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RIP_Cheems, in [ADHDinos] Straight to my ass avatar

Oh boy, rice and onion bowl, the fuck is wrong with me?


Throw in some tuna!

Grippler, in [Goat To Self] Overruled

We call them “blubber snatchers”


Bath wolves

greedytacothief, in "Kirby Lore" by Shenx Comic

Just to give things some scale, the longest book series in WH 40k is the hours heresy. It’s 60+ books. And that takes place in the 30th millennium, so it’s just background to current times lore.

There are more than 300 novels to read, and that’s just counting novels. There are also codexes (codecies?), other supplementary books, other game books (like dark heresy), and the many issues of the white dwarf magazine.

How absurd must Kirby lore be then?


How many hours were the heresy? ;P

Cypher, (edited )

At a 10h~ average for each audio novel I would say at least 600 hours


Are the novels good? I’m not interested in any of the tabletop stuff but I’d love to have a shitload of books to read.

Auzymundius, (edited )

I think some of them are pretty good! My favorites are the Ciaphas Cain series and Eisenhorn series. Gaunts Ghosts is also good if you want a more serious military read. If you want non-humans, check out “The Infinite and the Divine”. It’s about necrons (highly advanced ancient space robots/terminators).


I finally got round to listening to a bunch of 40k stuff, I’ve read some in the past but not a lot and it’s been a while. I started with the ciaphas cain series, it’s somewhat comedic at times and the main character reluctantly gets into situations thanks to his heroic reputation. Lots of fun. Now I’ve been going through a bunch of Dan Abnett’s stuff, eisenhorn and gaunt’s ghosts. They both take themselves a lot more seriously. There’s like 11 cain books and 16? Gaunt’s ghosts books. It’s all down to preference but I’ve been enjoying the guard-focused books a lot.


I think it’s worth getting into, but you will quickly find authors you like and ones you dislike. I think the worst part of reading 40k is that you’ll find a book you like, but it isn’t a part of a larger series. For example hellsreach, or rin’s world.

Maybe watch some YouTube videos about the setting first to see what interests you about the lore, and then start with books about that.

abbotsbury, avatar

Warhammer, both Fantasy/AoS and 40k, have a billion books so if that’s what you want, I’d say definitely check out at least a couple of the different series. Horus Heresy was mentioned, then there’s a different series about Egyptian space terminators that is highly recommended, think the book is called Infinite and the Divine, then there’s all the Ciaphas Cain books, really there is an ungodly amount, and all of that is just 40k.

On the Fantasy side, most highly regarded is probably Gotrek and Felix, a guy and a dwarf that travel and kill monsters and shit.

There are a shit ton of series to choose from, you could easily spend a long time reading only Black Library if that’s what you’d like.


I started putting Luetin09’s lore videos in the background while I work and fucking hell, there’s a lot of shit going on! I never even played W40k!


Don’t worry, most worldwide fans didn’t either. Outside of first world countries few can afford such a hobby so a big chunk of the community are just lore enjoyers


To give you a hint, Kirby is actually an eldrich god.


Who eats other Old Ones


That’s it. That’s the lore. That’s how much people like to hype up kirby lore despite it being a big ol nothingburger. That’s why he’s just so upset about all that hype and then… the big reveal. Kirby eat things.


There’s also the fact that there are other potential incarnations of Kirby also wandering around the universe, except they’re evil. Also they seem to be able to kill omnipotent gods somehow. And potentially create them too. I think there was also something about Nova or whatever his name was being made by the same species Kirby is?
Which, because they’re all dead except Kirby and Metaknight implied that there’s something capable of killing them, too, that we’ve never seen.

Also Kirby probably never killed 0. It would seem he can’t die in fact. And he seems to be what happens when Kirby reincarnates as evil instead of good.
The final boss of Kirby Squeak Squad is implied to be an incarnation of 0. In Japan his name is even “Dark 0.”

Kirby lore is basically “Lovecraft for Kids” if you ask me. Way simpler than traditional cosmic horror, but it has the same elements.


