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Fal, in Why are most memes on Lemmy from 5-10 years ago? avatar

Because literally everyone on Lemmy is 35


Nah, you’re two years off.

Or, more likely, my parents managed to hide two years of my life from me.

That’s awful sneaky of them.


Yours, too?!

Damn them! Stealing our years with the expectation they’ll get to enjoy them. Not in the cheapest retirement home Florida can offer!


That must be why I like it more here.

seaQueue, avatar

Im 12 and what is this?


35 is a very young age that people in their 40ies like me envy the youth of.


Aww shucks, thanks. I’m actually 40 but people say I look younger since I went on a diet.


I’m a decade older, but I feel like a lot of people who left for Lemmy were active on Reddit 10-12 years ago, and have preference for the flavor of discourse of that time. As it grew, reddit became far too sarcastically meta in a lot of ways. What was once a spicy “in joke” became boilerplate. I’m not surprised at the exhumation of the old memes. It may just be a phase of some sort, a necessary reset, who knows?

ikapoz, in What does this icon mean?

Don’t seatbelt your face, obviously

martinbasic, avatar

I think that’s more like “please do seatbelt your face”, because, there’s no x on the bottom to say no to that

Jimmyeatsausage, (edited ) in So is the US slipping into Civil War?

A lot of you all must be too young to remember. This isn’t a new thing for Texas to do. They threatened to secede at least once (maybe twice) while Obama was president. Once it was straight out of the North Korean playbook, claiming a training exercise the military was conducting was a cover for a military invasion of Texas.


The Dollop did a podcast on Jade Helm as it was happening. Definitely recommend listening to that one if you like American history podcasts. It’s episode 100 I believe


And thats why I’m not worried about them doing anything other than what they’re already doing. They know they would be fucked if they leave.

And if they do? Well then we deal with it when that time comes. Hopefully a bunch of left leaning people leave, including my brother and his wife, and a bunch of MAGAts can go there and talk about how much they love America while also leaving it.


They’d have no issue, they already consider everything outside of their small town to be Fake America.

scrubbles, (edited ) avatar

The older I get the more I eyeroll at the political posturing. It’s definitely worse than when I was younger, but also it’s all happened before. It’s just loud people trying to be loud to keep us all afraid and obediently going to work, then every 4 years it gets loud again so we vote for who they want us to.

Real convenient the border is such a huge issue a few months before the election.

Of course we still have to take it seriously, the minute we let our guard down they start implementing stuff, look at roe v wade, but even then they didn’t know what to do after that. It’s all about staying in power for them


When was it worse, why?


Ok, but we also haven’t had such extreme right wingers in mainstream government before.

And also, what about the National Guard thing?

CosmicCleric, avatar

So much this.

jandar_fett, (edited )

I get what you’re saying, but at some point we have to admit that there really aren’t any adults at the table. A direct example is the governments covid response and another more recent is the emergence of the so-called freedom caucus. Basically I subscribe to the depressing notion that all these fuck head fascists that came before have sewn their seeds and now there is an alarmingly large amount of the populace who have drank the koolaid, made from those seeds, and even worse is a lot of the original sewers (heh), have lost the thread and are drinking their own koolaid…

ohitsbreadley, (edited )

Texas has made an issue over their independence and God-given right to be Texas, in defense of their the right to own chattel slavery since their first secession. From Mexico. In 1836.

Texas reconfirmed their desire to die on the hill of their divine right to own people, by seceding from the US in 1861.

After the civil war, Texas was a haven for the Confederates - and their ideology has been fomenting ever since

They’ve been talking of secession openly since at least the 1990s.

I think this is the first time since the civil war that other states have involved their national guards in support of a hotbed issue that could lead to a secession.

Edit: correction to grammatical error.

charonn0, (edited ) in What's something you're proud of doing? avatar

Remember Valentine’s day 2004, when San Francisco county started issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples?

Thousands of couples showed up. Some from the other side of the planet, some from the other side of town. The County Clerk was overwhelmed and there weren’t nearly enough wedding officiants to keep up. So they put out a call for volunteers to be deputized by the Clerk as county marriage commissioners. I volunteered and officiated at dozens of ceremonies at city hall.

Still have my official commission hanging on my wall.


Okay, that is awesome.


