though of course, this does not mean that it is always used, for various reasons.

    A personal anecdote:

    I’ve had one done after I had bad side-effects to ADHD medication I had tried, and I haven’t had any bad effects in the medications I’ve tried since. (besides drowsiness)

    Edit: I want to say, I’m not saying that getting the dosage right is not incredibly difficult, I just wanted to mention that we can detect drug allergies without putting them under, (so to speak).


    That’s good to know! I just swelled up for a week because my new dentist used a different kind of local anesthetic, so it was close to the front of my mind. That would have helped a lot


    Note that you’re getting into something that was a big deal in the 70s and 80s. They’d perform any surgery on babies without anesthetic (which is dangerous to babies) because it was believed that they wouldn’t remember anyway so it wasn’t a big deal after all. I suspect that people will learn about this with horror.

    moosetwin, avatar

    When we say “pain” do we mean the firing of the nerves, or do we mean awareness of it?

    I’d say awareness of it, especially considering AFAIK local anesthesia (as in, fully awake during) doesn’t stop the nerves from firing, just from the signals getting to the brain, and I’d say that’s blocking the pain.^

    Also there’s an interesting point in there: (this is not a rebuttal, just an addition)

    Doctors used to assert that babies didn’t feel pain, because 1) they couldn’t tell us about it, and 2) they didn’t remember it later.

    The reason doctors nowadays use anesthesia, (besides it being squick-y not to) is because it was discovered that, (though they may not consciously remember it) it can manifest in PTSD and other trauma related disorders later in life.^

    In addition, it was found that there is a heightened level of stress hormones during surgery on infants, which were absent in surgery done with anesthesia.^ (These stress hormones also increased the risk in post-operational complications, due to the hormones acting to break down carbohydrates and other fats in the infant’s bodies)


    I’ve had a lot of different injuries. On heavy morphine and pethadine, you definitely feel pain just as bad but you don’t care and just kind of forget about it. It’s like it dulls the nervous system in a way that it’s not blocking signals, it’s blocking how your system reacts to them. It’s hard to explain, but it’s a pretty surreal experience. You should be stressing, but you’re not. You’re very aware of the severity of the injury, but you’re totally calm about it and it slips your mind, like pain is the lowest concern.

    I’m usually thinking like, “I wonder how the fix will go? What if I need to pee? I hope recovery isn’t months… Oh, yeah, and my limb is on fire with a bone sticking out, but they’re on it. I hope there’s no snorers in my ward and the food’s good. It’d be nice if they operate this evening because this sucks. I hope I can self-medicate morphine for sleep tonight. That really helped last time. I feel fucking great and am dribbling. Oh, yeah, and my limb is on fire with a bone sticking out. Meh…”

    moosetwin, avatar

    Thank you for sharing your experience!


    “carbohydrates and other fats”? Did I not pay attention about carbohydrates in school?


    To the best of my understanding this is why local and general anesthesia can be the best combo.

    General keeps you from being conscious of the damage of the knives during the surgical procedure. Local numbs the area to keep the brain from being aware that damage is happening. Reducing trauma sounds like a good idea to me.

    Pain is fascinating (particularly if you’re not the one experiencing it.) Two people experiencing the exact same nerve stimulation can be painful to one but not the other. Context, life history and experience, and expectations all play into the experience of pain. In general, your brain determines if something is painful, then you do or don’t experience that pain. People can be shot or stabbed and be completely unaware until the brain decides it’s time to let them know.


    Yes, pain is pain. People can still feel it and suffer even if they do not remember it. Anesthesia in context of surgery is too complex of a topic for me to comment on but I do frequently manage patients that are sedated, on ventilators either going to or coming from surgery. There are different scales and tools we use to assess if someone is under sedated or in pain. Keeping explanations simple pain can reflect as changes in vital signs, rigid or tense muscles, facial expressions. Sedation in the context I’m referring to is more a scale of either how awake someone is or what type of stimulation they respond to, for example do they open their eyes if someone says their name? Or do they open their eyes if I gently tap on their shoulder or do I need to put pressure on their nail bed for them to respond, if they respond at all. If they’re sedated enough they won’t remember the pain but they would still feel pain. Again this is NOT referring to general anesthesia during surgery, that is too complex and anesthesiologist have a very difficult job ensuring people are adequately medicated for surgery while also ensuring that they treat the side effects of the anesthesia medications so they don’t just kill people.

    The two do have some overlap and my previous statement assumes no chemical paralysis. There are also times where it is acceptable to just sedate someone, or do something emergent without sedation and then giving something like Versed which causes retrograde amnesia. The person may have been fully conscious and felt everything that just happened but still won’t remember it.

    This is a bit of an oversimplification but I’d say firing of the nerves is pain. I don’t have literature available to support but I know giving babies anesthesia is very dangerous so I would like to believe that the reasons you listed where just an over simplified “it’s really okay to do X or Y because they won’t remember it” rather than explaining to a parent in a way that they would truly understand the risk of anesthesia for a baby AND still allow whatever procedure to be done or force a parent to knowingly elect to put their baby through pain and suffering for a procedure. But again, not a doctor and I don’t work with people/babies during surgery


    It’s not just the brain. From what I understand, muscles and what-not would still react to stimuli and damage if not for anesthesia.


    I broke my ankle a few years back and the bones had to be surgically reattached, but the OR was full so they had to set and splint it in the meantime. The shot of fentanyl didn’t do anything, so they gave a cocktail that knocked me right the fuck out and set my ankle. My husband said I shot straight up like I was in the Exorcist, yelled and swore a bunch and passed out again. I remember nothing, thankfully.


    I’ve had that. They said I’d be awake but won’t remember anything. I’d feel it but won’t care.

    Sure enough, I’m sitting up in bed, doctors are gone, and my leg is set, I feel totally normal. I had no idea what happened except that they said that’d happen. It was the weirdest experience. I hadn’t even changed positions. Like 15 minutes just got stolen from me.


    I didn’t wake until the next day, they doped me right up or the fentanyl had a delayed reaction cause I slept for a good 15 hours after I was knocked out.


    Ah. Mine was to set while waiting for surgery so things didn’t tighten up and be harder in the OR. I had tibia and fibula snapped and dislocated ankle. They got the joint back in place and straightened the leg, then put it in a splint to wait in.

    They practiced the movements while I was with it and it seemed very violent and physical. Then they dosed me to do the real thing and the next thing I remember was sitting there wondering wtf just happened.


    Yep same, I just slept a lot longer, probably cause of the cocktail they had to give me. And waiting for the OR took a little over a day so I was grateful to be out of it the whole time.

    Whisp, in What's a secret that you're keeping from your partner/significant other that you're taking to the grave with you?


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  • GentlemanLoser,

    How the hell do you fuck up honey mustard


    “I think the cough syrup really rounds out the flavor profile. Works with the hot sauce undertones quite well”


    Hey, if it’s codeine cough syrup I’d deal with it.

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