The latest villain in the series was unusually weird, IMO

::: spoiler especially with the whole lab experiment treatment and cartoon biological horror moments. Also the unknown fate of the people who used its power to depart for some dream dimension or whatever. :::


In the last game, Forgotten Land, Kirby fights against a god level dimension warping motherfucker who corrupted all the animals and steals souls for power. After being Kirb stomped, Fecto Elfilis creates a pocket dimension to escape to that contains all the souls and warped versions of the bosses. A pivotal part of the end boss build up is a wall of flesh/psychic material chases after you, the goopy mass swarming with the faces of those it’s consumed.

This isnt even lore yet - it’s gameplay. Kirby is also haunted by Meta Knight, space wizards from other dimensions, and so much more. It isn’t hype to just talk about what’s happening in the game.


So Meta Knight and such are the good guys? (Serious question)


Depends on the game as the characters grow from enemies to conflicted allies who have to fight wizards and extra dimensional beasts. But yeah, they’re pretty chill around each other as long as no one fucks with the Waddle Dees.


It’s less about length and more about absurdity and power levels. As a rough translation, imagine if everything ever done by chaos was defeated by a single entity that ate them. That’s basically how Kirby lore works.

synae, in [ADHDinos] Straight to my ass

Followup question: beer is food, right?


Favorite food? Beer! - Disenchantment S01E10

edgemaster72, avatar

I wish murderface weren’t so relatable

100_percent_a_bot, in Banned books

“Hey there’s a book about Minecraft - wait no it says ‘Mein Kampf’…”


i bet that one is allowed in most of these lists


Not in Germany… (it’s banned outside of school too)

kshade, (edited ) avatar

Not true, you can even buy it on Amazon if you really want to.


I don’t think it’s legal though or is it?

SoleInvictus, (edited ) avatar

It’s legal. An annotated version, with neither the swastika nor a picture of the greasy Nazi fuck, was published a few years back and tens of thousands were sold, primarily to German libraries and schools. It’s a good study on how shitheads think.


I often buy books written by shitheads when I end up studying fascism or other radical right wing movements. Heck, even more mainstream conservative movements with radical imagery or frequent dogwhistles. Reading books by shitty people on shitty topics is very important on understanding how the movements work and think.

Reading about fascism from antifascists is good and all, but understanding fascist movements when they are most active requires reading fascist works. Heck, even with books like Mien Kampf, a book with a ton of analysis done by antifascists could still be a potentially useful read for antifascists.

SoleInvictus, (edited ) avatar

That’s smart. I can’t count how many times I’ve learned about new dogwhistles or the details of various ideologies and realized an acquaintance was a fascist and/or racist sack of shit, although I’ve never been surprised. This would help me realize in real-time, so I can call them out on their shit.

I do feel like I’d need a book cover with something like “I’m reading -book title- to understand scumbags. I do not support its ideology”.


I hate watch daily wire ““documentaries””


Now that makes sense. I do believe the original is banned, leading to people (including me) thinking that it is banned period.

Crass_Spektakel, (edited ) avatar

“Mein Kampf” was never banned.

The copyright was held by the state of Bavaria as the official heir of Hitler and they simply said “Nope, no new printings.”

As the copyright ran out in 2015 everyone can copy and print it again. Though most don’t care, even the most right wing nutcracks realize that the book is rather badly written.

Crass_Spektakel, (edited ) avatar

One more thing: While “Mein Kampf” is only available at rather high prices the books of Vladimir Putin are available for FREE on Amazon as EBooks and the printed version is €1. He wrote even years ago straight forward that he is willing to start the third world war to make Russia Great again and even laid out the list of nations he wants to subjugate: Ukraine was the first step, but in his ideology he also claims Alaska, Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia, Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, Finland and many many more nations. Overall he mentioned he would spare Germany, France and Italy but only because they have nukes and the US as their ally.…/B0CP498D2S/


iirc it wasn’t exactly banned in germany. Iirc the state of bavaria held the copyright and sued everyone who sold the book without their consent, while not printing any copies themselves.