I let a homeless guy know he dropped a nickel.

TheAgeOfSuperboredom, in Does AI-generated art posted on lemmy bother you?

It doesn’t really bother me, but like you I am bored of it and I generally ignore it, or block communities if I’m seeing too much of it.

It is really cool that the models can generate fairly detailed images, but they’re all so similar and… boring. I once saw someone describe it like corporate art. It just tries to imitate something popular in a very mediocre way. You can keep re-training it, but it can still only imitate.

Still, if people are into it then that’s ok too. I have used it at work on occasion to create stupid little icons for internal tools I’ve built, so I guess there’s some little bit of utility.

My guess is that it’ll be used for a while for cheap and low effort branding, but soon companies will want to hire real artists again to differentiate themselves from the ML spam.


It’s always interesting when they include specific details in the prompt that just get ignored!

PlzGivHugs, (edited )

Still, if people are into it then that’s ok too. I have used it at work on occasion to create stupid little icons for internal tools I’ve built, so I guess there’s some little bit of utility.

IMO, thats sort of the main use I see for AI image generation (and a lot of other “art”-AIs). There are plenty of cases where a graphic is needed that doesn’t need to be original, nor have any meaningful thought put into it. This could be a small icon that would normally be a free peice of stock art or programmer art, or it could be adding a unimportant backdrop to some character art that would otherwise just be left blank. Not all graphics have to be “art” and things that are “art” don’t have to be 100% original and hand crafted.

SomeGuy69, (edited )

It’s because people are lazy. It needs extra work to generate something non generic. Also a lot of people using AI have no sense of beauty, as without AI, they are not very creative.

Using stable diffusion on a1111 myself, with controlnet, regional prompter, different checkpoints, a ton of Lora and inpainting, one can create much much better stuff. It’s not harder that way, just takes longer than copy pasting prompts and hitting the generate button.

I know this is true, because I see this daily by now. The amount of generic images uploaded to for example Civitai is proof of it.

jjjalljs, in Why in the year 2024 and with all the knowledge humans have now do people still believe in religion?

Belief is social. If you’re surrounded by people that all believe a thing, you’re more likely to also believe. If challenged on something that threatens group membership, your brain reacts like it’s a physical threat. Group membership is that important. Facts matter far less.

This happens to everyone.


There’s basically a 100% chance that OP believes something equally as unprovable as religion.

LengAwaits, (edited )

This happens to everyone.

Yeah, they said that in their comment. Did you not read all 5 sentences?

Edit: Sorry, I misunderstood your post.


I wasn’t disagreeing with them

OpenStars, in How to cope with existing right now? avatar

The entire world is going through this right now. Many of us will never own a home - and no I don’t mean just Gen-Z and maybe Millenials, I mean people your age even. Fwiw, you/we still are doing better off than at least 95% of the world, but that is not to diminish the pain that we are losing hope b/c we are not doing as well as we thought we would. Find a way of coping that works for you - I am still searching for mine…:-( I just thought it might help to say that you are not alone:-).


don’t mean just Gen-Z and maybe Millenials, I mean people your age even

They said they’re 36. That’s millenial. At 41, I’m what Iliza Schlesinger coined an Elder Millennial (a little under two months older than Iliza herself).

Great comment otherwise, though, and I sincerely hope you find your coping method(s)!

OpenStars, avatar

Gen-Z and younger Millenials

The above is what I probably should have said. Interestingly (to me at least:-D), historically “Millenial” used to refer to what is now called “Z”, it once having been the term used to describe the generation that came after “Y”, but has shifted all the way over to now having absorbed Y and then replacing it entirely.:-P But yes, in 2018 (according to Pew) that situation finished switching and the old Z is now the new Y - though if you google search these terms, most results are how to market to these groups, and that likely confuses things further.

What I mean is that imho it is best to take these terms extremely loosely - e.g. an elder Millenial may share more in common with a late-stage Gen-Xer (“righteous dude!”, e.g. having watched similar TV programs even if as re-runs) than with the later half of what is now called “Millenial”, and similarly late Millenials with earlier Gen-Zs (no cap no skibidi, def no Ohio), and so on.

Though whether someone has rich parents or not seems to override all other factors such as generation or responsibility to work hard and save money for the future, when talking about owning a home:-(.

tory, (edited )

It is really weird how no one can imagine generations getting old. It’s like they think millenial is slang for teens, and Gen z is slang for younger kids.


What is weird for me is seeing people who are supposedly in my cohort act like they are twice my age.

VikingHippie, (edited )

I wouldn’t mind splitting the difference and being 30 again tbh 😄

It’s that perfect middle where you’re (just barely) old enough that most people take you seriously (or at least don’t dismiss you based on youth alone), but also young enough that your body doesn’t ache from approaching middle age yet 😉


Take a hiatus from social media and from doomscrolling- it can be so incredibly damaging.

OpenStars, avatar

Old people squeeze their eyes & ears shut so that they will neither see nor hear the cries of pain screams of agony as the world burns, and they say: “This is fine”.

Ngl, there is some merit to that - maybe that is how they survived as long as they have, as opposed to those that died young (selection bias). I too could become a zombie, numb to the world, and I would then exist even after it ceased to. But I choose to live - and that means to suffer, especially when my brethren and sistren all across the world suffer too.:-( It is not madness to feel pain when things are WRONG - I would argue that it is, in fact, sanity.

All that is the context for why I agree - we NEED to stay connected, but not 24/7; also it helps to balance doomscrolling with positive experiences: as described in what I thought was a super-excellent article on that subject.

mechoman444, in Mickey Mouse is now public domain (Steamboat Willie specifically). What do you think we will see this year?

I predict a complete overhaul of our trademark and copyright laws that will accommodate Disney’s desires.

You know… Basically what they did last time.


Doing that for Trademark law is why they didn’t bother lobbying for longer copyright this time. They could protect their Mouse trademark without relying on Steamboat Willy like they did before.


Too late for copyright laws, it’s in the public domain and can’t go back afaik. Now trademark laws can be interesting.


Oh, they already managed to “fix” copyright retroactively once.


Actually SCOTUS ruled that extending the copyright pulls it out of public domain in Golan v Holder. Congress passed a law that put some literary and musical works back into copyright from the public domain. A case was brought by some educators and musicians that the removal of these works from the public domain infri get on their free speech, but the Court disagreed 6-2.

LemmyIsFantastic, in After a lifetime against, I'm considering joining social media. Any advice?

Jesus Christ this thread 🤣

Delusional users believing lemmy and reddit ain’t social media.


People say this shit all the time. “Reddit is social media too dura hurr.”

But anonymous social media sites are an entirely different entity and wildly different experience compared to ones that use your actual name.


Pseudonymous is not even quite the same as anonymous either. It’s not just people randomly saying whatever nonsense like 4chan, there’s all the reputation-building and ego that other social media has, only less personal, for better or worse.


Whatever you need to tell yourself at night 🤷‍♂️

Usernameblankface, avatar

“anonymous social media” is indeed very different, but still social media. It avoids some problems and runs into other problems.


Oh for sure, but I think it’s a really very incredibly important distinction


People don’t really know what the term means. Any media where the users create the content is a social media. That’s what social media means! YouTube, reddit, Lemmy, Instagram, Snapchat… All of these are social medias! Perhaps we need some different term to differenciate them based on whether you’re more expected to interact with friends or anonymously with strangers though.


Yes, stupid delusional users who actually know what social media is and isnt, unlike a self aggrandizing imbecile making comments like yours.




While I do consider this my social media outlet it’s different in a few ways. If I meet someone new in person and they’re interested in my online presence

  1. I am not giving out this username
  2. they wouldn’t understand or know what to do with it even if I did

Your username is a fairly common noun and an incredibly common, er, auxiliary verb?

They can’t do anything with it by sticking it into Google!


Fancy that eh


They’re forums though, are forums social media? I don’t think services people use anonymously and not for the primary purpose of interacting are social media. The stat has always been 90+% of people are lurkers who just look at memes. Doesn’t sound very social. Scrolling lemmy and reading articles doesn’t get at that part of the brain. We’re not a social group, looking at each others lives.

What stops being social media if we broaden the definition. YouTube is social media if Lemmy is imo.


Yes. Forums are social media. The mental gymnastics…


It’s not mental gymnastics. My reasoning is straight forward, and I disagree.