Donkter, in Dreamcatcher

Ah yes, the dream to have less fun and be less fulfilled but make a lot of money. And then do… What exactly was the goal again?

xkforce, (edited )

This reminds me of a story about a fisherman and some twat businessman out on some tropical island. Fisherman dude just fishes a bit and rests on the beach, never making much money and the businessman tells him he could make a lot more money toiling in some other job for decades and the fisherman asks him what the point is and he says “well eventually youll have enough saved up to be able to retire to a tropical island…” and just lists off stuff the fisherman is already doing.

Patches, (edited )

That story is so old that the fisherman can no longer survive because his fish is undervalued, the water overfished, and polluted, the beach illegal to sleep on, and his property unaffordable.


Well yeah the twat businessman realized that was the only way to peel this guy away from his effective retirement and into a cubicle where the rich thinks he belongs.

ininewcrow, avatar

If you want to live the American Dream, you’ve got to be asleep.

George Carlin

nexguy, avatar

Just as a positive note… the American Dream isn’t about getting a house and being rich… it’s about the possibility of someone who is poor to be able(even allowed) to rise up to some measure of success in a way that just was not possible or very unlikely in other countries.

ininewcrow, avatar

Probably, that’s what it meant a hundred years ago … but over the past many decades in popular culture, the American Dream has meant that everyone has a chance of becoming filthy rich and a multi millionaire

alquicksilver, (edited ) avatar

Friendly reminder (for everyone) from someone in the field that the vast majority of people who study law do not end up making millions of dollars a year at top firms. If you’re just going into law to make money, there are much less expensive ways to do so.


I can confirm this, all I got was severe burn out and depression!

alquicksilver, avatar

They didn’t even send you the T-shirt? That’s supposed to come standard once you hit burnout.


Yeap, and the ones who do make millions usually have to work 24/7 in an extremely high stress environment. Burnout at those firms are pretty extreme, most just do it for a couple years to pay off loans and to pad their CVs.

I do have a buddy who is making a killing working a pretty low stress position for a top firm, but he took a really odd career course. Hes got a PhD in organic chem and then got his JD from Berkeley.


like insurance fraud :)


Move out of moms house

fckreddit, (edited )

I have been there. I studied hard, got into best colleges, got decent grades, but when I realized after my Master’s, when I got no job after months of trying, I have been depressed so long that I am still not okay. Even now, I feel like all that education is as pointless. If you can, chase after your dreams, but always be prepared for failure too. But failure should never be the reason to not chase your dreams. Take it from a failure like me.

As an addendum, don’t forget to have fun. Dreams are not end all be all of life. Fun is extremely important. And that fun is in the chase.

selokichtli, (edited )

I say this without any sarcasm whatsoever: the world needs more life stories like yours. Hope you are having fun.


Right? What’s life worth living for if we don’t seek out the things that bring us joy.

I’ve got two engineering degrees and have found myself miserable in every job I’ve had. Sitting in an office for 8 hours does not bring me joy.

MacNCheezus, avatar

Same. I worked my butt off to make a five digit income only to realize that I was profoundly unhappy and none of the shit I could afford to buy would ever fix it.

Turns out Fight Club was in fact a documentary.


It is, but some people miss the point of the ending. Basically, according to the movie, finding friends and having relationships is what matters the most. Compared to taking out your frustrations by fighting each other. That is just another disaster waiting to happen. Even the writer of the novel said that he liked the movie ending better.


Yep, I wasted the first 30 years of my life doing what I was “supposed to do” on a career trajectory. I have basically nothing to show for it, except a lot of bad memories and emptiness. As I approach 40, I’m finally learning how to have fun, push my boundaries, make friends, embrace my creative side, take risks, all of which I should have done long ago.


Screw over the poor! That is the fun part. Source: am being screwed over

griD, in Meeting face to face



𝔈𝔦𝔫 𝔏𝔞𝔫𝔡, 𝔢𝔦𝔫 𝔎𝔬𝔪𝔪𝔢𝔫𝔱𝔞𝔯𝔟𝔢𝔯𝔢𝔦𝔠𝔥, 𝔢𝔦𝔫 Ü-𝔢𝔯?