Is it my imagination or do you think people that don’t consider forums to be social media are doing it out of denial, as if they consider social media to be inferior and they want to be the superior ones without social media, but by encountering you telling them these ugly truths, they deny and defend themselves almost in a tantrum?

Because that may happen with a person or two, but no, many people don’t have problems having social media, just don’t consider Lemmy a social media for various reasons (e.g. not used with a real name, they do not personally message from here, etc.). If their criteria is wrong or right, I don’t know. I do consider this a social media, but it’s open to discussion.

It’d be helpful if you stop looking at situations as if they were the crying wojak (them) vs chad wojak (you) because that’s not how we all work.


Lurkers on Lemmy and Reddit don’t seem too different from someone who is on Twitter or Instagram to follow celebrities.

Commenters definitely are in it for interacting, whether they realize or not. Like, just now, you felt the need to express your opinion to this crowd, and so did I.


If the expression of opinion or interacting with that opinion is all it takes, then YouTube is social media, IMDb is social media. Blogs are social media, any news site is social media. It has to be more specific than that because every site has a comment section and it’s a pretty useless definition.

I think the object of interest has to be people, and the engagement has to come from fixed personalities. Who develop a rapport. For example, you add friends and follow people, who you recognize, interact with and develop a social or parasocial relationship.

Although Reddit has maybe gone that way in some respects, sites like YouTube (maybe) Lemmy, 4chan, Q&A sites (Quora, stack overflow), and more traditional forums have anonymous people jumping in and out, and the focus is the idea (meme, article, creation, question).

Maybe we ditch the term altogether as everything is adding a social component and it will all devolve into a digital singularity.


It’s not that far off, frankly. A lot of websites with user comment sections have a social aspect to them. But even if we discount those whose the primary focus is not that, and we take YouTube and IMDb out of it, Reddit and Lemmy lack the sort of stable end result that reference sites and wikis focus on, or the sort of separation between creators and audience that YouTube has (then again isn’t Instagram like that too?). Even if we make a distinction here we are still left with a place whose content, curation and discussions are community driven. A subreddit or Lemmy community is nothing but that which the people who participate in it decide. Sounds like a social form of media if I ever seen one. An internet platform for public collective multidirectional communication.

Frankly, I think Reddit and Lemmy resist the classification as “social media” not because there aren’t reasons to count them as that, but because the userbases in these sites see it as a dirty word and they like to believe they are above the unwashed, stupid, celebrity-worshipping masses.

They are not. We are not.

How much do we mock people commonly not reading articles and just commenting immediately in both these places? That shows link aggregation is not necessarily the main driving appeal of these places. Even for lurkers and outsiders, they often use Reddit to see what people are commenting, especially as far as advice and recommendations go. We are even in a community whose primary content are questions from other users for us to talk about our opinions and ourselves. How much more socially driven does it need to be for people to accept that it is social media?

Even if one argues it’s different from Facebook because we don’t use real names, Twitter also goes by pseudonyms and everybody considers that “social media”.


Content curation and discussions sounds like Wikipedia to me, and honestly most information sites. As basically everything on the Internet is community driven by a small vanguard of committed posters. I guess we can just call all websites with social interaction social media.

My issue is, to me, lemmy, 4chan, and old forums are completely different to Twitter, Facebook, bebo, Instagram, Snapchat, tiktok etc etc in look, form and function. But I think if we still are just calling them social media, and there is no consistent definition that also umbrellas most of the Internet, it seems silly at that point. Much easier to just not call lemmy social media.

I could also argue people calling lemmy social media are trying to be contrarian and get a rise out of people. Like calling cereal, soup.


This ain’t Wikipedia. Nobody is just leaving their info and settling at that. Nobody is even trying to be objective (even if Wikipedia doesn’t always manage it). Threads don’t result in a single consensus reference page to be maintained indefinitely, but multiple discussions where everyone is making their opinions heard. As much as some opinions are highlighted over others, it’s not collapsed into a final conclusion.

Be honest here. Look at Twitter and then look at Wikipedia. As far as similarity in function and behavior, which is Reddit/Lemmy more like? If anything, to me saying Lemmy is the same as Wikipedia is calling cereal, soup.

The difference between Reddit/Lemmy and Twitter is that it’s based on subcommunities rather than personal feeds. Even then, Facebook has that too, in their groups.