Ja, denn keiner unserer Kommentare von feddit föderiert momentan zu anderen Instanzen :(


Und keins der Hochwählis :c

nifty, in Meeting face to face avatar

I think the best smiley I’ve seen in a while is


I love that silly mf

Nikki, (edited ) avatar

put a wizard hat on them <|:3c


I put on my wizard hat and robe.


What’s actually happening there? I recognise the :3, but what is the c?

nifty, avatar

I think that’s the body, I could be wrong.


Looks like it’s supposed to be a simplified hand, lending the face a more playful or mischievous look


To me it looks like giant hippo-like lips.


Sad guy with curly mustache?

callyral, avatar

a hand/paw? idk

can, in Meeting face to face


Kolanaki, (edited ) in "Kirby Lore" by Shenx Comic avatar

Imagine all the people who would do the Matrix thing and learn martial arts… Only to gain the wisdom that knowing how to do martial arts doesn’t make it any easier when you’re fat and out of shape.

ThatWeirdGuy1001, (edited ) avatar

I mean a core part of most martial arts is just learning how to control the body.

Knowing how to move would still be a decent advantage for someone like that


People do martial arts to get into shape though.

Kolanaki, (edited ) avatar

And those with motivation and willpower do it the old fashioned way. Plenty of people would jump at the chance to take a shortcut like downloading the knowledge into their brain, only to realize knowledge alone doesn’t make one a kung fu master.

Couldbealeotard, avatar

The Matrix thing is only really useful when you go inside the Matrix, where your limits are your mental strength. Outside the Matrix you’re still a weedy little person. Look at when Neo and Bane/Smith fought: it was messy, ugly, and the opposite of choreographed martial arts.

Kolanaki, avatar

Ironically, the matrix is also the one place where you can negate the need for kung fu because you can just alter reality with your thoughts by simply believing hard enough.

Couldbealeotard, avatar

Theoretically, but even Neo, the most powerful RedPill, could only bend the rules. His control over flight, bullets, things warping under stress around him, etc, is as close as he got to altering the virtual reality.

Just like the Agents, you can bend the rules, but you are still bound by them.

snugglebutt, in Apples for sale avatar

She sells sea shells down by the sea shore

Robust_Mirror, (edited )

But the value of these shells will fall

Coasting0942, in "Kirby Lore" by Shenx Comic

To be fair, knowing the exact rituals and steps to make the demonculaba would leave anyone in a similar state of mind.

Che_Donkey, avatar

i mean…



I was like… children play this game, how bad can it be.

edgemaster72, in Brain is smart! avatar

I choose to believe the brain mispronounced “watch” hence the typo in the bottom left panel


Also “unfilted” in panel 4

MisterNeon, in "Kirby Lore" by Shenx Comic avatar

You boyz need to brush up on Ork philozophy. Whatever I do, I try to be at least zome bit Brutal an orz Kunnin.

Only den will a be Right an Proppa.




MisterNeon, (edited ) avatar


Milk_Sheikh, (edited )

It’s endlessly funny to me that Orks are among the most brutal, caste-system based, martial strength = legitimate authority, but they are powered by feels.

A Eldar or Guardsman would look at a typical Shoota or Mek built by Orks see a series of parts assembled to a facsimile of the intended device - but it is the Ork’s belief that it will work, that makes it work. In a future where the Imperium will invade whole systems over rumors of ancient human technology that is superior to their creations, Orks pop up from spores and can bullshit themselves to overcome physical laws.

MisterNeon, (edited ) avatar

Yep, as a fictional concept they are fascinating. They’re less of a nation or a race, but more like an invading self contained ecosystem that makes supply lines obsolete. Their technology is so ridiculous that it’s almost useless in other species hands, but they can pillage their enemies weapons to their own advantage. Their entire species social class structure is based on merit, biggest ork is DA BOSS, because it’s biologically baked into them.


It’s funny how they’re basically plants lol

fox2263, in No escape

I was just thinking about that very problem the other day.


Use your dick, it’s dirty. You were washing your hands because you touched it, no?


Ah so use dick to open door. I shall give it a go!


My problem: none available 😄


You need to work on that grip.

… I’m so sorry.

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