It is social media. Some users just want to believe they are above that. It does get a rise out of them, because they refuse to believe it. It doesn’t mean it’s not correct, not only based on pedantic definitions but also how and why people use it.

Say, even in participating in this discussion, what is your goal here? It’s not like this thread will ever serve as a reference material for the classification of websites. It’s not even the main point of the thread (whether and how to join social media). Seems to me that you want to make your opinion known, and so do I. Whether or not you remember my username, this is social interaction. And by experience I can say the same sort of discussion happening here happens on Twitter/Mastodon near identically.


My purpose is to work out if Lemmy is social media, and solidify my position on it through debating (arguing) with people about it, I’m afraid I’m using you for my own ends 😉.

My point about calling lemmy Wikipedia is like calling cereal soup. I agree, because if we widen this definition to include Lemmy, we start having justifications for calling things that clearly aren’t social media, social media.

My ideal is that we just have old style Internet platforms in their own box called forums. And social media can continue on its way with phone number verification, blue check marks, and whatever else goes on.

I suppose the actually productive thought process is to think why we need to differentiate sites from each other like this, and come up with a definition that has function without being confusing. I’d argue the endless debate and confusion around this topic, especially on Reddit, for years and years, indicates a poor definition.

MimicJar, avatar

I think another divide when it comes to “social media” is the idea of following someone.

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc let me follow people (or brands).

Reddit however isn’t about people or brands (and yes I’m away they added that feature, it’s stupid), it’s about topics.

Looking at Mastodon, it is also designed to follow people. They do however have the option to follow hashtags, which as a Lemmy user is something I like.

Similarly as a Lemmy user I don’t care who any of you are. I’m not following anyone in this thread. We could interact every day or we could interact once a year, I don’t care who you are and I like that.

Also, I don’t care if you follow me. I’d prefer if you didn’t. I do have an opinion to share, and I do want people to read it. Is that “social media”?

As other folks have pointed out, this is all more similar to Internet forums. Are those “social media”? I would argue they are not, but if you stretch the definition far enough… I guess?


I don’t think the definition needs to be stretched very far. In any of such cases, the function is social, it is about connecting people and enabling them to communicate in a wider, multilateral fashion, online. However asocial we might convince ourselves of being, if we truly had no interest in it, we wouldn’t even be discussing anything here.

Even lurkers, at the very least, place trust on a group to bring them matters which they are interested in, and if you consider it, this is the manner in which Reddit and forums are most similar to following influencers. The only difference is that it is a crowd-driven highlight, rather than an individual one, and even then people don’t tend to follow just one single influencer.


It starts with something silly like an avatar or profile pic next to every comment. If you’ld have had a flag or a dogpic or so next to your name/comment, I wouldn’t have read your comment in the same relatively neutral way. I dislike the persona stuff, it’s why I prefer forums. Lemmy is a collection of forums to me. I profoundly distrust persona cult stuff, like influencers etc. Sure, I’ll encounter same people here I’m sure, but frankly: I’m mostly unaware, usernames barely register in my mind.

The part about social media I dislike is the real connection between Irl and online, and the “profile”-focus, for now both is no issue for me on lemmy.


I thought I was taking crazy pills watching people tell the guy not to join social media, on a social media site!

I think the real question being asked is, should the OP make a social media account that is not anonymous or on one of the mainstream sites. Which I would say go for it if it helps with your IRL social life, just don't post anything you wouldn't say in person in public.


People say that all the time, but I disagree. They’re link aggregators with a comments section.


It is an anonymous social media, and the post is talking about non-anonymous googleable profiles (Facebook, Instagram, etc.). Quite different if you ask me.

kerrigan778, in What is a nifty little feature modern gadgets have lost?

I loved the notification light, I had mine programmed to have different colors correspond to different types of notifications and it would buzz at me in response to being picked up as well if I’d missed a call or text.


New phones have always on displays where you can configure them to show any info you want


No. Not what I want.


They’re not all that configurable and it’s always a wall of useless text notifications and it’s hard on battery life, 100x less useful.


I got an app called Always On Edge where you can do literally just that and you can also choose for the entire edge to flash or glow or keep the old virtual dot, change the colors and interactions based on which app it was, and more.

Highly recommend it.


Ooh, thank you I will check that out. That sounds great.


I use AODnotify to effectively do the same thing. It animates a ring around either the display (when the screen is “off”), or the camera cutout when it’s on.

mhredox, in What's a food you love, that isn't worth making from scratch?

Fried chicken.

It’s soo good but not worth the hassle of dealing with all the oil.

Although, I’ve since found that air-fried, if done right, can be just as good.


Oh man same.

Dealing with having to deep fry for a single meal is such a pain.


Any air fryer method you would recommend?

mhredox, (edited )
  • Fry at 360⁰F for 12 mins
  • Flip them and fry again at 360⁰F for 12 mins
  • Flip again and fry for 6 mins at 400⁰F

They should come out super crispy but still very juicy on the inside.The one drawback is that it takes a total of 30 mins and you can only make as much as fits in your frier. You really want to have only one layer of wings and not have them laying on top of each other. My frier is fairly small so it’s not something I can make for a whole bunch of people.


I got a deep fryer that goes on the countertop and has a temperature deal. The lid fits over the basket so I don’t have to get anywhere near the oil when it’s hot. When I’m done frying, there’s a temperature-sensitive mechanism to drain the oil into a box below to store it until next time (it can be reused a few times). The part that holds the oil when frying gets wiped out and tossed in the dishwasher. The only thing I really have to deal with washing is the heating element. It turns deep frying from absolutely not worth trying to deal with the mess/temperature/hot oil/cleanup to something I’m willing to do more than once a year. Don’t let your fry dreams be dreams!


I don’t remember the oil being much of a hassle tbh

YoBuckStopsHere, in Former religious lemmings, what made you quit religion or stop being a believer? avatar

My parents didn’t think I was religious enough so I was forced to go to Catholic school. Thus became even more atheist. Also, religious people are the most hateful and dishonest people on the planet based on my experience.

someguy3, (edited )

Such as easy thing to do when you have God on your side huh.

half_built_pyramids, in Non-religious Republicans of Lemmy, how do you reconcile your non-religious convictions with a party that bases a lot of its policies on religion?

You can’t reason someone out of a position they didn’t reason themselves into.


This may be true, but may also just say that continuously throwing facts at someone is the wrong approach

BluJay320, avatar

It it really, though? If you consistently disprove someone’s claims using factual information and they choose to dismiss it, then they’re just willfully ignorant.

Stupidity can be corrected. Intentional stupidity is inexcusable


Most people have a hard time accepting criticism. They interpret any perceived attack on their beliefs as an attack on them (their ego). Once their on the defensive, you have a tiny chance of convincing them. Instead, they might justify their position and/or simply attack or dismiss your argument at best. But if their not feeling nice, it’s more likely they resort to namecalling such as sheep / lib / commie / dumbass etc.

wantd2B1ofthestrokes, (edited )

Disagree. They just believe what they believe for “non-rational” reasons. Often social or emotional reasons that they aren’t explicitly aware of. We all do this.

It doesn’t make them incapable of reason.

Fundamentally I don’t believe that a large proportion of humanity is “stupid.” I think that’s pretty narcissistic.

And this attitude often seeps into the continuously fact quoting method. Which basically makes the whole thing a non starter


So…. Schools are dumb?


If all it does it throw facts at you, damn straight it's dumb.


The context there is obviously very different


How so?

wantd2B1ofthestrokes, (edited )

Kids generally don’t have ingrained opinions or social groups formed around whether or not 2+2=4 and generally they’re really just concerned with passing tests

Now this isn’t always true and in cases where it is you WILL have trouble teaching. But the vast majority of school curriculum is not this way.

Pratai, (edited )

There is nothing wrong with throwing facts at people. Thats how learning happens. Somewhere along the lines, the MAGA clowns decided that they can argue that 2+2 isn’t 4 anymore.

Essentially, just because they managed to lean how to un-learn everything that requires basic logic, doesn’t mean that we need to rewrite the rules.


I’d say a school that just throws facts at the students is doing it wrong. A large part of learning is to discover connections and be able to extrapolate from principles to aquire new knowledge on their own with the tools and methods taught.

That however also disregards the very different contexts between school and some rando throwing facts at you. People go to school specifically to learn, therefore will be more open to it. Some random person throwing facts is just annoying and if you question the validity of the facts they will not get through. A common thing with people in cults is tht throwing facts at them will usually just go deeper into the cult because of the emotional aspects of it rather than cet out due to the logic.


Nothing wrong except it doesn’t work.


Learning facts doesn’t work? So again, we circle back around to a thing called “schools.”


Circle back to something I already gave you a clear explanation for?

Learning facts works in some contexts. The context of hot button political issues, it does not


Better than throwing bullets at someone?


You’re being down voted for facts lol. We’re emotional, often irrational beings. How/when we present facts matters

wantd2B1ofthestrokes, (edited )

Social beings as well. I wouldn’t even say it’s about how you present facts. We are pretty bad at interrogating our own reasoning for things. We will quote facts when asked for our reasoning, but once you start really digging in it’s often not really about that.

I actually just finished reading “How minds change” by David McRaney and would recommend it to anyone.

But if I had to summarize my biggest takeaway: you can’t really change someone’s mind, you can just facilitate convo with them that leads to them changing their own mind to some degree.

logicbomb, in No politics inteded: Why isn't Trump after leaving office in any way or shape involved in politics say as member of congress or senate?

Trump actually promised to leave us alone if he lost. He also suggested that he’d move to a foreign country.

“If I lose to [Biden], I don’t know what I’m going to do. I will never speak to you again,” Trump told supporters at a rally in North Carolina.

Trump made similar remarks in 2016 when he rivaled Hillary Clinton for the presidency: “I don’t think I’m going to lose, but if I do, I don’t think you’re ever going to see me again, folks,” Trump said. “I think I’ll go to Turnberry and play golf or something.”

helenslunch, avatar

He probably forgot he said that like 2 minutes later


If you never admit you lost, did you really? (Yes)

uriel238, avatar

Yeah, That was common passive-aggressive bullshit, e.g. If I don’t win I’ll take my ball and go home.

j_roby, in What cheap tool/gadget do you use that greatly improves your daily life?

A decent headlamp. Flashlights are well and good, and sometimes necessary too. But if you’ve ever had to do something intricate with both hands in the complete dark, a good headlamp can be so much better in those situations


And you can get such small ones now! My spouse has one she keeps in her purse where the strap is just a thin wire that retracts into the unit. It’s not even uncomfortable! Needless to say I’m jealous!


Is it the petzl zipka? Because if it isn’t I’d love to know what it is. I have one, but they’ve apparently stopped making them, and it’s so much better not having an elastic strap.


I got a Lightbar brand “lightbar pro”, so good. The only downside to it is that there is a design flaw where there is no strain relief on the main power cable so twisting it will lead to failure. I don’t know if they fixed it since I bought mine, but some glue on the power wire should sort it out.

You get a nice wide diffuse light so you can see all around you and what you are working on. It isn’t the best for distance, but most of the time I am working I need to see my surroundings and what I am working on.


Was just using mine earlier!

TAG, avatar

Great for walking the dog at night, in suburban or rural settings. A phone flashlight is annoying to juggle while also controlling a leash and impossible when I need to scoop poop.


100%. I found one with grooves, so you can tilt and lock on whatever angle you like. Going to use as secondary light soirce on my bike rides and camping trips


Completely agree on this. For some reason I’ve gone through like four at this point. They seem to break for some reason. Even tried the REI route with the black diamond brand and they don’t seem to last. I need to find a better brand.


Petzl. Had mine for 14 years

radix, avatar

What are you doing in the dark that’s so intricate? Genuine question.


In most places, lights are placed on the ceiling. This is fine for generally lighting a room, but if you need to do something intricate that’s not directly under the ceiling lamp it can be hard to see. Even simple things like plugging in some cables under the desk.

radix, avatar

I guess I don’t do anything away from desk lamps. Thanks for the explanation.


I’ve done fibre optic splicing entirely under the light of a headtorch. I don’t think you could get much more intricate than that.


I worked with a guy who wore a headlamp nearly all the time. When people would ask about it he would always tell them “There are only two reasons NOT to wear a headlamp. Either you don’t have a head, or you don’t have a headlamp.”

I will never forget this.


Oh phew, one of those reasons applies to me. Guess I don’t need one.

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